Mage Network

Chapter 194: Live and kill, difficult and easy, cho

The first time I saw a spell spread to someone around me, Tang Shidao was inexplicably angry.

If the snake master is still alive here, Tang Shidao may not be able to resist it. Because the rule of the Master Network is a division and a mage, Tang Shidao has always regarded this place as his own territory. Although the snake mage has already died, but it has made this mess on his own site, Tang Shidao is still very unhappy.

This feeling is like a mage who enters his own plane world without invitation, and there is an impulse to not kill.

In the lead.

The rest of the soldiers also noticed the wrath of Tang Shidao, and could not help but feel a sense of thoroughness. It seems that this young man is more dangerous than the monsters on the whole planet. Soldiers who have seen the dragon even feel that this person is much more terrible than the 100-meter dragon.

"right here."

In less than four or five minutes, everyone went to a flat place on the rocky mountain.

It is like a manually excavated platform. Based on a giant rock, it is polished into a flat stone bench.

There are no trees.

No weeds.

Not even a worm ant bee is active here.

"Dao Shi, they were just here. I was planning to find a place to camp. I didn't want to flash a ghost sister and a beautiful woman. They disappeared." Lei Dazhuang went forward to speak. I feel that Tang Shidao is angry, and only this brother dares to speak.

Tang Shidao nodded and would not lose his temper to these soldiers.

Walk to the middle of the rock platform.

Press the palm of your hand and know what the reason is.

The magic can infiltrate and start the organ.

Turn your eyes.

There are five pillars on the rock platform that rise slowly, and they have the ancient texts and patterns of ‘Golden Wood Firewood’.

“How many people are here?” asked Tang Shidao.

"Thirty-two people." Hearing a question, a female soldier stepped forward and whispered softly: "Including Miss Bai and Miss Blue, a total of 32 people are here. They are all female soldiers. Let us come together to find a place to camp." ""

"Only disappeared five people?"

"Well, yes." The female soldier subconsciously glanced at the five pillars and whispered.

What the soldiers thought of when they heard the conversation.

Five pillars?

Disappeared five people?

There were 32 people who had just disappeared and only disappeared five people. It must have something to do with these five pillars. It is said that no one believes in coincidence.

"Qin captain, fat man, come out." Tang Shidao waved and said: "Two more people."

Everyone heard it.

Five more people?

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. I will come out with two people right away. First of all, this is another door like Black Gate. I don't know where the opposite is. The five beautiful people have already entered. I want to find them in the past. Come back. You can stay and wait, you can't leave the first return to the royal star." Tang Shidao lightly drink.

The sound is falling, and everyone is still hesitating.

" Count me one." Yaris of the Dark Knights first stood up.

"Also count me." Anderson of the Cavaliers also stood up.

Then, several dozen people stood up.

"Only five people." Tang Shidao waved, indicating that Ariel and Anderson came forward. In the usual situation, Tang Shidao absolutely does not want others to explore. However, five people including Bai Meiren have already entered, and unless they kill them, the news will be known. You know, soldiers who enter the Black Gate are always on the go.

To kill and kill, Tang Shidao must not do it.

The countries of the Emperor's Stars can't threaten themselves, and they need to destroy them.

"The Taoist, we are ready." Lei Dazhuang holds the gun and is courageous.

Tang Shidao nodded.

Pressing the middle position, at this time, the five pillars next to it suddenly turned. As if entering a certain predetermined mode, the five pillars suddenly burst, and a small piece of glowing debris in the middle shot to the wrist of Tang Shidao. In the horror of the crowd, five pieces of debris shot into the wrists of Tang Shidao, and quickly spread out the light into the skin.

As if sucking blood, slowly draw the blood of Tang Shidao.

At last.

Slowly create a red crystal wrist.

Thermal scattering, and in the hands of Tang Shidao brand a special law.

"Are you okay?" Lei Daqiang stepped forward.

"Nothing." Tang Shidao took off the wrist wheel and looked at the French pattern on his hand. This is one of the legacy of the snake mage, but it is not a complete gift, only a key. The wrist wheel is a rechargeable instrument with the added spells: Big Portal!

The first word is the word 'big'.

Needless to say.

This must be a great curse.

Tang Shidao did not know much about the Master Network, but he also knew that the Great Portal was the top ten of all the great curses. It has no use in the world of the Masters, but in the void it has the highest praise of 'utility first' and is hailed as the most valuable curse by the Void Blazers.

This stuff actually fell on the hands of the snake mage?

It actually took the pits to the next generation?

"Tang classmates, is it a failure to start?" Qin Hu asked softly.

"No, it's okay, now it's handed over to my hand. Departure, we are five advanced. Jinmu Shuihuo, I guess only five people can enter. Others look at it and see what happens when they enter five people." "Tang Shidao picked up the wrist wheel and put it back on his hand, waving a hand at the blank place in front of him."

In an instant, a portal similar to the black door appeared.

The other soldiers nodded.

Looking at the leader of Tang Shidao, I saw Lei Dazhuang and four people follow up.

At this time, other soldiers were waiting for the reaction, but the portal disappeared. After entering five people, it seems to have reached saturation, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. A group of soldiers came forward to check and the results naturally had no results. Even if you don't understand the meaning of Jinmu Shuihuo, the five pillars represent the five numbers, and they also know the relationship.

At this time, the other side.

