Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 981: afterimage of sublimation

On the blue planet, a space battleship with many scars is sailing along the predetermined route at high speed.

Although judging from the scars on the hull, it looks like a warship that escaped from the battlefield.

But as its commander, Aslan didn't feel discouraged by it.

On the contrary, there is a strong expectation in his heart at this moment.

"Nigall. You just ran out with me like this, where is your father?"

Aslan suppressed the burning expectation in his heart, and looked at his best friend and adjutant, Nigel, who was standing upright beside him.

Nicole smiled.

"Don't worry about my father. In fact, from a very early age, my father has been worried about whether you can make the choice you are now."

Aslan was taken aback for a moment, and then understood.

It turned out that Nigel and his father had been making corresponding preparations.

"Nigall, you really made it hard for me to hide it from me!"

Nigel laughed, but he didn't hide his friend's guilt at all.

"Ring around the atrium. My father and I have been part of it since then."

"The world snake?"

Hearing Nigel confess his hidden identity, Aslan instinctively looked towards the bridge where he was and his subordinates who were busy.

With the identities of Nigel and his father, the mysterious organization that Eric had dubbed the World Snake would definitely not treat the father and son as little ones.

Their identities among the world snakes are at least cadre-level figures.

If Nigel, who has such an important status, stands here and stands by his side, then, does it mean that there will also be members of the World Snake on this ship?

Nigel, who has been a close friend for many years, is naturally very familiar with Aslan's expression.

Aslan's worry was inevitable.

However, it is also useless.

The smile on Nigel's face was as sincere as ever.

"Aslan. Before becoming your adjutant, I confessed to that lady that I was a cadre surrounding the Atrium Ring. Therefore, I was able to stand here."

"In addition, on this ship, apart from me, there is no member of the ring around the atrium."

Aslan guessed who the lady Nigel was talking about was almost immediately.


The so-called Sara Fleet was built by her, Allie, Aslan.

The one where Aslan is now is also the only space battleship that has successfully separated from the United Fleet. It is also a gift born from the hands-on design, supervision and manufacture of Eric, and the selection of personnel.


Aslan couldn't help showing a wry smile.

It seems that the debt to Eric has become more and more.

Nigel saw what Aslan was thinking, and he reached out and patted Aslan's shoulder.

"To be honest, I envy you very much! Aslan. Although you and Lacus are separated, there are two good girls who are wholeheartedly for you by your side."

Aslan sighed and was about to say something when he suddenly felt something and raised his head to look forward.

In the radiance of the sun, a cosmic fleet with light wings wantonly stretched, and the overall appearance is very visually impactful is slowly sailing out of the shadow of the earth, towards the place where Aslan and Nigel are. Battleships are coming.

"Report! A light signal has been detected! The source of the signal is an unknown fleet appearing ahead."

"Decode and broadcast!"

Nigel gave the order decisively.

In the blink of an eye, the optical signal conveyed by the other party was immediately untied.

Upon seeing the information presented, Aslan stood up immediately.

"It's him?!"

Nigel next to him also took a deep breath.

"It really is him."

As a cadre surrounding the Atrium Ring, Nigel is naturally aware of how fanatical admiration for him and that person is within this mysterious organization.

Among them, the many cadres headed by the leader of the ring around the atrium, Yemengard, who personally experienced the first Yajin-Duwei battle, are the most.

Driven by these cadres who almost regarded him, that person as the second coming of the gods, the organization that was originally Klein's hidden shadow in the world turned into his, that person's fanatical organization.

"Signal confirmation! Lord Sara, the other side has sent a communication code through an optical signal, and it seems that they want to establish communication."

"Come on!"

Aslan waved his hand and ordered.

This time, there was no need for Nigel to speak.

Aslan turned his head and looked at Nigel.

"I don't think that guy will be waiting for you across the screen."

As Nigel said, it was not that person who appeared on the screen, but a face that Aslan was extremely familiar with.

"It seems that Lei Mingkai didn't show up here, and he disappointed you! Aslan."

A woman with long black hair and a delicate face is looking at Aslan with a sweet smile on the other side of the screen.

"Erico. You..."

Aslan blinked, but caught the slightest movement behind Erika with sharp eyes.

"Is Mia over there too?"

"Yes. Aslan. I am here, too."

The woman who appeared next to Eric was indeed Mia.

Seeing the two women appearing at the same time, Aslan couldn't help showing a relieved smile.

"Really? It seems that you guys met that guy earlier than me!"

"Yes! Lei Mingkai and Lacus Klein are already waiting for you at Ganaku! Aslan, come here quickly! We are waiting for you here too."

The expected welcome ceremony, and not.

Some are improvised but extremely serious conference rooms, as well as people sitting in their seats in a serious manner.

Leaving aside a certain guy, even the two daughters Eric and Mia who had sent invitations to Aslan in the communication just now were the same.

Such a serious atmosphere made Aslan and Nigel a little confused when they got off the shuttle boat.

"Sorry! If we meet again after a long absence, we will talk about it later. Now, let's talk about sublimation first!"

Lei Mingkai stood up and extended an invitation to Aslan and Nigel, two long-lost friends.


As soon as they heard the word, both Aslan and Nicole understood.

