Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 968: Saint Lion and Vena

In the large garage, a busy maintenance crew walked out of the warehouse with all kinds of parts, or with different tools, moving back and forth in a microgravity environment, carefully Check out the many parked in this space of the garage.

And under these busy figures, a group of people gathered around someone is particularly conspicuous.

These people are personnel from all aspects of the Holy Lion Fleet.

The purpose of coming to this Ganaku is to find the Supreme Commander of the Holy Lion Fleet, the Holy Lion Knight, and report to him the fierce battle that just ended not long ago, and the information received from the supply fleet a few hours ago. A list of all supplies for .

Seeing the documents appearing in front of his eyes and being taken away under his own signature, the Holy Lion Knight was not a little impatient, but carefully After carefully confirming it, he signed the signature in a smooth and smooth manner.

Everyone who received a confirmation signature from the Holy Lion Knight would solemnly salute the Holy Lion Knight before turning around and leaving.

Time passed unknowingly, and after the Holy Lion Knight signed and confirmed the last document, the crowd gathered around him finally dispersed.

"Thank you! Sir Knight."

A water cup appeared in front of Holy Lion Knight in due course.

Without looking up, Holy Lion Knight also knew that the person who handed him the water glass was his most trusted adjutant—Wina Field.

"It's time to work!"

Just standing here and dealing with affairs is indeed a bit tiring.

What's more, during the period of being partners, Holy Lion Knight and Wei Na will not be the same as when they first met.

"Obviously you can use the captain's office. Sir Knight is really used to standing on Ganaku's side to handle official business."

Putting on the red military uniform that symbolizes the strength of the ZAFT elite, Wei Na stood beside the Holy Lion Knight with a smile.

She knew that the answer given by Holy Lion Knight was always the one she knew.

"I'm not used to sitting in the office. I'm more used to standing here, in front of my partners, than there."

After taking a few sips from the holy lion knight, he raised his head slightly and looked forward.


It was parked that belonged to him and belonged to the Holy Lion Knight—Guardian Freedom Gundam.

Wei Na, who guessed the answer of the holy lion knight again, glanced at a group of pretty figures not far away without any trace.

This question is already too familiar to Wei Na and Holy Lion Knight.

Familiar with each other as long as they speak, they will know the next sentence of the other party.

But even so, Wei Na asked at the right time every time.

Naturally, there are personal reasons for Wei Na, but more of it is inseparable from the instigation of those pretty figures who are smiling and constantly gesturing towards Wei Na.

black hair,

Bai Yi,

great power,

Coupled with the mask that conceals the face, the resulting image is the savior hero created by Zaft and his team - Holy Lion Knight.

Among the many younger generations in Zaft, the popularity of Holy Lion Knight can be said to be the highest.

Even Aslan Sara, who is still believed to be Lacus Cline's fiance among the people, is slightly inferior to the Holy Lion Knight in this regard.

It can be seen that among the younger generation of Zaft, especially among women, the Holy Lion Knight is almost like a knight on a white horse in a dream.

Every female ZAFT soldier who was selected into the Sacred Lion Fleet was delighted by this.

This is especially true for the female soldiers serving on the flagship of the Sacred Lion Fleet.

Among them, Vena Field, who had contact with the Holy Lion Knight, was the most.

It is said that a girl's thoughts cannot be hidden.

In the social circle centered on Wei Na, almost everyone knows that Wei Na was rescued from Beta by the Holy Lion Knight.

How important is the grace of saving lives!

Coupled with factors such as girl Huaichun, hero worship, etc., even if Wei Na didn't have any intentions, she couldn't help but have a little fantasy under the surrounding voices.

What if the Holy Lion Knight still remembered the little girl he saved?

It's a pity that no one can see any clues from the mask of the Holy Lion Knight.

Over time, Wei Na also suppressed the ripples in her heart, and regarded the thoughts of these young girls Huai Chun as a small means to adjust the atmosphere.

"Well, Vina. Yours is damaged, right? It was in that fight before."

At this time, the holy lion knight took his eyes back from guarding freedom, and looked back at his adjutant.

"Huh? Yes. Yes."

Wei Na was taken aback for a moment, and then responded.

Wei Na's exclusive is the fire support Zaku Phantom.

Although this aircraft has a great contribution to the graduation evaluation and combat power estimate given by the Zaft Military Academy, in view of Wei Na's own strong request, Zaft finally arranged a fire support Zaku Phantom, thus becoming Wei Na's exclusive.

