Mage Network

Chapter 1376: the speed of failure

How fast is the smile?

Only one move.

The three ears flashed a claw and the blood splashed. On the surface, it seems to be a smile, and it has been successfully pitted. But in fact, after a short conversation, the laughter broke again and the whole body collapsed uncontrollably. He was also very astonished, not even knowing what was wrong with him.

Does he have the cursed spell of the original eclipse? Yes.

Does he have the ability to hurt three ears? Yes.

Has he calculated three ears? Yes.

But one thing is not... the three ears are never really three ears. The three ears never show up, and no one has ever seen the real three ears. No matter how strong the smile is, it doesn't matter if you count the ‘target’. It can even be said that because the wrong target is calculated, the higher the smile, the faster the failure.

Self-sustaining curse power, self-sufficient wisdom, the consequences of this failure are even worse.

Will the three ears give a chance to laugh?

will not.

Being able to hit the enemy, the three ears will never use the second. The villains feel that they should succeed, and even if they fail, they also have a performance opportunity.

In fact, it is just an illusion, there is no such rule.

The real apex battle, one stroke can be divided.

at this time.

On the other side, the burial of the gracious smile can not help but a little chill. Because of the spatial isolation, he could not hear it, nor could he perceive what the three ears did. Visible, but still a secret battle. Even Tang Shidao did not spy on this battle, only to see the results displayed on the surface. What actually happened, only the ears and smiles know.

After the results came out, the burial knew that she had miscalculated for the second time.



The eclipse spell is very powerful and the smile is very strong. The combination of the two is strong and strong. However, if you have a curse, you can look down on the heroes of the world. That is a big mistake. In addition to the Scarecrow in the void, Yuan Zhen, Shi Taisuo, Shi Taishang, Da Jiu Shi, Da Kui Huang, Zen Jiu, Ao Ling, none of these people are powerful by the curse. Especially Oring, even the Scarecrow who has the curse can't say higher.

Three ears, another neglected character.

"People, we..."

"I am not interested in talking nonsense with you, goodbye." Tang Shidao waved gently, very slowly, and gave the opportunity to retire 'attack' and 'defense'.

At this moment.

The burial really did its best to fight back, exhausting all the power and counterattacks against the spell. However, these means are superfluous in the face of Tang Shidao. When Tang Shidao wanted to kill, the less powerful Master did not even have a chance to fight back. The knowledge of the creation of the gods, the magic of the Yuanzu, the body of the ancestors, the normal means of burial is as powerless as the baby.


There was no such complicated attack. When Tang Shidao waved his hand, the burial was directly smashed.

His body is not turned into dust, but a small square.

Large space surgery.

Space fate.

This spell is not powerful, you can only load life into a small dice. However, because Tang Shidao has the magic power of infinite magic, it can absorb the energy of all battles. It also has the great perfection of Yuanzu’s perfection, and it is easy to separate the life and energy of the burial with supernatural separation.

Energy separation, the Master is no different from the mortal.

Even if the burial can be interconnected, let the scattered life resonate, let the scattered energy gather... but what is the point.

The complete whole is no match for Tang Shidao, not to mention the state of broken.

Another trick.

Only one move.

The burial also failed.

He did not die because Tang Shidao did not want to kill him. Now the burial is being divided into countless copies, each one being loaded separately. This is not the size of the hands and feet, not even the size of a finger, but smaller and smaller. Except for the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, heart, and brain, most of them are 'broken' into bean size.

this moment.

On the other side, the other illusions were shocked.

Although they stepped on enemy traps, they could not be dangerous by their force. In the endless void, they are already the closest to the apex. Apart from their parents, they basically don't put anyone in their eyes. At this moment they discovered that the void is not as weak as imagined. Maybe, I am too confident.

"How to do?"

"First take this and say it."

"it is good."

One-on-one, laughter and a fiasco, the burial is also a defeat, only the rest.


They are a large group to one person.

The emptiness of God is a vain god, a group of one. They believe that one side is a winner, it depends on how long it takes to win. If you take down Yu Ji, you may be able to negotiate and exchange for the undead burial. They are not used to being buried without burial, because burial is the existence of a think tank, and only he is suitable to lead the work.

After a few seconds of agreement, the vain **** also began to attack.

The body is in front.

The spell is behind.

This is the ideal formation for dealing with Void spells.


When they started to act, the entire space was affected by their actions.

In fact, there is not much more. They are good at the emptiness of the body, and their energy fluctuations produce a small bubble ball. This is an energy bubble, very small, very weak and weak. However, whenever they go further, these energy bubbles produce more, including the firing of spells.

Of course, the impact on the vain **** is very small. After all, this energy bubble is too small and too weak.

The only thing is more unexpected.

These bubbles will drift with the action, the energy waves bounce off, or **** in, very random patterns. But one thing is not good. When the energy bubbles meet the energy bubbles, they will break into several pieces, or the two fusions become one, which is also random. In other words, these bubbles are constantly growing and growing.

There are a lot of vain gods, so there are a lot of energy bubbles.

The more energy bubbles, the more random changes.

Because this change is too obvious, the vain gods can all be sensed. Therefore, they are very anxious and eager to win the game.

The more urgent the heart, the more chaotic the action.

