Mad Doctor

Chapter 1432: deadlock

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Three large trucks came from outside the villa, military large trucks, and the goal was to come directly to the villa.

Seeing those three big trucks rushing in quickly, Ye Wutian raised his brows, who are these people? Why are you here? I can't find help myself.

I didn't find it myself. There is only one possibility. The people from these big trucks are all here to help the old lady Ma. Of course, there is also a possibility that these people are peacemakers.

The possibility of the latter is extremely small. First of all, not many people know that he will come here. Even if he does, it is unlikely that he will bring so many people to be a peacemaker.

After the three big trucks were parked outside the villa, the soldiers standing on the rear trucks with live ammunition in their hands got out one after another and came in neatly and quickly.

This sudden change made Ye Wutian realize that things were getting more and more complicated today.

Three large trucks, nearly 200 people, this battle made Ye Wutian speechless, but unfortunately, these soldiers were not here to help him.

The commander was a colonel, who trotted to the old lady Ma and saluted her with a standard military salute, "Report to the chief, Colonel Zhang Xiaojun has been ordered to come and protect the chief."

The old lady Ma breathed a sigh of relief. With these soldiers appearing, the situation would not get out of control. With these people coming, she could breathe a sigh of relief and regain control of the situation.

Pointing at Ye Wutian and others, the old lady Ma said: "Listen, they dare to move and kill."

"Yes." The colonel gave another military salute, and then ordered people to point guns at Ye Wutian and the others.

The sad Ye Wutian found that he was being pointed at the gun again, and this time it was even more exaggerated, nearly 200 guns, special ***, what is this called?

Ye Wutian underestimated the influence of the Ma family in the army. Even if the old man Ma was not there, the Ma family's influence in that area was still amazing, far from Ye Wutian's.

"Why didn't you give the order to shoot?" Ye Wutian didn't panic, but Mrs. Ma didn't immediately order the shooting, which made Ye Wutian feel relieved and at the same time puzzled. Madam Ma could have ordered people to be shot, but she didn't.

"In terms of sin, you are enough to die ten times," said the old lady Ma.

Ye Wutian did not deny that, based on what he did, let alone ten times, even a hundred times might not be enough to die, but so what? Who can help him?

"Old woman, you didn't let them shoot, so there must be more demands, right?" Ye Wutian asked with a smile, completely disregarding these guns.

"Ye Wutian, we have come this far, and it was entirely caused by you alone. In fact, there is no need for us to do this. I don't understand why you want to do this."

Ye Wutian, who sneered, asked back: "Are you asking me? These questions, you really shouldn't ask me, you should ask your grandson, or you should ask your own heart, I won't provoke you, Can you let me go? A big tree attracts the wind, I still understand this truth."

He didn't provoke the other party, and the other party couldn't let him go. In fact, from the beginning, Ye Wutian didn't deliberately provoke Ma Feng, and there was a little friction between the two. people

The Hongyan Group, in the final analysis, is also because the Hongyan Group is too ostentatious. Presumably this is the reason why the Ma family has been biting on it? Of course, until now, no one has said that they want to fight the Hongyan Group on any occasion.

"Come on, be direct, be honest, what do you want?"

Madam Ma didn't speak, but a middle-aged man beside her said, "Ye Wutian, what you committed today are all capital crimes."

"Hehe, listen to what you mean, that is to say, if I want to apologize for what happened today, I have to pay a little price?" Ye Wutian asked with a smile.

The other party kept his mouth shut, neither denied nor objected, his behavior already explained the problem.

Ye Wutian knew that he really guessed right, and people really came prepared. Perhaps, today this is a complete game. Two groups of people rushed out of the villa, which was the intention of the old lady Ma.


A bodyguard next to the old lady Ma suddenly shot, the target was not Ye Wutian, but a brother beside Ye Wutian.

The opponent's two shots were so surprising.

Seeing his subordinates fall in front of him, Ye Wutian was a mixed bag. He knew that this was Mrs. Ma's demonstration. He broke in today, with his identity, even if he ordered to shoot, no one dared to say it. what.



Today, the old lady Ma revealed her true purpose and her ambition, this is the real her.

"I will remember this account." Ye Wutian didn't have much anger, at this moment, all his anger was in his heart.

The answer to Ye Wutian was another two shots.

After the gunshots, his other brother fell in a pool of blood.

Ye Wutian was furious in his heart, raging anger burst out from his eyes, no one knew how angry he was at this time.

The old lady Ma in the wheelchair had a calm face. She had also seen strong winds and waves. What was the death of a few people to her?

"When they die, they die, and no one will be held responsible for their deaths, because they made mistakes today, and it's all because of you that they made mistakes." The middle-aged man next to the old lady Ma spoke again.

At this time, there was a mess of footsteps outside, Ye Wutian turned his head to look, but saw that all the brothers who had been arranged outside by him would all be brought in, sixteen, not a lot.