Wena, who joined the Holy Lion Fleet with this Zaku Phantom, has experienced many battles. In these battles, she has solidly provided a powerful support for the Holy Lion Knights and the front-line guardians of freedom. support.

Until the difficult battle not long ago, in order to cover the holy lion knight and protect the freedom to rush to the core of the space beta fleet, Wei Na did everything possible, including detonating the Zaku phantom that accompanied her on the battlefield. And other extreme measures were able to successfully create a chance for Holy Lion Knight and Freedom Guardian Gundam.

"Your heroic performance, I have already reported to the speaker and Zaft. According to the news sent back from the headquarters, your new body should be delivered soon."

"New body? New Zaku?!"

Wei Na was startled and asked subconsciously.

Unexpectedly, the holy lion knight showed a rare smile.

"Who knows? But what is certain is that your new collective will never be Zaku again."

The Holy Lion Knight didn't know that Wei Na didn't fully listen to his words.

Because, the girl has been fascinated by the smile of the Holy Lion Knight.

as Adjutant,

And as a girl saved by the Holy Lion Knight,

Wei Na knew that no matter on official occasions or privately, she was regarded as an idol by Zaft and even the majority of girls, and the Holy Lion Knight of the Dream Knight did not show many smiles.

The only thing that was recorded was the one at the award ceremony jointly organized by Zafte and the Supreme Council.

Just such a record is enough to fascinate Zaft and even the majority of women.

Even if it was just an official smile!



Now this smile is far softer than the only official record that time, and it is a smile from the heart.

Not to mention Wei Na, even those pretty figures who secretly observed this side could feel from this rare smile that the Knight of the Holy Lion was really happy for Wei Na from the bottom of his heart.

"Come on! Wei Na!

Wei Na's good sisters glanced left and right, warning the people around them not to disturb this pair of lovers in their eyes with the most stern eyes.

the time is right,

The atmosphere is in place,

It's just that last finishing touch!


Before Wei Na turned her head around, the communication from the bridge destroyed this rare atmosphere.

"Master Holy Lion Knight! Urgent telegram from Zaft's headquarters! You need to connect immediately!"

The smile on the Holy Lion Knight's face quickly subsided, and he returned to his usual calm appearance.

"Sorry! Wei Na. According to the plan, your new body should arrive in about half an hour to an hour. During this period of time, you can wait here. I have asked people to bring all the relevant materials. You can Get acquainted."

The order of the holy lion knight made Wei Na suddenly return to reality.

However, Wei Na, who instinctively responded a few times, could only see the back of the Holy Lion Knight leaving Ganaku and heading for the bridge.

As for how much she heard, only she can know.

When the extinguished screen came back on again, Durandal, who was sitting in the speaker's office, once again saw the powerful subordinate he relied on—the Knight of the Holy Lion.

"Although I have read the report. But I still hope to hear a detailed report from you."

After adjusting his sitting posture, Durandal looked at the screen expectantly.

On the other side of the screen, the Holy Lion Knight did not refuse Durandal's request.

Under his short report without losing focus, Durandal had a different feeling about the battle than the written report.

After all, the text report written from a neutral perspective as much as possible did not make the battle described by the parties and witnesses personally thrilling.

"It seems that the hero of this crucial battle to completely open up the channel with the moon is your adjutant, Shengshi."

Durandal pondered for a moment, and then easily found Wei Na's information in his memory.

Actually, it's not that difficult.

Because, not long ago, the so-called new body was signed and approved by Durandal himself to be deployed in the Holy Lion Fleet.

In his opinion, for Zaft, the Holy Lion Fleet, which has completely opened up the key channel for trade, communication, and even wartime support with the moon, has proved its value.

The rest is to configure the power that can match this value!

"Vina's contribution is indeed very important, UU Reading, but it is only a part of everyone. Especially, the ZAFT soldiers who died in this battle!"

The Holy Lion Knight's response was still calm, and he was not at all happy that his subordinates received Durandal's approval.

"Sure enough, you are still the same! Holy Lion. Well, let's do it! The pension plan is still made by you, the Holy Lion Fleet. After formulating a specific plan, just submit it to me."

"Yes! On behalf of the entire Sacred Lion Fleet, I would like to express my gratitude to Your Excellency the Speaker and the Supreme Council!

Durandal waved his hand.

"It doesn't have to be like this between you and me! In addition, next, I have to trouble you!

"Please order! Speaker!"

"Well! There is a change in that crack. The Holy Lion Fleet must arrive in the shortest possible time and support the Zaft fleet in the area for alert. If necessary, you can take any action first, and then report to Zaft and the Council Report back!"