Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 995: Break down, man of the council


indeed so.

However, it was only the first contact, and there was no tricky situation caused by any intelligence.

Just now, the zero-style assault has discovered that as long as the opponent's formation is broken, the defense network of those figures will no longer exist.

In this case, the opponent also used a hole card that was suspected of pressing the bottom of the box.



Or, this is the true face of the Sublimation Project!


Although the figure in front of him was unfamiliar, for some reason Lei Mingkai had an extremely familiar sense of sight.

It was as if, long ago, he had personally experienced the fierce battle of an enemy similar to it.

In an instant, when Eternity swung his sword freely and split the huge, alienated figure in half, Lei Mingkai finally understood what this sense of sight was!



This damned sense of déjà vu turned out to be from the deadly enemy, one of the culprits who destroyed the distant home planet, the minion of the abyss, the monster created by the final council—Asmodeus.

"Zero type. It's really troublesome!"

Lei Mingkai sneered.

He knew that when he recalled the relevant memories about Asmodai, Zero must also feel the distant memory and the hatred of the destruction of his homeland.



as expected.

At the moment when Type Zero was surrounded by a dazzling brilliance, the imperial ms hovering around it stepped forward one after another, forming a defensive formation to resist attacks from the surroundings, so as not to interfere with Type Zero.

As the brilliance faded away, the form with powerful firepower—the long-toothed lion Bangzha stepped into the void, and deployed all the weapons it possessed towards the enemies it hated.


laser cannon,

And the brand-new armament obtained by reorganizing the previous experience and acquired knowledge after experiencing many worlds.

That powerful laser beam cannon can be formed by the joint assembly of two laser cannons.

Its power is comparable to half the power of Avalon's main cannon.

With a body shape that is almost the same as that of ordinary ms, it can possess a powerful weapon that can be shot at any time, which is the learning result obtained by Longtooth Lion Zero so far.


Fuck me!


The moment the dark green steel lion held its head high and showed its sharp teeth, countless missiles rose from its body, drawing a smoke screen in front of the long-toothed Lion Zero that could envelop all figures.

Then, the two laser cannons moved closer to each other under the gathering of dim lights walking on the long-toothed Lion Zero.




in a blink,

An annihilation laser beam cannon with a length of 100 meters, far exceeding the size of the long-toothed lion zero, was born impressively.

If the Toothed Lion Zero was not in a gravity-free cosmic environment at this moment, the annihilation laser beam cannon with a length of 100 meters could crush the Toothed Lion Zero with its own heavy weight before firing.

It is also thanks to the fact that the Toothed Lion Zero is in a cosmic environment, otherwise how would the Toothed Lion Zero vent its anger.

As soon as the imperial ms guarding around Fangzha, the long-toothed lion zero type, saw the terrifying giant cannon with a destructive aura, they immediately dispersed, staying away from the surroundings of the long-toothed lion type zero bangzha.



! "

The moment the missile that outlines the smoke screen in the void hits the target, and the moment when the flames rise, it is the time to launch the annihilation laser beam cannon.

The roar of the first eruption of the annihilation laser beam cannon cannot be transmitted in this vacuum, but as long as you witness the angry blow of the long-toothed lion zero at this moment, you will unconsciously simulate it in your heart with your past experience. The scene in front of you is shocking. one strike.

The Tusk Lion Zero has a body dozens of times smaller than the flagship of the empire, Avalon, and the unrelenting attack is like a giant pillar collapsing. The figure fell down.

There is no need for the Tooth Zero to issue a warning.

At the moment when that shocking blow broke out, all human beings knew that this moment no longer belonged to them, but only belonged to the long-toothed lion zero that poured out its anger on the enemy.

Eternal Freedom is the leader, followed by many imperial ms, and withdraws from the attack range of the long-toothed lion zero at the fastest speed.

Behind them, there are figures annihilated by the terrifying beam of destruction.

Without any howling,

No begging for mercy,

It was just washed away by the destruction beam, and then the ashes turned into a disappearing afterimage, and finally disappeared in this space.

After sweeping away more than half of the alienated figures, the long-toothed lion zero-style Bangzha's shocking blow finally came to an end.

