Machine Storm

Chapter 328: Emperor A

The 32nd World Starship S Tournament staged a god-level counterattack, and it was also the most difficult and exciting session so far. The Tianxing Jiwu A-level Military Academy won the Starship S Tournament Championship for the first time in the school's history. The well-known strong team has never had a championship, and they finally broke the championship drought, and it was Arths, who had never been expected before the game, who did all this.

God of War!

The best A treasure in the universe.

Not only prevented the three consecutive championships of the Galaxy S-Class Star Academy, but also staged the most powerful reversal in history. In fact, compared to her last performance, the reversal itself has been eclipsed. What a strong psychological quality and overall situation ability judgment made.

Human beings have been fighting giant worms for so many years, and there are actually quite a lot of research on giant worms. It is not that they do not know the system and so-called weaknesses of giant worms, but the problem is that it is too difficult to target. Basically, it is impossible to do it in actual combat. But Arths did it.

The game is over, there is no doubt that the Galaxy Team has done a good job, although they have not completed it perfectly) but the final choice is also possible, in the vast universe, once civilization is discovered, it is two-way, the weak prey on the strong) the survival of human beings Only in one thought, not perfect, but also a result.

But Arths did a great job, directly crushing the Galaxy, and finally won the championship with the first total score. If it is said that although the previous performance was excellent, but only a little recognition, then the final battle is the conquest.

As a super commander, An Luo Dan has not considered this possibility, but in actual combat, especially on such a large scale, it is impossible to implement it at all, but Arths not only thought of it, but also dared to implement it, and even did it, which is really impossible Imagine the psychological quality and command ability.

Galaxy Troopers, convinced.

This is definitely not luck. What the audience sees is only a big process and result. From the perspective of God, it is incredible from this perspective. One can imagine what it would be like to be there.

Don't look at what those experts said one after another, really let them go, looking at the sky full of artillery fire, the boundless void, their legs are weak, and their brains can calculate how much one plus one equals to be sober. J.

The entire solar system is celebrating Arths' victory, and the cross-border Arths is once again a god.

Arths' personal homepage is even more popular, everyone is conquered, and the praises on the screen are not exaggerated.

The awards ceremony also set a record for the ratings of the Starship S game. When Arths led the team to stand on the championship podium, fans all over the world fell into carnival, shouting crazily, and the sky resounded with Arths name.

Maybe there really are goddesses in this world.

If there is, it can only be Arths.

Although it has nothing to do with Tianjing Jiwu, it does not prevent Tianjing Jiwu from falling into a carnival. There are also many Arths fans here, and now the fan lineup has become even bigger.

Zuo Xiaotang got excited again after fainting for a few times, dancing and jumping in the crowd, and the others were similar. Arths, Ayouyo is Ayouyo. Although there is a certain coincidence, the gap between the two is too great. Arths is a genius at the pinnacle of genius. Although Ayouyo is not bad, the gap in all aspects is too great. To connect such two people and find a bunch of so-called reasons is really brain-dead.

No one in this world is worthy of Her Majesty the Queen.

Ayouyou, who returned to the stage, looked at his trophy and was full of joy and happiness. Su Yu hugged him with the trophy. The team members and staff of Tianxing Jiwu applauded. Although Arths was selected into the team with a high score, But the team members are also a little worried in their bones. The score is only a part, can it be done in actual combat, but because it is Arths, the charm is really irresistible. The goal of adding Tianxing Jiwu is to be able to stand on the podium, but now Arths led them to the championship.

A genius, a super genius, a human genius born once every five hundred years.

But only Su Yu knows that talent is certain, which determines the upper limit, but since childhood, Ayouyou has almost no friends, reading books she can't understand, doing training that she can't understand, her hobbies are probably humming Song or something, even Su Yu didn’t know why, one day Ayouyou suddenly found Su Yu and said that he was going to debut and wanted to sing) Of course Su Yu supported it, in fact Su Yu always thought that Ayouyou was an astronomer or astronaut or something Let’s just sing and have a normal job. Even so, Ayouyou is still not idle during the rest of the day. However, when he dominates the music scene and gets better and better, he suddenly wants to join the military academy. Well, let's enter the military academy. She thought that Ayouyou was just a whim, but seeing Ayouyo's victory eyes, Su Yu realized that from the beginning, this was Ayouyou's goal.

