Machine Storm

Chapter 336: The first battle of ROM Gundam (thanks t

In the last month before the S game, all the teams have entered the final intense preparations, and the stage of the S game has been prepared. S10 is in the space city, which is also a grand event in space. The unique space scenery is also a memory for all audiences in the solar system. It left a deep impression, and also drove a wave of travel and vacation. The home of S11 is in the moon. It is also one of the three major cities on the moon, Galaxy, the economic center of the moon. Galaxy has also made full preparations for this S game. The whole city and even the whole moon are ready to welcome the top players from all major federations. This time the lineup is unprecedentedly strong, and there are no rumors of injuries before the game. There are many supernovas. Facing the moment when NUP hits the three consecutive championships, the fighters of the other three major federations have obviously made comprehensive preparations. Both the achievers and the terminators will be recorded in the annals of history.

At the same time, this S game is also an opportunity for Galaxy City to show its strength to the world and all mankind again. With the most advanced technology, the highest GDP, the most interstellar fundraising groups, and a paradise for billionaires, Galaxy City will give everyone a surprise. , with an overall investment of more than 5 trillion yuan, and strive to create unprecedented classic battles.

In the previous round, the participating teams were promoted, and immediately after the S competition, the official began to fully promote the venue of this competition, the Galaxy Center. The Galaxy has held the S competition before, and this time it will be upgraded again on the basis of the original S11. The new Galaxy Center can be called the first machine warfare center in the solar system. There are a total of four sub-venues, which can accommodate about 200,000 people each using the spiral ladder layering technology. At the same time, the four sub-venues can be combined to form a super center. , The facilities at each location are also extremely comprehensive, and the viewing experience is full. At the same time, a special suspension center is prepared for super VIPs, where they can experience the immersive viewing mode.

As the largest and most popular event for human beings, all the reservations in Galaxy City have been fully booked at this time. Because in Galaxy, the already popular game has become more sought-after, all hotel reservations are full, and the surrounding cities that drive Galaxy are also the same. Enthusiasts from all over the solar system have actually started preparing for this trip half a year ago. Of course, in order to increase the sense of experience, the official S game has also released a part of the lottery tickets.

Ayouyou is naturally going to participate, and is a member of the Tianxing Jiwu officer. The Tianxing Jiwu S competition has created a historic championship. Now the expectation and fighting spirit are on the side of the mecha team. It is also a veteran team, but Tianxing The situation is strong but not great, the top 16 every year, but the best result in history is the top eight, now it depends on whether Tita can take the Tianxing Jiwu to go further, because winning the Starship S competition also makes Tianxing Up and down are very motivated, and they hope that the team can make progress.

Li Hao has already sensed this from borrowing money from Tita. Li’s dormitory director is actually a very good person to talk to, especially when facing creditors. When asked for his opinion, Captain Li Hao always gave answers full of strength and hope.

In fact, what Captain Li said is quite false, but Captain Tita is quite good at it.

Tianjing Jiwu is also fully prepared. The publicity before the game is gradually becoming irrelevant. The S game is approaching, and the whole school is tense. Tianjing Jiwu, who was only famous in USE, has completely released the picture, but The form of drawing is a bit top-heavy after all, and this is all on the puppet. In fact, the puppet itself is also facing the test of the competition... This is really Li Hao's first trip to the World Championship.

In the past, countless geniuses, countless supernovas, countless people who doubted their lives were beaten in the S game. Even the audience knows that the S game means a completely different test. Every opponent will show his best. Fight for every victory.

Although the overall strength of Tianjing Jiwu was relatively weak back then, they also found their own tactics, that is, to hold on, to fight desperately, and not to attract much attention. If you are lucky, you can enter the main match, but this year is different , Tianjing Jiwu not only attracts the attention of the public, but it is also the target of public criticism. In terms of experience in fighting boss Zhang, Tianjing Jiwu is much easier to fight than Galaxy, and there are only 64 teams participating this time, all of which are knockout rounds, but the first The first round is a qualifying round, and the eight seeded teams with the best results last year will be selected to ensure that they will not meet in the first round. After passing the first round, they will start a brutal fight, and everything will be in order.

The schedule or something doesn't matter to Li Hao

However, the current situation of the entire team has been adjusted quite well. Makoto Kukai's injuries are finally healed, and he can participate in this competition with full strength. Musashi can master the burning will skillfully. Zhou Naiyi entered the burning will. The ability of the first sister is quite special. Ma Long and Zuo Xiaotang are proficient in the red pupil, but they are both stuck in the mouth of the burning will. Overall, the impact on the machine battle is not so absolute, and the overall team's cooperation is getting better and better.

Looking at the situation of the teams in the S game, the overall strength of the Tianjing team is a bit uneven, but the tacit understanding between the dormitory brothers is still very good. Zhou Naiyi himself has a good overall view and strong coordination. Makoto Kukai is a warrior, let alone Don't worry, let's see what the actual combat looks like now.

