Mage Network

Chapter 618: The power of the Great Gods

In the deep void.

You don't need to pay a lot, but you can't sneak a sneak peek.

The landlords have assumed this responsibility, so they can have the name of the gods to be able to follow the followers of countless believers. Even if the gods and gods are in this belief system, they have the largest system of believers in the whole void. If they are not willing to enter the warning star work and are unwilling to accept the mission of the landlord, this largest group will dissipate in an instant.

The hunter is a soldier of the Mage Network, and the landlord is a soldier of the void.

A soldier who is unwilling to take responsibility, no one will be willing to follow him. In contrast, he is willing to do so, no matter what position he is, it is the **** of everyone.

The warning star is also divided into human and Warcraft.

In the Legion Star, all ethnic alliances are comrades-in-arms.

Tang Shidao entered the warning star, and the people on the planet organized a second-class ceremonial banquet. Representatives from all walks of life came, and even the leaders were present, they knew each other and then continued their work. Even if there is no battle on the warning star, the landlords need to refine their equipment, study potions, or go to other warning stars to support.

In addition to taking a break, the landlords usually take the initiative to find something to do.

"Please forgive me, Lord God Don, the first level of the celebration has provisions, can only be held for the return of the people after the war. We are very happy to come, but we do not break the rules." The waiter explained why it is the second Level, not the first level of welcome.

"No, this is the best, I like the rules." Of course, Don Shidao does not mind.

"You understand it. Just now the intelligence officers have heard that your group has sent a new team of officers. In the future, you will be responsible for the things in your life. Please rest assured that all resources on the star will be directed to the landlords. It's free. If you have any special needs, please let us know how to collect it. Here, we try our best to meet all the needs of the landlords." The waiter suddenly said a new news.

"Hey." Tang Shidao is a bit strange, thinking that it may be Xiaojin's arrangement.

Welcome banquet.

Tang Shidao found that the people here were especially prepared for a lot of food, and it seems that they had already inquired about their preferences. It is also possible that people like food and singing and dancing are well known, and they are so easily arranged.

The inside of the warning star is similar to the general magic planet, but some areas are built with reference to the landlord's likes.


Some of the staff here belong to a certain landlord and belong to their private team. The most obvious example, some beautiful women are their favorite, even the most favored. They only showed one side at the welcome banquet and then left immediately. According to the waiter, they generally only stay at home and do not contact any opposite sex.

In the warning star, although the landlords are rarely jealous, people usually try to avoid this kind of thing.

"They have to meet other landlords. The most extreme is to contact the other lords, and they will never touch the landlord. Lord God, it seems that this is unfair to them, but the void is not fair. They can become gods. Actually, it is the biggest fairness." The waiter explained, try to let Tang Shidao know more.

Old birds know these things, but newcomers need the most detailed explanation.


The welcome banquet was not over yet, and an intelligence officer quickly flashed in and approached the waiter to whisper, and the latter's face changed slightly.

"What?" Tang Shidao did not eavesdrop, but knew that things were in trouble.

"This..." The waiter hesitated, and said, "This is the case, Lord God Don. The news of your arrival has just spread. Many nearby warning stars have already known. Just happened, the nearby one is called 'Lin Kong'. The warning star is in a tough fight, they want to get the support of the Lord God Don. The enemy is a group of deep-space spiked beasts, very dangerous, they probably need your great reincarnation spell."

"Yes, let's go." Tang Shidao nodded.

"His God Tang, now is your welcome banquet. The Linkong warning star has been playing for a few months, not a day or two."

"I am not too bad for a bite of food. I want to see it, now it’s over."

"Okay, thank you for your understanding." The waiter gestured and ordered another group of waiters to stop the welcome banquet, and then prepare another one, and wait for Tang Shidao to come back.

a few words.

The waiter began to lead the way and sent directly inside the alert star.

Because the outside of the warning star is the battlefield, the support party is transmitted from the inside. After six transmissions, a group of guards waited early, and the first time to explain the outside world. Tang Shidao did not understand too much. Everything is sure to be ‘seeing is believing’.

"You inform the perimeter battlefield, I will go out immediately."

"Please be careful."

"Well." Tang Shidao did not talk nonsense, activated a transmission point, and instantly came to the periphery of the warning star. At this time, the far space is covered with dark black or gray ‘clouds’, which are a life form. As soon as it appeared, hundreds of rotating 'spikes' had already been shot, and there were no dead ends in the whole body.

The same moment.

The four-handed squadron flashed and flew the cones.

"Mr. Tang Tang, beware of the sneak attack of the sharp-pointed beast." Four of the world leaders shone and guarded around, one of them reminded.

They know that people are strong, but they are also worried about not being able to adapt to this battle.

Just want to open again.

At this point, I saw it... Tang Shidao was holding a sharp cone in his hand, and he didn’t know when he picked it up. Compared to everyone's famous sacred weapons, his hands are more terrible and do better.

“Is this thing alive?” Tang Shidao was slightly strange.

"Oh, yes."

"No wonder it will automatically turn, probably the same as the queen control ant colony. Well, is this the skeleton of the universe?" Tang Shidao saw a black shell on the tip, which is even more strange. This nature of life is something that you have never touched before. It is between life and metal.

"No, it is similar to the universe. It is probably modified by itself, and it is more suitable for itself."

