Mage Network

Chapter 469: The only creation: Totem World

Exploring the fragments of God's Faith through the Manxian game is actually a ‘premature early’ attempt.

In Master Network, the people who are really beginning to shape their faith are regular gods, that is, the strongest of the landlord and the landlord. It is not that we can't do it before the landlord, but that the difference between cognition and ability is too far, and it will basically be in vain. Tang Shidao did this mainly for the clue of the snake mage. Secondly, this also allows people in the in-situ face to slowly adapt to practice.

In short, Tang Shidao did not expect this high, nor did he want to harvest anything in a short time.

Unexpectedly, the amazing!

Most of this ‘human fairy game’ is derived from the effect of colorless and cursed, but the biggest gain now is the power of the human body.

People cultivated strength. At the beginning, Tang Shidao did not value the totem. In other words, in addition to the multiple totems of the Shanhai world, the totems of other spells are not very important, even inferior to its derivative ‘神纹’. Tang Shidao also knows that there is no freedom for a spell without a totem, and it must be confined to a certain range. But in essence, the role of the totem is really small.

Other people may be surprised, but they have too many hands and don't feel shocked at all.

This time.

Tang Shidao found himself... No, all Masters have a misunderstanding of the totem. In fact, the totem also hides something deeper.

After the start of the game of people.

Some people are healthy, some are entertaining, and some are desperately practicing. On the way to building a new server, Tang Shidao unexpectedly found a very unbelievable thing. Originally, the man totem has been practiced by himself. In the case of the human body seven, the totem also has seven totem patterns. This doesn't make much sense, but the effect of skill activation has increased sevenfold.

In principle, this is basically consistent with the utility of the seven-fold field.

What is incredible?

Another totem phantom.

In the past, Tang Shidao was 100% certain that the totem of the human body is absolutely only a totem phantom, and there is no second. I am a person, not a twin, nor a second soul. Why did the second shadow appear, and Tang Shidao did not understand. Fortunately, this shadow is synonymous with your own consciousness.

It took only four days for Tang Shidao to re-establish the totem pattern on ‘it’.

At this time, the accident reappeared.

It is different from the deity, and the totem pattern that appears on it is a constellation-like pattern. It has seven light spots and is connected with six light wires. It is similar to the appearance of the Big Dipper. At the same time, the totem phantom of the deity of the deity has a very small star point, and the tiny dipper is hidden in the star point, which is exactly the same as the second shadow.

At this moment, the world of totems that belong to the human body has changed into a small chaotic starry sky, no longer a shadow in the darkness.

There is now a very cramped feeling.

It seems that I am struggling with a nightmare.

At this moment, Tang Shidao was confused.

What is it?

In terms of strength, the self-deity plus the second totem phantom is a totem pattern of 7 plus 7 equals 14, which is quite a 14-fold field.

In terms of existence, the two seem to be equal and seem to be the main relationship.

How to understand?

The second totem phantom has the same attributes as the shadow of the past and the shadow of the next generation. Of course, it doesn't have the power of two shadows, but only a part of the properties are the same.

After a few days of thought explosion.

For a time, Tang Shidao thought that he had inadvertently created the middle of the shadow of the world and the shadow of the next world: the shadow of the world!


In four days, Tang Shidao again doubted the idea... because the third totem phantom appeared.

Not much thought.

Tang Shidao repeated the last practice, and completed the totem practice in just two days, reducing the time by half. The pattern of the third shadow is no longer like the Big Dipper, but like a vortex. Similarly, the totem phantom of his deity adds a second star point with a tiny vortex. At this time, the narrow chaos of the totem world has expanded.

Of course, it still has only three lonely shadows.

Nothing else.

Tang Shidao is very clear that the world of totem is not equal to his own knowledge of the sea. Because, my own knowledge of the sea has the wisdom tree of the eyes of omniscience, as well as the seeds of chaos and the shackles of time. Totem world only has things related to totems, nothing else. Therefore, it is not the same as knowing the sea.

When the third totem phantom appeared, Tang Shidao also faintly caught something.

Five days.

The third weak player in the game is trying to improve, from ‘one sheep’ to ‘one wolf’. Although the strength is not much improved, it is a change in life. At this moment, Tang Shidao's totem world simultaneously generates a fourth totem phantom.

At this moment, Tang Shidao affirmed three things.

the first thing.

The generation of totem phantoms is related to the players in the game. .

The second thing.

It is related to the information of the eyes of the omniscient. To put it directly, it is the omniscient eye that shapes the prototype of the totem phantom.

The third thing.

It is related to the ‘transmutation’ of the living beings. With trillions of players, all the information is stored in the eyes of the omniscient eye, why only three totem phantoms are generated? The only reason is that the three have an enhancement of ‘transmutation’. On the strength, the fierceness of the Shuhua Kingdom is stronger. On the wisdom, the scientists of the Dragon Star civilization are smarter. On the skill, the longevity members of the Presbyterian Church are more sophisticated.

