Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 989: True and False Holy Lions Meet

Yakin Duwei has cut off any contact with the outside world.

The moment Lei Mingkai ordered Sharon to completely control all the systems of Yajin Duwei, everyone in the satellite fortress of Yajin Duwei became caged birds, waiting for the moment of judgment to come.

These people were not without resistance.

But under Sharon's powerful control, any resistance is futile.

Although Lei Mingkai issued an order not to harm people's lives if it was not necessary, the decision in it was for Sharon to judge by herself.

As electronic lifeforms,

Even more, as a **** on the network level, Sharon has her own life principles.

Therefore, a series of conflicts and explosions, large and small, were constantly staged inside the Yakinduwei Satellite Fortress under the spontaneous organization of the ZAFT soldiers in the Yakinduwei Satellite Fortress.

"It's sad!"

Although Sharon didn't care about the lives of these humans, considering Lei Mingkai's orders and the possibility of triggering a larger-scale rebellion after a large number of casualties, Sharon finally decided to fulfill the order that led to its birth. original mission.

Sharon, who was in the deepest part of the network, had a thought, and all the network nodes controlled by her responded one after another.

The next moment, streaks of colorful light shot out from all over the empire warships, outlining a huge figure in this space domain.

At this moment, it was like a **** descending.

At this moment, the voice sounded, occupying all the communication channels in this space domain.

This is Sharon's ability!

More importantly, the power of Sharon Epp!

The moment the hazy figure stretched out his hands and slowly held the imperial fleet in his hands, the mysterious, sacred, holy and inviolable goddess fully bloomed her brilliance.

A mysterious chant sounded from the communication channel, echoing in human ears like a dream.

It's an invitation to dreams,

It is also the ladder leading to the fantasy paradise.

At the moment when the chanting resounded throughout the universe, all the human beings who resisted Sharon couldn't help but extinguish the anger in their hearts, gripped the guns tightly, and the hands of the weapons subconsciously relaxed. Finally, when the weapons fell to the ground, they lost all emotions and became Became puppets, staying in place, listening to the singing of the kingdom of heaven.

"How can it be?!"

Due to certain considerations at the beginning of the construction of the Holy Lion Fleet, it was not fully connected to Zaft's usual communication network, but adopted a double insurance system that coexisted with other plans.

As a result, the Sacred Lion Fleet escaped the catastrophe controlled by Sharon, but witnessed such a terrifying scene.

The huge, mysterious, and sacred image of the goddess embraced the imperial fleet like a descendant of God, and escorted it to Yajin Duwei step by step.

All the ZAFT battleships along the way were no longer as silent as before, but slowly ignited and started their engines, and followed the imperial fleet like servants, heading towards Yakin Duwei.

Even, the Zaft fleet, which was closer to Yakin Duwei, turned around and surrounded Yakin Duwei first, as if a tit-for-tat posture.

so unbelievable,

so incredible,

What was even more terrifying was that the entire Sacred Lion Fleet felt a chill rising from the spine to the head continuously flowing through its body.

"In the end what happened?!"

Wei Na sat in her savior Gundam, staring blankly at this unacceptable scene.

Everyone in the Sacred Lion Fleet knew about Aslan's rebellion, and even witnessed it personally.

But what about the mutiny on Yakin Duwei's defense line? !

How can there be such a crazy thing? !


Just as the entire Holy Lion Fleet was terrified and trembling, the calm voice of the Holy Lion Knight sounded.

"This is a conspiracy of the empire! They control everyone on the Yakin Duwei line of defense."

The truth told by the holy lion knight is even more unbelievable!

But this equally inconceivable truth seemed more tolerable than the dire speculation of an entire mutiny on the Kiakinduwei line.


Wei Na opened her mouth, but did not express the doubt in her heart.

Because she believed in the Knight of the Holy Lion and everything the Knight of the Holy Lion said.

Because of this, she didn't realize how ferocious and terrifying the Holy Lion Knight's face was hidden behind the mask.

Unlike Wei Na and other people in the Holy Lion Fleet, the Holy Lion Knight is in the midst of Sharon's singing at this moment.

That's right!

After discovering the abnormality of Yakin Duwei's defense line, Holy Lion Knight decisively connected the communication channel of his body to protect freedom to the public frequency of Yakin Duwei's defense line.

The same is true, the holy lion knight felt Sharon's fear.

just for a moment,

Just a few syllables,

Just one syllable,

It's just a picture,

Let the holy lion knight fall!

Even after a few seconds, the holy lion knight broke free from the illusion woven by Sharon with his powerful spirit.

However, he fully felt Sharon's strength and Sharon's terror.


The brilliance in the Holy Lion Knight's eyes kept flickering.

A decision that arises deep within him.

"If, this voice resounds in it, then..."

The whole will become its captive and be slaughtered by it.

The Britannian Empire is so terrifying!

Under the control of the Holy Lion Knight, Guardian Liberty sped forward and passed the Holy Lion Fleet until it surpassed a large distance, the Holy Lion Knight resolutely ordered.

"The Sacred Lion Fleet is ordered to retreat immediately!

Bring back all monitored data!


"My lord knight!


As the adjutant of the Holy Lion Knight, Wei Na immediately sensed what the Holy Lion Knight was thinking.