The 100-meter-long annihilation laser beam cannon quietly disintegrated and turned into fragments scattered all over the long-toothed lion zero-type Bangzha, shining brightly.

The long-toothed Lion Zero's long sigh also echoed on the communication channel.

Lei Mingkai knew that this blow consumed half of the energy of Long Fang Lion Zero Type, and next, Long Tooth Lion Zero Type might have to take a rest.

"Team Thorns, **** Zero back to Avalon."

"Yes! Your Royal Highness!"

As soon as Lei Mingkai gave an order, the imperial mobile suit troops that had already been prepared immediately stepped forward to protect the long-toothed lion and return to Avalon.

Whether it's rest, or by absorbing the cherry stone prepared by Avalon for the Toothed Lion Zero, the encounter with the Toothed Lion Zero is unavoidable.

Therefore, the Toothed Lion Zero doesn't mean anything either.

"Kai! There are still some things that don't feel good in the satellite fortress. Be careful!"


One person and one lion have long had a tacit understanding, and after a little communication, they will know what the other party is afraid of.

The shocking blow of the Longtooth Lion Zero made the entire battlefield situation clearer.

After losing more than half of their numbers, even though they were able to form a defensive network, they were still following closely. Under the agitation of Lei Mingkai, who led many of his men to attack, he no longer had the strong defense force that was enough to resist the salvos of the imperial fleet.

Seeing the right timing, Veletta immediately issued an order to keep up with Eternal Freedom and let the fleet provide fire support.

After losing that weird defense network, the terrifying firepower possessed by the imperial fleet will surely become the succubus of those figures!

"Chairman. We've lost more than half our soldiers."

There was cold sweat on the commander's forehead.

He couldn't have imagined that the long-toothed lion zero-style was hiding this hand.

"Calm down! After all, it is the holy lion we have been preaching. Such abilities must be possessed."

Seeing Durandal's calm expression, Commander Zaft subconsciously calmed down.

"Yes! After all, it is a holy lion!"

The holy lion preached by Zaft is almost omnipotent.

The image of resisting the Genesis shooting has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of citizens and ZAFT soldiers.

"Keep going!

Otherwise, we'll just have to watch that fleet wantonly bombard the Messiah's appearance. "

Durandal doesn't have much to do right now.

The blow of the Fangshi Zero Type was enough to shake the minds of many people.

He can stabilize the emotions of the commander and other subordinates who follow him, but what about the people in other places of Messiah?

Durandal, who is good at calculating, is very clear about the meaning of the situation in front of him.

However, he can only wait calmly in this situation, waiting for a certain time to come.

The loud human voice woke up Wei Na who was lying on the edge of the hospital bed.

"This, now?"

Wei Na opened her sleepy eyes and suddenly found that she had fallen asleep.

"Not good! Missed time. Not good."

Wei Na remembered that she had fed the comatose Holy Lion Knight medicine on time according to the schedule, but she didn't want the fatigue accumulated from days of hard work to unconsciously make Wei Na fall asleep.

No matter how loud the pre-set alarm clock was, it couldn't wake Wei Na up.


Wei Na, who turned around and took out the pills and water from the cabinet, thought about it inadvertently.

When he was standing beside the hospital bed, the doctor seemed to have mentioned that they would come regularly to remind Wei Na to feed her medicine.


After carefully feeding the pills to the Holy Lion Knight, Wei Na finally heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time couldn't help getting up, opening the door to see what happened outside.


The automatic door opened, and the scene that greeted my eyes turned out to be messy.

"how come?"

Looking at the situation in front of her, a thunderbolt flickered in Wei Na's mind.

too familiar.

The scene in front of me was all too familiar.

A few days ago, she had experienced a similar scene.

panicked face,

angry face,

And that indifferent face,

Switching in front of Wei Na's eyes like a slideshow.

Even though there is no one else around Wei Na now, the faces are still very clear, as if they exist beside Wei Na.

"Has even the Messiah fallen?"

From Yakin Duwei, to Minerva, to the Messiah who is the base camp of Durandal and others, it seems that none of them can escape the terrifying ability of the imperial fleet.

It didn't cost a single soldier, just a few words and a figure defeated Zaft's defense.

"No! It's not like that."

Wei Na clenched her hands tightly, and subconsciously turned to look at the Holy Lion Knight who was still unconscious on the bed.

