Mage Network

Chapter 772: Impossible growth rate

"Imperial Emperor, Lord Emperor, we have just received two bad news." The sentry intelligence team was cut a little, but the entire Warcraft race has a lot of manpower. If they weren't too scared by the 'seconds', they might be bold enough to find out more. Now all the intelligence officers are very careful to beware of all the dangers.

"What news?" The emperor has forced himself to calm down for a long time, but still can't calm down.

The unfinished jade of advent has shattered.

It is connected to a person: Emperor Chen.

In other words.

Emperor Tzu Chen is dead, and the death of the smoke disappears, leaving no trace of information.

"The first one, the wing race is over." The whistle whispered and heard that the Lord’s mood was very bad: "We received a call from the source beast leader to go to the rest of the wing race." When we first arrived, we found that the wing races were gone, and even the Warcraft powers were silent. We sent people to look at other stations and found that all the passes disappeared."

"Is there a clue?" The emperor's voice was very cold.

"Yes, but it didn't work. When we arrived, we only saw a trace of ashes with excess temperature. Then, the ashes were swallowed up by the energy of the void." The hawk's voice was lighter and more careful. .

"What about those ashes?" The Emperor was not in a mood.

"I don't know. Because of what, the ash burned very thoroughly. We want to keep it and we can't keep it. After freezing, they still dissipate." The eagle carefully showed the light screen, which was trying to keep the ash but failed. Picture.

Everyone was noticed.

It was quickly discovered that the intelligence officers did their best, but they still could not stand the ashes. I can see that the place has just experienced the battle and the battle has just ended.

At this moment.

Luo Jie looked to another companion: "Zhu Jie, you are better at flame spells, what do you think?"

Zhu Jie shook his head: "I can't do it. This is not a question of strength, but a devour of the void itself. Everyone understands that there is only one possibility."

"It is Yuan Yuan Yuan Ling." Emperor sighed softly.

Everyone has a look of expression.

In theory.

This is not called the devour of the void. In some scholars' research, this phenomenon is called ‘feedback’. The Yuanzu Yuanling was born in the void, and also has different abilities to eliminate different substances and reward the ‘the parents’ of the void. In fact, not only the Yuanzu Yuanling, but also the powerful Master can eliminate the weak creatures. As long as the material and energy are completely destroyed, you will eventually be able to return to the void.

Generally speaking.

In addition to eliminating evidence and traces, few people waste energy like this.

In front of this scene, you can 'ash" the high magic planet and all the ancient World of Warcraft, it must be super strong or the best ancestor Yuan Ling can do it. In particular, almost a small part of the resident planet of the Winged Lion race is a source of iron. It is not easy to turn it into ashes. More importantly, this period of time is very short, because the Lion Palace returned to the station not long after.

"What's the second bad news?" The Emperor didn't want to guess, after listening to the bad news.

"Please look at them." The whistle hawks.

At this point, another group of scenes was opened, showing that it was the target of the sniper in the plan, and the curse of the Emperor Tang Shidao.

In the picture.

The Emperor is quietly sitting in the auditorium outside the stadium to watch the test of the testers in the fighting field. Not far from the side, the master tutor is talking softly, while instructing the tester to make different changes, while explaining the research results to the emperor. Originally, there was no problem. The Emperor had always been 'depleted' time and had never left the Ancient Academy.

However, the situation of the picture is unusual.

In the side of the emperor, hundreds of space ‘small windows’ floated quietly, slowly infiltrating into the real energy brilliance. These energy brilliances are like water flows, infiltrating into the body of the emperor little by little. At this time, the Emperor also looked at the watcher, but did not care, continue to focus on the demonstrations in the field and the mentor's commentary.

"We asked about this..."

"I know, we are clearer than you." The emperor interrupted the whistle of the eagle and looked at the other person: "Superspace conduction, the derivation of large space."

"Is the Emperor, can it be used for spiritual practice?"

"Well? Is the emperor stronger?"

"Imperial Emperor, I am afraid that the Emperor can no longer describe it with strength." The eagle looked bitter and slowly said: "According to our intelligence, the highest mana level of the Emperor is only growing from yesterday to the present. Five times."

I was shocked by this sentence and it was quiet in the field.

Five times?

It’s five times a day... This is the level of the millionaires. You will fly.

"In theory, this is impossible." The Emperor looked serious.

The whistle does not understand.

Because it does not understand large space.

At this time, the Emperor opened his mouth: "The large space of the empty bone has a lot of wonderful skills. For example, this kind of super space conduction, it can transmit energy from distant space. As long as the other side produces the same spatial resonance, even if You can draw energy from the magic springs of hundreds of different spaces. It can always provide energy as long as it is not interrupted."

"Hey." The whistle eagle asked not much, feeling that this has nothing to do with the upgrade, the Emperor does not need to return to the devil.

"In addition, the hollow bone has also studied a special kind of derivative, which is called 'time-space plundering'. Like its name, the empty bone can create a space for predation energy and plundering life, which needs to be prepared in advance. Although not all plunder, but not all When killing or defeating an opponent, he can pluck a certain amount of energy. We can do it with a small animal, and the means of empty bones is much more brilliant."

"So, the emperor plundered five times the energy?" The hawk hawk reacted.

