Mage Network

Chapter 823: Life Weave and Colorless Connection

Life Weaving has a total of eight basic skills: Nirvana rebirth, creature mosaic, wisdom revelation, soul painting, energy shaping, life evolution, element evolution, space-time evolution. Nirvana rebirth is a kind of resurrection ability. After the extension of life weaving more than 50%, it has undergone new changes. It seems that after Nirvana's rebirth, the blood and constitution can be even better.

Of course, life evolution also has this effect. The difference is that the evolution of life requires its own efforts to change, and Nirvana rebirth is a kind of passive.

Compare the three major factions of life science.

Tang Shidao found that there are only four kinds of skills: living chimerism, wisdom revelation, soul painting, energy shaping. Among them, the most common ones are the ones that are used by them, and the three colleges are proficient in life techniques.


The magical beast is most concerned with the study of soul painting, while the mechanical beast is biased towards wisdom and revelation. The human face beast is most concerned with energy shaping. Surprisingly, scholars don't know the skills of life weaving. The creatures are just a bio-composite technique in their eyes. Spiritual wisdom revelation is an education, energy reengineering is a kind of magical integration, even soul painting is also a kind of magic transformation.

After reading the study.

Tang Shidao understands why they are so difficult to produce results... without the foundation of Nirvana rebirth.

In other words.

If you use life weaving to create a new life, it starts with cultivating an egg. The technical scholar of the Supreme Devils first cultivated a chicken, and the result was also a chicken. The reason they are hard to be recognized by the void: no life evolution and elemental evolution! The evolution of life can make life sublimate into another level, and the evolution of elements can make the magic energy change.

and so.

The eight basic skills of life weaving, the scholars only studied four kinds, lost the head and tail.

under these circumstances.

Being successful... It’s really true that it’s the reason why ‘people are more powerful’.

If you don't have a large number of researchers and you have a huge amount of data technology, you can't create a new race with one person working for 100 million years. Creating a new monster is easy and waved, but creating a new species that is recognized by the void is too difficult. It is important to know that ordinary life can hardly be recognized, and only the life that can be dyed by the magic can be "detected" by the void.

"Elements... probably the most difficult one." Tang Shidao knows where the difficulty lies.

"You are right, Mr. Tang. Elemental fire people, water people, wind people, and natives are the most easily recognized. Because they have life forms and energy forms. It can be said that they are examples of empty life. In addition, natural animals with elemental power and Warcraft with magical attributes are easily recognized. The most difficult is the human race because of the lack of natural energy."

The Human Face School also respects Mr. Tang, the knowledgeable ‘壕’.

This is not a despicable local tyrant, but respect for knowledge.

"Humans need to change in the opposite direction, get the body or other." Tang Shidao does not need to explain his identity, and he has the identity in the Supreme Devil.

"You are right. In theory, a human being and an elf have a new race for a child. In fact, the half-elves can take many years to be recognized. Before the emergence of the great half-elves, the void did not even pay attention. To the existence of this race. It has been said that the void is the biggest difference from the ordinary plane, the void is connected with magical energy. The ordinary plane is probably the magic-free area."

"The race that doesn't touch the magic can't be seen by the void." Tang Shidao understood this.

"Yes. We have the same direction of cultivation, and we need the participation of elements very much." Scholars are not hiding. These are just popular knowledge, which is easy to find.

“You have always used ‘hybrid’ as a study of new species?” Tang Shidao understood that it was difficult.

“Yes, this is the easiest way.”

Tang Shidao listened to no more questions.

Knowing this step, the reason why it is actually difficult to achieve is already obvious. On the one hand, new species, life technology is far less than one ten thousandth of life weaving, and the study of headless and tailless is too difficult to bear fruit. The second is the influence of elemental energy. It can be said that the guest's request itself is an obstacle.

why would you say so?


The new race does not need to consider the most difficult point: the element.

To cultivate a new race, it is enough to have the basic conditions of life. Elements of this kind can be cultivated. For example, myself, originally a magical mortal, and later lucky to become a mage... This is the magical energy of the day after tomorrow. By the same token, a new race can be cultivated like this.



Because the purchaser is worried that a new species will have trouble with ‘power’, they must be born with a magical attribute. Can't cultivate it, can't educate it, or even make it too smart. In short, the guests only want a living piece of meat in their heart, not a complete life system.

Think from another angle.

In fact, everyone is opposed to the study of the human face school: they don't need a race, they only need one individual... they use up the individual that can pinch.

The study of the human face school is obviously to increase everyone's troubles.


The research on the human face school is the most powerful... In the void, no one can do anything against it, especially if you can get powerful power. Therefore, everyone silently tolerated the study of the human face school. If you build weapons for yourself, you will have trouble and accept them.

"Bachelors, some people say that new species will transform the source of the beast, what do you think?" Tang Shidao occasionally asked questions.

