Mage Network

Chapter 461: Deterrence of the First Holy One

"He has an ancient implement. Although it is not an offensive and defensive role, it has the ability to influence the virtual environment." Looking at the battlefield of the angry beast quickly returned to the light, the gods of the gods first thought of things in the hands of Tang Shidao, A special instrument of ancient times: ancient shadows.

"Maybe he will also promote this technology, remember, he is a master of refining, or the holder of the legacy technology of Yuanding."

"Let's go grab it?"

"Can you play infinite magic?"


Everyone knows that the things in the hands of Tang Shidao are very good, very good, very attractive, but ‘grab’ is not considered. You know, there are not many people in the Kingdom of God who are better than the Duke of the Sheep. The Duke of the Sheep who can beat the ‘multi-beast fits’ is even less. It is still possible to deal with Tang Shidao, but it is too painful to deal with infinite magic. The biggest limit is also to win, killing is basically impossible.

For this ancient shadow, the giants of the gods are absolutely blind, but unfortunately they have nothing to do.

Think about it.

The opponent has a big and complete blood.

Yuanzu Yuanling or something, the most annoying.

The deity has a peculiar power of the black and white world and is an unidentified object. A shadow has an infinite magical magical body, and a shadow has a black smoldering that devours the Milky Way. It is also an unidentified object... Nima is simply unreasonable. It’s not bad for someone else, you have a bunch of... Nima can also whiten ancient objects.

Why don't you die like this, and you will die when you are born.


On the surface, everyone is happy and happy over the New Year... Oh, no, happy to clean up the battlefield of the angry beast, and return this shadow area back to the order of the gods with light. Does Warcraft and Voids disagree? It doesn't matter, all killed. As long as they are all killed, and then ask them if they do not object, they certainly have no opinion.

Properly, we are all reasonable.

The first sage's ‘black tide’ has eaten countless planets and shady clouds? It doesn't matter, it's a small matter. There are countless such gadgets in the Kingdom of God, and there is no such thing as this. As long as there is a life planet that is not swallowed, other loves to eat and chew. Don't say that the anger beast battlefield is a little bit of a place, as long as it does not destroy the planet of life, the Kuroshio you stick out your tongue and lick the whole country of God without any opinion.

Fifteen days.

The shadow of the anger battlefield completely disappeared.

At this time, the more intelligent Warcraft decided to flee. Anyway, there are so many shadow areas, we will change one company when the company goes bankrupt. The Voids are different... We are the robbers of Nima, and there is no way back. Whether there is no light, there is light, and you are dying.

The giants of the Kingdom of God are very happy, and the beasts can't escape.

Destroy you have not discussed.

More to make them happy, the first saint Tang Shidao did not know which ribs were taken, he actually did not participate in this carnival feast. Tang Shidao only allowed Yihui to take part in the hunting with the second generation of the gods and sharpen the combat experience. He and Bai Shengnan rushed to help the charms, Lan Ji and Wu Yueer, completely renounced the infinitely harvesting of the emptiness of the beasts... Good people, the gods of the gods want to reward a little red flower.

In the near future, who said that the first saints must be killed, so stupid... Oh no, such a good person, the praise is too late.

Grinding and rubbing for a long time.

Charm and Momo rescued the Difficult Master and dig it out in a maze.

This time it was a male mage, and the black merchants were wrong. Bad review, refund money.

The black merchants are also very helpless... Our intelligence is clearly a female mage, who knows that the missing mages in this place are so hot, 50% chances are not. It is not that our army does not give strength, but that the enemy is too embarrassed. If you refund the money, you will get back the money. Anyway, you have earned too much recently. The wallet and the money box of the wallet are all squashed. There is no place to lose.

Finding the third victim, Tang Shidao’s brain continues to pump and smoke... Go back to rest!

Now the battlefield of hunting the empty beasts is white ‘捡’ money, maybe you can still be white for several years, do you actually rest?

Well, well, there is nothing wrong with rest.

We absolutely support it.

The second generation of good people, the first saint, don't give up your dreams... continue to sleep.

This time.

There was another thing that shocked everyone's chin: the heads of the shadows teamed up to work together, not afraid of hardships, hard work, not afraid of danger, not afraid of sacrifice, finally found the 'black moon palace', oh... change hands Delivered... I sent it to the Thunder Star of the Rest of Tang Shidao.

The giants of the Kingdom of God were shocked.

What is swollen?

This is what Mr. Long wants to look for. This is what the first saints are looking for. You are not easy to find, actually ‘white delivery’?

Is it necessary to be so afraid of the first saint?

He was able to find ancient shadows. It was just a bad luck... Hey, he slammed him, don’t hesitate, and we have absolute support in spirit.

The giants of the gods hope that the shadows will be hard.

It is a pity.

The shadow people group is really not so hard, and now they are also panicked. In order for Tang Shidao not to go to another shaded area, they simply found and sent things in advance.

The middleman who came to visit is a black merchant and must.

