Mage Network

Chapter 118: gap

As soon as Tang Shidao finished, the audience was silent.

I have to say that this kind of expression can't be said to be unreasonable... Why can't you decide the candidate in advance, I can't tell the winner at home? You said that you have decided to win the game early, can I decide the candidate in the ‘plan’? Besides, what is the relationship between the strong and the early one? There is no such thing as a date to start, and it’s better to win in the first step.

Everyone is speechless, but the heart knows the reason.

In the final analysis, there is only one reason: the natural contradiction between the mage master and the net mage!

In some plane worlds, the Master will openly disclose his identity. For example, the Queen of the Stars is a one-handed cow who is a one-handed person. Everyone knows that she is a member of the Master Network. Even the small characters of Zhou Huangzi, Da Zhou Guo people also know the existence of immortals. The name of the Master Network is not important. It is called the fairy world. It is called the court. It is called the Master Network. It doesn't matter what the name is. Anyway, many people know such a place.

Even if the Master does not say, once the Masters outside the net enters the endless void, they will also know the existence of the Master Network.

After Tang Shidao became a hunter.

After studying and reviewing, it was found that some planes were not likely to be kept secret. For example, a plane that is very close to an endless void, often invaded by a void. The world of these 'heavy disasters' often needs the support of hunters, otherwise it will destroy one planet and one planet, and eventually all life will be extinct.

Therefore, people in these planes often come into contact with the void and the mage.

Of course, there is one of the biggest leaks: the inverse mage.

Most of the inferior masters deliberately preach the existence of the Master Network, and are basically distorted. Because the Master Network only provides a platform, does not preside over justice and does not do evil, this neutral attitude is easily taken by people. As long as the local disaster is affected, some people preach that 'the Master does not want to save us', and the people who are affected immediately hate the Masters and follow the steps of the Master.

Sometimes, in order to fight against the invasion, some mages often need to establish a magic school to train talents.

All kinds of reasons are added together.

A large number of 'out-of-network mages' have been created, and more and more.

Where does the contradiction come from?

Two words... Hey!

Mage Network No matter how many magic apprentices in a plane world, it will always pick a life randomly, either a person or a pig. In other words, it is impossible for the mage outside the net to enter the Master Network again. This kind of thing only looks at the face, who is who is selected.

Calculate the difference between the two.

The extranet master must rely on his own efforts, and the mage in the net only needs to buy and buy.

There is no talent spell in the net wizard, and the net master has unlimited talent.

Masters outside the network can't walk all walks of life, and the mage in the net can visit the heavens at any time.

Such a contrast.

The latter burned naturally in the bonfire. Often, the magic apprentices hoped that the mage in their plane would die soon, and then... they might be picked up... yes, they squat inside the mage, and they are incomparable. Desire to have this identity.

Tang Shidao also knows.

Under normal circumstances, these people are absolutely afraid to provoke members of the Master Network, because the two sides are too far apart. The only place that may be provocative is the endless void. For example, the land of the sorcerer and the land of the super devil, the former, the mage in the net dare not expose the talent, it is difficult to get through the hardships. In the latter case, the extranet master can also get a lot of magic support, not to cheat the in-network mage.


Whether or not there is hatred, this kind of embarrassment makes the two sides become two camps. Whenever there is an opportunity, the mage outside the net will grab the limelight... like a child I want to ‘praise’.

As for the empty beasts, huh, they have never really made friends.

There is now cooperation and exchange of interests.

"This mage, if we continue to entangle it, it will be useless. Even if you win, and then a group of wizards will say that it is unfair, then we do not have to go out. Now the legion is in place, can not waste time. This way Let us give you a quota, and you will form a legion to go out." The old sheepman said that for the sake of everyone.

"Do you think we need charity?" Tang Shidao was funny.

"This mage, most of you have lost." The old sheepman said indifferently that you are not giving yourself.

"So I don't accept this result, let those people who are not in the state come to be the team leader. We are desperate to go to the nightmare forest, not to slap the wrist, where do you think that you are the strongest group? Ask me what Peers, regardless of talent, ask a sentence: Who among our mages are confident that one person will kill everyone on the opposite side." Tang Shidao turned to ask a group of Masters.

The Masters were slightly surprised and immediately understood the meaning.

At this moment.

The eagle head who just lost the last game stood up and said that I can. Without waiting for everyone to react, hundreds of mages stood up and expressed confidence.

"You..." The old sheepman was in a cold heart.

Don't ask too much, it's very clear that this confidence is something... Master's talent spell!

These wizards standing in front of them are silent: If you don't worry about someone seeing it, we can kill all of you by using a talented spell. Not that you are too strong, but that we have not really tried our best.

Turn back.

Is talent really impossible to use?

of course not!

Now only the Masters feel that there is no need to expose them. Once you are in a hurry or your life is not guaranteed, what cards are not used. Standing on the perspective of ordinary people, the Master is the father, mage outside the network just a bunch of Mao Haizi ...... not only beat Kill mercy, not beat you to death these bear a child.

Scan the crowd.

