Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 996: No more soldiers to fight! !

Amidst the chaotic artillery fire, all the colonial satellites except April City had left the war-torn universe.

From this moment on, Durandal's faction completely lost the assistance from the mainland and was completely isolated.

This is a long-planned and ultimately successful plan around the Atrium Ring.

It was a terrible plan that cut off all aid from Durandal.

Under the leadership of Jormungandr,

With Sharon's intervention,

The plan was eventually accelerated and achieved more brilliant results than imagined.

As the planner, Jormungandr was already mentally prepared for heavy casualties around the Atrium Ring before he could capture some of the colonial satellites.

She didn't expect that Sharon Epp's intervention would bring the plan to the most perfect fruit.

"His Royal Highness Sharon. Thank you very much for extending your helping hand to us."

Even though the figure in front of him was so dreamy and illusory, Ye Mengjiad had already been convinced by it.

Just one "person" has achieved the results that the earth could not achieve with the combined use of huge forces.

"The next action will be left to you. In addition, that battlefield may no longer be suitable for you to intervene."

Sharon, who appeared in the image of a goddess, stared at the war-torn void, and said slowly.

"Kai has already said that the next task for you is to do your best to arrange these colonial satellites properly."

"Yes! Follow your lord's order!"

After learning from Sharon about Lei Mingkai's personal order, Yemengard's calm face finally showed a hint of excitement.

Sharon didn't care about these, and after just confessing a few words, she transferred most of her computing power from these colonial satellites and returned to the Imperial Fleet.

"His Royal Highness Sharon. Has the arrangement been made over there?"

Higel frowned, his eyes, which had been paying attention to the battle between the imperial mobile suit led by Lei Mingkai and the people who had turned into alien monsters, finally moved away from the battlefield because of the appearance of Sharon. line of sight.

"Well, don't worry! According to the current speed of those colonial satellites, they will soon join the reinforcement fleet sent by the empire."

"The empire also sent reinforcements? Her Majesty?"

Lux, who was at the center of the empire, suddenly sensed the key point from Sharon's words.

At present, more than half of the space fleet formed by the empire has been put into this battlefield.

Under such circumstances, is it necessary to send another reinforcement fleet while protecting the safety of the empire's territory and the safety of the empress? !

"Well. The message from His Majesty does say so. Don't worry! Lacus, the imperial capital is safe now. In addition, even if a reinforcement fleet is mobilized to come to support here, it may not cause Queen Euphemia's death. Your Majesty will face a threatening situation."

Hearing what Sharon said, Lux immediately understood.

Obviously, the so-called reinforcement fleet is probably the fleet led by Euphemia himself, come to support!

"I see. Then, Veretta, proceed to the next stage!"

Veretta, who has been commanding the First Fleet to fight, nodded, then waved forward casually.

The steadily advancing Empire First Fleet finally began to accelerate.

Between the firepower network outlined by it, the First Fleet with the flagship of the empire Avalon as the flagship stepped forward one after another, charging towards the Messiah ahead.

The imposing fleet assault immediately made Durandal clenched his hands tightly.


From that moment, it fell with a crash and landed heavily on Durandal's shoulder.

"They couldn't sit still after all."

Durandal's original plan was to use the "soldiers" in April City who had broken through the third stage of sublimation and the Messiah's own strong defense capabilities to delay the attack of the First Fleet of the Empire, so as to gain some time so that he could Successfully started the next stage.

But now, his enemies obviously won't give him this time.

"How many troops do we have?!"

The shocking blow of the Toothed Lion Type Zero just now destroyed the iron wall defense line built by the "soldiers", and could no longer stop the eternal freedom that caught the weakness of the "soldiers", as well as the imperial ms behind it assault.

Those flashes of light,

and the names, ids, and ids that keep getting darker on the screen and completely lose their voices,

They are all telling one thing, one ending.


! "

While Durandal was thinking, a tremor suddenly hit the ground.

It's shelling!