The more chaotic the action, the more energy bubbles there are.


If they are alone, calm down and think about ways to cope. But they are not alone. Among them, some people have almost no bubbles around them and are still unaffected. However, there are many energy bubbles around the person who is charging or casting, and there is a danger of blasting at any time. Therefore, some people are not in a hurry, but some people are very anxious.

Because of this inconsistency, anxious people took the lead.

They can't be slow.

Dangerous, but whoever, will take his own life to try the safety time limit of others. If you have to, save yourself and say.

An action.

More energy bubbles.

There are more energy bubbles, and more and more bubbles are generated by collisions. At this time, people who don't want to move must also act, otherwise they will be unlucky. Only a few breaths are not available, and the vain gods have not attacked Yu Ji. Their ‘defense’ and ‘self-protection’ have led to countless bubbles, and the entire space has been drowned.

At this moment they don't care about others, just want to give priority to themselves.

have to say.

At this moment, not only did their power be affected, but even intelligence seemed to be washed away. As a ‘enemy’, Yu Ji did not move at all, and the vain gods fell into a crisis.

When you are surrounded by energy bubbles that are blasting at any time, is it the first to kill the enemy or the first to protect yourself?

This is a problem.

Kill the enemy, you will probably die.

Self-protection, the enemy probably has no one to deal with.

So, how to choose?

On the other side of the space, Tang Shidao suddenly understood that the mother needed to have a curse. The power of the eclipse, it is extremely matched with this ‘purification bubble’. The solar eclipse represents the flame and the high temperature, and the higher the temperature, the more the energy foam can produce miraculous effects. In contrast, the 'cold' of the lunar eclipse is also helpful to it, because the enemy 'moving' will be affected by the energy bubble, and if it is not moving, it will be 'cold'.

Coupled with the virtual eclipse of the original eclipse, the combination of the enemy is indeed unsolvable.

Unless the power is much stronger, there is no way to crack it.

"A group of stupid pigs." The other side of the three ears sighed, because no one has attacked Yu Ji at this time, they are all saving lives.

Quietly around.

Calm yourself.

Or freeze yourself, these are self-protection moves.


What they don't understand is that the bubbles are produced by action and casting, and there are also foams that hit the foam. You don't move, at most, it's just a little less foam, it doesn't disappear. What should really be done, bet on his own life, fight to kill Yu Ji before death. Only by doing so can one win.


No gods don't want to gamble, everyone wants others to take risks, and they are safe and secure.

Three ears shake his head.

At this time, it also understands one thing: the more the number of opponents, the more selfish the opponent's heart is, the more tragic it is against Yu Ji. A person still has the opportunity to save himself, and he is sure to be more active and more thoughtful. In front of this group, they not only did not become a good helper, but instead they became pig teammates. The most pitiful thing is that from the whole body to the whole body into an energy bubble, they have basically not attacked.

Except very few.

Spelling spells before the final death, trying to attack Yu Ji, most of them are slowly being "purified" in their efforts to protect themselves.

This situation...

It’s like a group of clay figurines struggling in the ocean.

Do not move will die.

The movement will die faster.

Three ears looked at Tang Shidao and Yu Ji, and the three eyes all had the same meaning: If the three of them suffered the same situation, probably two people would take the initiative to sacrifice themselves and protect the other person's peace. Then, the rest of the people desperately attacked and killed the enemy, seeking the last victory.

Two guarantee one.

At least one chance of victory.

It is a pity that no one has sacrificed himself to 'protect' others, and all they do is to make themselves alive.

“Don't reply to the space?” Yu Ji basically didn't do it, because the energy bubble can hinder the spell, she doesn't even need defense and dodge.

"Not yet."

"Well, why?" Yu Ji was strange.

"Because the burial is still not dead, he is trying to count me. If you come over, you will be together." Tang Shidao turned and looked at the scattered space life, as if talking to the burial.

"..." The scattered space life has no answer, but the energy fluctuations are slightly trembled.

"Do you like this? Count me." The three ears gently gestured.

"I also want to try." Yu Ji beckoned.

Tang Shidao Weidun, waved the space to return to the original.

at this time.

Almost at the same time, those space fats are ablated by a special kind of energy, and the burial slowly returns... It is not a human form, but a semi-fragmented square shape, like a body composed of coarse sand: "It is very unexpected, you actually Still watching me?"

"No, I didn't want to kill you, I just wanted to give you a chance to fight back. You are the leader, you can't even have a eclipse spell."

"It turns out that it is a human being, and the courage is big."

"Are you ready?" Tang Shidao did not want to be too embarrassed.

"There was no such thing, but you three together, I saved other efforts." The burial of the burial, a moment, the special energy of the eclipse blows away. In a twinkling of an eye, a special maze is formed.

At this time, the burial person was gone.

"Three, welcome to my field. Forgot to tell you one thing, I have a big maze, and also a big masculine maze of the curse mode. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that there is no substance in the world of nothingness. So, we don't have a maze. The maze is in the world of nothingness, about equal to the cemetery and coffin of the void, so I called the burial. In other words, I am roughly equal to the 'death' of the void."

“Isn't it a grave-digger?” Tang Shidao listened to a little ‘shocking’.
