Mage Network

Chapter 478: new generation

At the beginning of the school of immortality, the Five Planets Alliance also entered a new era.

Even the most stupid people know that the history of personal power has reappeared. Just like the ancient dynasty before the development of science and technology, the individual bravely returned again. With the discovery of some ancient ruins by the interstellar civilization, people quickly learned that people in ancient times also had extraordinary power. This is no more than imagination, just a different means of energy utilization.

These monuments have always been hidden. When the immortal era is approaching, the Five Planets Alliance will no longer have to hide.


The expansion of the human fairy game quickly turns into a real-life training that everyone must play. Now even if there are some elderly people, they also have a passionate attachment to the ‘breathing law health law extension law.’ It can be said that no one does not participate. After Bai Meiren and Lei Dazhuang personally verified that the book of the Immortal Can be truly improved, the enthusiasm of all people has also increased by several hundred times.

Nowadays, the editorials are revised, and people are not surprised by the rules that can only be applied at the first level.

Because, from the frog breathing method to the turtle breathing method, most people need to work hard for several years. If you can jump, everyone learns the mysterious turtle extension law. In fact, nine kinds of longevity exercises have been practiced for decades.

Now there are three more exercises with the word 'Imperial'. People believe that the road to life is still very far away.

About the Tang Emperor.

The only thing people want to know now: How strong is he?

It is rumored that the Tang Emperor has already studied the book of Immortals, how high will his strength be?

"Taoist, come, let's play one game." As the ally of the youth league, as the hard-core party of the Tang Emperor, as the most prominent figure in the five-planet alliance, Lei Dazhuang has always been the image of the boy next door in the eyes of the people. Without the taste of a politician, a bit high, a bit strong, a bit stupid, a bit poisonous, a bit tempered.

After the immortal level 1, the boy next door has changed.

At this moment.

He is fully in line with the name 'big and strong' and the whole person looks like a strong bull. He is not a muscular bodybuilder, the figure is like a statue carved out of granite stone. In the eyes of the people, this ‘child’ who grew up watching the family finally tasted adult.

Unfortunately, his mind did not grow much.

"You wait for a while, I will practice with the beauty." Tang Shidao accepted the invitation of the Youth League's live program, and he must show his face about the promotion of Xiandao.

There are countless people in the Five Planets Alliance who want to know their strength.

It is necessary to show it.

"That... good." Bai Meiren is also on the scene, at this time she also has the same change. The human fairy level 1 absorbs a large amount of magic energy to a certain extent, which is equal to the initial stage of the monk's physical fitness. At this step, the white beauty is even more white, and it is simply a white jade man. Women do not practice long muscles, and the skin has an extraordinary moisturizing effect.

Bai Meiren are not good at fighting.

However, the strength of the owner's level 1 can easily kill ordinary people with a single attack. The Book of Immortals has a lot of skills, including some footwork and body methods. Baimei people used to practice the 'fish and dragon dance' in the water, which made her start difficult. After the repair, it was flexible several times in the waterless place.

Shuhuaguo, Huajing, the side of the holy lake.

The 100 Planets of the Five Planets Alliance are paying attention to this broadcast, and everyone is watching the strength of the Tang Emperor.

Tang Shidao and Bai Meiren entered.

The two also did not need to be polite, Tang Shidao beckoned, Bai Meiren immediately swayed. She twisted her body like a spirit fish, walking, close, and palm. Tang Shidao only has one hand and does not rigorously connect. Bai Meiren took another shot, and Tang Shidao still defended like this, easily dissolving the attack of Bai Meiren.

In the eyes of insiders, this is a kind of pointing.

The Tang Emperor is guiding the white beauty to adapt to the power of the human fairy, so that she can fully understand herself.

On the surface.

This battle is like an adult playing a child. The white beauty is too far apart, and even the Tang Emperor’s clothes are not touched. However, people did not cheer. Because, the difference is too far... In the eyes of everyone, the strength of the Tang Emperor should not be like this! At least the least, all dodge a little, the whole defense does not retreat, or a trick to defeat the enemy.

In comparison, the scene of a boxing tyrannical dragon is reasonable... no, it should be higher than that.

The Tang Emperor has only such strength, and everyone can’t help but be disappointed.

Not only for people, but also for the book of the Immortals.

This battle lasted for two hours, until the white beauty was so tired that it stopped. This is a very good look, but it is just beautiful and beautiful. It is totally inconsistent with people's minds. They know that the white beauty is far more than ordinary people, the Tang emperor is better than the top ten, but still too little.

"It's my turn." Lei Dazhuang played to save the situation, he believes that Tang Shidao does not stop this.

"You are a youth league. There are you... Yue Hu, Xiang Meng, Wei Ying, you let the generals and the Jinyi health school together." Tang Shidao waved.

"Dao Shi, can you do it?" Lei Dazhuang is very happy inside, but on the surface still has to question.

"I want you to know about the book of the Immortals." Tang Shidao is just beckoning.

At this time, Xiaojin also waved.

The generals who were hesitating and Jin Yiwei also handed over and went into battle.

The Youth League did not appear in addition to the "Apostles" of the Rosa Rosa, and the rest of the people also gave face to face. The audience in front of the broadcast screen was so excited that such a battle was right. The Tang Emperor can't be strong, the book of the Immortals can't help... It must be a force!

A group of people formed a half-moon.

The war is on the verge.

