Mad Doctor

Chapter 540: Bloody Cherry Blossoms

Looking at the person in front of him, Ye Wutian was vigilant.

Ninja? Ye Wutian's gun is still pointed at the other party, the other party's dress is obviously a ninja.

The opponent's right hand holding the samurai sword was dripping blood on the ground, and he was injured.

Seeing the other party, for some unknown reason, Ye Wutian suddenly felt a sense of intimacy. The ninja in front of him reminded Uncle Ye of Xue Ying, where did the girl go? Why haven't you come to see him for so long? Doesn't she miss him at all? At any rate, the two of them have already gone through that, so she really doesn't miss the old feelings at all?

"You want to kill me?" Ye Wutian asked, not daring to be careless at all, even if the other party was injured, he could still feel a hint of danger.

The other party stared at Ye Wutian, and then suddenly without a word, he raised his samurai sword and rushed towards Ye Wutian.

"Bang bang bang!"

Three shots in a row!


Unexpectedly, the opponent blocked three bullets with just a wave of the katana in his hand.

This time, Uncle Ye is a little dumbfounded, shit! This strength is also **** powerful, right? Can you block bullets with just a swing of a knife?

Ye Wutian's scalp is a little numb, and the opponent can still block bullets with a gun when he is injured. This kind of strength is probably beyond the scope of mortals, right? The speed of the bullet is so fast, the opponent can actually be a few points faster than the speed of the bullet.


No wonder it's not unreasonable to say that ninjas are one of the most terrifying monsters in the world.

Ye Wutian wanted to shoot again, but the bullet was gone, so he waved his left hand, and the powder in his hand scattered like a goddess scattered flowers.

Seeing this, the other party immediately stepped back a few steps to avoid the powder, and the other party also threw two darts at Ye Wutian while retreating.

Be quick!

Ye Wutian took a lot of effort to successfully avoid it, but he broke out in a cold sweat. It was not easy to avoid those two darts at such a close distance.

The other party saw that Ye Wutian was able to retreat, and his eyes suddenly shot with a bright light. When he touched his hand, there were four more darts in his hand. Just when he was about to greet Ye Wutian with darts, suddenly, an accident happened, and his whole body seemed to be stunned. As if taking time, he fell to the ground with a thud.

Seeing that Ye Wutian finally brought down the other party, this fellow was completely relieved, paralyzed, and almost confessed here.

Although the other party was good, he did not panic, but there was a strange look in his eyes.

Ye Wutian also felt strange, but the other party covered his face, so he could only see the other party's eyes, what does this kid mean? Shouldn't it be stupid? Are you happy to be controlled?

"Who sent you here?" Ye Wutian bent down and tore off the cloth on the other's face.

After tearing off the cloth on the other side's face, Ye Wutian was a little disappointed, because the other side was a man, and he wasn't ugly, but he had nothing to do with Shuai. disappointed.

"Answer my question, who asked you to come?" Ye Wutian asked again, "My patience is limited, don't challenge my patience again."

"Jun Ye, save Xue Ying," the other party said.

Ye Wutian was startled, full of incomprehension, does the other party know Xue Ying?

"Xueying is very dangerous, please save her, Ye Jun." The other party said again.

"What's up with her?"


Ye Wutian's heart tightened: "Who caught it?"

"The Yamaguchi Gang."

"What? It's the Yamaguchi Gang again? I'm paralyzed. I couldn't settle the bill with them last time." Hearing the Yamaguchi Gang, Ye Ye's anger was not a single source of attention.

"Ye Jun, please be sure to save her." The other party's expression was eager, his eyes were sincere, and he didn't seem to be fake.

"She asked you to come to me?"

The other party shook his head: "I came by myself, she is being held, and I can't see her."

Ye Wutian thought about it for a while, and then asked, "Why didn't your organization take action?" Ye Wutian has always been puzzled by this matter. The organization where Xue Ying belongs is not a vegetarian. Can those people tolerate Xue Ying being arrested?


The other party suddenly spewed out a blood arrow.

Ye Wutian was secretly shocked, this guy was not lightly injured.

"The organization has abandoned Xue Ying, and the organization cooperates with the Yamaguchi Gang." The other party said after wiping the blood on the corner of his mouth.

"What's the reason?" Ye Wutian asked, "Why did the Yamaguchi Gang want to catch Xue Ying?"

"Xue Ying secretly found out that her parents were probably killed by the Yamaguchi Gang."

Ye Wutian was stunned.

"Ye Jun, only you can save her, please be sure to save her."

Ye Wutian answered the question: "Did you just want to test me?"

The other side nodded.

Uncle Ye was a little speechless, he didn't know what to say, why are all these people like this? Always like to test the strength of others? Just now, if he didn't avoid it, what would be the consequences? Incredible!

"Aren't all ninjas cold-blooded? What's the matter with you?"

The other party hesitated a little. After a while, he looked at Ye Wutian: "I grew up with Xueying, trained together, and performed tasks together."

Ye Wutian suddenly asked: "You fell in love with her?"

This time, the other party did not answer Ye Wutian's question, but his silence was enough to explain the problem.

