Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 962: Meteor flying backwards

"Humanity has long lived in the eternal cradle of the earth."

"However, the time has come for humans to leave Earth."

"If human beings no longer stand on their own in the universe, the earth will no longer be a blue water star."

"By now…"

For some reason, memories of the past kept reappearing in Hathaway's mind.

That is the memory that has influenced the young man Hathaway Noah to this day.

It is an unforgettable memory that Hathaway has never forgotten and dare not forget so far.

In the darkness, Hathaway looked at the empty ceiling, pushed by these memories, and made the decision step by step to get to the present.


Hathaway opened his eyes suddenly, but saw a dimness illuminated by red lights.

It was the cockpit after emergency measures were activated.

"Muffty, you're awake."

Riddhe's voice came from the side.

Hearing Liddy's voice, Hathaway reacted from the status quo.

Not long ago, after he and Liddy jointly completed a deceitful battle plan, he quickly used the remaining propulsion energy of the Purple Mesa to escape from that underground space.

"Didn't we escape?"

Thinking of the scene of emergency escape not long ago under the shroud of death, Hathaway smiled wryly.

"No. I don't know how to describe it either."

Liddy raised his hand and pointed to Hathaway's side.

"You should know her? Maybe, she knows what's going on now."


Hathaway heard the words and looked back, his eyes widened suddenly.

The figure was no longer looming, but stood beside Hathaway almost solidly.

Even Hathaway could still see that familiar smile.

"Kiss? Kisses-Palaya."

After seeing the opponent's appearance clearly, Hathaway couldn't help straightening up.

The Keith Palaya in my memory had already died in the Second Neo Zeon War.

Even though Hathaway had seen her in battle not long ago, Hathaway never regarded her as Ques Palaya.

But Hathaway never imagined that this Quess Palaya was not the imaginary existence he thought, but a real...soul.

Hathaway's doubts were so clearly shown on his face.

But Na Kuisi didn't care, but smiled at Hathaway, and raised her finger forward.

Accompanied by her movements, the cockpit, which was supposed to be flickered by the red light, suddenly lit up.

"MS reboot?!"

Liddy watched the silent interaction between Hathaway and Keith, but was shocked by the movement in front of him.

While Hathaway was fainting, Liddy had tried activating the Purple Mesa, but to no avail.

He really couldn't imagine how that figure that came from nowhere managed to restart a damaged mobile suit with a single gesture.

However, the screen that lit up in front of him was telling Liddy that these "surprises" were not really surprises!

An even bigger surprise stood in front of their eyes as the screen lit up.

The trickle condensed by the bright green particles that filled the surroundings was like rivers from all over the continent, finally converging together, and marching towards the deeper ocean with unprecedented rivers.

And in this huge river, a star shining with brilliance that cannot be ignored is slowly moving upward.

"Then, is that... Kosh Gundam?!"

The picture on the screen kept zooming in and out, and finally it was fixed on the body that was already filled with black and golden streamers.

Although the color had changed, Hathaway recognized the body that once belonged to him at first glance.

Cauchy Gundam.

"Report the funeral... Is the report really fused with that machine?"

And Liddy's expression was very complicated.

During the battle with MR.A, Riddhi, whose mental fluctuations exceeded the limit, finally realized why the Banshee had an NTD runaway when she first came into contact with Cozy Gundam.

Because, that's not NTD runaway!

But desire!

The Banshee longs for someone who can make it take that step.

Liddy Marcenas.

The man who was the second pilot of the Banshee and finally awakened when resisting the attack of the Grips 2, after nearly ten years of ups and downs in the officialdom, he is no longer suitable as the pilot of the Banshee. Master, leading the Banshee to the far shore.

This is the price!

When Liddy Marcenas retired from the Earth Federation Army and joined the officialdom, he should have realized it.

When his heart is no longer pure, when his mind is filled with the strategy game hidden under the table, he has already lost the qualification to be the pilot of the Banshee.

"give obituary notice…"

Looking at the completely new Cauchy Gundam filled with black and golden streamers, Liddhi couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart.

"Lion, wake up."

"A miracle...Axis' miracle?"

Hathaway stared blankly at Koshida's gesture of raising his hands, and couldn't help muttering.


On the bridge of the Rakalam, everyone stood up uncontrollably, staring blankly at what happened in front of them.

What a familiar scene this is!

This is a familiar scene!

So far, the veterans who are still on the Rakalam still remember everything they witnessed in that year, in that war that affected future generations.

that year,

that battle,

those people,

that person,

that machine,

and a colony called Axis.

The miraculous light erupted by the brilliance of human nature, in a way that human beings cannot imagine, and with incomprehensible power, pushed Axis back into the universe, which should have fallen to the earth and dragged human beings into the eternal nuclear winter.

This is a miracle so far beyond human comprehension.

It was a miracle that the Earth Federation feared at that time.

Now, has the miracle of the past appeared again?

Brad clenched his fists tightly with both hands, trembling involuntarily.

Suddenly, Brad heard a voice.

"Don't be so nervous! Captain Brad, everything will be fine."

Brad froze for a moment, turned around suddenly, but didn't see any figure.

"Captain! Unexplained high-energy reaction shrinkage phenomenon! The reason is unknown!"

With a sound of exclamation, the huge ball of light that swallowed the entire continent paused for a moment, then suddenly shrank wildly towards a certain place inside the ball of light.

Suddenly, some people with basic knowledge of astronomy can't help but have the illusion of witnessing the collapse of a star.

The gigantic beam of light that tore through the sky disappeared,

When the gigantic sphere of light that devoured the continent finally collapsed,

A huge pothole almost spanning the entire continent suddenly appeared before everyone's eyes.

Once such a huge pothole appeared, all federal warships received countless distress signals.

