Mage Network

Chapter 580: outside the Lord, the inner immortal,

The establishment of the belief system does not require the landlord to do too much. First, the belief mark is provided by the landlord and does not need to be directed at a believer, just like opening a store can be automatically granted. Tang Shidao handed over the authority to Xiaojin, and Xiaojin was able to determine who became the new believer. Second, the magical energy required to believe in debris can actually be provided by the landlord or by the believer itself.

For example, the primary faith shard has 1 magical energy, which one of them can provide.


The belief that the debris rises to the intermediate level is 10 points, and the higher level is 100 points. At the step of reaching the landlord, no one cares about this little mana. But sometimes there are too many believers, and the landlord can't afford to lose too much. Sometimes it will let the believers provide it.

The upgrade of Faith Fragment is mainly the result.


The type of faith in Tang Shidao is called the Dragon God belief. The current effect is: the primary dragon **** belief, the mana ceiling is increased by one point. Get the dragon's ethnic affinity, transforming the power of mana by 100%. Acquisition of the base spell ‘青龙变身’ spell, cast 1 point. Among them, this Qinglong transforming spell is owned and shared by Tang Shidao.

This does not mean that believers have learned this transformational spell, but only when they use this piece of faith, they understand that the dragon has changed.

Why did the Faith Net's faith fragments be replaced, and the original spells would not understand?

The reason is exactly this.

The spell of the Fragment of Fragments is not granted, it is only equal to ‘with the knowledge of the Lord to achieve his own effect’. Once the faith is abandoned, the landlord naturally does not support you to achieve results. To put it in a simple way, the belief fragment is equal to a piece of equipment. Take off the equipment, the knowledge of the equipment you will not understand.

Intermediate faith fragments and high-level faith fragments are not for believers to upgrade.

Must be the landlord.

Can only be the landlord.

No matter how strong the believer is, this right belongs only to the landlord.

For example, Tang Shidao raised the Dragon God belief to the intermediate level. In addition to the need to improve the effect, a new spell is needed, such as the Qinglong King. Of course, the average believer does not care about the benefits of the Fragmentation, unless it is weak to the weak. Joining a certain **** system usually involves holding your thighs. In the belief system of Tang Shidao, referred to as the “God and Tang Department”, some vulgar solitary warriors joined.


Because Kuang Peng, because of the stone of experience, because of the word experiment.

If one day these monks are promoted to the landlord, they will leave the faith system and will maintain a close relationship in the future. Even they may not be separated, or they may establish an internal branch directly in the Shen and Tang Dynasties. There is a **** attached to God in the void, and there are some believers in the Eight Emperors of God who are at the level of the Lord. Promoting the landlord is free and autonomous, but not necessarily doing so, and some people like to keep guarding a certain boss.

They have been disturbing for three months.

at last.

Xiao Jin is hard to structure the belief system of the Shen and Tang Dynasties. Although it is only a preliminary result, it is the largest group of believers in the Nether. In order to accommodate a steady stream of followers, Xiaojin assigned sub-authorities to allow a large group of powerful old believers to accept new believers.

The whole process is also because of the help of the Zengpeng League. .

If it is done by one person.

Oh, it takes thousands of years to count the names of all believers.

When the believers of the gods and the Tang dynasty formally joined, the wisdom tree of the eyes of the omniscient also exploded. This is not a rapid growth, it is really an explosive growth. This over-expansion expansion is like a pool of boiling water for the sky. At this moment, Tang Shidao realized that the absorption of nutrients in the eyes of omniscient eyes is different for different people.

In the full face of the Master Network, the harvest of that kind of civilized fire is no more than believers.

If the plane fire is just lighting a light bulb, then the believer is lighting up the sun. Because believers have different degrees of attachment, and because believers have different amounts of knowledge, this is the difference between recruiting an ant and an elephant.

Although the eyes of omniscience do not provide power.

However, this harvest is still unimaginably huge. It can be said that, just in the moment when the believer system was established, Tang Shidao’s understanding of thousands of spells was ten times longer. The current feeling, the little curse spell is like a simple 1+1 series, even if the curse is not too difficult, you can easily study different things.

More speechless.

Even at this level, the omniscient eye is still 50% active and cannot become 100% complete.

It’s too hard to crack the seven legacy of the past.

Enter the original jurisdiction to study the spells, help the Master Network break through the blockade of the equipment, promote the landlord unconditionally, and establish the largest group of believers in the void... To do this, Tang Shidao also sprints to the limit and needs rest and rest. Since these days, the dean of the white phase has also invited two missions, both of which are to repair the cracks, and both are the shadows of the past and the shadow of the next generation.

Therefore, the leaders are very relieved.

Tang Shidao returned to the Master Network.

"Upgraded to the Lord?" The Scarecrow rarely asked for a voice.


"Is it three?"


"Oh, this is not a good thing. All the landlords are looking for this word, but there are very few people who really have it."

"I don't feel good about you so much."

"Your feeling is very correct. Saying that a new Master has joined. Not long ago, she broke all the novice records, and the strength is also very good. I don't know how to play the Master. So, I recommend her to your new Master. The tower turned a turn. Yes, she is called Zen Nine."

