Mad Son-in-law

Chapter 405: To avoid future troubles

After Zan Xichuan received the five ghosts, the toss of the night was nearing its end.

Frightened and exhausted, the crowd ate hastily, and slept in their clothes.

Early the next morning, Zan Xichuan took Wang Jie, Lin Huang and Zhang Dabiao out.

The old liar held a compass in his hand and walked along the edge of the mountain. Finally, on a mound, he found a new grave that was less than two years old. Obviously, there are traces of new soil on the head of the tomb, which shows that someone did open the tomb yesterday, and 100% of the grains came from this.

"Brothers, work harder, take it away!" Zan Xichuan took a few willow branches and inserted it around the tomb, opening only the southwest opening.

Tossing too late last night, Zhang Dabiao still looks sleepy at the moment.

"Lao Zan, grab the grave again. Didn't we go out this time without reading the almanac? What's the matter? Picking up two graves in one night!"

Lin Huang saw Zhang Dabiao's exhaustion, so he took the initiative to say: "You did your best last night, I will come this time!"

"Forget it, let's dig together, time is not waiting, Aunt Liu's child is still asleep!" Without a word, Wang Jie picked up his shovel and digged.

Seeing that Wang Jie had done it, Zhang Dabiao stopped muttering. The four of them took advantage of the fact that there was no one at the foot of the mountain in the early morning. After a while, they dug up the grave.

Because time is not long, the coffin underground is still very new. However, unexpectedly, this month, there was still a layer of white ice ballast around the coffin.

"Old Zan, what's going on?" Wang Jie asked.

Zan Xichuan said: "The grievance is cold, and the hostility is overcast. This tomb owner lost the ghost food. Last night, the hostess was so frustrating, and there was a sign of life-threatening. Therefore, the rainwater seeping around was frozen into ice. Good The location of this tomb is pretty good, it has blocked a lot of evil spirits, otherwise, last night Aunt Liu's children, and the sister-in-law, the stinky lady, would be dead!"

"What about it?"

"Open the coffin!" Zan Xichuan said calmly.

It was dawn anyway, and they were frightened again last night. Wang Jie and the others were very courageous this time. After hearing Zan Xichuan's words, apart from anything else, the four of them jumped into the grave and lifted the lid of the coffin directly.

Good guy, a stench came directly from the coffin.

It wasn't the rotten breath of the tomb owner. For more than a year, the tomb owner had already rotten and left a skeleton of bones. It was a dead weasel that gave off the smell. It seemed that someone had his head shredded and thrown in, and the blood happened to drip on the head of the dead corpse.

"This person is too bad, he used the blood of the weasel to seduce his soul. This is because he wants to kill us!" A thought came out of Zan Xichuan's heart. This method is also a secret technique in the door, and there are not many people who know it. Could it be that he was the one who fought with him in the air last night?

Wang Jie said: "Old Zan, what's wrong, your face is not good."

Zan Xichuan shook his head and said, "It's okay. The porcelain pillow under the dead man's head has been taken away, so it is impossible for us to make up for the ghost food to make peace. Moreover, the skeleton was sprinkled with weasel blood. , The corpse will be changed sooner or later. This thing may come out to harm people in three to five years, so we simply burned it to avoid future troubles!"

Zhang Dabiao frowned and said, "How do you burn it? It rained all night last night, and there was no dry firewood around, and we didn't bring gasoline and other things..."

"This burning is not the other burning! Look at me!"

As Zan Xichuan said, he jumped down to the grave, fumbled and took out a small paper bag from his pocket to open it, then gritted his teeth again, pouting, spitting out a smear of blood in his mouth, the contents of the small paper bag actually screamed At once, a faint blue flame emerged.

The three of them saw it strangely, but Zan Xichuan calmly threw the things in his hands into the coffin, and the dense and white bones also showed a slight flame.

At this moment, the white skeleton suddenly moved, and the skeleton's hands and feet danced wildly, as if to get up!

"I. Grass!" The three exclaimed, and they were about to retreat.

Zan Xichuan was very calm, stretched out his left hand, made a handprint, and said lightly: "Go, go..."

With the swing of his finger, the struggling bone immediately lay in the coffin again.

At the same time, it seemed that a few shadows flew out.

Before a while, a white skeleton wrapped in black skin became black and gray...

"It's done!" Zan Xichuan let out a sigh of relief. But he didn't come up immediately, instead he looked up at the sky inadvertently.

Wang Jie discovered that looking to the sky seemed to be a frequent action by Zan Xichuan. I really don't know what he is looking at.

If I remember correctly, Zan Xichuan did this action last night at Moon Bay.

"Lao Zan, I have worked hard for you this time!" Wang Jie said sincerely.

Zhang Dabiao said: "Great liar, starting tomorrow, I am going to change my name to you, and I will not call you a big liar anymore. I call you Master Zan. I am 100% sure now, you are really a cow. Let me put it this way. , If Brother Jie is King Wu, you are Old Jiang, if Brother Jie is King Qin, then you are Xu Maogong. If Brother Jie is Chao Gai, you are Gongsun Sheng, if he is Zhu Yuanzhang, you are Bowen Liu, if you say He is Ximenqing, and you are the wife..."

"Certainly, what kind of words can you have in your mouth!" Zan Xichuan climbed up and said seriously: "Go back, the child should be awake!"

When Wang Jie and the four of them returned, Liu Huilan's son had already woke up.

Although her sister-in-law also woke up, she was contaminated by the dark green mucus last night, and she felt as if she had lost her soul, taciturn and lost all her vigor, as if she had changed a person. As for her uncle who escaped and suffered the evil spirits of the five ghosts, it was a bit more miserable and crazy. A man hiding in the corner talking crazy, pointing at the blank wall and laughing, insisting that there are five naked women in front of him...

"Your sister-in-law should be able to recover after a period of cultivation. As for him, he may be crazy for a lifetime!" Zan Xichuan said.

Liu Huilan sighed and said, "It is enough to be domineering with me. This time, they have done too much..."

Zhang Dabiao said coldly: "This can be regarded as evil and retribution, purely self-inflicted."

After handling the affairs of Liu Huilan's house, Wang Jie took the first step and returned to Yancheng. After so many things happened, Liu Huilan needed to stay at home for a few days to deal with it. Wang Jie asked her not to worry, and even specially left her one hundred thousand yuan. Although the money is not much, Wang Jie understands that literacy will save people, but fighting rice will harm people. If he keeps too much money, he might harm them...

Before leaving, Zan Xichuan specifically confessed that the child would burn paper for the lone grave on the front mountain every year on the Sanyuan Ghost Festival. With the help of this female ghost, if he does not do evil, luck should not be wrong.

As for the village chief who was hanged, it became a lot of news in the local area afterwards. However, after checking and checking, I didn't find out why it came, and it was nothing. However, people often see a long shadow like a village chief wandering in the woods of Qianshan. It is said that there is still a shackle hanging on his neck...