Whether it is Aslan, who has the support of Elektra, or Nigel, who is the cadre surrounding the ring of the atrium, they all have different insights into the word sublimation.

Nigel nodded, and after pushing Aslan secretly, he walked to Lei Mingkai's side and nodded slightly.

"It's up to me to make the opening remarks. It can also be regarded as presenting the efforts made by Miss Yermungard and the others to your eyes."

Lei Mingkai nodded, turned around and sat down beside Lacus.

And Aslan, who was secretly pushed by Nigel, was also greeted by Eriko and Mia, and sat on the right side of Lei Mingkai.

"I believe that everyone here already has a lot of understanding of the fate plan promoted by Speaker Durandal. Then, I will not elaborate on the part about the fate plan."

Nigel raised his right hand and lit up the data memory it was holding.

The orderly standing by the side immediately stepped forward to turn on the holographic projector for Nigel.

In the blink of an eye, as the data poured out of the memory, one picture after another was continuously displayed in front of everyone.

There are pictures of figures wearing full-body protective clothing shuttling through the aisles, transporting unidentified objects packed in iron boxes to a certain destination.

Some are images of a bunch of white coats arguing endlessly around a comatose man lying on an experimental bed.

What's more, there are horrific photos showing an adult who has developed from a healthy and healthy state to a broken body and **** blood after the gene is broken.

"These are the truths hidden under the glamorous surface of the destiny plan."

Nigel looked at Lei Mingkai and said slowly.

"At the same time, it's part of sublimation."

What is sublimation?

Literally, it has multiple meanings.

But among these meanings, there is the meaning of pointing to the change of things, qualitative change.

"These are sublimation?"

Lei Mingkai and Lacus looked at each other.

As someone who just returned from drifting in another world, Lei Mingkai knew nothing about the changes in this world.

The only thing he knew was that after waking up, Lux brought him the report that was condensed in as short a way as possible.

Such an approach, at most, would allow Lei Mingkai to have a general understanding of what happened during the period of his "disappearance".

"No. These are just failures."

Nigel shook his head, raised his hand and clicked on the holographic projection, and the picture changed suddenly.

Those horrible **** photos turned into photos of "patients" whose bodies had undergone deformed changes, but were able to maintain a general ability to act autonomously, and even partially self-awareness.

When switching swords in these photos, a short video of only about 30 seconds also appeared in front of Lei Mingkai's eyes.

It was a video recording of a woman lying on an experimental bed being slowly injected with some unknown liquid.

In less than a few seconds after the unknown liquid entered her body, large areas of erythema suddenly appeared on the woman's white skin.

It was as if it was being burned by flames.

About 20 seconds into the video, the erythema covering the woman's body suddenly erupted, tearing a series of holes on the woman's body.

Immediately, blood gushed like a fountain.


At this second, Lei Mingkai heard the muffled muffled sound of suppressing discomfort behind him.

But he did not order the subordinates who were stimulated by the scene in front of him to leave.

"This is the product of the second stage of sublimation. It can be seen that at this stage, the human beings injected with the drug will not experience any morphological distortion. But judging from the appearance, we don't know whether it will affect the genetic changes."

"The only certainty is that the second-stage drug is still a fatal existence for humans."

After speaking, Nigel exhaled slowly.

Regarding the first and second phases, there is a huge amount of information, but it is really not easy for Nigel to express the main points as briefly and clearly as possible among these huge amounts of information.

"The above is the information that was unearthed at the cost of heavy casualties around the ring of the atrium during this period. In fact, we also discovered that there is still a third phase of this plan. But we have been around the ring of the atrium in April City The layout is also because it is almost completely destroyed."

Hearing this, Lei Mingkai's eyes froze.

This was a situation that Lei Mingkai had never imagined.

Around the Atrium Ring,


How could they do this? !

"Let me explain the third stage!"

At this time, Aslan stood up and exchanged places with Nigel.

" The third stage of sublimation has already been completed when the second stage unfolds."


Nigel looked at Aslan in shock.

He couldn't imagine that the information obtained would be so ridiculous when the layout of April City surrounding the Atrium Ring was almost completely destroyed!

"The dedication of everyone around the Atrium Ring will not usher in such a ridiculous result. The occurrence and results of the third stage are just an accident."


"Yes. Accident."

Aslan nodded.

"Because according to the vision of Speaker Durandal, the sublimation of the third stage is enough to make human beings a brand new race swimming in space!"

"And on this idea, an accident happened."

Aslan looked at Lei Mingkai.

Even though he hadn't seen each other for a long time, Aslan still knew that Lei Mingkai had a common battle experience with the warship that Durandal valued.

"And this accident is related to the captain of the Minerva, Thalia Kuradis."

"Captain Thalia?!"

Lei Mingkai seemed to have thought of something extraordinary.

As far as he knew, Thalia had kept a secret relationship with Durandal since she became the captain of the Minerva.

Before that, Thalia chose to leave Durandal's past in order to have her own child.

Could it be...

Aslan nodded.

"Yes. It was because of his accident that Durandal was able to conceive and research the third stage, and then started the first and second stages."

"And this he is the son of the captain of the Miner, Thalia Kuradis, Kruus Kuradis."

"A boy who "accidentally" broke into a secret laboratory."

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