He wants to end the rear, wants to stay here, and delay the progress of the imperial fleet.


But in the face of such a powerful and terrifying enemy, just relying on a song or a picture to control the enemy in Yajin Duwei's line of defense, what can the Knight of the Holy Lion do alone?

"No but! This is an order!


The Knight of the Holy Lion gave the order sternly.

The Holy Lion Fleet, who had already been impressed by the Holy Lion Knights, immediately took a quick retreat after the initial astonishment.

As the battleships turned around and retreated, Wena's savior, Gundam, refused to leave for a long time.

"Vina. Get out of here. Take the fleet and hand over the acquired data to Zaft, hand it over, hand it over to the speaker! Only in this way can we protect, protect everyone!


Hearing what the Holy Lion said, no matter how unwilling Wei Na felt, she could only grit her teeth, turn around in the Savior Gundam, and chase after the retreating fleet.

The Holy Lion Knight breathed a sigh of relief when the engine flames of the Savior Gundam and the Holy Lion Fleet turned into a ray of starlight in the distance.

"You're laughing! Aslan."

It seems that in the communication network, someone has been waiting for a long time.

After the holy lion knight said the man's name, the voice also came.

"No. You are a knight. You have been since the first day I knew you."

In the communication, Aslan's voice said so.

The holy lion knight could hear that this was Aslan's sincere words.

"No. It's just a compliment from others. I just do what I have to do."


There seemed to be a sigh in Aslan's voice.

"Forget it. Since you let the fleet go first, then we can also save some effort and time."

Surrounded by the Zaft fleet controlled by Sharon, the Imperial fleet finally crossed the Yakin Duvi satellite fortress and came to the front of the guard of freedom.

In front of you is the huge continuous fleet.

Behind the fleet, the Yakinduwei Satellite Fortress, which is regarded as the final line of defense, is also slowly turning, facing the front of the enemy in the past, facing the guardian freedom, and facing the space domain where it is located.

This is really a scene that makes people laugh!

But for some reason, the Knight of the Holy Lion couldn't laugh out loud, and there was only that heavy sadness and powerlessness deep in his heart.

The strength of the opponent made the Holy Lion Knight at a loss.

Just relying on a song, a picture and the huge projection can control all the troops that Zaft has deployed in Yakin Duwei.


Considered a hero of ZAFT,

considered guardians,

He was affectionately called Holy Lion Knight by the citizens,

Powerless against such a powerful enemy.

"Aslan, stop here!"

Guardian Liberty raised the beam rifle in his hand and pointed at the imperial fleet embraced by the projection of the goddess.

At this time, the holy lion knight,

To protect freedom at this time,

It's like a little ant facing a giant that can crush itself at any time, helpless and powerless.

Even so, Holy Lion Knight said resolutely.

"Aslan, do you want to raise your gun too?"

On the other end of the communication, Aslan sighed faintly.

"You are a true knight! Holy Lion, but you are not him!"

"Aslan, what nonsense are you talking to him?!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded.

It was that arrogant and arrogant voice.


A ZAFT fleet marked as the Meier fleet actually passed through the Grand Fleet and came to the side of the Imperial Fleet.

At first, Avalon's CIC thought that the Zaft fleet broke through Sharon's defense.

But when Veletta signaled that there was no need to pursue it, the people on the bridge discovered that it was the result of Sharon's control from the beginning.

The person who signaled Sharon to do so had already left the bridge.

"Yin Zak. Since you are out of control, why..."

The holy lion knight was both surprised and happy, as if he saw hope.

If the Meier team can get rid of the unknown control by themselves, then it means...

"Sorry! I'm not on your side. UU Reading"

As everyone knows, Yin Zac snorted coldly and interrupted the Knight of the Holy Lion.


"Tsk! Trouble!


Yin Zak frowned, as if he had lost all patience.

"Kai! Lei Mingkai! Are you still not ready? Are you just seeing this fake in your face, yelling protection, protecting the citizens?"

This time, the Knight of the Holy Lion clearly heard Yin Zac pointing at him and yelling at fakes.

"Yin Zak..."

The sudden warning sound of the radar interrupted the Holy Lion Knight

"Sorry! The technology is rusty. It took a while to start the machine."

The streamer of blue light flew out of the imperial fleet, swept across the void like lightning, and appeared in the locking range of the optical radar that guards freedom.

The moment the screen in front of me lit up the streamer's true face, the face hidden behind the mask suddenly changed dramatically.

"Then... Freedom Gundam!


The Holy Lion Knight would never mistake the origin of the mecha that appeared in front of him.

Because in a few years, from the moment he was given the name of Knight of the Holy Lion, he was inseparable from Liberty Gundam.


Suddenly, the holy lion knight instinctively thought that it might be a smoke bomb deliberately made by Aslan and Yin Zak to hit him.

"It seems that you are very puzzled."

From the Liberty Gundam that suddenly appeared, came a strange but familiar voice.

The moment the voice sounded, the Holy Lion Knight's guess was shattered.

Because, this is his voice!

"first meet!"

As if the man had met a confidant, the pitch of his voice was a little higher.

"I'm Lei Mingkai, and at the same time, I'm also the man called Holy Lion Knight by you, by Zaft."