"Hold the grass! Hold the grass! Taoist, this is... This is..." Lei Dazhuang looked silly, Qin Hu, Yaris and Anderson were similar.

Tang Shidao frowned, and his heart was blown up by the snake mage.

The world before us.

A majestic and tall ancient city.

A group of rags.

A cavalry with a fresh horse.

Far away, there is a bleak situation after the flood.

"Impossible, is this a TV shoot?" Lei Dazhuang saw the scene of the corpse of the corpse, and there was a feeling of unwillingness to believe.

“Two hundred and three hundred thousand people are making TV?” Qin Hu and others had a hard time swallowing.

In the face of this situation, they can't imagine what it is.

Under the wall, people are desperately calling.

On the avenue, people in the crowd are falling.

Some of the better children are crying, but the crying is **** and weak because they are too hungry. At this moment, the cavalry are still expelling the crowd, and even slashing and killing some disobedient people. As soon as I saw it, the whole place was full of despair.

at this time.

Tang Shidao also saw another scene.

In these people, there are some faint people who have 'hidden' a piece of knowledge... the fragments of the Great Portal. The snake mage divides the big portal into several parts, each of which falls randomly on one person. It is owned by the emigrants, possessed by the cavalry, and possessed by people living in the city.

Some of the lying people died, and one of his fragments flew out and randomly attached to another person.

Tang Shidao knows what this means.

The snake mage gives himself two choices: first, help them. Maybe to a certain extent, they are really grateful, and these pieces will be automatically transmitted to them. This is a long and complicated process and I don't know how long it will take.

The second, very simple... killing these people, you can grab the hand with magical sucking.

If you choose to kill yourself, you can get a solar eclipse.

"Taoist, the beauty is over there." Lei Dazhuang saw the goal when he was in a daze. The modern military uniform and the smugglers' clothing are too far apart to be seen at a glance. At this time, Bai Meiren is holding a group of children, in front of them is a group of full-faced cavalry.

Lei Da Zhuang rushed over.

Qin Hu, Yaris and Anderson are both counting the number of bullets. With modern guns against ancient cavalry, fools know that they will win.

But the number of bullets... and five of them can’t help but catch each other’s arrows.

Under the hillside.

When I saw the people in Tangshidao’s eccentric clothes, a group of cavalry rushed out and shouted different languages. One of the giants’ school squadrons wielded a horse knife and killed them. Lei Dazhuang four people slowed down and raised their guns to shoot. At this time, Tang Shidao had already rushed to the front, holding the knives in one hand, and the giant Han even rolled the horse to the ground.

The giant Han is still undecided, and the person has been raised by Tang Shidao.

It fell heavily and became a smashed rotten meat.

at this time.

A piece of debris on his body automatically drifted into the body, and Tang Shidao received a sensory collection of 'one billionth.'

"Oh!" Tang Shidao was extremely angry, and the snake master actually divided the big portal into 100 million copies.

Save 100 million people.

Or kill 100 million people.

Is this a test? Or the snake mage does not matter at all, only to see which way the successor himself likes to go.

The giant Han school died.

The general of the cavalry immediately signaled the archer to prepare.

However, they did not realize what monsters they were facing. Even if it is not used, it will not change, and Tang Shidao also has the physical strength that mortal people can't imagine. The slashing knife, the amazing speed and the amazing power, divided the three cavalry into twelve pieces with just one knife.

Even people take the horse, divided into four.

Without waiting for the bow and arrow to fly, Tang Shidao has already rushed into the battle. I was in a bad mood, and it was even more uncomfortable to see the cavalry that killed the displaced people. The knives are waving in the hands, and each knife has several people turned into pieces. This is not an unparalleled game in the game, nor a tiger into the flock, it is like a person playing a bunch of tofu.

When the horse knife was broken, Tang Shidao picked up the mace and waved his hand.

The cavalry also dared to charge at the beginning.

Seeing that everyone was sent to death, they even fled without even turning orders.

"Who said that the horse must be faster than the man." The general of the cavalry fled, and the horse ran wildly, but Tang Shidao rushed to catch up with it, and he smashed the guy into pieces.

At this moment, no matter the soldiers in the city or the displaced people on the ground, everyone is scared.

They have seen the most brave generals in the world.

They have heard the strongest warriors in the story.

However, when they saw this killing, they were all blank. Is this a person, Tian Tiantian will not be so terrible?

Qin Hu and others are also dumbfounded.

Is the disciple of Liu’s Zongmen strong enough?

"Adao." On the other side, seeing the Tang Shidao, who is covered in blood, the white beauty is not in his arms.

She is too scared.

Unknown world, miserable crowds, crying children, the ones who trust the most when they are most helpless. Regardless of whether it is true or not, even if it is a nightmare, she hopes that the most trusted person will accompany herself.

"I am coming, it's okay." Tang Shidao stared at the white beauty, looked up at the crowd of people, and found that a few people have knowledge fragments.

They are looking forward to it.

As if waiting for the emergence of a savior.

I don't know who is the first one.

When the first person crouched, it quickly fell into disarray, and soon everyone bowed to the man who killed the god.

Tang Shidao is a long exhale.

I am thinking, how should the snake mage be a god-level crater? The wrist wheel has a total of five road signs, which is the first one. The historical story of the turtle is not a fake. The snake mage has really taken away a lot of people!