"What's wrong with your injury?" Ye Wutian asked again.

"Organize, send a large number of masters to hunt me down." Speaking of this, the other party vomited blood again.

Ye Wutian frowned even tighter, took out a pill and threw it over. He didn't like ninjas, and he didn't care about the life and death of the ninja in front of him. Uncle Ye was afraid that the other party would hang up before he finished asking, and he would go crazy. of.

After swallowing the pill, the other party looked better, "They knew I wanted to report, so they sent someone to deal with me."

Ye Wutian stood still and didn't say a word. He didn't know if it was true or not. Could it be a game? He cared about Xue Ying's life and death, but he was not so confused that when he heard Xue Ying came out, he threw his brain out. Thinking, not for being caught by doors.

"Ye Jun, please save her, only you can save her."

"Why am I the only one who can save her? What is the reason?" Ye Wutian was very curious about this question. "You're good at it, and you can save her too."

The other party said: "I was cultivated by the organization. They know me very well, including my martial arts. If I make a shot, there is no chance of winning, but it will kill Xueying."

Ye Wutian is more curious and puzzled.

"The Yamaguchi Gang and my organization both want to lure you over, and they want to beat your Qingchengwan idea."

Ye Wutian was stunned by this, the Yamaguchi Gang wanted to use blood cherry blossoms as bait? Most importantly, how did the other party know that he cared about Xue Ying?

The more he thought about it, the more scared he became, and when he thought about it at the end, Ye Wutian almost broke out in a cold sweat.

"I killed the subordinate of Ye Jun last time, and I led the team that time." The other party threw a heavy bomb again.

After a brief absence, Ye Wutian's murderous aura poured out: "Wu Dong was killed by you?"

The other party didn't seem to take Ye Wutian's murderous aura in his eyes at all: "It's me."

"Since it was you who killed it, do you still dare to come to me?" At this moment, Ye Wutian regretted that he had just given a pill to the opponent, paralyzed, and tried to save his enemy.

"As long as Xue Ying can be saved, I don't care how much it costs."

"Damn you!"

"Jun Ye, I can't live anymore." The other party said, tore off his clothes and pointed to Ye Wutian's chest, "Do you still want to kill me now?"

Ye Wutian sucked in a breath of cold air and forgot his anger. This guy was injured so badly, and he still managed to survive until now. I have to say, this is a miracle!

There is an obvious stab wound on the opponent's chest, which should also be injured by a samurai sword, and began to have inflammation.

"Who helped you last time?" Ye Wutian suddenly thought of a very important question. He had always suspected that it was the Yang family, but he had been suffering from no evidence.

"As long as Ye Jun saves Xue Ying, I can tell you everything I know."

Ye Wutian is happy, this guy intends to sell his organization completely for the sake of Xue Ying, is this also a red face in anger?

Who says ninjas are cold-blooded? It now appears that ninjas are not all cold-blooded.

"You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me." Ye Wutian said coldly: "It's all this time, and the other party is still playing this game with him?"

"It was a man named Zhuo who joined us."

Ye Wutian madly sweats, what kind of clue is this? There are too many surnames Zhuo in the world, of course, at least there is a clue.

"His skills are very good, people from the Tenglong Gang." The other party said again.

Ye Wutian was shocked, Tenglong Gang? Isn't the Tenglong Gang exactly Yang Langzi's gang?

Sure enough it was him!

Ye Wutian clenched his hands tightly into fists, he had always suspected that it was Yang Langzi, but now it seems that his suspicions were not wrong, it really was Yang Langzi.

Thinking of Wu Dong's tragic death, thinking of his wife's helplessness and sadness, Ye Wutian's face became even colder, "Yang Langzi!"

"Ye Jun, please!" The other party fell back and died!

Ye Wutian looked blankly at the corpse on the ground. If he shot just now, he should be very sure to save the other party, but he didn't do it and didn't plan to do it, especially when he knew that the other party was the murderer of Wu Dong. At that time, he even had an idea in his Even if the other party didn't die, he would kill him to avenge Wu Dong.

Surnamed Zhuo, Tenglong Gang, there is such a clue, enough.

Getting into the car, Ye Wutian didn't leave in a hurry, thinking about Xue Ying in his mind, how should he take action to save him? The dead ninja just now said that the Yamaguchi Gang and the ninja organization wanted to use the blood sakura as bait.

For this, Ye Wutian believed that the Yamaguchi Gang had always wanted Qingcheng Pill.

Before today, Ye Wutian always thought that his previous layout was very clever, but he was still recognized by others. It seems that he underestimated Yang Langzi.

Ye Wutian thought about it a lot, and realized that if he wanted to save Xue Ying, he alone was not enough. He couldn't be like the description in the novel. , broke into Longtan Tiger's Den alone and rescued people.

It was a trap, the other was waiting for him to jump the trap, and he was not careless. Thinking of this, as soon as Ye Wutian stepped on the accelerator, he had to find two helpers.

Just as Ye Wutian was talking to this ninja, Yang Langzi also received a mysterious call, "Jun Yang, I have something to trouble you."