Mage Network

Chapter 1424: The 200th floor, the front of the dust

Everyone knows that the Emperor can't just be a bad heart, and provide this precious shared library for free.


What are the benefits of the Emperor, but everyone can't understand.

In fact, not only do outsiders do not understand, but even Yu Ji does not understand why Tang Shidao did this. The benefits she can understand, the black light can monitor the environment, get information from the trainers of all ethnic groups, and collect information on various skills. In addition, there is nothing else, more ‘funding’ of the world’s most diverse races, allowing them to grow rapidly from sharing.

Yu Ji thought unclear, but did not ask much.


If the races of the heavens become stronger, the gods are relatively weakened. One day in the future, no matter whether they and Tang Shidao have joined forces to defeat the 'eclipse', the gods may be counter-pressed by the races of the heavens, no longer threatened, and no longer manipulate the void and the void world.

From another angle, this is also a victory.

Tang Shidao did not explain to Yu Ji, because he did this on the one hand to cultivate the ethnic growth of the heavens, and on the other hand to seek a breakthrough in the seven legacy of the past. One of the most connected, the eyes of omniscience. That kind of black light is an infinite sharing, but you must have a root controller. Therefore, the eye of omniscience is this controller.

Outsiders can promote themselves through sharing, and of course, the eyes of omniscience can also benefit.

Can not be promoted by this, Tang Shidao does not know.

However, it is worth a try.

The tower of the gods reshapes the new order, and it is actually an experiment. Tang Shidao is not too busy to change the world. Learning, this is the eternal theme of the Master. No matter how much the ability is reached, the Master needs to learn. Because new knowledge is not important, you don't learn. It is mentally retarded, not a mage. The true mage doesn't care about importance, it only cares about new knowledge.

The tower of the gods is a new thing, as if it is beyond the endless void.

Therefore, it is worth taking the time to study.


Because of the emergence of this 'black sun', the practice frenzy has once again raised new heights. Because Tang Shidao was not named, and because of the first ‘the gods’ structure of Yang Taihuang, everyone called it the ‘the books of the gods’. There are currently only two such "God Bookstores", one on the 100th floor, cast by one eye of the Yangtai Wheel. The other one is on the 101st floor and is cast by the arm of Yang Taihuang.

In theory.

The Yangtai wheel belongs to the dusty sky, and Yang Taihuang is only a dusty sky. The former is stronger and should be placed at a higher position.


In fact, everyone learned that this is not the case.

The emperor is not ranked in terms of 'high and low', but is related to 'how much' and 'difficult'. Surprisingly, because Yang Tailun has the right to God, his total knowledge and experience is not as good as Yang Taihuang. In the aspect of 'experienced scholarship', Yang Taihuang is far higher than Yangtai Wheel. Everyone was surprised, but I also understood it. Yang Taihuang is more knowledgeable because he fights more and goes to more places.

Yang Tailun, who is dusty, if he doesn't sign up, don't even know who he is.

Can be imagined.

The Yangtai round has fewer battles... relatively less, even if the battle is to fight against the strong players. Because it is too single, he is not as rumored as Yang Taihuang.

on the other hand.

Difficult to arrange the position, Yang Tailun's experience is more 'easy', Yang Taihuang's more 'difficult'. This has nothing to do with erudition, but Yang Tailun's practice is higher, the experience is more sophisticated, and the skills are more focused. Therefore, it is easier to study in Xiangyang Tailun. Although Yang Taihuang is erudite, his skills are far less than that of Yang Tai Wheel. His knowledge and experience are harder to learn.

At the beginning.

Some people suspect that the strongest people in the dusty days will be exposed too early.


Everyone knows that they want more.

Yes, Yang Tailun’s knowledge and experience are put out. However, there are very few that can be learned. Learned, there are very few proficient. Proficient, able to be perfect less. Yang Tailun’s ‘the collection of the gods’ does indeed teach knowledge and experience, but it does not mean that you can become a Yangtai round if you study. It’s like saying that the Scarecrow teaches you a spell. Can you practice becoming a Scarecrow?

Do not.

Practice always depends on personal efforts.

The books of the gods, it is only equal to a 'good teacher'.

Understand this point.


There are some unknown people who come to the door. It is not a challenge to the emperor, but a gift. They sent some fingers, eyeballs, sharp corners, wings, and even a head. For example, a snake head or a tentacle-like thing that has a head.

They did not say who these "body parts" belonged to, and Tang Shidao did not ask.

What does it mean, everyone understands.

Half a day later.

Hundreds of ‘the books of the gods’ turned into black sun rays, which were placed on the layers of the towers of the gods according to certain rules. According to the difference in the amount of knowledge, according to the difficulty of knowledge and experience, Tang Shidao made a systematic definition. At this time, the towers of the gods have dozens of layers, and some of them are not.

