Mad Warrior’s Journey in Another World

v1 Chapter 575

Li Yi looked at the past in confusion, but still no figure was found.

"That... who are you?" Li Yi asked doubtfully.

The soldiers gave way and walked out of a dwarf that was only half a person tall. This dwarf was dressed as a new Qin officer, but it was obvious that his armor was a little too long, so he wore it like a battle skirt. And the helmet above his head swallowed half of his head into it, and from time to time it would slip down and block his vision.

This dwarf has a striking rosacea, his mouth full of teeth will always show up when he grins, the shape of the whole person looks so funny and... wonderful!

But no matter how funny the shape of this little dwarf, all the soldiers always flinched when they touched him, as if this was not a dwarf, but a flood beast.

"Li Yi Centurion, hello, I am one of the Centurions of the Sixth Thousand Teams stationed at the big rift. My name is Bai Minhan!" Then, the dwarf dwarfed and bowed.

bow? Which country's etiquette are you doing? ! Shouldn't the military salute be in the army?

Li Yi twitched his lips, grinning a not-so-smiley smile, and said, "That, Bai Minhan Centurion, why would you stop me?"

Bai Minhan smiled, showing a broken tooth: "Of course it is the order from above, otherwise how could we be embarrassed to kill the most powerful Li Yi Centurion in the Tianjun Army?"

You are a dead dwarf, no wonder it is not tall! One bite at a time, are you playing with me? ! Li Yi was furious, but it didn't explode. He still kept a calm smile on his face.

"Oh... it was the order from above, but can you show me the order book? Could you please show me the order book? If there is any order book, I will be very tangled... after all, we will not use it in the Celestial Army It’s the password, right?"

With that, Li Yi blinked at Gu Lei, who was on the side, meaning... ready to start!

"Order book?" The dwarf's eyes gurgled several times, and then laughed, "Of course there are, but how can I carry such an important order? If you want to see it, I will go back and get it. ..."

Speaking, he turned around and wanted to go back.

Li Yi hurried forward and put his hands on Bai Minhan's shoulders, bowing his head and said: "This, the task we are performing is very important, if there is no command book you call... hehe hehe hehe..."

A trace of impatience flashed in Bai Minhan's eyes, shook Li Yi's hands away, nodded, and strode away.

"Huh? Bai Minhan Centurion, I think we should go to see it together! You know, the task we ordered above is very urgent, and the command you said sounds urgent, no matter what. Isn’t that command true, we don’t have to waste time! Let’s go together!”

Being so distracted by Li Yi, the face of Bai Minhan who wanted to leave suddenly changed, and the rosacea that had been slightly red now turned extremely red. He looked at Li Yi with a sullen face, and clenched his fists. Waving to Li Yi.

"Yo! Yo! Bai Minhan Centurion beats people!" Li Yi wowed and screamed out at the same time, "Hey, let me tell you, you and I are also centurions, but You did it first, so don’t blame me for taking the military court!

Military court? WTF? Bai Minhan tranced for a moment, then pulled out the saber on his waist, and drank: "Take him down!"

Li Yi suddenly got angry, grandma, you just want to beat me for no reason, and now you have to learn that **** saying Yu Hengzhang like to take me? Really when your grandfather Li Yi was vegetarian?

Turning his head to look behind him, Gu Lei made a reassuring look at himself, and then let down.

If you want to make trouble, then play bigger! I can support the elf army master, if you kill the army... If those chariots come, Li Yi is still afraid, but these are obviously only infantry around him, so why not be afraid?

But Li Yi was ready to shoot, and the new Qin soldiers around him were not ready.

In the face of Li Yi, they still have some scruples.

Bo Minhan is their head boss, and his orders should naturally be executed.

And Li Yi is the hero in their minds, and the hero who fought side by side with General Qitian. Without him, the Great Rift Area might have fallen behind, and General Qitian will definitely fall into the hands of the enemy.

