Mage Network

Chapter 86: No strangest, only stranger

After the test of the Austrian law body, Tang Shidao also returned home.

In the training field he tried to improve the duration of the Austrian law body, but this is extremely difficult. Not to mention an increase of 1 second, even if it is increased by 0.1 is extremely difficult to do. Tang Shidao suspects that it is the most difficult way to achieve the effect of improvement by training, and new insights should be obtained from other aspects.

On the other hand, the 'breaking period' of the Austrian law body is also a very special existence.

The wizard's spells have never been 'cooled', but the Austrian law has similar restrictions.

Although it is not a spell, it is strange enough.

Tang Shidao knows that this is not a cooling time because the break period is not fixed. It may take three to five days to recover, or three or five months. Reconnecting into the communication state varies from person to person. Because of this anomaly, Tang Shidao doubts that the communication between the Austrian law and the body is endless void, which extracts energy from the void.

As for how to quickly restore the connection, there is no clue in this regard.

In the Master Network, the sky never loses the pie!

Without effort, there is no gain.

Tang Shidao believes that there must be ways to improve its duration, but it has not yet been found out. Since the talent spell is the only constant, then everything else must be changed.

The Master's certificate was not able to be practiced, and the door to the entry could not be found.

The Scarecrow did say that it could be upgraded, but he didn't even find a way to touch it. Compared to the eclipse, this stuff has not gotten started yet.

the next day.

Tang Shidao got up and exercised very early. When he arrived at the gym, a group of screaming squadrons used turns to use the refining ring. A group of scientists thundered and stared at the data changes of the earthquake prediction instrument. Surprisingly, there is also a familiar figure: White Beauty!

She is exercising.

A large pile of materials was placed on the table not far from the side, all of which were about earthquake research.

One hundred percent of the face, one hundred percent of the figure.

One hundred percent effort, twenty percent **** level.

It can be said.

Since Bai Meiren has been tasked with supervising earthquake predictions, she is only a little more sleepy than the scientists who are wanted all day long, and she is no harder than them. It is a pity that her research level is probably only the extent of sweeping the aunt.

Tang Shidao believed: God opened all the windows for the white beauty, and only closed the door of her wisdom.

It’s almost noon.

Lei Dazhuang, the slacker, got up, and Bai Meiren was still busy sorting out the materials of seismology.

"Tao, what are you doing?"

"Study some rare diseases." Tang Shidao also had a lot of paper in front of him.

"Rare disease? This research does not seem to make money. Many large foreign companies are reluctant to invest resources in this area." Lei Dazhuang is telling the truth. The companies that researched diseases in Dihuangxing all went to the money, and the few were charities. Different from Zulong, the population of Zulong is 3 billion, occupying one-third of the royal star. Any small event is a big event.

"I didn't want to make money, I don't want you to pay for it." Tang Shidao did not raise his head.

"Well, I am short of money to come to me." Lei Dazhuang had nothing to say. Any member in this gym doesn't care about money. Talking about making money is just a joke.

"There is still no result at present, and there will be opportunities to spill money in the future."

"Do you want to go out to the white beauty?" Lei Dazhuang did not leave the white beauty.

"She is very busy."

"Because you let her take care of the seismograph, otherwise she doesn't have to learn those things. You say that a good person is not so hardworking."

"For the future life." Tang Shidao did not lift his head and continued to copy the contents of the class.

"For life? You are screaming at me, Baimei people still worry about life? You look at that face, I want to be a flat model, the photographer who runs over can go from the street to the end of the street. Look at that figure, The company that makes clothes, such as my dad, can send her for free, and send the clothes with the money. The waist and the hips, take a underwear advertisement, earn not to do it. She can also eat well and enjoy life."

Tang Shidao looked up and looked at the white beauty who was busy downstairs.


In addition to the level of learning, the innate conditions of the White Beauty have killed everyone. Her dad is not so handsome, her mother is not too beautiful, compared to this daughter, they add up and multiply by 2 is not comparable.


Tang Shidao raised a strange feeling: Bai Meiren are so hard, why do they feel difficult to practice?

The white beauty is desperate to stay in the middle of the game.

Trying to do it yourself can at least gain something.

Compared with a person who is struggling to pull a 60-point qualifying line and not let go, he is slightly stuck at 95 points or more. If the white beauty is ugly, it is not surprising that she will die if she does not work hard. But she is not, she is born with the beautiful talent has killed everyone.

She has worked hard to this extent, and she has encountered a little setback.

"Tao, what are you laughing at?"

"Nothing, just thinking about something. Fat man, you are much stronger."

"That is of course, for the big night's one pick two activities." Lei Dazhuang is still so skinless, in fact, he secretly worked very hard.

"Very good, this is 10 bottles of aromatic medicine. Last time you saw it in the Griffin League, you can drink it for a lifetime. I want to find a similar flower to make a bubble, I have specially adjusted it, use it with confidence. If you don't want to change another kind of fragrance, you can use it for your girlfriend. By the way, give the white beauty a few bottles." Tang Shidao took out his backpack and handed it to Lei Dazhuang.

"Do you actually have this stuff?"

"The four life divisions of Yanshou Medicine and Youth Medicine have been successfully developed. You can give you a few bottles later." Because the time of the Emperor Star is normal, Tang Shidao must reserve some pharmaceutical time, and can not close his eyes. Piled up.

"Taoist, listening to your tone has a very important thing recently, can we help?"