"This one……"

"We don't want to be a truth, just a chat." Tang Shidao said.

Recently, I donated a large sum of money to the Human Face School, and scholars no longer pay attention to money. Their family clan also needs it. What's more, who cares about improving life. Naturally, everyone also needs to respect Mr. Tang.

Hear the problem.

Dean Lu personally answered: "Mr. Tang, this needs to be separated." On the one hand, the sea of ​​source energy precedes the existence of the demon world, and the source beasts precede other warcraft. It can be said that the earliest source beasts have become mixed. Warcraft. The source of the beast comes from the research, this is impossible."

"Yes, I know."

"On the other hand, the appearance of human face beasts does have many similar types, and it is not excluded to study new species. As for the creation of the cloud map, its characteristic is to record all life and energy, it records the existence of new species is very reasonable. If we say that we are exactly the same, we still lack a piece of evidence. If the creation of the cloud map is a transformation station, in theory, the void can not be self-transformed into the void, this mechanism is illogical. If this is the case, the void should have a opposite. We have not found it." Dean Lu only explained according to the academic direction.

"Is it the outside world?" Tang Shidao listened to the virtual world for a moment, but he did not mention the word.

"Definitely not. The known outside world, the original jurisdiction, it has no effect of storing the other half of the void. As for the other side of the source... Well, to be honest, in our view of these bachelors, it is just another similar There may not be any magic in the place of the jurisdiction. It is probably a special area that cannot find the entrance for the time being."

Having said that, the rest of the bachelors also looked natural and were not scared by the magical name.

They only believe in seeing it.

Do not believe in rumors.

"What do you think of Dean Lu on the other side of life?" Tang Shidao asked again.

"Don't say whether we study new species is justice or evil, even if it is evil, even if it is a shackle, will the void help the weak side? These people are purely nonsense, the void will not help any race, it is just like a platform. If you die, you will die. If you live, you will live, and hope that the void will save you. It is better to interrupt your knees and survive." Dean Lu is the idea of ​​technology changing the world, and he hates the conspiracy theorists. .

Life weaves 79%... Subconsciously, Tang Shidao believes in this kind of remark: the void is never partial!

The Lord is God.

Is it useful to ask God?

Whether life is weak or powerful, it is on the same platform. It may be unfair to the weak, but it is only the weak person's own ideas, and the strong may feel that he is strong and fair. Besides, you have to be fair, the bacteria that are weaker on you are also life, and who is fair with whom.

There is no sympathy in the void, only efforts.

Those who don't want to work hard are dead.

"Dean Dean, can I buy a project that I just started?" Tang Shidao suddenly asked.

"This... Of course, we all can open a new project at any time, only need some resources and a secret room. During the training process, many unclear results are ranked, priority and most promising projects. These projects have Many of them are automatically given up, so they are not very valuable. You like to pick one, just pay a little money to the researchers." Dean Lu did not ask too much, even indicating that some projects are thrown.


Before the outcome, no one knows which project is really useful. Therefore, these words are also big truth.

Tang Shidao is naturally polite and does not pay a little money.

This time, researching new species is no different, just for life weaving. Because of the appearance of the celestial ancestral tree, life weaving has improved by 50%, which makes Tang Shidao aware of one thing: the life of the original weaving, even if it reaches the great consummation is 50%, the other half must be more mysterious There is a response. It can also be said that the snake mage believes that there is still higher, it is to know some untouchable existence.

The snake mage is not a person to study, but also 72 people including Yulong Xianren.

and so.

The snake mage certainly knows the curse and has studied this aspect. If you have to say something that it doesn't know, it is probably something that Yulong Xianren and Lunao mentioned together: colorless. According to the original intention, Yulong Xianren only said that there are secrets about Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse, but Yulong Xianren himself does not know what this secret is.

Therefore, there is no colorless curse for Yulong Xianren and Luna, and the snake mage can't see colorless.

Push and extend.

Without colorlessness, the snake mage may not be able to touch the world of nothingness. Or the snake master said that he heard it, but it did not really enter the world of nothingness. Because of this difference, the snake master is less aware of something than himself. Besides, the Scarecrow can't recognize the colorlessness, which shows that this possibility is very big.

Talk today.

Dean Lu said that there should be a ‘correspondence’ in the void, and Tang Shidao also realized that the correspondence of life is likely to be related to the world of nothingness. After all, I personally experienced it... When the void returned to everything, the creation of the cloud and the world of nothingness copied and captured one.


The best way to really know if you are right or wrong is to cultivate a new race and examine the whole process.

Because I have colorless.

In the colorless system, there is a spell of "the door of colorlessness and nothingness." If there is any special change in the middle, you may find it better than anyone. Therefore, life weaving wants to go further, and the colorless and nihilistic world must be the most likely to produce revelation.