Mage Network

Chapter 1334: insanity

Tang Shidao left the territory of the Meat Mountain, and soon there was a group of guests. Although the ancient cemetery is chaotic, the gods and gods have a way to gather quickly. There is no need to transmit, they just need to send a group of descendants to a certain place, they can ‘fall”. Of course, the descendants of the descendants will be destroyed, but the gods and goddesses do not care.

As Tang Shidao said, those lives are just toys on their chessboards and are not qualified to oppose their intentions.

"What is it so urgent to summon us?"

"Now we are very busy, something to say quickly."

The gods gather, they are welcome, directly in a chair and then ask the question. It is worth noting that these people have no goddess, all of them are gods. Meat Mountain is the Son of God, and his ‘Allies’ only have no gods and gods.

The meat mountain is a bit slow, as if it was stimulated.

All the gods are a little anxious, but the look of the meat mountain is not urging. They are all gods, and they are completely problem-free.

If there is anything on the side of the deity, you can listen and do it.

"The emperor came over."


In the words of the meat mountain, all the gods are sitting up straight, and the face becomes serious.

It was not long before the ancient cemetery was just opened. They thought they would not have contact so quickly. Even if the emperor is a wizard, he can't find the whereabouts of the Son of God within a hundred days. Unexpectedly, I just started to meet.

"Have you got lucky?" At this time a son of God opened his mouth and he had only one eye. Not in the middle of the forehead, but on the left, and on the right.

"No, he found my body." Meat Mountain subconsciously corrected.

Good luck is a bit like self-comfort. Meat Mountain used to like this before, but this moment has no such feeling.

Everyone feels strange, and the appearance of the meat mountain is not very good.

"What happened, Shan Ge?" At this time another son opened.

He is smiling.

Do not.

It should be said that his face only smiles.

Whether it is surprise, doubt, or other emotions, he only has a ‘smile’ response. Although he called ‘mountain brother’, he was much stronger in sensing.

"When I heard that he claimed to be a man, I had thought about it."

"The results of it?"

"I didn't dare to do it, smile."

"Oh..." The face always smiles only with the Son of God ‘smiles’ or laughs, but there is a smell of ‘speaking aphasia.’

The gods are as strange as they are.

They are very strange, and the meat mountain actually said the words "do not dare to do it." Originally, this sentence should be ‘I let him a horse’ or at most ‘I’m not sure to wait and see.’ I didn't dare to do it, and I actually admitted that I was 'timid'. This is not like a mountain of meat, nor a tone of the Son of God. Although the name of the emperor is high, but in the place of the ancient cemetery, there is no reason to be afraid of the meat mountain.

"He is strong?" The only son of God opened his mouth again.

"The ridiculous place is here, I don't know, the left eye. The emperor is not strong, I don't know, but I don't dare to do it." The meat mountain smiled and shook his head.

As if, laughing at yourself.

After this sentence, all the faces of the Son of God have changed.

They believe that the meat mountain does not lie, no one will bottom out and raise his opponent. Can only say that the meat mountain is really this feeling. What kind of characters will make people ‘I don’t know’ and are ‘fear’? They know, they know deeply. For example, the Scarecrow, who has never seen it, feels terrible. The **** of arcane, Oring, does not dare to spit out the existence of death.

Another example: Yin Taiheng and Yang Taiheng... obviously do not know the strength, but fear the existence of fear.

They can't ask more at this moment.

Meat Mountain did not do it.

Naturally, he does not know what power the Emperor has. In intelligence, they all know that the emperor has a creational body. However, what they want to know now is whether the empire’s 'infinite magic' is still valid here. There are different voids and nihilistic worlds in the ancient cemetery. There are many things here that are ineffective. For example, space markers, such as the permanent effect of the curse, and the heat of the cold and fire of the ice method.

The ancient cemetery is a chaotic state, and chaos can distort a lot of things.


The meat mountain did not dare to fight, they missed a piece of intelligence.

"Can I have a fight with my heart?" Suddenly another son opened. He has a human body, legs, arms, but has five heads. These heads are not small, because his upper body is very majestic, his shoulders are very wide, and a pair of giant arms hang down to the ground. No matter who sees him, the first thing I feel is that this person's physical skills are super strong and almost invincible.

"I don't know." Meat Mountain thought for nearly a minute, then I didn't know.

Can be imagined.

He has contrasted and contrasted in his heart, but still has no answer.

I don't know this sentence, and the gods who are present will definitely change color again.

"Mountain brother, is there a reason?" The smile on the face only asked.

"Yes. You are very strong, I know. But, the Emperor... He just reminded me to change some of my shortcomings. For example, he laughed at me here is hell, there is no taste of heaven. He also laughed at me, there is no fat man here. I laughed at my avoidance of my own defects. When I heard it, I was angry but didn't dare to do it. He left, I thought, in fact he is right."

