Mage Network

Chapter 702: Dad's contest

Tang Shidao has never understood why the source iron caster can be so arrogant. After seeing Shen Yuanlu and his party, the puzzle was solved.

An unreasonable game.

The source boat of a seal.

A group of super-powerful people who are not appreciative.

Before the game, the two sides met, and there were only four people behind Tang Shidao: Jin Yuxi, Jin Yuli, poisonous women, and Sanmu Weng. The strongest of other human races are being considered, and there is only four people who really do not hesitate. Jin Yuxi and Jin Yuli need not say more, accompanying to die. Poisoned women have a good son, not too embarrassed. Sanmu Weng is an emperor of an independent race. He has power and strength. He also has a source of iron casting. He is not awkward.

In addition to them four people.

Some of the rest of the human powers want to come over, but there is really no time for them to hesitate. Tang Shidao received an appointment and came over immediately, and was not prepared at all.

Opposite camp.

The reason for the deep Yuan Lu Zhang Zhang ... behind him there are more than 30,000 supernatural powers of the level of God, each is the old level of the stone. The surface is a little worse than Mr. Black and White, but it is definitely the level of the water, and even no worse than the three.


Such a strength team has no problem in flattening a medium-sized big demon vortex between the source and the source.

But this is not all.

These 30,000-year-old gods will all have source iron implements. Some people have full body armor, some are arm shackles, some are long swords and axe, and some are odd bow konjac. In short, no one is empty-handed. The extraordinary strength of its own, coupled with the source of iron weapons that are close to the strength of ancient instruments, this ‘corporate’ even large-scale big demon vortex may be flattened.

From the general perception.

Any one of these 30,000 people is equal to Sanmu Weng.

In the minds of the unclear leaders and team leaders, they even think that any one of these 30,000 people can marry the Emperor Tang Shidao. After all, these characters have a greater reputation and more records can be sung. In this way, in addition to the mentoring groups of the seminaries and the big demon vortex, there is no third force in the sea of ​​source energy that can compete with this group.

Shen Yuanlu also thinks the same.

These ‘friends’ are all heads of the heroes of the hegemonic side, all of which can be compared with the people. Even a little bit worse, it is definitely better than the group of people who are white, enchanted, blue, and Wu Yueer. With a large number of more than 30,000, it is impossible to crush the emperor.

This is the time.

The child of the emperor should know that the sky is thick.

Maybe the heart is shaking and the feet are soft.

"Who, I am coming, what do you want to compare with me?" Tang Shidao flashed 30,000 gods before the hero, calmly greeted Shen Yuanlu.

In a word.

The whole scene has changed.

"What do you say? Tang Shidao, do you know who you are talking to?" The blood spider standing next to Shen Yuanlu, has been shocked by this rudeness. You are too stupid, and you are so rude to the source iron caster. Have you not seen how bad your situation is?

"This little classmate, are you a source iron caster?"


"I won't shut up. I am the source of the iron caster, where is the turn to get you to talk." Tang Shidao faintly, only looking at the dark green Shen Yuanlu, said: "You are not dumb? Speak, you What are you going to compare with me?"

Two times rude and provocative.

Shen Yuanlu was extremely angry and laughed: "Master Tang, don't you know what the game is coming?"

Tang Shidao calmly nodded: "Yes, I don't care."

"If you lose..."

"I lost you, why did you get me?" Tang Shidao snatched, a look that you can bite me.

Shen Yuanlu was suddenly stunned.


He jerked back.

That's right, if Tang Shidao wins, he can't bird him. In contrast, if Tang Shidao loses, how can he do it? Let those friends do it? Hehe, friendship, and let them offend the source iron casters they can not do. Originally, this kind of 'business' friendship was one less time, they were not their own, the friends of interest.

That malicious target human race?

Oh, when is the human race not targeted?

"You don't want to jump out without thinking about it?" Tang Shidao looked at Shen Yuanlu, and there was a kind of expression that "Do you have intelligence to enchant, I have a card."

"Oh, yes, Master Tang has a big temper." Shen Yuanlu bit his teeth.

"Can you not waste my time?"

"Oh... well, very good, the craftsman hasn't seen such a arrogant young man for a long time." Shen Yuanlu was really angry.

"You don't blame me for seeing less."

"You... well, the craftsman... The craftsman doesn't argue with you and say good things. This game is very simple. It is aimed at the source of this seal. It is an ancient legacy, and it is very well preserved. We are at the same time. Beginning to unblock, whoever wins the control of the source boat is the winner. If you lose, you are not blaming you. The craftsman is not trying to make you difficult. Now that you have this kind of skill, we will prepare a welcome ceremony for you." Shen Yuanlu The heart is very angry, but still bear to follow the script.

"Get started." Tang Shidao said directly, not at all.

"You... very good, the craftsman...remember you." Shen Yuanlu was so angry that he could not remember how many years had not been ignoring this. Although today is not the protagonist, he only serves as a pioneer, but the identity of the source iron caster is not false. A new entry into the district is so arrogant, and no one knows how to respect the old and respect the old, which simply subverts the tradition of the source iron caster.

After Shen Yuanlu retired, he flashed to the other end of the seal source boat.

A group of heroes also keep up with protection.

at this time.

Sanmu Weng came forward and said softly: "Master Tang, this thing..."

Tang Shidao shook his head and interrupted: "It doesn't matter, I know. They are not provocative, but want to test me. There is no winning condition this time, and there will be it next time."