Durandal couldn't sit still any longer, stood up, and stared at the main screen.

The screen that was constantly switching optical cameras finally froze on a picture.

A space fleet headed by the flagship of the empire, Avalon, is quickly adjusting the posture of the hull, adjusting the muzzle, and locking on the Messiah.

Then, thousands of light beams fired at once, and countless missiles flew out of the sky.

In just a blink of an eye, bursts of flames rose from Messiah's appearance.

From a distance, the Messiah seems to be covered with a fiery coat of flame.

A deadly coat of flame.

Although the blazing flames could not burn the humans inside the Messiah, the constant vibrations were frantically hitting the psychological defenses of the humans inside.

"Report, report the loss!


Commander Zaft, who was standing beside Durandal, grabbed the handrail beside him and ordered loudly.

Now is not the time to loudly motivate your subordinates.

The so-called motivation is nothing but empty talk when facing death.

The only thing he can do is to complete Durandal's plan as much as possible and delay the time.

Delay until a certain moment arises.


Because of this, the Messiah, and even himself, was able to escape from the crisis of facing death.

"Area, B, no, more than 80% of the defense facilities on the outer layer of Messiah have been paralyzed, and more than half of the firepower points and anti-aircraft batteries have lost contact."

"All the ports facing the enemy fleet were attacked by salvos from enemy ships. The losses are being counted, but according to the calculation of the central computer, the loss rate exceeds 70%."

The subordinates responsible for monitoring various data of the Messiah finally aggregated all the data into the hands of Commander Zaft.

Looking at the constantly refreshed data,

Feeling the constantly vibrating and shaking floor, the ZAFT commander's heart was cold and desperate.

"How is it possible! Just a space fleet can wipe out more than half of the Messiah's outer defenses in a short period of time."

"Do your best!"

Durandal didn't say any comforting words, just said calmly.

That's right!

Now they can only do their best.

Even if there are aliens of the third stage of sublimation coming from the interior of April City to come to support, but they have already caught their weaknesses, and it is just a drop in the bucket.

Right now, there is no other way.

The beam sword fell in the air, splitting a strange monster in half from head to tail, and at the same time, Eternal Freedom kicked up and kicked the wreckage away.

Waiting for the wreckage of the monster to fly away, the broken body actually shook a few times.

The electronic eyes of eternal freedom zoomed in and out, and caught the culprit.

"Has it started to deform again?"

On the screen in front of him was the wreckage pierced by several tentacles with sharp heads.

And the source of the sharp tentacles came from another alien monster.

At first glance, Lei Mingkai felt a little disgusted and weird.

If ordinary people had witnessed this scene, they would have been scared out of their wits!

"If you can still recover your human form, I don't know what you will look like after learning that you have turned into this monster."

When this idea appeared in Lei Mingkai's mind, Lei Mingkai tore it up and discarded it.

This is a meaningless interrogative sentence!

According to the information brought by Aslan and Eliko, it is almost impossible for the personnel who can successfully complete the third stage of the sublimation plan.

In this impossible situation, anyone who was claimed by Durandal to have completed the third stage of the sublimation plan would only become a monster.

A monster controlled by Durandal,

It is regarded as the existence of "soldiers".

It may be abandoned at any time.

For Durandal, this is the cornerstone of the kingdom of the gods.

But in this country, there are only a few people who are qualified to become its people and become a **** based on thousands of people.

The few people who can pass the third stage of the real sublimation plan that Durandal concealed and recognized.

The light wings spread out, and the eternal freedom turned into an afterimage, which disappeared in the siege of the three alien monsters.

Even if Lei Mingkai was thinking about the real purpose of Durandal hiding in his mind at the moment, he couldn't stop the harvesting of the enemies and monsters in front of him.

What's more, at this moment, the Empire's MS troops headed by Eternal Freedom finally received fire support from the Empire's First Fleet.

