Mage Network

Chapter 1292: Correct answer

The merchants in the Giants’ Territories were beaten, and the slaves’ elves were reluctant to take the edge. These two things are big events.

The former, the leader of the angered giant territory, is also the giant ethnic group.

The latter, the elf regaining the edge of the blade is reminiscent of rebellion, and it is also a major event that all guards must act to extinguish the fire. However, there is no movement in the giant field, because the two things happen together, and because of the same source: the elder elder named ‘青杨’. Anyone who is not stupid in the brain knows that the old man of Qingyang dares to do this, and he must have confidence.

He is not the master of a mirror world, he is just a housekeeper.

Although he also has his own mirror world, it is clear to everyone how many slaves are. He dared to do so to prove that... his master was bombed.

Tang Shidao did not drink and proved that he can afford this power.


Although the heart is very reluctant, the Tauren guards at Shing Mun Shopping Street have to come over and ask. Walking in the form, he believes that he can't afford it, and his own boss can be untouchable.

I am waiting to ask.

Qing Yang suddenly stepped forward. When the guards saw it, they quickly pulled out the knife, and the elves gathered together also sacrificed their bow and arrow skills and pulled the bow to aim at the guards.

"Stop, guard, you can't get close to my master."

"Qing... Qing Yang Butler, I am just going to ask questions." The Tauren guards were not angry and shocked.

The bigger the opponent's field, the bigger the background.

Qing Yang is a cold face: "That can't be done, guardian. I just saw it at high altitude. My master has at least three hundred times more land than the giant territory. As a housekeeper, I don't think you are qualified to talk to me. The master. Even the city owners here are not good at least, the chiefs and deputy chiefs of the giant territory. If you have any questions, you can explain to me first."

In a paragraph, everyone is stupid.

In the mirror world, the bigger the territory, the stronger it will be. How much is the territory, how much power is there?

Do not.

Not all, but 90% is there, not 100%.

The rules of mirroring the world, the bigger the space is, the stronger the monsters encountered. It is like a natural environment, the ants have only a small mud pit, and the tiger has a mountain forest. In the mirror world, you can't open it, because a mouse opens a mountain forest and you don't wait for the tiger to shoot. The Bobcat has already eaten you. Therefore, being able to own a forest is not necessarily 100% tigers, but also cheetahs... cheetahs not killed by tigers.


A lynx can't have a mountain forest anyway, because in addition to cheetahs, wild boars, wild wolves, and wild dogs can kill it.

The Poplar butler said that ‘three hundred times’ is not necessarily three hundred times the strength.

However, it is certainly correct to count two hundred and sixty-seven times.

In a sense, the Qing Yang housekeeper is already very polite. Such a large-scale visit, the giant patriarch of the giant territory should rush to meet the right.

"Sorry, the monks are bothered." The Tauren guards quickly apologized and turned and left.

Regardless of whether the Poplar butler is bragging, this matter does not matter.

Who cares who cares.

In the mirror world, there are often some freaks, and there is a huge territory but a low-key life. For example, an ancient dragon, or a giant of ancient species. These guys are not thinking that their brains are not normal, but they don’t like to play with everyone. The ‘Dragon’ lord is a human being, but who knows if he is one of the freaks. I have recently heard that some travelers can come in with the second force.

Perhaps, this dragon lord is a special existence.

The mirror world will not die.

However, immortality is sometimes more terrible than death. For example, if it is slag, it will not die if it is abused thousands of times. Is it not a crime? Living in the mirror world, everyone remembers one point: don't talk to the big guys.

At this moment.

The crowd fainted and the news of the Tang Shidao group was spread.

"Master, I know everything you want to know."


"Yes, I don't dare to bully you, my master. You want to know who knows the magical material of the mirror world. I know that it is the hidden stone patriarch of the dwarf race. The dwarves have their own mirror world, One of them is the center, and then the rest of the people join in. On the surface, the dwarves have only a few mirror worlds. In fact, every dwarf has a small world, like a small farmland attached to the king's territory." Answer it seriously.

"Can your elves also do this?"

"Yes, everyone can. If you are qualified, each of our elves can add their own mirrored world to your great territory."

"Well, yes." Tang Shidao thought of the real mirror, and the mirror worlds are also joint.

"The Green Elf family will remember your great grace, my master. The second, the ancient dragon, the mirror scale elders, I know, I even saw it."

"where is it?"

"I don't know, Master. I don't have a word to lie. The mirror-scale elders are alone in a mirror world. Before it's mirror world, there is another mirror world blocking. Even if you find it, forcibly break into it. You also need to travel in the world of unmanned mirrors before you can find a new entrance. In theory, no one can do it, and hunger will kill you on the road."