"That's never going to be the case. I'm going to find out!


Wei Na gritted her teeth, stepped out of the door, stepped on the messy papers, and ran towards the central area of ​​Messiah.

No matter what happened, there was bound to be what Wei Na was looking for.

With Wei Na's back in the distance, two figures quietly came to the door of the ward where the Knight of the Holy Lion was.

"Is this the person His Excellency Durandal values?"

The automatic door opened, and the two saw the unconscious figure lying on the bed.

A man in a white robe with an inquisitive look in his eyes stepped forward, carefully scrutinized the face of the Holy Lion Knight, and occasionally reached out to touch various parts of the Holy Lion Knight's body.

After he pondered for a moment, the man turned his head and looked at the woman who came with him.

"Your Excellency Durandal is indeed very capable. This living body is infinitely close to what Durandal speculated. However, he seems to be lacking something."

A man's words remind a woman of something.

What he said was indeed true.

The Holy Lion Knight is indeed lacking something.

After all, he wasn't him at all.

What is lacking is naturally the difference between the clone and the body.

This is also the secret that Durandal mentioned when he confessed everything to her for the first time after she returned to Messiah in the empty Minerva.

"Talia. Remember the first Yakin Duwey battle?"

"At that time, the scene where the holy lion appeared deeply shocked my soul."

"Is it possible to touch the mysterious existence with a human body?"

"Is that the level that can be achieved with a mere human body?"

Woman, Thalia still clearly remembers the look of brilliance in Durandal's eyes when talking about the scene of the first Jakin-Duwei battle with the holy lion.

That was the demeanor that the man she loved would show unconsciously when he came into contact with a topic that moved his heart.

At that moment, Thalia understood that the man named Gilbert Durandal had been overwhelmed by the so-called holy lion.

"Thalia. If, if, one day in the future, human beings can travel in this void by themselves without relying on any machinery or equipment, what an exciting future it will be!"

Durandal's exclamation at that time seemed to fall on the man who was unconscious on the bed, the man named Holy Lion Knight.

At the same time, it also fell on her, Thalia's son—Kurus.

"mr.d. What are we going to do next?"

Thalia is not very clear about the research.

But she knew that the situation Messiah was facing at this moment was far worse than what Minerva had faced before.

Because of Higgle's existence, the Imperial Fleet will not hurt the killer, so there is a terrifying record of the Yakin-Duwei defense line being easily taken down.

As for the Messiah, the final fortress occupied by Durandal, I am afraid that he will not have such good luck.

Regardless of whether Higgle still has good intentions for Durandal, the man in the Imperial Fleet, who once helped Minerva, Thalia and others, and saved them from the disaster of extinction, I am afraid that he would not be like that It's easy to talk.

What's more, the hospital bed in front of him is the clone of that man.

"How? To wake him up, of course. But, not here."

Mr.d showed a smile, raised his hands and clapped twice.

Two hazy figures appeared beside Thalia without a sound.

The icy breath spreading from them made Thalia's spine tremble and her nerves tensed.

"Oh, sorry! Dear Ms. Thalia, this was my negligence. Please rest assured! They are only my servants. They will not harm anyone."

Mr. D patted his forehead belatedly, and while apologizing to Thalia, he pointed to the figure on the hospital bed.

"Go. Take him back to my lab."

After two hazy figures bowed slightly towards mr.d, they lifted up the holy lion knight together and left the ward first.

"Well, can I trouble Ms. Thalia to report to Your Excellency Durandal? The Holy Lion Knight only needs some adjustments to wake up. Before that, I hope Your Excellency Durandal can last for about half an hour. UU Reading www”

"half an hour?"

Thalia frowned.

Is this all that Durandal has entrusted to him?

Thalia took a deep breath, nodded and said:

"Okay! I will do my best to assist the speaker. I hope Mr. D can fulfill your promise."

When mr.d heard it, he immediately laughed.

"Ms. Thalia laughed. Although I am just a researcher, I still hope that Ms. Thalia can trust me and the final council behind me."

After a pause, the smile on mr.d's face became more and more mysterious.

"Even if I can't do it, the final council can still complete the agreement with His Excellency Durandal."

"After all, our final council will not break our promise!"