Madness of the Heart

Chapter 14: Demon Hunting (14)

"I swear this is the most exciting case I have ever participated in after entering the crime team!" Fang Yuanhang, like most criminal police officers with a little experience, has an extraordinary passion for homicide cases. "Everyone's life is a life. The drama, Li Hongmei was too miserable when he was a child, what is the origin of those "outsiders"? Can you kill people casually? Can you get away with it for more than ten years?"

"The point is actually not the'outsiders', but the local police. There are too many suspicious points and loopholes in the Lis and his sons, and they are definitely not as simple as we know now." Yi Fei said, "You kid take the excitement away. , Read the investigation report again."

It is rare to be educated by the "faithful" deputy team leader, Fang Yuanhang is quite novel, not only has no mood to restrain, but on the contrary, he is even more excited.

Criminal police who just came out of school often go to two extremes. One is like Fang Yuanhang, who gets excited when they encounter a murder case. The bigger the case, the higher the mood, and they want to chase the case all day long; the other is Fang Yuanhang’s opposite, afraid of contact with the murder case. The corpses with different deaths can not smell the smell of the corpse, and they can hide as far as they can.

Fang Yuanhang's current state is what most members of the serious crime team have experienced. Ming Shu was like this in his early twenties. A passionate young man plunged his head into the case, focused on the suspect, and had no time to take care of himself, so that as soon as the case was solved, Xiao Yuan caught the ugly face of shamelessness.

Ming Shu's face naturally didn't have to be picked, and his facial features were well born, and he and Lu Yanzhou of the special police detachment called the city bureau "double handsome". In Fang Yuanhang's words, it is possible to form a group and go to the entertainment industry to have a meal together. But unlike Lu Yanzhou, who is handsome with a straight male style, Ming Shu pays great attention to taking care of himself, working **** the small details, and from time to time he looks stinky.

The most obvious contrast is that the two passed by the mirror together. Lu Yanzhou didn't even look in the mirror, but Ming Shu had to look at it several times.

But once the case came, the situation changed completely.

That time, when Ming Shu first entered the Criminal Investigation Bureau, Xiao Yuan went to see him in Dongye City as a private person. He wore stubborn hair, his skin was in bad condition, his beard was not shaved for several days, and he could smell a sweat when he got close. smelly.

Xiao Yuan laughed.

He was so embarrassed that he covered his eyes and shouted: "Brother, you didn't see, you didn't see anything! You can't remember if you see it!"

God knows that he has chased Xiao Yuan since he was a child until he was big, and finally got his hands on him, and he actually let Xiao Yuan see such a sloppy side.

At that time, unlike now, he still had a little "boyfriend burden".

Xiao Yuan grabbed his wrist and broke his hand apart. Seeing that his eyes and cheeks were red in a hurry, he smiled and said, "It's a bit smelly, it's all rotten."

"Ah—" he wailed: "Brother, don't talk about it!"

"It's just to solve the case, understandable." Xiao Yuan said again: "Our family Mingshu is a good and responsible policeman."

His lips were flat, and his heart was full.

After busying for half a month, traveling to more than a dozen cities, villages and towns, and finally brought to justice the murderer of the murder case. There is a sense of practical accomplishment, but now it is praised by the elderly lovers who suddenly appeared, and the sense of accomplishment is almost complete. Even if I turned it several times, I almost broke my chest.

"Go take a shower." Xiao Yuan grabbed his cheek, "come out and shaved his beard."

"Do you shave for me?" he asked cheeky.

Xiao Yuan smiled, "I'll shave you."

He took the bath comfortably, then leaned comfortably in Xiao Yuan's arms, squinting his eyes comfortably as he listened to the sound of the razor...

In a blink of an eye, Leng Touqing, who turned ugly at the beginning of a major case, is already the leader of the serious crime team. His sincere heart has not changed, but his temper gradually sinks, becoming more mature and responsible—at least in front of the team members.

Yi Fei was annoyed by Fang Yuanhang and shouted, "Team Ming, take care of your apprentice!"

Mingshu is looking at the investigation report.

Twelve years ago, Li Hongmei was 9 years old. His 20-year-old brother Li Liangyou and his father Li Guozhong were killed by gangsters and their bodies were thrown on the barren hills outside the village in a miserable state.

Li Hongmei's grandfather was shocked by the bad news and couldn't afford to be ill. Li Hongmei's mother was mentally abnormal. After learning that her husband and son were both dead, her words and deeds became even more mad. After half a month, she went mad and chased wild dogs, but was bitten to death by a group of wild dogs.

The case of the Li family and his son is still pending.

Xiaben Village belongs to Yuanhai County. The Yuanhai County police stated that Li Guozhong and Li Guozhong had close contacts with outsiders before they were killed. Later, they had conflicts and were killed by outsiders. The outsiders left after throwing their bodies, leaving no clues. The villagers don't even know who the outsider is.

"Yuanhai police's statement is self-contradictory." Ming Shu said: "Since they can find out that the Li family and his son have close contacts with outsiders and there are conflicts, then there are clues. If there are clues, don't pursue them, but say that there is nothing. The clues dragged an easy-to-solve case into an unsolved case abruptly."

Yi Fei said: "There is also the fact that all the villagers don't know who the outsider is, but it doesn't make sense. There is only one possibility, that is, the outsider did not commit the crime at all, and it is inexplicable who carried the pot for someone."

"Typically, it's not that it can't be solved, but that it's unwilling to break it." Ming Shu threw away the investigation report and sighed. "Xiaben Village is a poor village. The poorer and backward the place, the more unsolved cases. This case is set. Obviously, the local police did not act to cover up the real culprit. They pushed the suspects on the so-called "outsiders" and dragged them down year after year. Similar situations exist in many towns and villages, and Xiaben Village is definitely not alone."