"How did you see it?" Tang Shidao did not worry, he asked slowly.

"I didn't look for it. It was the mirror-scale elders who flew over to meet our elves. At that time, it reminded us of the advent of a genocidal crisis. Because we were reminded that a small part of the early evacuation was finally spared."

At this moment.

Geer Jin interjected: "I heard that the elf had a civil war?"

The Poplar butler nodded: "Yes, according to the ancestors, there are people inside who deliberately destroy the mirror wall, causing a crisis that we don't know. Most people die to block the enemy and the beast, and a small part is safely evacuated. But even if It’s a world that won’t die. Our ancestors are still in great trouble. It’s hard to find them now.”

Tang Shidao can understand.

The mirror world does not necessarily collapse, nor is it inherently random. The death of the lens body may not be deformed, it may become smaller, or it may be random. But one thing is certain, the death is weak once. If a human dies too much, and even the power of the heartbeat is gone, he is likely to become the size of the locust. Even more, it becomes a locust.

There is no fixed mode, basically random change, and it is also related to the process of being killed.

For example, drowning has a high chance of becoming a fish.

The focus now is: Gu Long, the mirror scale elders can not see, can only wait for it to take the initiative. So, is there any way to let it take the initiative?

"I don't know, the owner, the interest of the mirror-scale elders is unknown."

“Not at all?”

"Yes, there is no law at all. According to known, the elders of the mirror scales have been to the oldest old trees, the beautiful ice fields, the deep crypts and the boundless sea. It has also seen the most brave orc warriors, famous The beauty, the genius of the bard, the laughing fool, the sad child, and even the ordinary farmer. No one knows what the mirror elders like, and no one knows how long it will appear."

Tang Shidao nodded gently.

This kind of unaccompanied role, the outsiders want to check and can not check.

What's more.

There are too many mirror worlds, and when you travel around with one heart, no one can catch up.

Under the conversation.

Tang Shidao also got an unexpected news.

"Mirror upgrade? Master, I may also know what I need."

"Well? You know?"

"Yes, I am not sure. Yes, I have heard similar content, heard from my ancestors. They once said: A long time ago, many travelers have pursued something called "Void Sky", rumors It can enhance the power of the mirror. However, I don't know where there is a void. "The poplar butler has a sly face, and the owner needs to help himself.

"It turns out." At this moment, Tang Shidao thought of the answer.


The way to find the answer.

"Ying Yang."

"Yes, my master, waiting for your order."

"I need you to help some people."

"Your instructions."

"You have been in the middle of the chaos of the dying ancestors of the elves. As far as I know, using magic energy materials to help them can return to the original. You go to find them and help them return to normal, I have something to ask them."

"Yes. My advice, Master, you still need to help some other ethnic ancestors."

"The advice is good, do it."

"So, master, can I suggest that other races be added to your great territory. For example, a fallen red dwarf, or a fallen gold goblin?"

"Yes, do it according to your judgment, Qing Yang."

"Your supreme liberal, master."

"I can definitely tell you one thing now: I want to find the Void. It is my only goal, the highest priority of everything. You will do everything in order to find it in the future, the rest are secondary. In order to Find it, no matter who you offend, I am quite you. In addition, the mirror world you think is huge, in fact it is just the site I hit down in a day."

"..." Qing Yang stunned, and even the heartbeat almost stopped.

"And, the mirror world is not the only one I have. I also have a mirror world that you don't know. So, don't worry about the lack of space, try to use it and use all means to find what I need."

"Your will, my glory, master."

"I will explain to you again, I have weapons that you can't imagine. For example, this konjac is full effect. If I want, I can bombard a city with a shelling." Tang Shidao did not dare to say too much. In fact, the maximum power of space-based guns, coupled with energy storage, can basically smash the planet. In addition, the giant image can also break the planet.

Did not mention too much, because it is not needed.

Now, this argument, Qing Yang Butler and Goerkin has been scared.

A shot collapsed?

How powerful is this!

This kind of shelling, the armor giants are all united to die.

"The owner's meaning..."

"I don't have to worry about my safety. The territory of the mirrored world is not guarded by you. I can protect everything. Here, the only thing I need, the void." When Tang Shidao said it, the idiots understood.

"Swear by the blood of the ancestors, master. As long as you shelter the elves, we will die for you to find what you need."

"Try your best, don't desperately."

"Yes, Master." Qing Yang has vowed that as long as the Dragon Lord does not abandon the Elf, he must do everything. At this time, he also has a fixed amount in his heart. It’s a pity that the owner of such a huge site is vacant. After today, the slaves can solve it step by step and join the master's great territory.

Among these declining races, someone must have mastered a few clues.

Put it together.

There is an answer.