"This is why you think he is strong?" asked the five sons of the head.

"No, five, I think his strong reason is... he is not interested in my opponent. You know, I didn't have the confidence to win him, he has confidence to win me. However, he is not interested in hands-on, did not want to get 'failed The honor of the Son of God. In his mind, it is worthwhile to be a real warrior, not a **** who is afraid to face his own defects. The identity of the Son of God has no meaning to him."


The gods are silent again, they can understand.

In fact.

They... No, their parents have been fanned. Olin died and died. After the resurrection, Oring immediately went to find a man and a woman in the myth of the past. Note that it is not looking for Yin Taiheng and Yang Taiheng, but a man and a woman in the myth of the past.

This also proves that the spirit of the Arcane is not interested in Yin Taiheng and Yang Taiheng.

It is not necessarily that Olympus is stronger.


No interest is no interest, this is the truth.

The void, or the emptiness of the world, is the same. Everyone wants to win over the **** of arcane and win this highest honor. Not only the general strong, including the people of the time shuttle, including the teacher Taishang, including Zen Nine, also including the Scarecrow. However, no one does it, no one does it. Even if these gods, if they can certainly win one, they will choose to 'win the Olympics' instead of 'winning Yin Taiheng and Yang Taiheng'.


Choose between ‘parents’ and the scarecrow, and they choose to defeat the latter.

Olympus didn't look for Yin Tai Heng and Yang Tai Heng, which means... she doesn't need to cross this line because she is a little higher, at least the same.

"Mountain brother, thank you, we will be careful." Smile and smile.

"Yeah." The meat mountain is not much to say.

Among these brothers and sisters, the more powerful the presence, the more dull, the lower the tone, the less the strength.

The rest of the gods also gestured, but the pride in the eyes was not reduced.

In their view, as long as they can multiply their own territory, the other side weakens a few points. As long as you don't meet the emperor in the outside world, even if the emperor is equal to laughing and five, he is not afraid. The ancient cemetery is, after all, their site, and the outsiders are strong and tourists.

Everyone has a different mind.


None of them found that there were more 'eyes' outside the body of the meat mountain. These 'eyes' are very special, they are inconspicuous at all, like weird plants that grow naturally in a chaotic environment. They all stem from a chaotic seed, because no one can sense their existence because they match this environment.

Even if you see it with your own eyes and touch it by hand, they are also the 'natural species' of the chaotic environment, without any abnormalities.


What messages they collect and what messages they send, only the masters of them know.

At this point, another distance.

Tang Shidao is facing a strange soul. It is not one. It is a collection of hundreds of millions of evil spirits, and it is also a collection of hundreds of millions of souls. When it stopped Tang Shidao, its shape continued to grow. In the chaotic space environment, there are always souls and evil spirits to join it, and its power will increase a little every second.

"Long time, the emperor." The strange soul suddenly opened, and slowly formed a familiar human form, Yuan Su.

"Who are you?" Tang Shidao was strange.

Yuan Su lost to himself, but died in the hands of Oring. Tang Shidao does not believe that someone can swindle through Oring. If this is the case, she is not qualified to be called the **** of arcane. Although this person is familiar with it, it is definitely not a yuan.

Hear the question.

‘Yuansu’ is not unexpected. The emperor is stupid to think that he is a Yuansu blame: “I am...hey.”

Tang Shidao was surprised.

Yuan Su said again: "You don't seem surprised at all?"

"No, a little surprised. I am sure that Yuansu and Yuzu are dead."

"Yes, Yuansu and Yuzu are really dead. But, I am not dead." The stranger who claimed to be ‘蛊’ smiled. Because of the human form of Yuansu, his expression is obvious. Moreover, he did not deliberately hide himself.

It feels like it is now a hunter.

Waiting for the prey that fell into the trap.

at this time.

The surrounding environment has also been restricted by countless evil spirits, forming a 'blank' area to isolate other snoops. In the chaotic environment, it is difficult for people to read, and such a limitation cannot be discovered by outsiders. Of course, here is a trap.

However, 蛊 is not deliberately arranged.

should say.

"Open the ancient cemetery, I am waiting for you." One sentence explains everything.


"There are only two Masters who have the creation of the gods, one is Olympus, the other is you. I want to get the creation of the gods, only one of them. If Oring is still the Olympian before death, I can still count However, she died once and died once. I believe she has something changed, but everyone does not know."

"So, do you choose to count me?"


"Excuse me, why do you want to create a god?"

"You don't seem to be afraid at all?"

"I am afraid you let me go?"


"So, I am afraid of doing it, saving a little better. It is better for us to say things, why do you want to create a world of gods, because you are a virtual master?"
