Mad Doctor

Chapter 909: tacit understanding is not enough

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Chapter 914 Chapter 914: The tacit understanding is not enough

"Xiaotian, go out and wait for me, I have to think about it." Che Huishan is not very confident in this job. The elites sitting next to them are all dressed up as returnees, and their competitors are so powerful. Che Huishan lacks confidence.

Ye Wutian said: "It's okay, Sister Shan, think about it, I won't move, I won't speak, you can think of you, I'll just sit silently."

Seeing Ye Wutian say this, Che Huishan was also quite helpless and no longer insisted.

"Sister Shan, why don't you go to work in my company." Ye Wutian suddenly said.

Che Huishan turned her head to look at Ye Wutian, "What? Want to sympathize with you, Sister Shan, and me?"

"Khan! Where is sympathy? I'm not reconciled to being absorbed by other companies, Sister Shan. What is the most lacking thing in the 21st century? The most lacking thing is talent. What company won't take a talent like Sister Shan? Want it?" At the end, Ye Wutian added in his heart, I don't want Sister Shan to be taken advantage of by other men, I have to take advantage of it.

Of course, he didn't dare to say this sentence to kill Uncle Ye, otherwise he would be despised.

Che Huishan's face was hot, "How can I say it so well? Your little mouth will find something nice to say."

"Look at my eyes, Sister Shan, don't you realize that I'm serious?" Ye Wutian thought, how much more than a small mouth can I say? I'm still very good at kissing, and all women who have been kissed by me have no strength to resist.

"Okay, in the future, if Sister Shan can't get along, she will go to your company to do it. Then you don't turn your face and don't recognize people." Che Huishan smiled.

Ye Wutian was disappointed for a while, Che Huishan's words already explained the problem, she refused.

"Sister Shan, what's wrong with going to my company? At least it's all my own." Ye Wutian asked reluctantly.

Che Huishan was made a big red face again, who is her own person? This little **** really talks nonsense.

"How about this? If you don't succeed in the interview this time, then go to work in my company, how about that?" Ye Wutian suggested.

"I still have a good job to interview." Che Huishan declined again.

Ye Wutian pretended not to hear, "It's such a happy decision. If you don't succeed today, Sister Shan, you will go to work in our company. Anyway, Feifei is also in the company, and you happen to have a company."

Che Huishan looked helpless, but she was actually a little moved in her heart.

She really doesn't have much confidence in this job today, but she also doesn't want to work in Tianxin Hongyan Group, at least not for the time being.

Ye Wutian grinned and smiled happily. This fellow thought beautifully, hoping that Sister Shan would fail this time. At the same time, he also looked at the so-called elites next to him, cheering them up with his eyes, hoping that they would fail. If you can succeed, you need to bless those people in person.

"Chairman." At the front desk, the clerk mm shouted, and the voice from the front desk mm also caught the attention of several people from Che Huishan, especially those elites, who were sitting upright and standard, and at this time it was even more The waist can be used as a ruler, which is very exaggerated.

Following the direction of the voice, everyone quickly saw the chairman of the clerk mm, and they all hoped to give a good impression to the chairman of the company.

The other party appeared in front of everyone, but when he saw the other party, Ye Wutian was stunned, and his first reaction was to think, shit! The world can't be that small, can it? Can this happen too?

When Ye Wutian discovered the other party, the other party also discovered Ye Wutian, and was equally stunned. Obviously, he did not expect to see Ye Wutian here.

After the surprise, the other party was more surprised, and hurriedly walked towards Ye Wutian.

Ye Wutian was also secretly happy when he saw the other party. It seemed that God really helped him. As long as he secretly 'reminds' the other party, Sister Shan's application for today's job would be in vain.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, but Ye Wutian quickly thought that he couldn't get to know the other party. Thinking of this, he immediately shook his head gently towards the other party.

The person in front was Ding Shengsheng. He never dreamed that Ye Wutian would come here, and he always wanted to find an opportunity to rebuild his relationship with Ye Wutian.

After receiving Ye Wutian's hint, Ding Shengsheng guessed what Ye Wutian meant after a little thought, so he quickly calmed down, but still walked towards Ye Wutian.

The other elites next to him sank to the bottom of their hearts when they saw this. It was over. It seems that this chairman is also a person who sympathizes with fragrance and jade.

In their opinion, Ding Shengsheng was heading towards Che Huishan, thinking that Ding Shengsheng found Che Huishan after entering the door just now, and his face was excited.

Several elites did not know that Ding Shengsheng was actually coming for Ye Wutian.

Ding Shengsheng, who came to the front, did not say hello to Ye Wutian, and did not dare to ruin Ye Wutian's good deeds. In this regard, Ye Wutian secretly praised that Ding Shengsheng was also a smart person.

With Ding Shengsheng's cooperation, his 'conspiracy' will be successful today. Uncle Ye was secretly happy when he thought that he would soon be able to meet his beautiful royal sister in the evening.

"This lady, what's your surname?" Ding Shengsheng came to Che Huishan and took the initiative to say hello.

Ye Wutian rolled his eyes when he heard it, this old man is too direct, so he is not afraid that others will suspect him of lust?