The soldiers are required to fight and die for the country. They are willing to die generously, but they can't do it against the heroes in their hearts.

After all, the soldiers are not all people with well-developed limbs and short-answered minds. Naturally, it can be seen that Bai Minhan Centurion is looking for fault.

As for the order, the military ranks of these soldiers are still very low. How could they know so much? It just feels intuitively wrong.

But in any case, after all, the boss at his head gave orders, and they should do their best anyway.

So, despite their unwillingness, they pointed their swords at Li Yi.

"So... don't blame me..." Li Yi took out seven magic beads.

Li Yixiang is not a cruel person, but if others are about to ride on his neck, he doesn’t mind squeezing that man’s eggs.

This time, he was destined to be cruel in the big rift.

In fact, if the order that Yu Hengzhang and Bai Minhan said was true, Li Yi would not mind returning to Lianyu City, but he had been away from Lianyu City for so long before this command It's too late, don't you worry that you have passed the big rift and went to the realm of elves?

If this is the case, there are too many things that this command can represent.

First of all, the issuer of the order is said to be praying to heaven, and praying to heaven knows when to leave and where he is going. It seems that after so many days have passed, he should have reached the realm of the elves, but this order is still issued. Come down, in this case, the problem comes.

How does Qitian know that he is still in Xinqin? Why should this order be issued?

This simply doesn't make sense!

Moreover, the orders in the new Qin army were all transmitted in written form. How could there be a message? Even if it’s just a message, there is at least a commander? Before the task of the order was completed, the carrier could not leave, but Li Yi had not seen the trace of the carrier until now.

With so many doubts in it, how can Li Yi not be suspicious? In addition to the repeated provocations of Yu Hengzhang and Bai Minhan, Li Yi, who has a rib, became angry and simply did nothing.

Don't you want me to go back? I won’t go back, Master! Whatever your conspiracy, I just don’t go back, what else can you do to me?

Even if the new Qin law blamed, Li Yi was not afraid.

After all, this is not Li Yi’s fault. Moreover, he still bears the name of a new Qin emperor grandson and a new Qin centurion. How to say that Yu Hengzhang and Bai Minhan do not have the right to arrest themselves, so even Li Yi is wrong and not great.

Seeing the soldiers slowly surrounding, Li Yi no longer had any expression on his face, but slowly closed his eyes and entered the spiritual world.

In the spiritual world, Li Yi can better observe and make better use of his spiritual power.

The seven magic beads in the hand exude a dazzling light in the spiritual world. Even the sun in the sky is not dazzling from the seven magic beads, and the spiritual ripples around them appear so pale, and even some soldiers' spiritual ripples It's too dim to see!

Behind them, Gu Lei and Leng Dian have their spiritual ripples. Li Yi sees clearly, and under the operation of Li Yi's mental power, the four Gu Lei have been quietly blessed by him with stealth spells, and they still passed Li Yi. Don't worry about the invisible spells of the sun.

The chaos in the scene made the soldiers completely ignore the four Gu Lei, they did not even realize where the four disappeared.

Gu Lei, where did they go? Li Yi naturally knew that he had already confessed it when he came, and as he watched their spiritual ripples enter a big rift, getting farther and farther away from him, Li Yi exhaled.

Now that we are left, let this farce come to an end!

Li Yi did not open his eyes, anyway, in the spiritual world is similar to the real world, and even more beneficial in combat, Li Yi simply attacked the soldiers at hand.

"Wind, wood, water, fire, earth, light, and darkness!" Li Yi chanted the names of the seven natural energies in his heart and raised the seven magic beads in his hand.

A wave of natural and primitive energy quickly gathered together, making the entire Seven Magic Beads so dazzling even in the real world! .

A flash of alien color flashed in Bai Minhan's eyes, and then he jumped up like a cat with a stomped tail, screaming: "Quick! Quickly stop him! He is a contractor! He is casting a spell!"