Under the fierce and precise firepower strike, the originally somewhat tricky defensive force field could no longer become an obstacle preventing the imperial pilots from harvesting the enemy.

The alien monster, which was completely divided into countless individuals and could no longer be connected together, became a self-propelled medal in the eyes of the imperial pilots at this moment.

Behind all the alien monsters being smashed to pieces, the imperial fleet continued to break through the distance and approached the Messiah's final defense circle.

When the arc drawn by the beam saber disappeared, the last alien monster fell under the sword of eternal freedom.

Messiah's defensive circle has fallen.

The clearly visible imperial battle flags and imperial coat of arms on the Avalon hull, as well as the head of the holy lion roaring towards the sky, made Durandal's eyes sting.

The Messianic Satellite Fortress, which Zaft, and even more so, Gilbert Durandal placed high hopes on, was so easily destroyed by the enemy and became a fish at the hands of the opponent.

"How many troops do we have?"

Durandal asked slowly.

Commander Zaft next to him opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

Durandal understood.

The Messiah has few troops left.

"Send them all out!"

After leaving these words, Durandal turned and returned to his seat.

This order made Commander Zaft change his face, but he finally carried it out.

Zaku warriors of all types,

And a few Zaku phantoms flew out of Messiah's broken port, facing the lock of the imperial fleet, and lined up in front of Messiah.

Behind them, more than a dozen remaining warships of Messiah also slowly sailed out from behind Messiah, providing as much fire support as possible for these remaining MS troops.

Seeing this, Sharon immediately activated her powerful power based on the electronic network world, but was stopped by Lei Mingkai.

"Sharon, you don't have to do it."

Under the control of Lei Mingkai, Eternal Freedom broke away from the formation of MS troops, and came to Messiah's only remaining MS troops alone.

"I am Lei Mingkai. You have also seen what Gilbert Durandal did."

"Where did the monsters killed by me and my subordinates come from? You should have guessed."

Lei Mingkai paused, seemed to allow some time for the "enemy" in front of him to think, and then continued.

"And we have the means and technology that can cure erythema. The Yakin-Duwei front line, and even the personnel who surrendered from the Minerva, we have properly arranged and provided them with corresponding treatment."

erythema? !

Lei Mingkai's words were very simple, but they hit the hearts of those ZAFT soldiers who attacked under the pressure of death under the order of Durandal.

Don't look at them all wearing pilot uniforms and wrapping themselves tightly.

But in fact, there are different degrees of erythema on the arms, legs, and even the body of these people.

The erythema appeared on their bodies at about the same time as the Minerva's crew broke out in the erythema crisis. The reason why they have been delayed until now is because they are in the midst of Messiah and can receive proper treatment from the faction headed by Durandal. .

However, that is also appropriate treatment.

Durandal and the others do have the potions that can completely cure erythema, but those potions are more used to stimulate the potential of the human body, making the receptors the third stage of the breakthrough sublimation plan.

Therefore, its output is very low, and it is almost impossible to mass-produce it with current technology.

It has to be said that Lei Mingkai's words were fatal.

"I guarantee that the words of His Royal Highness the Prince of the Empire are true."

Immediately afterwards, Higel's voice came from the communication channel.

His appearance, UU reading www.uukanshu. com was the last straw.

In front of eternal freedom, MSs abandoned the weapons in their hands and removed all the weapons on their bodies.

And those remaining ZAFT warships even turned their direction directly, facing the Messiah, with their backs facing the Imperial Fleet, and slowly retreated towards the Imperial Fleet.

Although it looks ridiculous.

But at this moment, it can represent the thoughts and actions of these ZAFT soldiers.

Without needing Lei Mingkai's order, Veletta immediately ordered the Imperial Fleet to send out some warships to take over the remaining troops of the Messiah and surrender.

"Hehe. What a dramatic development!"

At this scene, Durandal smiled coldly.

The Messiah's remaining strength should be exhausted in such a ridiculous way.

Messiah, there will be no more unarmed soldiers!