Mad Son-in-law

Chapter 441: try it yourself

Miyano is a veteran of shopping malls, if it is not an important business, he rarely shows up.

Taking charge of the grand meeting is a major event, and he believes that in theory Beishi has no counterattack, so this appeared in the grand conference room.

Although he treats others in dirty ways and acts nasty, he cherishes his so-called "feather" very much. He does not allow himself to fail, let alone defeat in the hands of the Huaxia people he despise. However, whatever he was afraid of, just as he arrogantly prepared to humiliate Beishi, a discordant voice came from outside the meeting room.

"Who? Who's outside? It's unreasonable to speak loudly." Jun Miyano scolded angrily.

After speaking, his eyes dazzled, and the branch director hurried out to check with wintry.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the door, the branch president was stunned, then staggered back and stuttered: "It's them, Mr. Miyano, the big thing is not good, they are here..."

"In a panic, what's your style? After thinking about it, what's the matter?" Miyano scolded loudly.

The branch president hurriedly adjusted his body and bowed and said: "Return to Mr. Miyano, it is Wang Jie, it is Wang Jie here..."

"How is it possible?" Miyano didn't believe it at all, and couldn't help sneering at him.

"Why is that impossible? In the eyes of Mr. Miyano, Wang Jie is a trash that can't get on the table?" With a light smile, Wang Jie finally appeared at the door of the conference room, following Zhang Dabiao and Lin Huang They also appeared behind them, and the two of them carried a security guard guarded by Hayao Miyano at the door, and threw them in.

"He is Wang Jie? So young!"

"Yes, I heard that he is the grandson that the Yancheng Wang family only recently recognized, and he is highly regarded by Wang Bojun!"

"How did I hear that his father was the famous Wang Hongyuan back then?"

"So what? No matter how hard the Wang family is this time, it's settled, and the turbid water victory is set."

The appearance of the three Wang Jie caused a commotion on the scene. Whether it's people with muddy waters or people of great age, they all started to talk about it. Although they don't know what trump cards Wang Jie will have in his hand, one thing is obvious, that is, this meeting will not go so smoothly!

Jun Miyano shook his head and said loudly: "Wang Jie? Are you the young master Wang who hid like a mouse in Yangcheng?"

"It's right here." Wang Jie said with a smile: "It doesn't matter whether it looks like a mouse, it's the most important thing to live. Now, don't I just show up in front of Mr. Miyano?"

"Huh. The fish that slipped through the net, it's nothing!" Jun Miyano condensed: "Boy, don't be arrogant. Knowing that you are a second-hand man, you have some skills. But don't forget, this is a huge shareholder meeting. You are not qualified to stand here."

Bei Shiqiang supported his unhealed body and shouted loudly: "Mr. Wang Jie is my guest. I am still the chairman of the great grand chairman, and it is not your turn to give orders."

"Chairman? What kind of chairman are you?" Hayao Miyano said with a grin: "Just yourself, and consider yourself as a green onion. I inform you that I have united many shareholders and officially banned your chairmanship. You The official resignation announcement of Mr. Wang will also be released immediately after the end of the board of directors. Mr. Beishi, please enjoy this last moment of your own glory, and leave others alone. Come on, drive out the honorable Mr. Wang and his party... Ah no no no, I'm impolite, so please go out. Haha."

After Miyano finished speaking, he turned to look at Wang Jie directly, and muttered: "You said I gave Zonghai so much money. How did this grandson make it so that he still put the messy people in. It seems, this The native dog is still unreliable."

"Who are you scolding as a mess?" Zhang Dabiao scolded angrily.

"What do you mean? Don't you have this self-knowledge?" Miyano said contemptuously.

"Mr. Miyano, you should save the province!" Wang Jie said with a smile: "Do you think that if he can stop me, can I still come in? What's the skill? You and I can do it with real swords and guns." As for Zonghai, tsk tsk, sorry, you may not be able to count on it anymore."

Miyano frowned and blurted out: " bought Zonghai?"

"No!" Wang Jie sneered: "I don't have the wealth of you, so I am willing to give hundreds of millions to the gangsters to sell my life for myself. I, Wang Jie, was born with mud legs. I don’t like to give money to gangsters. I like to use it. Fist to speak."

"What do you mean? You said you dare to join Zong Haihuo? Who are you scaring!" Jun Miyano said loudly: "Even if you are a gangster, in Yangcheng, you can't find a second force, dare to make peace. Zong Haiyi is higher and lower."

"Yes, I don't dare to fight with Zong Hai in Yangcheng, but I only need to take him down alone." Wang Jie grinned wildly and said: "Have you heard a word? Shoot people first and shoot horses. , Catch the thieves and the king first. I can’t do anything about desperadoes, but I have a solution for those bosses who enjoy the life of the rich. If you don’t believe me, you can make a call and try..."

Miyano will be suspicious. He couldn't believe it, how could Wang Jie take Zong Hai?

Without a word, the branch director on the side dialed the phone.

As soon as the phone rang, it was connected over there.

"Boss Hai, where are you? What do your people do to eat? The wolves have come!"

After hesitating for a few seconds on the phone, Zong Hai said in a low tone, "I'm sorry...please...please tell Mr. Miyano, I...I, Zongmou will not do this business."

"What? Zong Hai, do you know who you are talking to. Annoyed by the muddy water, you don't want to live anymore!" The branch president threatened loudly in shock.

"It's because I want to live, that's why I don't do this business. I will refund you a lot of the money you gave, but if you come to my Zonghai, I will continue too!" With a sound, I hung up the phone.

As soon as Zong Hai put down the phone, the muzzle on the back of his head moved away. Hao Meng sneered and said, "Forgive you for not having a gun."

And Ma Liu, who stood in front of Zong Hai, said gloomily: "Boss Hai, that's right, he who knows the current affairs is a handsome man, and it's not worth paying his life for a few cents."

Zong Hai swallowed his throat dryly and looked up at the pretty **** the opposite sofa and said: "Can you tell me, how did you guys enter my office like this?"

He knew that although the two people around him were fierce, but the one who determined his own destiny was the beautiful girl opposite to him who didn't say a word.

Lan Shan smiled calmly and said: "Simple, because your close brother Xiaohai has been my informant for many years. To put it bluntly, he is the subordinate I put in Yangcheng to inquire about your news for me. This meeting, he has already taken me with me. Given enough severance pay, I went to Australia for a holiday, and you will never see him again. Forget about revenge."

Zong Hai was a little unbelievable, and whispered: "Dare to ask, which boss did the girl come from that dock?"

"Hehe, you still don't ask." Lan Shan said quietly: "Compared with L Alliance, how is your Zonghai power?"

Zong Hai was startled, he was not injustice. Compared with the L League, she is the puppy and the lion. This girl's tone seems to be against the L League...

"Zong Hai, let me tell you, my name is Ma Liu, and like you, I am a desperate man who walks at night. My power in Yuncheng may not be greater than you, but my determination to beg for death must be greater than yours. If you dare to intervene in this matter and hit my brother Jie’s attention, I will never get along with you. Remember! It’s a lifetime!" said the vulture, and thrust the dagger in his hand into Zonghai’s table. superior……