Tang Shidao pointed to the mages who stood up: "When you come to the nightmare forest, any one here is more useful than a legion of yours. You said, where do you feel confident to lead us? I don't mean to use talent spells in the nightmare forest. The thing is to say the alchemist. When the nightmare forest is conquered, the top ten leaders will come out one by one. Who dares to kill the enemy with the alchemist?"

A question is over.

Alchemists are looking up, chest, and who has this confidence.

Ten people on the high platform did not move.

I dare not compare.

I don't even dare to disagree.

The chiefs, including the emptiness of the beasts, also know that one-on-one can take alchemists, a group of ones... an alchemist may kill a small army with a five-person squad. In the land of the ban, no one dares to compete with the alchemist to kill the enemy.

"This mage..."

"We will build our own team. Anyway, the beasts have come a lot. Since you think this kind of competition is fair, we don't disagree with each other. Now everyone is still a coalition. I hope you don't have any strange moves, otherwise I was killed by an unknown spell. Don't blame me for not reminding me." Tang Shidao interrupted the other party's words and was too lazy to be used to these people.

These people are simply the opposite of the old-fashioned mage like the old bottle and dumb.

No wind first wave.

Don't talk about mixing the void, you may not be able to mix it when you go back to school.

The Masters listened and had no opinions.

Tang Shidao is his own person, and he has saved his face for himself. They definitely support it. What's more, if you choose the leader, you really want to win. If the battle is only based on muscles, we have to do what we have to do, and make it tofu.

Seeing that all the Masters had dispersed, the situation became so stiff, and the net outside the Masters also regretted it.

After all, everyone knows... these talents are thighs!

After Tang Shidao and other mage left, everyone does not need to compete for anything. Every war fortress will choose a leader. At this time, Tang Shidao reminded everyone: "Everyone is careful. This thing seems to be a mage outside the net. I suspect that there are other ghosts. The matter is not finished yet. Don't care about the nightmare forest."

The mages think that it seems to be a problem, and they are secretly vigilant.

After departure.

Tang Shidao invited dragon teeth and tiger shadows and handed them a small leaf with only a very small five words: the inverse mage came!

Dragon teeth and tiger shadows are not moving.

Tang Shidao said: "There are people who have gone wrong. Do you know?"

Dragon tooth and tiger shadow nodded, thinking that the task of the three of them must be deliberately leaked by these traitors who are ready to vote against the Master.

Tang Shidao also said: "Hunters and prey, sometimes can be reversed. Have a trusted friend, tell them, we have other friends."

Dragon tooth and tiger shadow glance around, knowing that Tang Shidao could not say it.

A group of people around you may have hidden intelligence figures. The news was leaked from the Lei Rui Fortress. It was either a mage or a beast. In short, there may be problems with the crowd. It is always true that you are careful.

this moment.

They are not surprised why the owl insisted on going out. Because I guessed that the Master would come, it is not necessarily who is the hunter who is the prey. To know that the inverse mage is a humanoid mobile treasure house, it is definitely not a dream to be able to kill a few nights.

"We have some friends, let's talk to them." Hu Ying and Longya also have friends who can be trusted in other legions.

Tang Shidao nodded.

Looking at the two men leaving, Tang Shidao guessed that this time the inverse master did not come to himself, because no one knew his identity. Everything is a task, but it happened when the dragon was in the occupation. It can be seen that the target of the inverse mage is probably the dragon tooth.

In the land of ban, the master of armor of the dragon tooth is very useful.


Some of the Masters’ leaders have received the news and secretly gathered forces to prepare for a counterattack.

Will the Master rebel against the Master?

Just kidding... I’ve been stalking since the first battle. I don't know if the conspiracy is okay, I know that I may come, I am afraid that you will not come.

The army marched.

Once again, Tang Shidao saw the gap between the mage and the extranet.

Sentinel, march, rest, inspection, surveillance, clear field, protection, camping, food preparation, everything is a completely different embodiment. The Master is very professional, such as the whistle, the hunter definitely does not grab the work of the whistle, and the Sentry does not rob the hunter to clear the work of the blame. The shield guards are not protected from the alchemist or sniper, and the small beasts are constantly monitoring the entire area.

The rats arranged the camp.

The Tauren polished the blade.

Lizard people collect available food.

The little dragon expels the insect bee.

The whole group is like a sophisticated machine, step by step, without a trace of chaos.

What about the extranet master?

A team and a group.


Tang Shidao saw that they were not incompetent and could not concentrate. In the simplest case, a group of antlers are definitely not mixed with a group of werewolves. Even if the werewolves are good at sentinel, the antlers are good at collecting food, and they will never cooperate.

Different planes, different lives.

It’s not a problem to withdraw today’s alliance. They used to be two different worlds of different planes, and they can be highly cooperative.

The Master is different.

The same Master Network, look down and see you, see you tomorrow, everyone is their own. The mage manages the orc soldiers as heroes, and the beasts hold the hero's thighs to brush the military. All of them have long formed a fixed pattern, and they can't mess with chaos.

It is still marching now.

not much differences.

Once in the nightmare forest, Tang Shidao believes that this gap will be even greater.