It seems that this dwarf is not an idiot, at least knows that he is a contractor, but... do you think I am an ordinary contractor?

Li Yi sneered, slightly bent his legs, and gently pedaled on the ground, and the whole person flew up like a cloud.

"Shoo him down for me!" Bai Minhan shouted, "What about the contractor with the army? Hurry and beat him down! Hurry!"

Li Yi smiled, as he lifted off, the energy accumulated on the Seven Magic Beads has reached 30%, but so much should be enough.

The military contractor was late, chanting spells, waving his hands, and throwing their spells at Li Yi.

A sharp arrow shot towards Li Yi, and the sharp arrow shone in the sunlight under the sunlight.

But for Li Yi, this is really not enough.

He didn't even hide, so he gently pushed the seven magic beads down.

Suddenly, a variety of spells appeared in the sky, all of which condensed into a ball and poured down to the ground like raindrops! The arrows and spells shot at Li Yi are all dissipated in this raindrop-like spell!

Bai Minhan watched Li Yi come up with such a large-scale group of spells, and suddenly flashed his eyes, shouting words like "defense" and "dodge", but he still could not escape the end of the spell.

The rain-like energy ball burst on the ground, and a turbulent natural energy swept through. Flames, cyclones, sand, poisonous grass, ice, glare, fear, and various spell effects on the ground. After the outbreak, the soldiers complained repeatedly, but they were caught off guard by these spells.

Who can imagine that a contractor can use seven different spells to attack? What's more, it is still such a large-scale attack that covers the entire large rift range. Although these spells are not powerful, they still have to suffer.

The armor after the flame baking becomes more fragile under the chill of the ice, and the flesh hiding inside will also be greatly traumatized. If the treatment is not timely, the injury will worsen and even kill people.

The perfect coordination between the whirlwind, sand, and poisonous grass. The whirlwind rolled up the sand and stone to enchant the eyes of the soldiers, and these poisonous grass leaves flew in the air, touching the bare skin of the soldiers, causing a variety of Various adverse reactions such as itching and ulceration.

The glare is to deprive the soldiers who have not been blinded by the sand and stones. The energy of the dark department is also blowing the autumn wind, dragging the soldiers who have lost their resistance to the abyss of fear.

At this moment, Li Yi is enough to resist a small army!

But at the cost of doing so, Li Yi still has some problems. Just condensing the magic rain of 70% of the energy of the Seven Demon Beads, he has lost most of his spiritual power, so that he dare not use the Seven in this way. Magic beads.

Anyway, there are a lot of thunderbolts absorbed by Seven Magic Beads in the abandoned field, at least for a while. Li Yi feels that these big tricks of Seven Magic Beads are better not used in extraordinary times.

Bai Min screamed with impatience, the entourage contractors he expected all lost their fighting ability under the attack of Li Yi's spell rain, and he was also fascinated by sand and stones. He could not see anything, only Scolded underneath.

Li Yi glanced coldly at the short man and slowly landed on the ground, swaying from the crowd into the big rift.

Far away, Li Yi saw several figures greet him, but when he looked closely, it was Gu Lei.

"Why don't you leave yet!" Li Yi complained as soon as he came up, "Isn't it good to say that I will contain these people first, and then you will go first?"

"Li Yi, I think things are not that simple! So I just went to their garrison camp and took a look..." Gu Lei wrinkled her beautiful Xiu Mei, "You know what I found?"

"That Yuhengzhang has already died in the camp!"

Li Yi would like to turn Gu Lei's eyes, Yu Hengzhang's **** is dead, anyway, he did not do it himself, no matter how he died!

"He loves to die, we still have things to do, let him..." Li Yi said, and then something seemed to flash in his head, and he looked at Gu Lei suddenly.

Gu Lei nodded, his face looked very ugly.

"It's not such an exaggeration, I have no grievances with him..." Li Yi was a little panicked, although he simply couldn't get a half-cent relationship with this Yuhengzhang.