Mage Network

Chapter 614: The nobleness of the curse

In the endless void, bloodline is absolutely a dividing line between noble and ordinary. Take the dragon race as an example, the mixed dragon beast, the dragon, the dragon, the king dragon, the ancestral dragon, there are five different bloodline boundaries in the same race. If the dragon is a mixed race, the ordinary race also has ordinary blood, and the king and the ancestors are three.

Even if it is a human race, it is actually divided into two categories of common and ancestral.

The king of mankind is stipulated by the status, not counting, but the ancestors are really real. Under the understanding of human cultivation, the ancestors are born to be like the 'five senses'. The sense of taste, smell, sense of sight, sense of hearing, touch, and all kinds of spirituality are beyond ordinary people. Of course, the blood of the ancestors is not equal to the quality of the human body. It is impossible to absorb nutrients when you eat something.

If the average human power speed thinking and so on are 60 points, 85 points, 73 points, this is uneven, the ancestors are basically 100 points.

According to the understanding of modern people.

The ancestors are probably tall, grow tall, handsome, personally smart and diligent, and have a strong personality and a flexible mind. It is simply a character with no shortcomings. Switch to the average person, either Kong Wu is powerful, or the brain is smart, or diligent and eager to learn, few people can fill all the talent.

As for the ancestors of the void, it is a World of Warcraft... Sorry, the ancestors are powerful synonymous.

Because of the relationship between magical energy, the ancestors are born beyond the ordinary blood.

The most outrageous blood in the void: Yuanzu Yuanling!

They can be used as a disadvantage to describe, no one of the Yuanzu Yuanling is weak. Even if they are completely uninterested in the battle, they still have magical means that cannot be imagined. After the great perfection with infinite magic, Tang Shidao knows the truth... The Yuanzu Yuanling is not born of the mother, they are the vaginal 'derived'.

For example, the white ginseng queen, her parents are not white ginseng magic plants, she was born directly from the void.

In other words.

She is not the seed of white ginseng. She has no mother or baby process. She was born as an ‘big man’.

After Tang Shidao had a great consummation, he learned the ordinary and noble blood.


Never thought about it, the spells are also ordinary and noble.

These days, in the wilderness of the Dragon, Tang Shidao has been searching for the secrets of the Yulong Immortal, and has been constantly practicing. Because the Yulongzhiye itself has the miraculous effect of replenishing the fire system, it is obviously much faster to practice here than other places. However, when the eclipse of the eclipse changed from ‘solar eclipse’ to ‘day eclipse 1% effect, Tang Shidao was shocked by the ‘noble’ of the curse.

The little curse is a common spell that can grow, but there is no permanent effect.

The Great Mantra is an advanced spell that can grow, but there is no unique trait.


For a long time, Tang Shidao only has its power and is as permanent as the curse, plus the only benefits.


Today, Tang Shidao knew that he was wrong.

The curse is a curse.

Its 'noble' is far more than permanent and unique. Why have you not been able to tap the potential? Because the eclipse left by Yulong Xianren in the Zhou Emperor's plane is not all... No, it should be said that it is only ‘only’ giving, not ‘all’. The real prototype of the eclipse is not like this. Before it was just a deliberate version left by Yulong Xianren.

There is another possibility that the Yulong Immortal itself is not perfect enough to reach the Great Perfection level, so only the version is deleted.

No matter how.

This 1% has already stated: This is the true form of the curse.

"Absorb the flame?" Tang Shidao is no longer a rookie, Yulong Xianren left a hand, it is to let the snake mage's successors do not pursue, and continue to progress. According to the original script, a successor came to the wild dragon to discover that the eclipse was different, and then began to perfect the practice. However, Tang Shidao already has a great consummation, and it is two.

Inductive eclipse changes, Tang Shidao immediately thought of the effect of the belief in debris.

Fragments of the primary Vulcan faith: flame proficiency.

Intermediate Faith Fragments: Flame Immunity.

Fragment of High Faith: Flame Absorption.

In Master Network, any mage must be ‘left-handed faith, right-handed talent’. Voids have no talents and can only rely on faith. On the surface, the belief in debris is not very useful, but in fact, a 'flame immunity' can make countless fire masters crazy... it is still intermediate. When it comes to the advanced ‘flame attraction’, you can eat fire spells as a meal.

If you only know fire spells and don't know other spells at all, a small intermediate Vulcan faith shard may slay you.

Note that ‘may’ is not absolute!

After advancing to the realm of the realm, Tang Shidao knew that this 'flame immunity' and 'flame attraction' had an upper limit... its upper limit is the greatest ability of the landlord itself. For example, a believer in a five-boundary world has a fire immunity, and fire spells below the four-level level are 'immunized', but the six-level level can burn him to gray.

This maximum threshold cannot exceed the source of the belief itself, and the excess is beyond the scope of immunization.

This is also why, in the magic apprentices of hundreds of mana, an intermediate Vulcan faith shard can not be killed by the Holy Fire Master, but may be shot by a dozen magic mana of a magical apprentice. The reason is exactly this. His upper limit of flame immunity originates from the deity of the landlord, and the ice resistance is zero.

just now.