Arths' personal homepage has finally been updated, and the lovely Ayouyo is holding her big trophy.

The number of likes surpassed one million in an instant, and it didn't take long for it to reach 100 million. Fans from all over the solar system gathered, even the arrogant and defiant Martians were convinced. The way to conquer Martians is never to please, a gentleman or something. Hit them until they serve.

Your Majesty, please take my knees!

On Queen Arths' Dimensionality Reduction Strike!

Arths, the strongest queen who protects mankind!

The media is never stingy with compliments at this time. Of course, the fans’ praise will be even crazier. There has never been a shortage of geniuses in human history, and only Arths has the combination of wisdom and beauty.

For Arths, her influence has undergone a qualitative change. No matter how hot she was before, she was just a singer idol, but now she has become another level of existence.

Starship S Championship!

Su Yumei happily manages the homepage of Arths. Yes, Ayouyo is a lazy little guy who always likes to pick things up. He must have gone to chat with that brat. To be honest, that kid doesn't even deserve a single hair of Ayouyo. In fact, even with the heart of the ocean, it can barely be counted as a hair, and she won't recognize it anyway.

Li Hao had also left the celebrating crowd at Tianjing Jiwu and found a quiet place.

"Senior, do you have a sense of crisis? I've already won the championship, and it's up to you next." Ayouyou said happily, what she likes most is to be shy in front of Li Hao.

"Excellent, my Majesty the Empress, it seems that I am destined to work for you in this life." Li Hao laughed.

"Hmph, in this life, in the previous life, and in the next life, you will all work for me." Ayouyou said arrogantly, in front of Li Hao, she can act like a baby to her heart's content.

"Black-hearted capitalist," Li Hao said with a smile, "The last hand is really beautiful!"

"Of course, you know, I was hesitant at the critical moment, but I remember you said that it doesn't need to be too complicated, just imagine the high-level giant worm as a human being, and I carried it out firmly. It succeeded, so the trophy is half of yours!" Ayouyou smiled sweetly, and she could see that she was really happy.

Li Hao shook his head with a smile, "You don't get rewarded for nothing, the intelligent scientists of the high-level giant worms have known it for a long time, but you are strong enough, calm enough at critical moments, and courageous enough, my palms are full of sweat ,admire!"

This Li Hao is really not exaggerating. Even if he can think of it, he may not be able to do it perfectly, including the coordination and trust of the team members. There is personal charm in it, and the final victory must rely on the team's execution.

Ayouyou also smiled, very happily. Ever since I met Li Hao, this person looks easy to talk, but in fact he is very arrogant in his bones. He doesn't even pay attention to people like Fan Liweitt. This time the compliment is the most genuine of.

The eyes of the two became a little hot, "Since you are so humble, the empress grants you a wish, just say it."

"I want to hug you." Li Hao smiled and opened his arms to Tianxun.

Ayouyou looked at Li Hao, "No sincerity!" Then he hung up Tianxun.

Li Hao was stunned, and touched his nose in embarrassment, did he say the wrong thing again?

Li Hao looked at Tianxun in embarrassment. He didn't know whether to call, send a message, or what to do. He still didn't feel like Teacher Ma, and he felt embarrassed to ask him everything, which would make him appear It's a der~.

Ding dong.

Ayoyo: Wait for me!

? ...? ? ?

Li Hao was stunned for a moment, what's the situation, shouldn't she? ? ?

Li Hao touched his face,...Happiness came a little too suddenly, could it be...Is my charm so great?

The celebration continued. In the evening, the analysis of the last battle came out. The professional editing was accompanied by Arths' "Triumph", which was full of passion.

The technical problem began when the fleet encountered a black hole. Arths on the Tianxing Jiwu side discovered an abnormality. The moment the reconnaissance plane disappeared, he ordered the fleet to slow down. At that time, Arths gave the reason in the command room. The band change does not correspond to an explosion or malfunction, but strong gravitational wave interference, there will be a certain error, but compared with the loss of the entire battleship, it must be slowed down.

Accurate judgment.

As the music progressed, it came to the battle with the giant worm. In the early confrontation, Tianxing Jiwu was indeed behind the Galaxy and Eternal teams. The two teams of Eternity have indeed shown super fighting power, which comes from the overall strength of the team, and it is true that they cannot be promoted to the top all at once.