"So, as long as I promised not to go to the shadow area, they gave me the black moon palace white?" Tang Shidao is also speechless.

Is the task of the snake mage so easy?

If the snake mage knows that its mission is being traded like this, um, it is estimated that the coffin board can't hold it.

"Yes, Tang Sheng. Within 50 years, please don't step into the shadows unless you get a special invitation. You promise, this moving castle is yours. The shadows of the leaders have another Words: If you don't agree, the black moon palace will be destroyed, and there is no residue left. They can't say how infinite magic, but it is very easy to destroy the black moon palace." The black merchant leader is completely transferred, how do both sides I don't think about him.

"I really want to agree, but I have to find another thing: Molong." Tang Shidao did not care about the shadow area.

I can promise not to go, really... If Mr. Long goes in, it doesn't matter to me.

I am reasonable.

Half a day later.

After the shadow group’s big discussion, the black merchants came back to discuss: “They said they can help you find the location, appearance, and attributes. This time, for the third time, I would rather burn the jade.”

Tang Shidao listened a little surprised. These people can bear it very much: "Hey. I am not too sure. It is estimated to be in the battlefield of the poisonous sand or the battlefield of the Black Forest. That thing must be a sculpture, like the shape of a dragon, it is bone. Or ancient wood, it must be pure black color. Without energy, energy must not be real. The size is not clear, it is estimated to be no more than one hundred meters."

Black merchants don't have much to say. There are so many 'artworks' that it is hard to find.


Difficult to be relative to ordinary people, not to shadow people or black merchants. With so much information, the black merchants are confident that there will be news within ten days.

In fact.

It doesn't take ten days. In just two days, the Shadow People Group sent 247 such things through the black merchants.

"I have to be all."

Tang Shidao knew that only one piece was real, because that one was not 'engraving', but it was made directly by life. People who have no life weaving can't see it, only they can distinguish it. Tang Shidao also believes that the Shadow People team has repeatedly studied, they just do not have the ability to know the truth.


"Add 50 years, I will never go in a hundred years, unless they agree." Tang Shidao is very reasonable. I was thinking about it: When did Mr. Long’s anger rush into the shadows to find a group of people? This is very reasonable. I want to find something that Mr. Long wants to find. You actually gave it to the first saint. I am sure that Mr. Long is not good for you.

Really not deliberately embarrassing you, everyone is reasonable.

The black merchants responded to a group of happy and broken shadow heads, and they all thought that the first saints were good to discuss.

In fact.

If you are not afraid of breaking the black moon palace and let the snake master's task make more trouble, Tang Shidao wants to turn his face when he hears their mouth guns... You don't even dare to fight and fight, and dare to threaten people. The cheeks have torn me off, and I have to sew it up. You are really less when you are a child.

When thinking about the things they need, Tang Shidao is too lazy to care for them.

The news came out.

The chin that the giants of the gods had just loaded back fell again.

Black Moon Palace.


The left slap and the right slap, the heads of the shadows actually endured?

This unscientific!

In the past, even if he faced the Emperor of the Eight Emperors, he was also a flash road. Today, he was even beaten by the First Holy One and did not fight back.

Some of the giants of the gods who are associated with the shadow group are not satisfied... messed up, isn’t it? Finding ancient shadows is just a bad luck. Don't be embarrassed, swear at him. Although everyone said that the First Saint did not miss the task, in fact, he really... never missed... Well, we mean, maybe the next time he missed it.

How do you know that we support you spiritually?

The heads of the shadows did not pick up this, and returned to the expression of 'there is a kind of you.'

The giants of the Kingdom of God stated that we love peace.

We are pacifists.

The two sides are not happy, and at this time, the heart is also the same idea: Yuanzu Yuanling or something, the most annoying.

Damn infinite magic.

Damn great consummation.

Those who are stronger than us and who are talented than us are damned.

at this time.

On the Thunder star, Tang Shidao retreats, Bai Shengnan explains to a group of gods: "In fact, the leaders of the shadows are afraid, they just messed up their minds for a while. The infinite magic has scared people, plus Laotang. They also found ancient shadows. They didn't dare to gamble, and going to a shaded area would have the same consequences. So, they will get used to it after a while."

The second generation of God felt very reasonable: "How long will it take to get used to it?"

Bai Shengnan thought for a moment: "Hundreds of years."

God's second generation: "..."

Yihui has also been so sick recently: "Winning male, are you sure that it is a habit for hundreds of years, not forgotten for too long?"

Bai Shengnan nodded: "How many years will not dementia, how can I forget."

Bhuihui also nodded: "As far as I know, the head of the shadow area is not a fixed position. They have their own veteran group, and they have to change their jobs every 100 years. The original leader needs to retreat as a veteran, waiting for the next time. According to this calculation, even if the head of the newly appointed leader has to go down a hundred years later, this hundred years..."

"It is a habit." Bai Shengnan is also a reasonable person.
