Machine Storm

Chapter 565: chant ready warrior

A figure appeared behind him, he was slightly taken aback, but still nodded, "Yes, Your Royal Highness!"

Lothric, who was also born in Judgment Anthem, of course, has graduated for a long time, the Master Chief of Level 99, and is currently the Knight Commander of the Hall of Valor.

Although it violated his usual principles, somehow, after making the decision, Hermia was relieved for a while. Perhaps the dream was originally reversed, and he needed his own rescue.


Li Hao on the other side was suffering from hunger, so he was discovered by a few mechanical dogs. Although he had a good appetite, he couldn't chew this thing. Then...he passed the test, and the mechanical dogs would guide him to the verdict Psalm, because the dog's eyes are green, unlike the red ones in front, and they are not murderous.

Li Hao looked at the mechanical dog, and the mechanical dog looked at Li Hao, "Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"

mechanical dog...

"Haha, your advanced civilization must not make mistakes. It's okay, save me from doing it. That... I'm a little hungry, can I ride you over?" Li Hao asked, although the mechanical dog didn't speak, but so It is not an exaggeration for intelligent things to understand human speech.

Hermia kept watching, and finally couldn't hold back anymore, she giggled, and then recorded it with Xingxun, Li Hao was seriously lobbying the mechanical dog.

Turn on the control while recording, and soon the mechanical dog is under control. Thinking of the appearance of this human being, he suddenly became playful, "Are you rich?"

Seeing the mechanical dog speak human language, Li Hao couldn't help complaining in the middle of it. The banknote ability is really easy to use everywhere, "Just now I pretended not to understand, but the more you have, the more you are a dog. You are a dog, how much? I told you in advance that if it’s too expensive, I’ll go by myself.”

Seeing Li Hao seriously reasoning with the mechanical dog and bargaining, Hermia almost burst into tears when she laughed. Her Royal Highness, who has been suppressing herself, released her nature at this moment when no one was around. People are so fun, and humans are still so fun.

"One hundred gold coins." Hermia said that what she thinks is cheap can't be cheap. She just teased this human being. Since she decided to save him, she didn't intend to make things difficult.

As a result, Li Hao jumped up directly, "Why don't you go grab it, you lead the way, I will go by myself!"

Li Hao was furious, Li Hao only had 92 in a bag, this dog turned himself from rich to debt as soon as he opened his mouth, only a ghost could ride it!

"I figured it out, what kind of advanced civilization is all asking for money!" Li Hao said bitterly, and in the future, when he makes some powerful hymn, he will just charge Hermia so much that he can't breathe with laughter, 100 yuan, he Not even 100 yuan, how could someone not even have 100 yuan.

"If you carry me, I'll give you... 50 yuan!" Her Royal Highness has studied price, and the core is pulling and testing. 2 As a result, in the next second, Li Hao had already picked up the mechanical dog, "Boss, where are you going? Point me in the right direction. The mission must be accomplished. It's absolutely stable!"

Hermia, who watched all this, was almost dying of laughter. How could there be such a good person? The mechanical dog pointed in the direction of the base, and Li Hao ran away with the mechanical dog in his hand, with a strange smile on his lips .

After all, the other party is also kind.

The two laughing ones, and the orc hiding in the dark are dumbfounded, his claws are all sharpened, what the **** is this?

When Hermia heard the footsteps, she quickly wiped away her tears, and controlled her expression to control her expression... It's over, I couldn't control it anymore, Hermia ran away in a hurry, the noble and solemn princess can't lose her composure.

Seeing the disappearing figure of the mechanical dog, Knife Jun decided to make a move. He didn't know how this human passed the test, but the green eyes of the mechanical dog meant that he passed, which meant that other mechanical dogs also passed the test. I won't attack him. Once he enters the Judgment Hymn and wants to kill an official fighter, the sequelae will be too great.

Dao Kuzhen decided to kill the opponent, when suddenly a gust of wind passed by, Dao Kuzhen frowned, feeling a little dazed, a little dizzy, and then saw his lower body that had been cut flat.


With the appearance of one after another cracks, a burst of blood rained down.

Judgment hymn, located in the most prosperous Panazuo holy city in Emperor Wuxing

, Panama means the meaning of coming in the ancient sayings of heaven and man. In the era of the Galactic Empire, many strong men of this galaxy came from the Judgment Hymn.

After Tianren won the title of Master Chief, the best way to obtain Teigu is to take the key to judge the hymn and find the Teigu that fits the soul.

The Judgment Hymn is a city within a city, with a large scale. The famous holy mountain of Emperor Martial Star is in the Judgment Hymn, which is also the location of the Hall of Valor. The entire Hymn is shrouded in a huge energy holy light, and the center of the energy is In the chants, there is permeated energy of eternal life that all intelligent civilizations envy.

After ten days of fierce competition, the last batch of candidates was released. A total of 387 fighters from various civilizations were selected. Including the previous batches, a total of 862 candidates were recruited for this session of Judgment Anthem. This number is also unprecedented. , the standard of participation in the assessment is very high.

After arriving at the hymn, in the end Li Hao did not get the 50 yuan he was longing for. Hearing the broken laughter of the mechanical dog, Li Hao didn't know what to say. It should be a child with a better heart. It's been a while, and it should be because he saw the danger that he was given the qualification to pass, so let's just smile.

After being assigned a dormitory and receiving the robe of the Judgment Psalm, he groped for the material, and it might be able to sell for some money. When he learned that Li Hao didn't have a Xingxun yet, he got his own Xingxun in the strange eyes of the other party.