In the midst of the noisy distress signal, Brad nodded vigorously, and his subordinates all understood, and quickly threw themselves into the action of rescuing the friendly troops.

However, this is just a small episode.

What really attracted Brad, even in the cockpit of the purple Mesa held up by an unknown force in the pothole, was the center of the pothole after experiencing an unknown collapse phenomenon. , there is still a photosphere estimated to be a kilometer in diameter.

And under the ball of light, it was Cauchy Gundam with his hands raised high.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the collapse of the light sphere, ocean-like rivers of emerald green light surged from all directions, converging on Cauchy Gundam's body, and merged with the waterfall of emerald green light falling from the void of deep space.

At this moment, a meteor appeared!

However, these are not the meteors in human memory that came around the earth after crossing the endless void.

Instead, starting from the ground, lifted by Cauchy Gundam, it took off along the emerald green river of light connecting the sky and the earth, heading towards the endless void.

Meteor Flying Backwards!

this moment,

All Union soldiers on this continent,

All humans who still linger in the seas around this continent,

Even, as long as there is any place on the earth, any human being who looks up at the sky and the starry sky can see this meteor flying backwards.

under the sky,

under the stars,

one from the surface,

Meteors from continents fly over potholes,

fly over the coast,

fly over the sea,

fly over the mountains,

flying across the desert,

Fly towards higher and farther deep space.

Wherever the meteor passes, it leaves behind bright and beautiful light bands.

As the band of light spread, a "snow" spread all over the human active area.

The young children who witnessed the beautiful scenery clapped and cheered, and raised their hands to chase the colorful "snow".

The adults who looked up at the starry sky subconsciously stopped their work, stared at the sky covered by the light belt, and watched the retrograde meteor flying towards the endless void.

Even if,


They were already in tears.

This is a call from the depths of my heart.

This is the cry of life unwilling to perish.

At this time, the calls and cries of the entire planet converged on Cosy Gundam, and on Lei Mingkai's heart.

"Is this the power of the mental skeleton?"

Lei Mingkai exerted his hands slightly, feeling the power continuously emerging from the depths of his body and soul.

The blue sky in front of him suddenly went dark, and Lei Mingkai saw an incomparably bright starry sky.

as well as,

That fleet is lining up in orbit, waiting for Cauchy Gundam and Lei Mingkai to arrive.

"It's there! Our descendants."

When a strange but familiar voice sounded, a hint of enlightenment appeared in Lei Mingkai's heart.

This is "his" guidance!

This is the guidance of "them"!

Lei Mingkai did not expect to meet "them" in such a way.

Under the gaze of the space fleet of the Earth Federation, Cauchy Gundam, who raised his hands high and pushed the kilometer light sphere, quickly arrived at a certain coordinate.

Then, an order was transmitted along the combat communication network of the Earth Federation to the systems of all participating warships.

"No! Can't do that!"

As soon as Brad saw the order, he pressed the communication button of the CIC.

"I didn't expect Captain Brad to be so impulsive!"

Suddenly, Brad heard the voice again.

This time, Brad turned around without hesitation.


He saw it!

After many years,

He once again saw the figure he missed.

"He" said so.

"Trust him! Trust us too! This is the way to the future! Captain Brad!"


Brad didn't want to see the person who caused the miracle again, and the thing that saved the world at the cost of self-sacrifice happened again as in the past.

"He" shook his head slightly, but stopped talking.

Because, in fact, no matter what Brad or others decide, they cannot change what will happen next.

"Captain! Grips 2 is fully charged, and the shooting coordinates are accepted! It is the coordinates of Cauchy Gundam!"

"What! Chairman Ronan?"

Brad was taken aback for a moment, feeling that what happened in front of him had a sense of déjà vu and familiarity.

"No! That's not me."

When the profile picture of Ronan Marcenas appeared on the main screen, the pale speaker said slowly.

"I didn't give any order for Grips 2 to attack. It's just that this is the choice of mankind, this is the choice of history! I cannot interfere."

Immediately afterwards, images continued to appear on the main screen of the Rakalam.

Brad took a closer look and found that it was the bridge screen of the battleships in the Earth Federation Space Fleet.

Many of them are bridges that Brad is familiar with.

The scenes on these bridges shocked Brad even more.

Because these battleships are not controlled by humans, but controlled by some kind of Locked the coordinates of Cauchy Gundam and entered the attack program.

Seeing this, Brad sighed.

He gets it.

It was a choice he could do nothing about.

Just like back then, he could only stay on the bridge of the Rakalam, watching Amuro turn into light and take Axis away.

"Grips 2, lock on the target!"

"Get the key! Enter the countdown for one minute!"


In just one minute, the end point was quickly reached.

For one minute, no one tried to prevent what happened next.

Chairman Ronan, who controls the Earth Federation, said,

brad so,

Hathaway and Liddy are even more so.

They are all waiting.

Waiting for the end of the last second.


The moment Grips 2 erupted with a terrifying beam of energy, all the Earth Federation battleships locked on the Cauchy Gundam also opened fire at the same time.

In an instant, the entire starry sky was occupied by dazzling beams of light.

The moon and the stars became extremely dim at this moment.

Until at the other end of the sky, the Cauchy Gundam, which was locked and attacked by Grips 2 and the Earth Federation Fleet, was hit by this terrible attack, and a new star was born.

the night sky dissipates,

the darkness is driven out,

The vast sky is like day,

The vast sea is covered with a shimmering golden veil,

All creatures in the world cannot look directly at this newborn star,


When the blessing from the depths of the heart sounded,

All beings can't help but look up.


In the boundless void,

A huge door with a colorful vortex is displayed in front of the world.

"This is the answer. Hathaway."

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