Everyone was excited with apprehension.

A week before the competition, representatives from the four major regions selected their opponents for the qualifying round. This link was actually quite cruel. All teams did not want to see the first round, so the opponent was very important. There was a lot of luck involved.

Eight teams are divided into T1 level based on last year's record and this year's mid-season results. They will not collide with each other in the first round. According to previous years' experience, they will almost enter the next round. They are:

NUP: Team Galaxy, Team Eternal, Team Carmela USE: Team North Carolina, Team Knights of the Round Table ROM: Team Vulcan, Team Wolf TAS: Team Wailing

The representative of the earth's lottery is the martial arts major general who has achieved brilliant results in the S game, and the representative of the moon's lottery is Arths. This is the request of countless fans of the moon. The king of the game, the new Goddess of War, absolute glory! The representative of Mars in the lottery is Iron-Blooded Major General LaGrand from Wolf Martial Sect. He is the mainstay of the current Mars ruling party, with a rather tyrannical style and Romero's uncle.

The lottery representative of the Titans and the Starlink Federation is Chairman An Lize of the Space City Chain.

At this time, more than 3,000 media in the solar system are broadcasting live. Four human representatives will draw their opponents in the first round of S11. The host introduces the four "big guys" passionately. Su Yu is watching from behind the scenes, feeling a little excited. She never dreamed that one day Ayouyou would be able to stand at such a height. This is a height that an idol's singing will never be able to reach. Such an aura attracts the attention of everyone. Even with the background of the Dalvin family, she dare not I thought about it, but Ayouyou did it. She suddenly understood why Ayouyou wanted to join the army. Only in this way can she get real respect and awe.

At this time, all the major teams in the solar system are watching the live broadcast, waiting for their opponents.

North Carolina Rose, Chao Qinglong led all the team members to sit upright. North Carolina Rose is ready, with never-before-seen confidence and belief. In Team Galaxy, the handsome face of the God of War Maxis did not show any fluctuations, and the players were all calm. They had been waiting for this day for a long time. Team Hailong, Xilian and others were also waiting quietly in the war room, with relaxed expressions, as long as they didn't meet Tianjing Jiwu in the qualifying round, it would be fine, not because they were afraid, but because they didn't want to have dinner so early.


Some are nervous, some are passionate, the same is true for Tianjing Jiwu, Li Hao and others have been waiting early.

"Awesome, Arths has really evolved again. It was a bit jerky in the last session, and I still feel a little uncomfortable in the face of the unfamiliar mech world. Look at it now, just standing there, facing the two A general and a speaker, the aura is full, and there is no downside!" Ma Long said with emotion.

"That's right, Arths is the glory of our girls, maybe you will be proud to be under her in the future!" Sheng Man praised without hesitation, no matter how proud a girl is, Arths is beyond the scope of jealousy .

"Oh my god, how can she be so beautiful and powerful, the three bosses let her come first." Lu Lingxiao is also a little girl, her eyes are full of little stars.

Tan Ziyuan smiled wryly, what can she do? Losing to Arths, no temper at all.

With everyone watching, Arths reached into the box and took out a business card. "Team Vulcan, his opponent is...Team Monte Carlo."

The Vulcan team didn't change their face, and the Monte Carlo team was in mourning. It's miserable. This **** team is going to play for a round


Then Knights of the Round Table, Galaxy, North Carolina Rossi, etc. were selected as opponents in turn. The seeded teams are easy. As long as they are not particularly unlucky and advance with their eyes closed, of course they will be matched with Ji Fei The dog jumped and howled.

As for Tianjing's turn.

"Tianjing Jiwu," Wufa glanced at the business card and said, "The opponent is...Gundam Team from ROM!"

The entire Tianjing Academy is boiling bless Tianjing Jiwu, perfect, the Gundam team is the tenth place in ROM, as long as they don’t meet the seeded teams and high-ranking teams in each theater, the current Tianjing With Jing Jiwu's strength, he has great confidence to advance to the next round!

The heart and goal must be big, but the reality is placed in front of Tianjing Jiwu. Most people don't expect Tianjing Jiwu to make it to the quarter-finals or semi-finals, but they don't want to be eliminated in the first round. He is the patron saint of Tianjing Jiwu, the general of martial arts!

The Gundam Star Academy of ROM is also cheering, like a festival. As the tenth place in ROM, they don’t think they are weak. The ninth place in USE can’t make it into the top twenty on Mars. A puppet is a strong player, they can take away 4 to 1 or even 4 to 0, and they can become famous, lky!

Cheers to the academy that finds the opponent you like, but if you are unlucky and you meet a seeded player, you will cry like ghosts and wolves. This is probably completely hopeless, everyone is very murderous today.

(Thanks to Brother Fenghuoyanyu for his great support, to achieve the great cause of Yimeng. If there is more, we will make up for it as soon as possible. The S game will definitely do our best!! Because it is a knockout match, not all teams can play. The family members want to see who they will fight. arrange.)