The solar eclipse also produces the effect of flame attraction, but it seems to have no upper limit.

The 1% effect is to absorb one percent, and the rest is sucked. That is to say, there is now a magical fireball of 100 magic, Tang Shidao can absorb 100, but the real access is only 1 point, and 99 will automatically dissolve.

If the solar eclipse is perfected to 100% effect, then...


Tang Shidao realized that the 'legal limit to 1' of Yulongzhiye was a hint. The eclipse may have a more terrible prototype, giving all flames a zero effect. What should it be called, and will it be a fire? Tang Shidao can't imagine for a time... When the perfect eclipse comes out, it is the only flame in a range, isn't there a second one?

Is this the true meaning of the singularity of the curse?

Recall that the sanctuary can veto other weaker areas. What does the perfect solar eclipse veto?


Everything is flame!

Is this Nima bully or noble? You are just a spell.

Looking at this 1% effect, Tang Shidao also knows that the distance is 100% far and far. However, sincerely, it was the first time that I was scared by the curse of the curse. No wonder, the entire Master Network and the Void only the Scarecrow alone disclosed that they had a curse. It turned out that the terrible extent of this thing was not realized before.

Imagine that the previous eclipse was inferior to the dark gold, it turned out to be a reduced version... Well, now the dark gold is also an imperfect version.

Brain hole.

Who is the only one with perfect eclipse and perfect dark gold?

Tang Shidao only thought about it and immediately left it behind. Quickly instruct the shadow of the next world to go to the wilderness of the moon, and practice another perfect lunar eclipse. During the period of operation in Yulongzhiye, other similar places also have information, but they want to personally inspect and still have a lack of skills. After thinking about it, he divided the eclipse into the shadow of the world, and went to the edge of the wild dragon to retreat with those of the landlord.

I really can't walk away.

In addition to the secret of the eclipse in the wild dragon, the task of the snake mage is the main line.

on the other hand.

The solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse have a way out, and the colorlessness seems to be inferior... No one can teach himself. This is the only unique spell. Even the snake mage and the Yulong immortal, they don’t even know, even the scarecrow and Zen nine does not know. I want to promote it and change it, except that I don't have any external assistance.

Because colorlessness is created by oneself, not by inheritance, Tang Shidao hopes that this power will change.

“Mr. Tang Feng, according to your instructions, we found the residence of the ‘Imper.’”

The mercenaries are busy every day.

In addition to acquiring their goods, Tang Shidao also sent a task to find the truth about all kinds of food, all kinds of rare plants and all kinds of Gonzo. This immortal is the historical material that ‘accidentally’ saw, and then “accidentally” suddenly wanted to look for it. Therefore, the mercenaries carried out the task according to this 'accidental', and no one suspected that it was not accidental. It must be accidental.

At this stage, Mr. Tang Feng’s work is casual, and no one can doubt his purpose.

I suspect that Mr. Tang Feng is skeptical about money.

Suspicion of money is to doubt the truth.

Suspicion of the truth is to doubt life... You dare to suspect that Mr. Tang Feng has a bad heart and everyone will immediately marry you.

Then take it to feed the dog.

"Oh, keep, wait a few days, I will go see it again, there is no time." Tang Shidao deliberately put on a look of indifference, but the information is firmly remembered. The mercenaries really do not doubt, this strange thing is everywhere, and listens: "I have contacted you recently, you can ask about the redemption plane. I have friends in business, everyone has this face. Still there."

"Thank you...Thank you Mr. Tang Feng, your grace and I will never forget it." The mercenaries were overjoyed and excited.

The redemption plane is the way out of the ancient land, how can they not be tempted.

In places where the law limits to 1, it is too difficult and difficult to train a 10,000-mana master. It is harder than being a god. However, there are shortcuts to their enthusiasm. We can't train talents and provide resources for the mentors who train people. When students divide us half, or 30%, they can get the same amount.

I thought it was very difficult. I didn’t expect Mr. Tang Feng to get it two or three times. I didn’t know what I was waiting for.

After grinding for seven days.

The mercenaries are almost forgotten.

It seems that Tang Shidao just remembered the immortal home and decided to look at it in the past.

"Mr. Tang Feng, this immortal residence is a special giant maze. It is built from the void of the void, and no one can forcibly destroy it. It is on the periphery of the Yulong wilderness and is not included in the scope of the law. The recent restriction in this area is 'equipment disabled'. I don't know if it has any effect on you? If the impact is too great, it is recommended to wait a while to pass."

“Why?” Tang Shidao asked deliberately.

"Because this labyrinth has a lot of super fire beasts, the number is very large. We have never been to this level. The intelligence is that we exchanged resources. According to the weirdo, some of the fire beasts of the immortal maze can rival the gods. and so……"

"Well, then you don't be accompanied, I can't take care of you." Tang Shidao said, the mercenaries were stunned.

Then he arched his hand back.

Don't dare to say more than one word.

This sentence proves that... Mr. Tang Feng has the power of the landlord!

He is God!