But the three of them affected the birth of the totem phantom, the only reason is that the wisdom tree thinks they are considered 'mature fruits'.

More pale description... They are people who transcend themselves.

Make it clear.

Tang Shidao lamented the wonders of fate and clearly understood: This is because of the magic of the seven legacy of the past!

Otherwise, it is very difficult for oneself to find this way.

In order to speed up the extraction of this substantial benefit, Tang Shidao let Lei Dazhuang come forward to publicize... He punched the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the heavy truck with one punch, and let the elders of the Dragon Star civilization demonstrate, and finally took the Golden Apple as a prize. All of this is to accelerate the improvement of the world of totems.

Less than two months.

Totem world generated totem phantom individuals reached 50, after training equivalent to 350 areas. Surprisingly, the patterns they produce are different, and each seems to have a different meaning. Depending on the personality of the prototype, it may be based on the fantasy habits of the prototype. In short, Tang Shidao has a feeling of seeing the 88 constellations.

More assured is.

Although the totem phantom is generated by an outsider, it has nothing to do with any character, but the eye of omniscience is shaped by knowledge. This point not only reflects the terrible amount of knowledge of the eyes of omniscience, but also proves the extraordinary effectiveness of the seven legacy of the past. It is conceivable that they are not only superficial, but also hide unknown effects in the dark.

During this time, Tang Shidao also found another thing, that is: no totem world!

Whether it is the Master Network or the Void.

No classics have ever recorded the concept of 'totem world'. The description of the totem is the most, and it is undoubtedly its derivative ‘神纹’. The totem itself is far less in the field of multi-field and king. Even the most professional record, describing the totem is also a limitation of liberation spells, which can make the flame have a cold, can make the water have heat and so on.

It can be said.

There are very few people who study totems in history. Even if the record of the mountains and seas, the Quartet of the Quartet wants to 'acquire' rather than 'research'.

At this time, Tang Shidao realized that the totem world is the only creation.

If you don't have the eyes of omniscience, or if you don't use the colorless and curse to build the ‘people's game,’ it won't be born in this world. Even if it is not finished, it may not appear. Under the circumstance, the totem world created itself.

Go to this step.

Tang Shidao did not stop, while developing the human fairy game and began the practice of colorless totem, try to open the second exclusive colorless totem world.

In addition, the shadow of the past and the shadow of the next generation also began to practice.

After entering the holy world, cumulative ascension is a genius disdain. So this kind of behavior is not weird, and many wizards do the same. Thinking of the last Duke's duel, Tang Shidao also secretly decided not to be too far in power. This period of time just calmed down and accelerated the level of my own law.

The ancestral dragon of the original world, the sacred **** of the Kingdom of God, and the mad **** of the scholars are now basically three points and one line.

For outsiders.

The legendary first saint is lazy again. However, no one dares to cool the word. With the three words of great perfection, a body can not be said to be cold.

In the past six months.

The five planetary alliances have changed a lot. It is not about the environment and life, but the changes in people's spirits. Although there are very few characters in the metamorphosis, there are many steps to grow. The strength of the body becomes stronger, and the mental outlook of people is also greatly different. With the trend of the trend, there are very few people who are not physically fit, unless they are too old.

The life of scholars has also changed a lot.

Because Rocky and himself are at the forefront, the scholar is just an inconspicuous professor. Even if the company is in trouble, it will not be possible until he and Rocky have an accident. After a decline, and knowing the urinary nature of the Star Eagles merchants, Rocky reluctantly recruited a large number of security personnel, and also prepared for the development of the alloy company.

Some sneak out, I am sorry, no one can escape the eyes of Tang Shidao.

the other side.

The **** of the gods of the gods, now lively is not the same. It can be said that in order to enter this star, many people have secretly played dog brains. Hearing that Peng Peng is already on the return journey, this ‘infighting’ has increased by a hundredfold. Everyone knows that if you want to board the only ship of Kunpeng, the **** of Peng Peng is the closest one.

Now everyone is only wondering: What happened to the first saint?

In theory.

During this period, it is the moment when the First Holy One is the easiest to leaps. With the infinite magic of great consummation, with Kuang Peng, you already have the conditions to become a giant. What is more important at this time than recruiting powerful tunes and building the power of the gods?

No longer.

Encourage elite talents, such as outstanding alchemists and runes masters, etc., to build a technical group.

But what are you doing?

Strolling between the kingdom of God and the original world, occasionally ran to the home of a mage friend who has no ability to do it... We also know that you are not a normal person, but if your mind is normal, you can't do something normal people do.

I can see that you are practicing.

However, such a practice method... I am afraid that it is not regressing?