Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 983: sublimation start

On the white hospital bed, the thin little boy was on a drip, opened his mouth with a reluctant expression, and ate the fruit handed by his sister.

The operation was a success.

The activity of the erythema encroaching on the young boy was mostly contained, and the first phase of the clearing regimen was well underway.

This is undoubtedly good news!

It proves that the intelligence materials sent by Eliko and the current medical technology of the Britannian Empire are capable of completing the treatment plan.

It's just that the first stage of the little boy's treatment can be successful, but it doesn't mean that the next action can be carried out smoothly.

Gilbert Durandal.

But anyone who has known the man who rose by the wind and controlled the Supreme Council and ZAFT in one fell swoop will not relax his vigilance because of the success in front of him.

in the past,

The same is true now.

Lei Mingkai's expression was very serious.

The reason was a battle report that happened a few hours ago.

A battle report from Zaft to the Supreme Council, and then with the permission of the Supreme Council, to all citizens.

In other words, it is a recorded video shot on the battlefield.

On the fierce battlefield, Zaku warriors and Zaku phantoms were blown up and injured by the beams flying around.

The MS that was blown up fell into the underworld together with the ZAFT pilot who couldn't even make a call for help.

But the latter who was injured paid an extremely painful price.

Some, because the rescue force was nearby, they got out smoothly.

But more, after avoiding the death crisis of the body being blown up on the spot, they died in pain due to various reasons.

This is the normal state of the space battlefield!

Any warrior who has been born and died on this battlefield knows very well that this will be the ultimate fate in this dark and empty battlefield.

Whether it is being blown up on the spot, or struggling to death in the void, it will be a part of the final fate.


With the cut of the camera, Lei Mingkai's brows furrowed deeply.

Reason, nothing else.

It was the one who appeared in the picture, wearing a white robe, with a thin body, who looked like a little boy.

as well as,

He wasn't wearing any of the protective equipment that would be expected in a space environment.

From the beginning to the end, the little boy in a white robe seemed to be walking in the courtyard of his own house, shuttling through the battlefield of life and death, blood and fire.

"That's Captain Thalia's son, Cruz."

At this moment Aslan's voice sounded.

Lei Mingkai flicked the screen casually, and the video stopped immediately.

"He is the son of Captain Thalia, and the result of the third stage? The fruit of sublimation?"

Aslan nodded, confirming Lei Mingkai's speculation.

"Yes. Judging from the information we have obtained, the current form of Kurus is already a symbol enough to support the third stage."

"Without relying on any protective equipment, can the body cross the void?"

Lei Mingkai narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the video that was restarted by him, watching the video in which Kurus used his own hands to lift the name of Zaff who was trapped in the dilapidated cockpit. The special pilot was rescued and handed over to the rescue team who came later.

He knew very well that this would be the propaganda offensive of that man, Gilbert Durandal, and at the same time, it would be a magic sword to completely control, no, completely control all the citizens, and even all members of Zaft.

According to the information obtained, Durandal seems to want to fully launch the third stage, so that all citizens and soldiers of Zagut can obtain the miraculous new power that can cross the void with their bodies.

And this idea was also confirmed by the subsequent full-channel broadcast.

"Your Highness. I detected the broadcast from all channels. It seems that a more important speech is being made."

At the same time as the communicator sounded, the voice of Veletta who was stationed on the bridge also came.

"It's Durandal. Kay. We're running out of time, I'm afraid."

Followed by Lux's voice.

The anxiety in Lacus' voice made Lei Mingkai and Aslan look at each other involuntarily.

"It seems that the speaker is faster than we expected."

Aslan pondered for a moment, then thought of a possibility.

"I'm afraid that the doctor that Eric mentioned has already started to intervene in the third stage."

"Doctor? Final member?"

"Well, yes. mr.d, this is the doctor's code name among the councilors. Among the councilors, he is the closest, and at the same time, the councilor most trusted by the speaker."

After Aslan briefly described the information he learned from Eric, he added his own opinion.

"The doctor's intervention is probably a sign that the final council is going to take action. Kai, the pressure we face next may not be easy."


Lei Mingkai smiled.

"That kind of thing never existed! Aslan."

In fact, it is true.

The moment Durandal uttered the first sentence on the screen, Lei Mingkai knew that the next action would definitely be against the whole and Zaft.

"Good afternoon, dear citizens! I believe all citizens have seen the video that was played just now."