Tang Shidao singled out a right hand, raised his hand, spread his palm, and then... formed a hurricane in the palm, faintly seeing a spherical air mass spinning. At the same time, thousands of fierce opponents and hundreds of young Junjies were all rolled up and rolled into a large sphere in the air. Like the vortex of a big storm, all the 'opponents' are floating in this air mass.

Don't talk about it at this time, they can't even stabilize the body.

The people watching were frightened.

Even the apostles, such as the magic Rosa in the scene, are also ‘stunned’... There is no magic power, this is not magic.

The horrified demon Rosa can't understand how the owner can do without magic.

Tang Shidao smiled a little, and the palm of the air sent forward. At the same time, the half-air atmosphere that scrolled thousands of people also flew forward. Thousands of people, like the thrown stones, all fell into the waters of the holy lake, and the plops continued to sound.

"Cheat! Cheating! This is not fair!" Lei Dazhuang emerged from the water and played treasure.

At this moment.

Tang Shidao was standing on the water and reaching out to show him.

"It's not fair, I want to protest. The audience in front of the TV, have you seen it? The Taoist priest has already completed the book of the immortals, and I am only immortal. It is unfair. I suggest that we should be like the beauty. We are only allowed to do it, and we must not allow the Taoist to fight back." Lei Dazhuang screamed, deliberately tempered the atmosphere.

The audience was all happy.

You are all fighting, and it is fair.

When I saw the Tang Emperor’s move ‘second’ and dropped thousands of fierce and Qing Jun, people finally felt relieved. The Tang Emperor is very strong, and the book of the Immortals is also very strong... strong enough to go beyond the realm of life. But it doesn't matter. The more powerful the Tang Emperor is, the more confident he is, and the more confident he is in the practice of Immortal. When everyone thinks that they may touch this realm, the heart can't help but speed up dozens of shots.

It is a prestige to smash one thousand hands with one hand.

It feels like this is already a fairy power.

After the show was aired, people repeatedly watched it several times. In particular, the Tang Emperor has broken the picture of one thousand, and everyone has saved it as a dynamic picture, or as a screen wallpaper. Such an easy movement, people believe that this is not the full power of the Tang Emperor. The brain fills the book of the fairy, the book of the fairy and the height of the book of the fairy, everyone is bloody.

"The times have changed, practice." Lei Dazhuang screamed, and countless people sipped and responded.

this moment.

The Five Planets Alliance is really entering the era of the Immortal.

the other side.

Master network.

Suddenly, a news that shocked everyone has spread to all walks of life: the first saint Tang Shidao freely distributed 1,000 spell totems in the new Master's Tower. Including the detailed explanation of the totem, the skills of practice, the suitability of various ethnic groups, and practical experience.

Upon hearing this news, all the wizards were dumbfounded.

This is real?

Totem, the predecessor of the gods, the prototype of the liberation spell.

Although it is impossible to say that the totem is extraordinary, the totem is like a spell. With the text, you can understand it, study it, change it, and rebuild it. At the very least, a spell has a totem, and its derivative training will be ten times easier.

Such a thing, the first saints actually free to send 1000 kinds of white?

Whether it is true or not.

In the first time, all wizards contacted or went directly to the new Master's Tower to transcribe the 1000 totem knowledge. Of course, no one will be empty-handed, and all mages will leave a batch of 'remuneration'. Tang Shidao is free to send, they also donate a large number of low-end instruments for free, providing a transitional use of novice masters.

The news spread to the nearby void, and the power giants had a chill in their hearts.

This product is not a person.

One person actually masters a thousand totems?

Moreover, is he free to disclose?

"What does he want to do..."

"He still suspects that the Master Network is not developing fast enough..."

"Maniac, he is crazy..."

The Nether Giants are roaring. They believe that these 'knowledges' are more suitable for Master Mage Masters. The Warriors of the Kingdom of God and the Voids want to learn more difficult. Moreover, no one will provide it to the void in the recent period. As a mage, as long as a contract can isolate one's own knowledge, even if you catch a large group of mages, you can't ask much, and at most, you can get ten or eight kinds.

Another group of people, once in the mountains and seas to seek the totem of the virtual giant, they also hurt.

They believe that Tang Shidao will not disclose the secrets of mountains and seas.

However, where did these totems come from?

"The times have changed." The biggest **** of the Kingdom of God, the Emperor of the Emperor, Yizheng Zheng and his old friends talked about this matter: "There are three kinds of practitioners. The first, silent people, strong, weak, It doesn't matter, they can't influence anyone anyway. Second, the people who are famous in the world are very strong, or the technology is very high. In short, it is not a weak person. The third... people who change generations."

"For example, you and the seven..."

"We don't necessarily count." Yi Yan gently shook his head and said: "Olympic appearance, everyone knows what is perfect, and also changes everyone's view of the Austrian affinity. The emergence of mad god, all Everyone knows the horror of the Mage Avengers, and also bans the annihilation. In addition to these two people, 'Yuanzhong' Yuan Tianshu, the ancestor of Yuan Ding, he created the magic machine civilization, a new race."

"Little Tang..."

"Well. Those people created the Master Network, and the Scarecrow guarded the Master Network. He changed the Master Network a little. He was a step faster than Dumb, and dumbness only made everyone change the view of the Monk Secret. Participation. He doesn't care what everyone thinks, he has let everyone participate."


"We have strength, we can only make a group of people feel scared. He has no power, but he can make everyone feel scared. This is the difference. The emptiness of the emptiness is only to master the extraordinary power, he is different, he masters... One generation!"