"The trough!"

"It seems that you know, then I will not explain it. It seems that she has joined the new Master's Tower, which is related to you. In case she has any troubles, I will trouble you to guide this 'new person'." The Scarecrow laughed and said that this new person was handed over to you, and I have arranged it clearly.

Tang Shidao is speechless.

I wonder if your brain is grass? Zen nine can call a new person? Can she help me with something she can't do?

"The Scarecrow, why is she here?"

"I don't know. Suddenly there is a new plane world that breaks into the Master Network and then randomly selects a person. She is Zen Nine."

"Don't you drive her out?"

"What do you think, juvenile. People have paid the money and paid for a whole world of the plane." The Scarecrow is an absolute profiteer, who is more traitorous than a profiteer and blacker than a black merchant. As long as you have money and do everything, no matter who the other party is. In terms of rules, the new plane world is intrusive, and the Master Network has to randomly select new people. This is not a problem.

However, Zen Nine is clearly directed at the relics of Oring.

Let's say that this character has become an anti-Mage, who can cure her... Well, I hope she won't make any moths. Anyway, the pit is dug by your scarecrow. If you can't fill it, you will fill it in the end. Whoever makes you a profiteer?

When things get to this point, it’s useless to think about it.

Just inquire.

I learned that Zen Nine has really joined the New Masters Tower. At this time, I am doing a routine task, not within the Master Tower.

Don't ask more about Tang Shidao.

Start a special visit card and send a message to the three ears as a way to recycle a person: let the three ears inquire about the void or sell the void. Because of the things that the king of the rat king must do, the three ears owe an intelligence, and now this task is just two.


Tang Shidao returned to the original world. The first time he opened the book of Wanfa and found the spirit of the madman who was playing with the white ginseng queen.

"Zhan Jiu? Hey, is she already alive?"

"You don't seem strange?"

"Is it strange, we are not so easy to die." Oring was serious, and did not want to think that she had already killed herself, and her face said this.

"and so?"

"Nothing. Or she suspects that I am really dead, or she wants to bring me back to life and kill. Rest assured, Zen nine is good, very fun, when the enemy and friends are good. She is different from me, She is a person who sees everything through, and will not easily get into trouble."

"That's good, what about you?"

"I was born when I was born, I don't need to see through." Oring is a natural person, naturally it is my expression.

Honestly, it feels a bit cute.

Because now she and the white ginseng queen have become the appearance of a few children. Not only is the body getting smaller, but the feeling of thinking is getting younger. However, Tang Shidao can clearly sense that... This is growth... Although it is a reverse growth, they are sure to grow. Because of the great consummation, Tang Shidao vaguely sensed that they are closer to the existence of 'the source'.

"You are long, will not become an embryo?" Tang Shidao could not help but whisper.

"There is this possibility." Oring actually nodded.

Tang Shidao can't help but be speechless.

I wonder if you are already dead, give me a **** like a dead man. Yuanzu Yuanling or something, most hated, completely ignore the natural rules... No, they are the embodiment of the natural rules. Ok, you are all daughters.

I don’t think much about Tang Shidao’s ‘probably’.

Sleep for a while.

The in-situ surface has changed differently. Because of the opening of the immortal era and the technical support of interstellar civilization in science and technology, the development of the Five Planetary Alliance can be said to change in ten days. The environment is changed by science and technology, and the people are doing their best to practice the fairy tales.

Health, beauty, youth, longevity, all of which can be obtained from the cultivation of immortality. In the absence of anyone who lacks money, everyone does not work hard to blame.

Because Xiaojin still has things busy, he has not returned yet.

Tang Shidao summoned Rosa to ask about the recent situation.

"...The newly discovered unmanned planet has increased by more than nine times and currently reaches 5,563,643. Because there are some harsh environments, some life states have just risen, and the number of livables is about two million. The speed is so fast because We secretly sent some apostles to search. I believe that we can find more in the near future."

"Affiliated first face?" Tang Shidao asked the first of the 72 faces, and the other 71 were handed over to the apostles, so they ignored it.

“It’s very difficult to deal with, it can only provide some military support. Now our staff is seriously inadequate. Almost everyone is busy practicing the fairy martial arts. According to our development and ability, we have introduced a group of people from the first place. Let them enter our in-situ face... No. 0 face life. Because they are carefully selected, the number is only about 300,000 planets."

"Intensive way?"

"No, there are less than 100 million people on each planet."

"Well..." Tang Shidao asked some important events of the Five Planets Alliance. In the end, there was no more control and let everyone handle it. Since the serpent's mission summary, the in-situ surface has been completely stabilized, and even larger things can be calmly handled.

Signal the devil Rosa to follow.

Tang Shidao also showed his face and expressed his existence. He also found that people on the street were 'younger'.

Everyone, old or young, has a feeling of ecstasy. Receiving messages through the wisdom tree of the omniscient eye, Tang Shidao determined that the Taoist method has been thoroughly popularized, and everyone has a snack. Feeling this kind of vibrant taste, Tang Shidao himself is also spirited.

From entering the Master Network to the present.

at last.

Both inside and outside the plane, I have perfected the results of one stage.