Mage Network

Chapter 819: Ask for the personal boss BOSS Raiders

The snake of life is a small society, and every team needs to adapt for a long time. [] Because the snake of life does not stop, the places that pass through have their own characteristics, even a special restricted area of ​​the void. Many times, a team has not been familiar with it for hundreds of years. Speaking of the lone strong, huh, huh, it’s hard to say how many years dare to show up.

This is not a good place.

The last time Tang Shidao entered as "Mr. Long" and was almost "eaten" when he was flying.

Xin Ding, single.

These marks are simply meant to be prey.


"These problems are not there. He is a newcomer and a single person, but any team that has heard his name will not start. In addition, the Emperor has been reading the information about the snake of life, including each. The description of the site. Even if you have a life network record archive, this is incalculable. It is hard to imagine that a leader will do this kind of thing seriously, which should be the job of the intelligence officer."

"He has no problem in terms of strength." The leaders of the teams know where the difficulties are: the emperor is too strong, too learned, too much.

The magic marsh star sea, a big scorpion flat push.

In the fog sea stone array, a large shadow technique suppresses all foggy animals.

The ancient kingdom of the giant god, a giant scorpion turned into a giant race against the ancient country.

In the black forest, a big red lotus technique burned the other party to admit defeat and pray for mercy.

The violent meteor vortex, a large whirlpool almost reordered.

The beast of the sea, a large piranha, once again let the beasts of the volcano, take the initiative to offer peace and peace. Although the number of opponents is more and the strength is stronger, no one dares to fight with the shadow of the emperor. The sacrifice of the death war is too great. If you don’t bow, some small ethnic groups are likely to be extinct.

When passing by, you will be able to hit the local snakes and admit defeat to Volvo.

This kind of thing, tens of thousands of teams are difficult to do together.


"Supreme 5."

"Well, it's already 5 supreme."

In just over two years, the Emperor sent the war shadow to ‘promoted’ to the Supreme 5 level in front of everyone. Needless to guess, this is definitely the promotion of the Emperor himself. Although the Emperor always seems to be a ‘mortal’, everyone knows that the war shadow originated from the emperor, and the promotion phenomenon is only a reflection.

The level of mana has been further improved, and the emperor itself has not changed much.

on the other hand.

Everyone noticed that...the summoning army of War Shadow is even bigger. The number of summons depends on the mana ceiling, so at the very least, the Emperor's summoning spells are greatly improved. Originally, there was the only ancestor call of the genius. The fighting power of the next prince was even more terrible. Everyone wants to see the hope of the patriarch for help.

"Try to find the other side of the source. I want to wait for the people to ask for help." The leaders of the major teams issued new orders.

"Yes." The intelligence officers also felt that there was no chance.

This ‘new Ding’ cannot be measured by normal people. He is even more monster than a monster.

at the same time.

The ancient World of Warcraft leaders, who are devastated, gather once again to prepare a new dagger plan. The emperor, the emperor, the emperor, and the three leaders who fled the battle were all called, and were named by an elder who was called the emperor. The old member of the gods knows that one of the left and right hands of the Great Emperor, most often represents a member of the Order of the Great Emperor.

"The dagger is what you proposed, what is your plan?" The emperor was very rude. In ancient times, it was really the existence of a prime minister.

"We are going to go to the snake of life and go directly to find a suitable place to start." The emperor did not retreat.

Compared with the Great Emperor, it is only the general existence of the princes.

If the situation continues to deteriorate, Shangfeng does not mind changing a leader. Anyway, the base stone for the reserve is old.

"How do you start?" The emperor smiled.

"The war, he will not refuse." The emperor said directly.

"Do you have the confidence to win?"

"To deal with the Supreme 4, our Supreme 7 teamed up, plus ancient instruments and adventurous jade. As long as the place is suitable, it is not too difficult to kill the emperor." Emperor has natural confidence. I didn’t want to work hard before, but I can’t fight it now.

"Hehehehe..." The emperor was only sneer.

"If it is not successful, I intend to... I will be one with the Emperor. Regardless of the consequences, I will use the ‘Weishi Stone’ to integrate the two forces.”

"Hehehehe..." The emperor is still sneer.

"We have the confidence to kill..."

"You can't even do the intelligence, but dare to say that you have confidence? The ancient World of Warcraft is a mess, you don't even do the intelligence? Extreme 4? Now everyone knows that it is Supreme 5, and you still think it is Supreme 4. "The emperor interrupted, and he was very welcome to drink."

"Supreme 5?" The emperor has been surrounded by wars all over the place. I really don't know the outside world.

"Emperor riding, you say it."

"Yes." A semi-invisible cloud-shaped human archer said: "According to the members of the life snake, the emperor has advanced to the Supreme 5. It is not his own change, but the last time he held the law. According to the intelligence, the battle shadow penetrated the magic marsh star sea, the fog sea stone array, the ancient **** ancient country, the black forest, the turbulent star vortex, the beast and the sea, and so on, only by one force."

The emperor heard a cold sweat.

The same is true of the remaining leaders.

