Mage Network

Chapter 861: The Destruction of War and the Revival

Finding Yunxiao is a very difficult thing, because Tang Shidao promised to be confidential, so he did not explain it to his teammates. In this case, Tang Shidao can only send the only flying man face beast to explore. In the absence of everyone's attention, the opportunity to create a special life of ‘experience’. Because the war does not stop, the sky's sentinels and flying magic couples are many, Tang Shidao must be careful.

This is a commitment to the life of the magical race, and in nature it is also necessary to keep secret. If you don't pay attention, others may guess it.

Two more months.

at last.

Tang Shidao discovered that a cloud of sea has the seeds of life evolution, using technology to find an excuse to come over.

Because of the previous help to create a cloud canopy, there is no doubt about this action. Perhaps based on the induction of special life, the place where Yunxiao was born gathered a lot of flying magic couples, all waiting for the birth of 'food'. This time, the real battle started, and in this case, only the storm can be attacked. The tyrants and the hexagrams are six-armed, and the archery is very powerful. The power of the mouse is not strong, but throwing an alchemy bottle is a good hand.

Bai Meiren and Xiao Yan can only help, they are not used to this kind of killing.


It is difficult to strike such a gathering place, after all, the number of opponents is too much. However, in the end, the war in the low-mart world is still the king of equipment. Tang Shidao and his party have the best equipment. After giving everyone a weak flame of ironmaking, even the most difficult micro-flying insects in the invasion of the magical powers are not a problem. In addition, the knife and gun are not in the clothing, the sharp arrow of the sharp, the powerful alchemical bottle, and the superiority of the people.

Dozens of attacks, the dead and wounded ogres finally retreated.

If you don’t win, you can only give up the uncooked ‘food’ in the sky.

They are hungry and crazy.

But they are not really crazy.

This kind of mortal war of consumption, they do not want to continue. There are few people on the other side, but the attack power is strong and the speed is fast. Every time a strong attack, a group of lives will be harvested. Fighting and not hurting, chasing and catching up, and then continuing to entangle just waiting to die. Anyway, the ‘food’ in the air is unknown, and it’s better to give up than to grab it.

Very unexpected.

As soon as the ogres were evacuated, the evolution of the clouds increased.

Just seven days.

A super giant bird made up of clouds was born, and it was as big as an empty island. Even more strange, when it flies, there are other clouds that blend into it and continue to grow the volume of the cloud. Tang Shidao has always seen birth since the beginning, and also found that Yunxiao has a special lifeline. However, it does not reveal anything.

Life weaving does not respond!

"Follow it." Tang Shidao told the wooden eagle.

The wooden eagle is naturally obedient, because it feels very comfortable. When approaching the clouds, the wooden eagle itself has a kind of sensation that life is singing, as if one's life is sublimating. Even if Tang Shidao does not tell, it wants to follow this magical life.

on the other hand.

When Yunxiao flies by, the Lianshanhe forest has a ‘baptized’ look.

That feeling.

The faintness is the same as a wizard who constantly uses the spell of 'all things grow'. The difference is that Yunxiao has no spells and no magic to nourish it. It changes another thing: life itself... It makes life itself more beautiful, healthier and more mature.

Faced with such a situation.


The sentinels and the magicians found out. As the clouds move forward, countless ogres begin to assemble and are ready to block in the distance... No, they just want to eat this cloud. The craftsmen who knew that things were different, the first time to order, let the coalition forces at all costs: open the way for the clouds!

"Little devil, gather your strongest military. The marching path of this giant bird is the portal of the ogre, understand, it knows other kingdoms of life."

"You can take our tokens back and let our clans and business alliances send people support."

"at all costs."

"We must let this giant bird enter the portal."

The craftsmen are not fools. They have too many singularities in the void, and they know why. Moreover, there are countless life scholars, animal and plant scholars in the craftsmen, who know the role of this giant bird at a glance. If the eater, Warcraft, eats it, it won't make sense to win this war. They don't come to win.