"No, this is impossible. If I send energy directly to you, it will be better to raise you by 30%. What will you become?" The Emperor gently shook his head.

"I will... oh, I will probably blew myself, no, I will blew myself." The hawk eagle listened.

I reacted in an instant.

When the strength reaches a certain height, the instant violent is not a good thing. For example, at this level, there is nothing wrong with temporarily turning ten times, because that is an additional addition. However, 30% of the improvement of the original source can not stand. Just like the ordinary people put on a few hundred pounds of armor, it is uncomfortable not to die. However, ordinary people suddenly grow a few hundred pounds of fat, it is a must.

Under normal circumstances.

Close to the level of supreme, the personal strength of the current 10% will be unstable, 20% will be close to collapse, more than 30% almost self-destructed.

Nothing happens, nothing will break.

Even if the rank of the king is doubled, it is dangerous to plug a universe into another universe.

At this moment.

"The man's mana level has increased fivefold. Is this true? There are some skills, temporary growth and borrowing are also very similar to upgrades." Bai Qingqing also asked. It is the source of the beast race, the source beast is more exotic than the average life, but the violent violent length is also limited, and the excess is also a dead end. Powerful to a certain extent, only temporary additional forces will not be fatal, and the surge is basically unstable.

There are still some times.

Temporary attachments are too high and can be dangerous.

"No, many of us have verified. The Emperor's landlord ranks more than 15 million, about five times the previous one. He has not concealed it, and he has allowed outsiders to evaluate it. The Emperor does not seem to care about the mana level, since he owns it. The infinite magic is perfect, and the emperor does not deliberately conceal it." The hawk is faint, and it is not too polite to the white squad.

After all, it is only the arm of the emperor and the emperor, and does not need to be polite to the source.

Upon hearing this answer, everyone was silent again.

This is not a fake.

The Emperor does not care about other people's investigations, which proves that it has been checked by many ethnic groups.


It’s bizarre to grow five times a day. You must know that the violent tyrant will definitely have an accident. Before that, there is a famous example: crazy god!

How can the Emperor do it even if the mad gods can’t stand the violent storm?

The magical effect of the big space technique is clear to the ancient World of Warcraft.

However, this surge in strength cannot be understood.

Even in the early days of ancient times, or at the beginning of the establishment of the Master Network, there was no such strange thing. It is not surprising to turn hundreds of times at a low level. Millions of landlords, doubling are huge numbers that are incredible. How can it be five times more difficult?

at this time.

Emperor and Emperor thought of another thing: the death of Emperor Tzu.

Even if it is not the killing of the Emperor, it must be related to the Emperor... It is estimated that the energy of Emperor Tzu was robbed by the Emperor. In addition to it, the lion lion race probably also died in the hands of the Emperor's partner.

"Red 宵 will not do this kind of thing." Emperor suddenly shook his head.

"I know." Emperor is not a fool, those people will not easily do it, they would rather stay moldy and not indiscriminately intervene in the affairs of the younger generation.

Not a party with Akasaka.

So, does the emperor have another group of supporters?

Still a super supporter?

"Do you want to stop?" The eagle eagle spoke again. He asked: "The state of the emperor looks very unstable and seems to be able to interrupt him easily. In order to prevent the emperor from continuing to grow, I recommend sending someone to fight. Break him. Don't need too strong people, probably a magical machine doll without a master."

"Yes, you can try it." Emperor also knows that 'super-space conduction' is easy to interrupt.

In the past, there was a way to block the destroyers, but they would also be in a hurry.

Ren Huang just got a big space surgery soon...

Well, I can probably press it for a while.

The hawk is authorized, and immediately select some magic workers to attack. Don't need to be too strong, mainly to be able to disturb the emperor. Of course, the material is too bad, not enough for the Emperor to blow away. The source iron material is almost the same, at least able to attack the Unlimited Hyogo of the Emperor. Winning or losing is not important, and being able to disrupt him is a success.

Two hours later.

Ancient Academy, where Tang Shidao was in the fighting field, a magical machinery suddenly launched an attack, and a large number of ethnic leaders were also observing this scene.

The magic machine is a flying insect.

Very small.

Very flexible.

Very quick.

It doesn't have to attack the emperor itself, and it will kill his spell effects.


The attack of the magical insect was unsuccessful and it crossed the area where Tang Shidao was located. The whole small space is like the interval between the 'living world' and the 'outer world', and the space is lost like a twist. It is no longer true. The magical worm collided and slammed out at the other end in a flash. The piece of Tang Shidao was like no one.

The next moment.

Without waiting for the guards of the college, a source of iron space suddenly appeared, and the flying insects were encapsulated in a blink of an eye.

At this point, dozens of slamming crashes sounded.

The iron source space was suddenly reduced, and once again, there was no sound inside.

At this moment.

Around the side of Tang Shidao, the small window of space still conveys energy continuously, as if nothing has happened. Not to mention the horror, this kind of attack is like taking place in another space plane, and Tang Shidao is completely unaffected. Not far from the side, the instructors were also drunk, and they watched Tang Shidao step by step.

It has been non-stop since yesterday.

As if, his stability and tolerance is infinite, it can be upgraded to a higher level without any danger.

Everything is unreasonable and there are reasonable reasons for him.