But the next step is the gap. Eternity gave up first, because it was more decisive, and the judge gave A-, at least the strength of the fleet was preserved.

Followed by the Galaxy, through the strong overall combat ability, the Galaxy finally successfully released the Janibekov Star Axis Cannon and got an A. Of course, this choice also caused some ethical disputes, but at the moment of human life and death, There is no problem with the choice of Galacticos.

Next is the magical performance of the Tianxing Zhanying team. During the fight, Arths' perspective was given. In fact, from the very beginning, she was looking for a breakthrough, which is the command area of ​​the giant worm. The command voice was also released. Such a large-scale In this war, the giant worm must have a super high-level brain worm or worm king, and must have a core command. This is also the result of biologists' research, but given the star map, on the huge star map, all The densely packed red dots are all energy reactions, and a normal person would feel numb at a glance. How to find clues from such a star map?

But Arths has been looking for it, but in this stalemate offensive situation, it is impossible to find it, and it is impossible to judge that humans currently do not have this kind of detection technology, and the higher the level of the giant insect, the stronger its hiding ability. There is no way to find out, and in the course of the war, any hesitation means that the distance from failure is getting closer and closer.

The opportunity is fleeting.

It is very interesting that Arths chose to retreat at this time. If they retreat immediately like the Eternal Team, the giant worms will not pursue them in an all-round way. From this aspect, it can be seen that the wisdom of the giant worms is in line with biological nature. They will measure gains and losses, because They are also not sure if there is an ambush outside. From the overall situation, they have already won, and the situation of Tianxing Jiwu is in the middle of a fight. It is an opportunity for giant insects to retreat when they find that they cannot fight.

The star map gave a sign. In the all-round pursuit, only the area where the brain worm is located moves very slowly, and it is still in an absolutely safe position. The surrounding giant worm army will come to support at any time. If there is no sign To come out, it is really impossible to find it for a few days, but for Arths, it only takes more than ten minutes.

During the retreat, artillery fire continued, the battleship was still shaking violently, and Arths was staring at the star map intently, so there was never any luck or luck, she was looking for the giant worm's command area.

During the retreat, the guide map shows that the entire battlefield of giant worms is surrounded, forming a rotation, which is why the Sky Star Fleet retreats in an arc, which will make the entire star map form a rotation axis, and the central area of ​​the rotation axis It is the area where Arths' eyes are locked, and the slowest, most conservative, and incompatible with other swarms in this area is the command area!

From setting up the plan at the beginning to finalizing and completing his own deduction, there should be no hesitation, and Arths did not have any hesitation when he discovered it.

At any time, the commander can never doubt himself, question himself!

Turning at a right angle of 90 degrees, the Sky Star Fleet counterattacked with all its strength and was quite decisive. At this time, the analysis video also gave the formation. At this moment when the blood was desperate, the Sky Star Fleet used the Alpha Spiral Cosmic Sky Flow formation, and the outer cover ships The machine spirals around to form the strongest protection for the core, so the fleet responsible for covering will suffer heavy casualties, but this is the best solution to ensure that the target can be hit, otherwise, it is very likely that the most effective approach will not be possible, and the success will fall short.

After all the complicated details and judgments still gave the best orders, of course the execution ability of the players and the trust in Arths are also very important.

In terms of mobilizing the confidence of the players, Arths' mobilization is also quite good.

Analyzing the video also gave another possibility. If it hadn't been for the formation of the spiral cosmic sky flow, the fleet's advance, although sudden, would still be delayed by the giant worm's fierce blocking, and the giant worm's command area would have 79% Some may flee from the battlefield, resulting in a failure.

That's why the judging team gave Team Skystar sss a one-in-ten-thousand chance. Arths did every detail and finally won the victory. Even if there is one detail that was not handled well, or hesitant or expert Any change of judgment that we say will come short of success.

Accompanied by the climax of the triumphant melody, Team Skystar won.

Simply unrepeatable battle of the gods.

Who can refuse such a king?

(Dear family members, after all, the heroine, give her some roles, try to simplify, the battle process has been pondered for a long time, the main reason is that the characters are plumped up, so the plot can advance...)