Sure enough, Che Huishan raised her eyebrows lightly. She didn't know the other party, and she believed that the other party didn't know her either. In this case, the other party took the initiative to come over to say hello, so Che Huishan naturally classified the other party as a womanizer.

At this moment, Che Huishan began to consider whether this company was right for her. She didn't want to work with a smug boss all day, no matter how high the salary was.

After thinking about it, Che Huishan politely handed over her resume, "Hello Chairman, this is my resume."

In this situation, the few elites standing beside them were already disheartened, knowing that they had nothing to do next, and they could leave.

Or beauties are popular, under the same position, beauties just take advantage.

Several elites complained that it was unfair, but how could there be any fairness in this world? The reality is cruel and helpless, and they can't change it.

"It turned out to be Miss Che, hello, nice to meet you." Ding Shengsheng stretched out his hand with a smile.

"Hello, Chairman."

"Miss Che is here to apply for the position of HR director?"

"Yes." Che Huishan was still confused.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My surname is Ding. Miss Che, you can call me Lao Ding or Brother Ding." Ding Shengsheng introduced himself.

Everyone was stunned inside and out, **** it! What is this all about? Old Ding? Brother Ding? Why didn't he directly ask Che Huishan to call him her husband? Still old?

The few elites next to this meeting can no longer be described as disappointment. They are completely desperate, and they dare not have any illusions about this job.

Ding Shengsheng didn't care what the elites thought, he only thought about how to satisfy Ye Wutian. He finally caught such an opportunity, and he naturally wouldn't miss it.

"Miss Che, please talk to the office." Ding Shengsheng sent an invitation.

Che Huishan hesitated for a while and said, "Mr. Ding, they came before me, look."

"Haha, it doesn't matter." Ding Shengsheng smiled: "Ms. first, I don't think they will say anything."

Seeing Ding Shengsheng say this, Che Huishan also wanted to go into the office, but when she saw the weird expressions of several elites next to her, she suddenly changed her mind: "Mr. Ding, let's queue up, now we advocate gender equality, we can be bad. rules."

Ding Shengsheng was dumbfounded, and at the same time he saw Ye Wutian next to Che Huishan with a dark face, thinking that Ye Wutian was dissatisfied with what he did, and he was so stunned that he didn't care so much, and said directly: "Well said, as expected of Miss Che, it's too good to say, there is equality between men and women, who says women are inferior to men? Miss Che, when I see you today, I regret getting to know you late. To be honest, there has been a headhunting company for a long time. I mentioned you to me, and it really lives up to its reputation, that's it, you are the personnel director of our company, Miss Che, please rest assured Miss Che in terms of salary, although our company may not be the highest, but it will definitely stand on the top."

Ding Shengsheng's words made everyone stupid, including Ye Wutian, they couldn't turn around for a while, damn! What the **** is going on here? Ding Shengsheng is so uncooperative, what does he want to do?

Several elites nodded after hearing Ding Shengsheng's words, and then left with a tacit understanding.

After so many years in the workplace, they can lose, and they have lost, but it is the first time that they have lost so inexplicably today.

"Mr. Ding, this." Che Huishan was at a loss, not to mention others, she was very strange herself, even before the formal interview, Ding Shengsheng hired her?

After interrupting Che Huishan's words, Ding Shengsheng said, "That's it, Miss Che, you are welcome to join us."

Che Huishan stood there in a daze, thinking that she was just dreaming.

When chatting with Che Huishan, Ding Shengsheng still glanced at Ye Wutian from time to time, thinking that he could win Ye Wutian's favor by doing this, but he didn't know that it would be better if he didn't look at Ye Wutian, but he saw Ye Wutian's His face darkened even more.

Ding Shengsheng was beating a drum in his heart, isn't he still satisfied? Everything has been done according to Mr. Ye's wishes, and Mr. Ye is still not satisfied?

Suddenly Ding Shengsheng's eyes lit up and he wanted to slap himself, how could he forget it? How could the person who deserves Ye Wutian's personal company be an ordinary person? What's more, Che Huishan is so beautiful, she can guess what's going on with her toes, there must be some kind of intimate relationship with Ye Wutian.

The Hongyan Group is so big, but Ye Wutian didn't arrange Che Huishan in his own company. Obviously, he didn't want to cause chaos in his harem, so he thought of arranging Che Huishan to another company. That's right, absolutely.

Ye Wutian's face darkened, he must be dissatisfied with Che Huishan's position.

"Let's do it, Miss Che, it's a good job to use your strength as a personnel director. It just so happens that my company still lacks a vice president, so I think it's up to you." Ding Shengsheng bites the price to increase the price, in fact, the company does not lack any vice president at all. All in all, it was entirely on Ye Wutian's face.

In the next second, Che Huishan was instantly dumbfounded, her **** mouth was so wide open that she couldn't come back to her senses for a long time, strange! The situation today cannot be described as bizarre.

Ding Shengsheng, who thought he was smart, thought that Ye Wutian would like this next time, so he vacated a vice-president position for Che Huishan, and he was worthy of Ye Wutian, but when he looked at Ye Wutian, the other party's face was even darker. heavier. (m)