Sanmu Weng nodded: "Yes, you understand. Just deliberately let Shen Yuanlu play, I suspect that he is not the main attack. Master Tang, the source iron casters generally do not kill each other. Just let You promise to contribute 10,000 pieces of source irons to the seminaries, which will at least cost you 10,000 years. Even more, letting you serve a certain power for 10,000 years can directly limit your growth."

"I know."

"Although I don't want to say this, but Master Tang, the group of source iron casters is really beyond imagination. They have the best in both technology and force. They must have a way to make you unable to refuse, so this is the case. Provocative provocation. Suppose... the old man only assumes that if Ms. Bai Yu and others are arrested, I am afraid that Master Tang has to 'compete with them'?"

"Oh." Tang Shidao smiled.

I don’t worry about the fact that Bai Hao and others have been taken down because it is basically impossible.

The void is the king of equipment.


I and my friends have always been based on their own strength, and there is no shortage of implement equipment!

"Master Tang, when you unblock the source of the boat, 'study' is very important. There are many strange circles in the source boat, they often contain special meaning. In addition, there are guardians in the source boat, and it is basically impossible to knock them down. Continue to go deeper. Shen Yuanlu can pull a group of people to help, his progress is definitely faster than you. If you want to win, you must be faster in solving the puzzle." Sanmu Weng reminded.

"Thank you, I know." Tang Shidao did not care.


This kind of thing is more than anyone else. Especially related to the magic worker, he will only be more advantageous.


The two sides are ready to be in place, and a vice president of the Institute of the gods, ‘古颜’, acts as a notary.

In a blink of an eye, a seemingly meaningless game began.

have to say.

Unsealing the source boat is the top priority of the sea of ​​source energy, it represents the birth of a new safe home. The process is not complicated. The source iron caster touches the source boat and uses its own casting technology to 'integrate' into the source boat, sweeping it layer by layer, finally finding the control right and turning the source boat into 'useable'. tool. This kind of integration actually depends on the ability of the source iron caster's ‘passenger’.

Shen Yuanlu is very sophisticated.

Others are not good, and their character is also poor, but the technology is absolutely false. The status of the source iron caster depends on the technology. Therefore, the technology of a source iron caster will be poor. Also because the technology is too good, others will tolerate their poor character and temper.

After all, the technology is ultimately only looking at the results.

Those who can produce results will no longer endure you.

Reach out.

Press to touch.

The magic can blend.

The outer wall of the source boat is slowly immersed in a layer of blue light, such as the magic spring dip. Slowly, the third hard source iron has a feeling of 'bubbles', as if it had become a muddy state. At this time, Tang Shidao is standing next to Shen Yuanlu, calmly watching: "I will not, first look at how you do."

Shen Yuanlu is not angry, no laughter, no distraction.

The whole person is calm and natural.

In the technical contest, any source iron caster knows how to control himself. Don't say this, even if you see the killing of enemies, the emotions of Shen Yuanlu will not have a slight fluctuation. He is a source iron caster and he can definitely be proud of his own technology.

The males next to them also watched quietly, and they believed that the emperor would not interfere.

If they will, they must stop.

After about half a day, the outer wall of the source boat finally got a little hollow. It took six days for the outer wall to slowly open a small round hole. At the moment when the round hole opened, Shen Yuanlu disappeared, and he and tens of thousands of gods flashed the hero at the same time.

At this time, Tang Shidao did not keep up.

"Master Tang, you will be slow for six days if you don't go in." Seeing the round hole re-close, next to a dragon man Xiongjie faint. He spoke very politely. After all, Tang Shidao was also a source iron caster, and no one wanted to offend.

"It doesn't matter." Tang Shidao turned and flew back to his side.

Reach out.

Press to touch.

The magic can blend.

It took Tang Shidao a full 18 days to open a round hole, three times slower than Shen Yuanlu. Everyone saw that Tang Shidao disappeared, thinking that this man was lost. The use of the magic is longer, and there is no reinforcement around to help the guardian. According to normal calculations, the Emperor did not make a big deal for half a year. However, Master Shen Yuanlu estimates that it does not take a month.

The mysterious law matrix inside the source boat is a variable, but even if the emperor is better at solving puzzles, the time to open the channel is also lost.

The poisonous woman's face is very bad.

However, the faces of Jin Yuxi and Jin Yuli have some strangeness.

"Don't think too much, look at it quietly." Sanmu Weng lightly sipped, indicating that Jin Yuxi and Jin Yuli should not bring their emotions to their faces.

"Hey, thank you." Jin Yuxi and Jin Yuli reacted very quickly, and then waited calmly.

At this time, everyone knows at the place.

This is just warming up!

The source iron caster's contest is so simple, won no prize? Lost no loss? This is not the game of the source iron caster! Really positive game, won the rich, lost blood loss! More important point... what about the bet?

The real source iron caster competition must have a dealer jumped out to open.

Similarly, there will be many more people betting.

This one is warming up.

The Emperor has to face more than one Yuan Yuanlu, and Shen Yuanlu’s opponent is not only one of Tang Shidao... He has lived for so many years, and has offended countless source iron casters, and he is prepared to find him. After the warm-up match, the source iron casters of different factions will jump out.

If the emperor is weak, step on it.

If the emperor is strong, hold it.

The thinking of the source iron caster is simple. (https:)

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