Supreme 5 is not a big deal, they are all levels of Supreme 6 Extreme 7. However, if one has tried to penetrate those other places, or if the snake of life does not stay, this is the inhuman ability.

"The emperor, the emperor has several great curses?" asked the emperor.

"It seems that there are ten kinds of species, big..."

"It seems? Emperor riding."

"Yes, there are a total of fifteen kinds. They are: big scorpion, big phantom, big scorpion, big depletion, large replacement, great vortex, big shadow, red lotus, big cutting, great reincarnation Rebirth surgery, big piranhas, big scorpion king transformation, large ironmaking, big gold burning, large space surgery." Emperor riding a word and a sentence.

The emperor listened to the deeper feelings.

At this time, the emperor asked again: "The emperor, in addition to the fire feathers, laughing and crying and angering the four gods helmet, the three birds of the ancient bird feathers, the ancient emperor has several great consummations?"

"This, it seems..."

"Is it like? Hehehehe, the emperor rides."

"Yes. There are five kinds in total. The great perfection of the Yuanzu Olympics is infinitely magical, the great perfection of the Iron spell is full of the Hundreds of War, the grand perfection of the crystals is infinitely crystallized. There are two kinds of unfinished names, only determined to belong to the great ancestors. Consummation, and another black flame with a spear. We did our best to investigate, but there was no result, and the Emperor did not disclose it."

The emperor was not horrified, and he began to tremble.

Unlimited magic.

Infinite crystallization.

Last time, it was just two kinds of great consummations, smashing Bai Cangqing and Luo Jie. If you use the ancient implements earlier, the situation will improve a lot, but... the emperor also has ancient instruments, and there are also unidentified cosmic creatures.

A total of five words...

"The Lord saw the image of the black flame and evaluated the effect of the great perfection called 'infinite egg.' However, it was not certain. As for the great perfection of the Yuanzu, it must be related to the body, and it is impossible to guess. The Emperor also has a jade jade, dozens of even hundreds of unique spells. At the same time, he also has a black and white world power who does not know the roots. Emperor, you really think that the two in one can win ?? The emperor's voice is getting colder and colder.

At this point, the actual emperor has no retreat.

Today, the emperor’s ‘hesitant’ is so angry that the emperor is very angry because they are no longer qualified to hesitate.

"We...we..." The emperor was anxious, and his mind had no idea.

the first time.

When it really looks at the power of the Emperor, it discovers that there is nothing to be proud of! The cards they own are all ‘ancestors’, and the power of the emperor is their own. His own cards are just objects, and the emperor's cards are skills and spells.

"I will give you a chance."


"The emperor, the emperor, the emperor, the three of you are united and train for a while. I will borrow an ancient instrument to give you the true degree of integration. But remember, you have not failed. Option, kill the emperor, or die with him. If you run away, I will order all the ancient World of Warcraft to kill you, directly to your death. If you succeed, your descendants and races will focus on care."

"Yes...Yes!" The emperor bowed his head, completely without the arrogance of the past.

In the black and white ocean battle, its bones have been broken.

The emperor was disappointed inside.

However, this is already an option of no choice.

After the rally, the emperor called the emperor to ride alone: ​​"What is your opinion?"

The emperor should answer: "They can't retreat from the whole body, and the jade that comes with it is probably the biggest one to fight against the emperor. Even if the emperor wins, the other teams of the snake of life will not miss the opportunity. They It will be hard to guess, and it will be hard to guess, and it is certain that the Emperor will not be able to retreat."

"It is better to be able to kill what has exceeded expectations. In my mind, the ability to 'test' the Emperor's greatest strength is already good." The emperor shook his head.

"It is not difficult, after all, there is a jade coming."

"Hope." The emperor is not so confident. I don't know why, it always has some feeling of restlessness. The emperor alone appears in the snake of life, undoubtedly a signal to all enemies: now I am alone, have the ability to kill me!

Although the Emperor has an undead container, the Emperor is definitely not a fool, and he does not want to die.

Either for other purposes.

Either... absolutely confident!

The emperor is now only sure of one thing: if the emperor, the emperor, the emperor and the triad can not completely reveal the emperor's biggest card, then this enemy is not at this level. In that case, the Master Network may have another rising star.

at this time.

On the other side, Akasaka is also chatting with friends.

"You are sure that he is Supreme 5, Hetong?"

"Yes, the snake of life has left the team members to bring back the news."

"Your opinion?"

"One hundred percent, the emperor is deliberate. I personally feel that the emperor is not only confident that he can cope with all challenges, he has his own things to do. Understand, he is not waiting for someone to attack, he does not care, just A pair of 'I do my thing, you want your conspiracy' attitude. The ancient hermits have been looking for him, so I believe that the emperor will not use ancient instruments, he is not the kind of equipment to fight." Hetong is indifferent.

"Drunk, what do you say?"

"What else do I need to say, isn't that war shadow not broken through several places? Who among us can do it alone? Even if it works, at least for a few decades. The fifteen great curses, the five great consummations, huh, we have No? So, no matter who he is, take the wine, let's continue to drink."

"..." [This chapter is the first. Love. There is sound. Novel network, please remember the URL]