People are not surprised. If it is random, it is called git.


Because everyone gets real benefits from the books of the gods, a mysterious group of people sends a 'gift'. Even the mysterious people are not the ones that have just been created, they are sent to find the root of the ‘gifts’. These ‘gifts’ contain a lot of knowledge of the owners, and they believe that they have a control.

After all, splitting your body is a breeze for the Master.

In the same way, it is easy to separate some of your knowledge.

Yang Taihuang and Yang Tai Wheel ‘all’ were shared, because Yang Taihuang died and had no choice. Yang Tailun needs ‘freedom’ and he has to compromise. Those who voluntarily send, send all of them to send, and send half of them to send. So, they did this, and no one guessed who the 'God of Books' belonged to.

During this period, the crowds of the towers of the gods were more active.


There is no arbitrary killing and no malicious destruction. Everyone silently obeys the new order here.

For the new race, everyone is happy to see their growth.

Because it contains its own descendants.

For the books of the gods, everyone is close to exposure, learning or providing knowledge.


Both the void and the imaginary division will fight. However, they never affect the outsiders at the time of the war, nor will they damage the environment. At this level of mage, demarcating a mirror space is very simple. Even a group of mages invited to gather to create a small stage competition. In this period of great practice, no one is idle.



Time seems to be very fast, and it seems to be very slow.

at last.

"The Emperor has set foot on 200 floors." Yong Cang's new gods are most concerned about the situation and are more concerned than the races of the heavens. Now the races of the heavens are desperately cultivating their descendants, unlike the New God Alliance, which only has the ‘overthrow of the gods’.

"Yeah, will the gods stop it?"

"It's hard to say." Yong Cang shook his head gently. He knew that the Emperor had done a lot of things and his strength has improved a lot.


The gods are the gods.

In their eyes, no matter how much merits and contribution of outsiders, they are always chess pieces. They never change their inherent ideas and only use everything as an experimental product. Whether the Emperor and the Emperor improve the dust outside the world, whether it passes through the world, as long as it touches the edge of the demarcation line of the gods.

Yang Tailun explains the gods of the dust gods, and people are easier to understand.

Part of the endless void.

This is doomed... they are not the same as others.

"Yong Cang, do you want people to win or lose?"

"I don't know, Yongxia."

"I thought you would say that you want them to die."

"In the past, I thought so. But it is different now. Selfishly, I hope they don't fight."


"I feel that I have improved a lot recently, but I still can't beat the Emperor. Deep down, I really hope that they will wait. When I grow up, then I will challenge the two camps alone." Yong Cang's speech is like Fool, one side can't win, but also want to fight the two camps.


Yongxia can understand.

It’s progressing, but the opponent is gone, how sad it is.

"I knew that we should not waste time at the beginning."

"Yes, it’s only progress now, it’s late." Yong Cang gently sighed, knowing that he could not catch up with the excitement. The stage of the gods is not qualified to board without sufficient power. Maybe after tens of thousands of years, I have the opportunity to try, but now I can't do it... I can't do it. It doesn't work.

this moment.

Also sighed by other people, the New Alliance and the races of the heavens.

They are similar to Yong Cang.

The strength is very strong, but it has stagnated for many years. Now that it has suddenly increased, confidence has come back. Unfortunately, history will not stop because of them. When the stage was open, they didn't have enough power to climb, so they could only miss it.


When Tang Shidao stepped on the 200th floor, countless figures followed.

They are all hidden in the clouds.

Unidentified identity.

However, the pressure of the momentum can be said: they are absolutely qualified to board this stage!

Among these people, some of them are very familiar tastes, and almost certainly are the strongest of the dust. In normal times, they do not show up in the mountains, silently practice, and move silently. Now, they finally stand out from the crowd of ‘temporary buddha’. I have to say that it is not that they knew that there will be today, but that they have been ‘prepared’.

In the long history, there is occasional something called ‘opportunity’.


When opportunities arise, people who are incapable cannot catch them.

This group of people is different.

They have been accumulating their abilities and only wait for this ‘opportunity’ to appear. Therefore, they never lack ability, they only lack opportunities. Yong Cang and others could not stage because they were not prepared. During the period of the big practice and frenzy, they improved, they worked hard, but still lacked the ability to become qualified.

Looking at these familiar figures on the 200th floor, Yong Cang and others are sore inside.

They used to be the same.

They used to be equal.

Just because of more efforts, others have staged, and they are just viewers.

"The Emperor did not expel them?"


"No, isn't the emperor going to eliminate all the old forces?"

"No, he didn't say anything, and he didn't do anything."

"The Emperor is obviously..."

"Even if the Emperor wants to eliminate all the old forces, these people are not old forces. Because they keep up with the times, they are moving forward, and they remain in the 'old forces'. We strictly speaking, the people who have not eliminated them, It is we who have eliminated ourselves."