Open Xingxun is his personal information:

Li Hao, a civilized earth in the solar system, is a preparatory warrior for the Judgment Anthem, level 0, meritorious value 0, and has no missions.

There are also the rights and obligations of being a reserve soldier, etc., and with this status, Li Hao is no longer an unknown person.

The gravity of Emperor Martial Star is at 36.58. Of course, Li Hao is not adapting to gravity, but his strength has been growing in an uncontrollable way since participating in the selection, and his whole body is full of strength. After this star field, the vitality of the body is very strong. It seems that this planet is full of energy that can nourish living beings. When the orc wanted to attack him, Li Hao originally planned to teach him a lesson, but in the end he smashed the orc directly.

It's a shame about that equipment.

After the hymn, this situation seems to be intensified. The whole hymn is filled with an inexplicable huge power. This power is very nourishing, a bit similar to vitality, and it is very refreshing to soak his body in it all the time. It's comfortable, but you need to pay more attention to mastering the strength.

The place where Li Hao lives is a circular building, and one of the rooms is his. The environment is very advanced, but there is no big surprise. After settling in, Li Hao slipped out. There are a large number of residents on the periphery of the hymn. Heaven and man also have various civilizations. Generally, the place where the chants are located in each place is the most prosperous place. All kinds of creatures gather together. They like to travel and go shopping, and this is definitely the first choice. I hope that one day humans can freely travel to and from all planets in the Galaxy Alliance, just like heaven and man.

Anthem fighters have special costumes and signs, and they will be respected wherever they go. This doesn’t matter their race. In just a short while, Li Hao was mistaken for a Celestial Warrior many times. The products here are dazzling, from all over the Galaxy Alliance. There are all civilized ones, it really dazzles Li Hao, and Li Hao's mouth waters when it comes to food, and he's a bit useless, he and Zuo Xiaotang are good stutterers, simple and unpretentious hobbies, but their pockets are too small He was also embarrassed to eat Bawang Meal, so he could only refuse the store's enthusiasm. He had to say that the logistics was really fast. He actually saw cigarettes and alcohol from the solar system. After seeing the price, Li Hao was directly desperate.

After wandering around for a while, Li Hao went back. The consumption here is not suitable for him. Xingxun can replace all functions, and it also loads a small compressed space. As for gold coins, they are rarely in circulation, and most of them are exposed to new civilizations. Sometimes it will be given as a souvenir.

In the core circle of the hymn, because of the need to maintain awe of the Hall of Valor, the kind of fancy vehicles that fly around are prohibited. Back to the ring building, as soon as you enter the hall, you can see several novel appearances. star neighbor.

A tall and handsome celestial being with blond curly hair is talking eloquently, and a blue worm is familiar, although the appearance of worms is not easy to distinguish

, but this special color should be the one on the spaceship, a short man from the sea people, this one is too familiar, the sea people immediately burst into joy after seeing Li Hao.

"Human, human, you are not dead, wow, you are so lucky, how did you get in?" Kuta said happily.

Li Hao looked at the dwarf speechlessly, pretending to be confused, "Which one are you?"


"Haha, human, don't pretend, I'm Kuta, the great Helaves genius Offa!" Seeing his acquaintance, David Kuta's wrinkles smoothed out a lot, "Now we are a jurisdiction , don’t worry, don’t be afraid, if someone bullies you and gives my name in the future, I will cover you.”

Gaia has also been sizing up Li Hao, with a strange look in his eyes, this is the first human warrior to judge the hymn, and the judgment is notoriously difficult to enter, "Hello, Gaia Lastaya, Oz One of the top ten families of the Er Empire, in the world of heaven and man, Kuta's name may not be easy to use, but if you report my name, everyone will give three points of face."

Kuta on the side chuckled, "Haha, he likes to brag, the glory of Rastaya was decades ago, and you haven't won a seat in the Senate for a century, and you have already fallen out of the top ten!"

Gaia was not angry at all, and looked at Kuta cheerfully, "Anyway, Rastaya's surname is still great, and there are my ancestors in the Hall of Valor, it is my duty to restore the glory of the family, the great Rastaya is immortal!"

There is no doubt that Rastaya is still a big family even if it does not enter the Council of Elders. The main reason is that the Jincancan family of the Sea Clan is among the top three forces in the entire Guangsai territory of the Helaves Empire, and Kuta is The only legitimate son, his test is just a formality.

"Work hard, boy from UU Reading Rastaya, if you perform well, I can sponsor you." Kuta laughed, fully realizing his arrogance.

"How did your mouth survive until now?" Gaia yelled, "With my handsomeness and strength, the future is limitless, and now is the right time to invest!"

"Li Hao, from the earth, our solar system civilization has just joined the Galaxy Alliance, so we don't know the rules well, if there is anything inconsiderate, please forgive me." Li Hao said with a smile, feeling lucky that he didn't encounter that kind of bullying the weak Civilized, he really doesn't want to beat anyone.

"There are no rules, all civilizations are the same, the Star Alliance is like that, it's nothing special, we have been together since billions of light years, this is fate, maybe tens of thousands of years ago we were a family! "Gaia has no airs of heaven and man in him. "This buddy is the insect-human Qasimi from the colonial empire. It is very hard work for the insect-human to come here."

Compared with humans, insects are even less popular, because they do not use the Tianwu system, and civilization has maintained its unique independence after so many years, so the ruling is more responsible for maintaining communication and communication between insects and other civilizations. tool of presence.

Li Hao smiled, and glanced at the other party's little boy, "Yes, the three of us came here on the same boat."