"No, fat. Thank you for your concern, I will handle it myself." Tang Shidao is indeed ready to start the mission of the Queen of the Stars, because these days the virtual base is almost the same. Not too fast, but too many people to participate, I can't slow down.

"Go." Lei Dazhuang thinks it is the teacher's door: "Give me other things and promise not to bother you."

"Yeah." Tang Shidao has no trouble in life.

Lei Da Zhuang was happy to run with the aromatic potion.

Looking at the mobile phone, even the big ones in the exercise are envious of the eyes, this kind of good things they can hardly touch.

Tang Shidao did not care about everyone's reaction.

at night.

Entering the Master Network, I am preparing to go to Aquamarine to continue my practice, and suddenly I received an unexpected assignment. The task principal is the white-phase dean, at the cost of 50 mana, asking to enter a place called ‘flowing land’ to find a material called ‘black cloud pearl’.

“Where is the place where the clouds are flowing?” Tang Shidao asked the Scarecrow.

"1 point mana."

"I actually want money? It doesn't look like an ordinary place. If you find a material, you pay 50 mana. The price is really too high. Ok, give it to you."

Received the money.

Straw talents slowly open: "The land of the clouds is one of the neutral places, and then ... check yourself."

Tang Shidao is stunned. Just the word "neutral land" will you receive me 1 mana?

It's awkward.

It seems that I have to restart the plan to burn the scarecrow and the scarecrow.

Hate to hate.

After taking the task, Tang Shidao is not too slow, and immediately finds the message of the neutral land. Soon, a very painful content is presented: the neutral land is between the Master Network and the Endless Void. It has magical energy, but it doesn't have a sequence that joins the Master's network; it has a race of life, but it's not as chaotic as a void.

There are some neutral places with quite high civilizations, and also know the existence of the Master Network.

However, they do not join the Master Network.

They don't think that the Master Network is an enemy, and they don't refuse the Master to enter their territory. They just keep a distance from the Master Network. In some neutral places there is also a huge magical empire and a magical academy. They also admire magical powers and use magical powers.

The strange thing about Tang Shidao is, why does the neutral land not join the Master Network?

The Master Network is not a power agency, nor does it have any requirements. It is just a collection of lovers. For example, if you join yourself, there is no requirement for Master. There is no sand or stone in the land of the Emperor.

Why is it so free to join the neutral place and refuse to join?

Tang Shidao was strange and ran to ask the Scarecrow.

The Scarecrow does not lift the head: "You, you don't like to change or rule your original world, right?"


“If people in neutral places like it?”

"Do they want the power of the Master Network?" Tang Shidao was shocked.

"Youth, this is your idea, I don't have to say this. Join the reason for joining, don't join the reason for joining. I can only tell you, if you think you hate the Master Network, you don't want to enter the Master Network again. You can also detach and make your world a neutral place. Conditionally, we only take back your talents, and the rest of your efforts will not be recovered. Also, when you die, we will send people to ask in the past to see if there is any People are willing to join and rejoin."

"Hey." Tang Shidao understood.

Master Network is really free...but not everyone likes freedom, and some people want to have power.

Of course, there may be other reasons as well.

For example, Professor Xia Guomin does not care if he is not separated from him. He does not have much pursuit of the power of the Master.

Zhou Huangzi is also similar, and he has enough strength to strengthen himself.

I thought about it.

Tang Shidao’s communication to the neutral land, the response is: “Don, you should ask the Green Eye Fox. The person who is most familiar with the neutral land in the Master Network is an expert, because most neutral places limit attack-type spells. ”


The Blue Eyed Fox also sent a message: "Being in a neutral place must be accompanied by a magic worker, an alchemy potion, a scroll, a spell or a summoning spell. If you only attack the spell, it is no different from sending a dead. I heard that there should be a broken sky island. If you want to do a mission, it is best to buy a powerful flight."

Tang Shidao asked: "Is the neutral land very dangerous?"

The blue-eyed fox should say: "No skill, you are a fat sheep; you have the ability, you are a grandfather. Is it easier to understand?"

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, my friend. Our harvest is rich now, because with your empty base, my alchemist friends are going to be crazy. There is just a garden of fire materials nearby, they are going to live and laugh. died."

Tang Shidao turned off the newsletter and bought a 30-point golden vulture with the Scarecrow.

The dragon man turned out to be more suitable for fighting, and flying is not convenient. The owl turned out to be good, but the combat ability was too bad. Ghosts have changed, um, still don’t need this scary thing, it’s weird, and there’s a ‘I’m a villain’ when I’m on the scene.

Looking through hundreds of reels left by Akasaka, Tang Shidao found some non-attacking spells.

Calculate yourself and feel no problem.

Start the task.


In a blink of an eye, Tang Shidao came to the land of the clouds.

Looking at the scattered gravel and floating islands in the air, Tang Shidao discovered the eccentricity of the world: it has no planet at all, and the sky is full of debris. Because of some kind of flowing energy, it forms a piece of debris cloud... Say good things open up?

Strange things.

Your **** has not yet woken up?

Tang Shidao tried to wave a small fireball and just dissipated as soon as he left.

Casting the burning hand, the arms and flames rushed, and the blink of an eye disappeared.

Scratching his arm for a heal, the arm is restored. If you have no problem with your own use, you don't know if you can use it for outsiders in the distance.

Turning into an owl is very smooth and has no effect.

I want to call the crow again.


Tang Shidao found an extremely serious matter: his mana did not reply!

No reply at 1 o'clock!

I originally had about 3,000 points, and I replied almost one second in one hour. It costs six points now, but it didn't go back after two or three minutes.

How is this going?