"Well, no wonder this kind of 'bullet' can hurt you. Not yet consulted?" Tang Shidao found that the person who spoke was not weak, probably not a nameless generation.

"Lin Yang, the descendant of Lin Kong."

"Hey, hello, what do I need to do now?" Tang Shidao just listened to the naming mode of the warning star: named after the one with the greatest battle!

"We need to resurrect the squad, so that we can have no worries."

"Yes." Tang Shidao waved his hand, and countless angel illusions danced, one by one reincarnation. The landlords responded immediately, and they were protected for the first time, so that the deep-spaced beasts could not neutralize them. Some people are still trying to maintain, so that the energy erosion of deep voids will not be dissipated.

The curse has a permanent effect.

However, the energy turmoil of the void is very strong, and it is a deep void.

In the absence of maintenance, the void can be quickly dispelled automatically.

"The attack of the deep-space spiked beast is very strong. Because the body is very different, it is difficult for us to kill directly." Lin Yang pointed at the far air, and the gray clouds were twisting and deforming, turning into a meteor and smashing into the sky. Resurrection Array: "They have no fixed form, even if the whole body is destroyed, as long as there is a sharp cone to escape them, they will save their lives. Fighting with them can only fight back."

"Yeah." Tang Shidao picked up the sharp cone and bit it off and ate it.

Lin Yang and the other three landlords were shocked.

I thought about how good your teeth are. This is almost the defensive shell of the universe, do you actually bite it off?

"Frozen spells are easy to use." Tang Shidao took a bite and immediately reminded him.

"I can't kill them by freezing." Lin Yang answered.

"You don't need to kill, slow them down. The attack power of deep-space pointed beasts can't be changed, the sharp cones are rotating, and the defenses don't work. So we change our minds and weaken them. As long as they don't hit, the power is stronger. It’s useless.” Tang Shidao said while eating the whole tip.

"Hey... frozen cone?"

"No, freeze them. Their bodies slow down and the cones that are launched naturally slow down. Be careful, they can be more than that. You can drive them away, you want to kill... I am afraid that some kind of material needs to be ashes." Means." Tang Shidao just reminded, but did not shoot.

After hearing so much, Lin Yang and others have already been happy.

Many species of deep-sky beasts cannot be killed and can only be repelled. They are not satisfied with the repelling and possible killing methods.

The Raiders came out.

Turn your eyes.

The landlords began to slow down the tactics, and the deep-spaced beasts were immediately anxious.

However, this rogue approach happens to be that they do not deal with it.

Just a little while.

Because of the existence of the Resurrection Array, the leaders who have the Raiders have the upper hand. Deep-space pointed beasts also know that it is the guidance of Tang Shidao, and I want to kill together. But after a round of cone rainstorms, they failed to hit one, and they immediately gave up. Obviously, the enemy's body can crush their shooting speed.

After a few entanglements, the deep-space pointed beast can't help.

Suddenly, all of their groups merged into one big one, and then... fled in the distance.

"Very smart." Tang Shidao smiled.

"Well, if it kills a blow, it exposes the card." Lin Yang could understand the meaning. This is the ultimate means of deep-space spikes, but they don't want to be exposed. Having said that, Lin Yang said: "Mr. Tang Tang, there is still a troublesome war zone nearby. I don't know if you can help again? There is only one deep-air foggy beast."

"What is the trouble?"

"It can also kill undead deep-sky beasts, and can't even attack. It can absorb some of the attack energy and then self-proliferate. It is very large, and the foggy body can erode everything. The warning star is innocent, and the landlords can run the universe. But other things will not work, will be slowly eroded. In theory, you can leave it alone, but no matter where it is."

"And this kind of guy?" Tang Shidao thought that the deep void is really a monster.


"I have a look, there is an estimate."

"Okay, great, I will take you over." Lin Yang was overjoyed and immediately led the way.

In fact.

The deep-sky smog beast is a very unsolvable opponent, and the landlord who exceeds it dozens of times can forcibly use the storm to blow away. But the landlord with similar strength can only watch it mess. It is not strong, the defense is not high, and the speed is not fast, but the huge and energy-absorbing body is very difficult.

Seeing the deep-sky smog beast, Tang Shidao also realized that the deep-sky beast that is single-handed with you has been called friendly.

In front of them, they are the real headaches.

"Mr. Tang Tang, do you have a solution?"

"It's very difficult to kill. But it's not difficult to teach." Tang Shidao only waved his hand, and thousands of huge whirlpools appeared in the distant sky. These vortices are constantly adsorbing and attracting the surrounding mist.

It can be said.

Tang Shidao only slashed the deep-sky smog beast into thousands of copies.

Although the killing is not dead, the other party is not good.

"My big whirlpool has a derivative of the 'phagic vortex', you don't want to lose a little bit, it's best to leave immediately." Tang Shidao speeds up the whirlpool, thousands of screams sound, and suddenly all the mists explode It is. It is like a broken tail to survive, after the explosion, the fog is separated from the vortex, gathering at a rapid speed, and then the lightning usually flees.

The shock in the hearts of everyone, then you can understand: you can't do the same thing!

There is a great whirlpool in the Great Strait of the Great World, and you don't have to wait for yourself. This kind of 'rabble' is useful, but he is useless.

People are different from others.

God is different from God...