Seeing these being escorted in, Ye Wutian's heart began to sink. These are old lady Ma's bargaining chips. Right now, the situation is very unfavorable for him. How should he break the game?

These subordinates were brought in, and the disparity in numbers was too great. Let them be deserters, but they would not. Even if they knew they were defeated, the arrogance in their bones would not allow them to do so, and they were not allowed to be deserters. Lion head training The person who came out never had the word deserter in his mind.

"You want to use them to threaten me?" Ye Wutian saw through the old lady Ma's intentions.

The other party didn't speak, her silence was equivalent to default.

"Boss, I'm sorry." A bodyguard beside Ye Wutian was full of apologies, very embarrassed.

Ye Wutian smiled: "What does it have to do with you? You have tried your best, I can see it."

With Ye Wutian's comfort, those people felt better, "Boss, brothers, this life is yours. If you die for the company, we will die without regret."

The benefits of Hongyan Group are extremely powerful, far beyond what other companies can compare. Even if they die, the company will guarantee all their family's living expenses in the future. Of course, that is the last step. If they can live, no one wants to die.

At this time, there were several more sedans outside the villa, there were as many as eight, all of them came towards the villa.

Ye Wutian knew that today's events could no longer be kept low-key, and it became more and more lively.

Eight sedans came galloping, and after they stopped, the first and second leaders of Dongcheng appeared in everyone's field of vision. In addition, there were Xu Yuanhua, Zheng Zhongren, and some people Ye Wutian didn't know. Of course, if you can come here, just not simple.

As soon as a group of people walked to the gate of the villa, they were stopped by the ruthless soldiers. Without an order, they would not let anyone in.

The interesting thing is that the old lady Ma didn't mean to let go, and just left a large number of people there.

Load thirteen!

This is Ye Wutian's evaluation of the old woman Ma, paralyzed, what is it? What to wear? Selling the old with the old, not the old man Ma, this dead old woman is nothing, still pretending?

"So many of you, are you coming to see me, the old woman?" the old woman Ma asked, her tone cold.

These words made the foreheads of the people outside sweat. It doesn't sound like it, but if you listen carefully, you are blaming them no matter what.

"Do you know what happened today? I'm so old that I almost died here, do you see the ground? Did you see those corpses? What did you all do when it happened? Look at the security here, and see what you've done. "The older the old lady Ma said, the more severe she became. In the end, she made the first and second leaders of Dongcheng want to find a hole to get in, which is a slap in the face.

"Okay." Ye Wutian was very annoyed to hear it, "Old lady, put away your suit, why bother them? Tell me your purpose."

Madam Ma waved her hand gently, signaling the soldiers to let those people in.

"Chief, it's our dereliction of duty that makes you always frightened." Brother Dongcheng said, he can't afford to offend the old woman in front of him. Although the old chief Ma is no longer there, the strength of the Ma family is not what they can afford to offend. of.

"Humph! Neglect? Does anyone still care about my old bones?"

"I'm grass." Ye Wutian couldn't help but scolded loudly.

His words made many people sweat, and he swears in public, this guy is really not ordinary tough.

The old lady Ma kept her expression still, and said, "Since everyone is here, let's talk about it, what are you going to do with it?"

This is pressure!

Many people present felt embarrassed. Today's incident made them feel embarrassed. Ye Wutian is not an ordinary person, so he directly arrested him like this?

Ye Wutian can't be arbitrarily arrested, but, with this scene in front of him, if he doesn't arrest Ye Wutian, how can Mrs. Ma be satisfied? This is a difficult problem.

"What? Don't talk? Do you think my old woman is deliberately messing around? In that case, what are you doing standing here? Let's all go, I don't need you to worry about this old woman."

Ye Wutian hated her teeth so much that she had known each other for so long, and only today did she know that she was also a shameless person, and she was shameless even when she stood upright.

"Call Xiao I want to see how he is the parent." The old lady Ma said to the assistant.

Others don't know who Xiao Lu is, but the people in Dongcheng's teams are quite aware of who Xiao Lu is in the mouth of Mrs. Ma. Isn't that the leader of Longsheng?

"Enough, old woman, people are doing it, God is watching, a handful of old people, be careful about retribution."

"Young man, you have committed such a big thing, do you want to leave?" There was a trace of murderous intent on the face of the old lady Ma.

"After talking for a long time, don't you want to hit my company's idea?" Ye Wutian was disdainful and angry, thinking of the other party's sinister intentions, Ye Wutian was angry and pointed at the two on the ground just now. The brother who was beaten to death: "The two of them, you pay 2 billion, and I will assume that this incident did not happen today."

Everyone gasped and was frightened by Ye Wutian's arrogance.

Is Ye Wutian crazy? He is crazy, but asking the other party to pay 2 billion is just an excuse, an excuse that can be done.

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