"Here, allow me to introduce my identity once again."

The man on the screen is confident and calm, bringing all the audience into his world with rhythmic words.

"I am the chairman of the Supreme Council, Gilbert Durandal. Besides, I also have the identity of a genetic researcher."

"Personally, I hope that citizens will pay attention to my identity as a genetic researcher. Therefore, the next speech will be related to this identity, and at the same time, it will also be closely related to the future of citizens. "

Dylan Dal paused for a moment to allow the audience to digest and understand, then raised his hand slightly, and a reduced window suddenly appeared on the right side.

It was the scene of Kurus traveling through the space battlefield with no protective equipment just now, rescuing a ZAFT pilot who was in danger from the broken MS.

"The Fate Plan has become the key to its operation so far. But the overall picture of the Fate Plan is not as simple as what citizens see. To put it bluntly, the Fate Plan is just our first step towards the future .”

"And the dawn of the future that Destiny plans to move towards is here."

Durandal pointed to the scene where Kurus reached out to rescue the seriously injured Zaft pilot from the broken mobile suit cockpit.

"Since the barbaric era, human ancestors have climbed from the trees to the ground in order to survive, fighting for opportunities for survival and resources. On this basis, human ancestors learned to run, learned to make stone tools, learned to plant, and learned to In order to use the fur of animals to make cold clothing."

"Civilization is born from this."

"However, looking at the history of human development to the present, the root purpose of the things created by human beings is to enable humans to better adapt to the new environment and better obtain new resources."

"It was so in the past, it is so in the present, and it will be so in the future."

"So, since the development so far, have the human beings who have built huge colonial satellites in the universe really conquered the universe?"

Having said that, Durandal paused again.

Under the guidance of Durandal, the citizens who have lived in the universe for a long time invariably thought of the necessary means, necessary measures, and even necessary knowledge to be in space.

No matter which one it is, there is no way to leave a key.

That is protective equipment.

At this moment, the audience with flexible minds has already noticed the concept that Durandal wants to express.


It's a decision!

That's right!

is a decision.

Now, the right side of the screen occupied by Durandal is the screen of Crus who has no protection, just wearing a white robe, and can freely shuttle in the space battlefield to save the wounded.


Not a synthetic image!



At this moment, most of them paid attention to the content and symbolic meaning expressed in the small window on the right side of Durandal.

"The answer is no."

Durandal didn't ask any questions, but gave the answer directly.

Even in the eyes of some fanatics, humans who have been involved in the universe for nearly a hundred years and built many colonial satellites in space have already conquered space.

But for Durandal, the answer is still no.

Especially when he witnessed the space creature that could travel through the universe relying on the physical body, this answer became more and more intense, and it was so hot that Durandal could hardly breathe.

"In order to survive in space, human beings have created protective clothing, spaceships, and even the colonial satellites we have today. But these are just foreign objects that may be destroyed at any time."

"In order to allow human beings to have the power to adapt to space with their physical bodies, UU Reading, as a follow-up plan to the destiny plan, was born from this."

"This plan is called Sublimation!"

"Under the coordination of the Supreme Council, geneticists and scientists called by the fate plan worked together to study the genetic potential hidden in the human body. Finally, under a certain coincidence, we discovered the hidden The key in the human body."

"And this key will become the sublimation of life for us humans to complete the promotion, get rid of the heavy protective equipment, and freely adapt to space with our physical bodies."

As soon as Durandal finished speaking, a new small window appeared on the left side, echoing the small window on the right side.

"Dear citizens, this is not me, and it is not an exaggerated declaration by the Supreme Council."

"They are thanks to the efforts of many scientists, we have completed sublimation and become a new human being who can fully adapt to space and become a new life form."

"The one on the left, I believe all the citizens are already familiar with it. He is our ZAFT and even the hero, and he is also the first new human being who has been sublimated from the destiny plan - the Holy Lion Knight!


"And the one on the right is a new human being cultivated with brand-new technology and theory after the Holy Lion Knight—Kurus Kuradis!


"Their appearance will represent that we are no longer limited by the existence of colonial satellites, and can expand our footsteps to a larger and farther universe!"

"At the same time, it can also allow us to master more challenges, meet challenges, and preserve our own strength!


"Dear citizens, hereby, in the name of the Chairman of the Supreme Council, I announce that the Destiny Project will be renamed the Sublimation Project from now on!



"Sublimation plan, start!