Fang Yuanhang asked: "Who was the victim of the Li family and his son?"

Ming Shu raised his eyes: "Don't you understand? I really want to sink you to the town for a few years."

Fang Yuanhang immediately shrank behind Yi Fei, "What's wrong with me? I really don't know!"

"In such small places, it is most likely that officials protect each other, or collusion between officials and bandits. Officials are not high officials, and bandits are not giants, but they are capable, and the ordinary people underneath can’t breathe. If this kind of case happens, I really want to break, as soon as the higher-level investigation team goes, the murderer will be found immediately."

Yi Fei agreed and said regretfully: "Unfortunately, Xiaben Village and Yuanhai County are not under our control."

Fang Yuanhang immediately came up, "But Li Hongmei was the murderer of the Dongye University of Foreign Studies dormitory murder case, with three lives on her back. Everything about her is worth investigating. We can follow her line down! This is called digging out. Bring the radish out of the mud!"

Ming Shu's eyes changed slightly, and his right hand was habitually raised, supporting his chin.

"The impact of the dormitory homicide case is too great. Now the whole country is paying attention to this case." Fang Yuanhang said as he took out his mobile phone and kept moving his thumb on the screen, "The mud can no longer cover up. Netizens and the media are already in Li Hong. Mei Yuanyuan’s family found the reason. You see, Xiaben Village is in Yuanhai County and Hailu City above. The city-level media have all passed. The local police just didn’t want to investigate, and now they have to. I checked. As long as the supervision is in place, the case twelve years ago will definitely come to light!"

Ming Shu whispered, "Maybe this is her purpose."

After all, he was an old partner for many years, and Yi Fei quickly understood what Ming Shu meant, "If this is the case, it is a tragedy with a tragedy."

Fang Yuanhang: "Huh?"

"Remember Wen Yao?" Ming Shu asked.

Fang Yuanhang nodded, "Of course I remember that the woman who was forcibly photographed by Luo Xiangfu was a nurse in a private nursing home, a single mother, and lived with a daughter."

Ming Shu said: “She hates the elderly who engage in street photography and is hostile to most of the elderly. When Luo Xiangfu stopped her, she could escape, but she could not punish Luo Xiangfu on her own. So she took advantage of the people around and netizens to make Luo Xiangfu has endured a lot of criticism on the Internet."

"Yes, I originally suspected that she was related to Luo Xiangfu's death." Fang Yuanhang said: "But you said she has no problem, Master. Well, she really has no problem. Later we confirmed her alibi."

"Li Hongmei is the same as her." Ming Shu took out the material evidence bag with the sticky notes. "It's just that Li Hongmei's experience was much more tragic than her, and Li Hongmei's resistance was much more cruel. Wen Yao was not desperate, Li Hongmei was already desperate."

Fang Yuanhang was too young in the end, he had only seen limited cases, and he was stunned.

Ming Shu said, "I'll go talk to Li Hongmei again."

Li Hongmei's complexion was dull, and she didn't have the vitality that a college student should have. A pair of woody and godless eyes looked straight ahead, and their gaze seemed to pass directly through Ming Shu.

Until Ming Shu put a press release printed from the Internet in front of her.

On the A4 paper it reads-Exploring the murder case in the college dormitory, the confusion of the native family.

Then, Ming Shu put the note on the table again, "If this is your goal, then your goal has been achieved. Now your family has become the center of attention of the outside world. Everyone is asking, killing three roommates What kind of family was the murderer born in."

Li Hongmei shivered and took the A4 paper, with a look of astonishment on her face. Soon, this astonishment turned into anger, fear, and finally burst of bright joy.

But this joy has nothing to do with ease, happiness, or happiness, but a person's relief when he has walked in depression and darkness for many years and finally saw a glimmer of light.

"Ah..." Li Hongmei seemed to have temporarily lost her ability to speak, and only uttered a hoarse and monotonous syllable.

At the moment of the sound, tears were already welling up in her eyes.

"You can calm down first, and then slowly tell me everything you know." Ming Shu said, "I guess, what you are about to say has been spoken in your heart countless times. There is no logical ambiguity and improper speech. Now , You just need to organize them again."

The rough and quiet *** the whole interrogation room. There was clearly no sound around, but Ming Shu seemed to hear a sharp, bleeding shout.

It was a man who cried hysterically when he had to shut up.

"I killed three people. The crime is inexcusable and the whole country is shocked." Li Hongmei finally said, "The police finally started to pay attention to me, and the people of the whole country are paying attention to me, right?"

Ming Shu didn't say anything, not because there was nothing to say, but because she saw a strong and extreme sadness in her eyes.

Li Hongmei held up a finger, followed by two and three, "One person is not enough. Two people may not be enough... Three, three are definitely enough. When I talked before, no one wanted to listen, everyone was locked in. Keeping my ears blocked, no matter how I cry or cry, I won’t be bothered. It’s great now, you are finally willing to listen to me."

As she said, she laughed out loud, "If I don't say it, you will still beg me to say it."

Ming Shu looked at her as if he was looking at a monster that was deformed and deformed by fate.

She killed three of her classmates and caused tragedies in three families. She must be responsible for what she did.

But who is responsible for her family?

Who kneaded her into the terrible appearance now?

Li Hongmei slowly said, "My father and brother weren't killed by some ‘outsiders’. They are honest and tolerant, they are the best people. They have never been involved in disputes. They were killed by Li Shuxian!"