The kingdom of life of the great devil is just a ‘leaf’.

There is also a tree outside.

Needless to say.

This giant bird is the clue to leave the leaves and enter the tree...even the guide who enters the tree.

"Mr. Xiaomo Luo, we know from the local ethnicity that it is called 'yunyun', but the role is not clear. In their legend, Yunxiao is the 'ambassador of life', so it must have a great connection with the kingdom of life. We The intelligence team agreed and tried to protect it." The intelligence team also brought news. Without the series of missions of Tang Shidao, the secrets they can hear are naturally much less.

"Well, at all costs, make sure it enters the portal."


The new order was released, this time it was really desperate.

have to say.

The lives of mercenaries are not worth the money. In the world of a god's plane, you can pick out hundreds of millions or even trillions of mortal warriors at any time. It is only a simple matter to arm them up and enter the kingdom of life to fight hard. Even if you want to sacrifice, there are countless people willing to. For example, say to a group of rats: If you have 10,000 soldiers, I will get a magic apprenticeship.

With such a promise, the rats have no weapons to fight with their teeth.

In the void.

The least missing is the weak race. They are willing to sell meat in order to make a profit.

In the land of ban, the warriors of small races are the mainstream. Nowadays, the superstars need to be transferred from the various secret rooms to help them. Actually, it is not difficult at all. When the craftsmen's message returned to the clan, their own people sent a large number of people to win a special kingdom of life for the clan. The native race is very scared, but it cannot stop the war.

"The Tang master has already followed the cloud. He sent us a message, don't take the opportunity to hunt local races, otherwise the cloud may change the target."

The intelligence officers passed the message and the craftsmen responded quickly.

This possibility is very large.

In other planes, the damage to the locals is too serious, often leading to the death of strange things or enemies from friends.


A new order is issued: the entering army is not allowed to start with the local race, otherwise, everyone will join you. This time only open the way for the clouds, and the rest are not allowed to mess. If the cloud suddenly turned around, or suddenly dissipated, the craftsmen really cried without tears.

They don't care about a Master's Chamber of Secrets, they only care about the secrets here.

Less than five days.

The biggest offensive and defensive war in the kingdom of life began. The ogres and the masters joined forces, and both sides entered the dead battle mode from the ground to the sky. 1 point of mana usage, healing and limb regeneration are strong, resurrection will not think about it. Fortunately, the craftsmen are too rich, mercenaries and equipment, all of which can be piled up with money.

Even more.

The little devil received the command of the big devil: If it is impossible to pass, you can use a powerful spell to open the way. Although this will cause the collapse of the kingdom of life, this time it is necessary to send the cloud into the portal and into a different world.

The meaning of the big devil Luo: Even if your life kingdom collapses, you must also understand the magical role of the cloud.

I heard this.

Naturally, all the craftsmen have twice issued orders to urge more reinforcements to come. They believe that the big devil is not stupid, and certainly has more important meaning.

Adventure takes a life kingdom in exchange for a secret... this must have something of equal value.

The other side.

The ogres are also really crazy, as if the clouds are the first delicious food in the void, they will also block the food when they die. The magical couple who know how to fly is even more crazy. In order to take a bite, they will be rushed if they are broken. The closer the clouds are, the more crazy they are, and the way they have told everyone... the clouds are worth their lives.

It’s crazy for the craftsmen to see it.

In terms of strength, a detached magic stone ring can crush the entire space. However, in this way, the 'secret' has also shattered.

In terms of technology, there are still many technologies in the life kingdom that have not been solved.


Some races are possible to achieve the only spell. Now, in this case, the more the ogres are attacking the clouds, the more important it is, the more valuable it is to the research of the craftsmen. They don't care about the ogre, but they are bound to keep the clouds. So, once again, the war entered a white-hot melee mode. The craftsmen directly ordered the death, and they must live in the portal.

Win, the benefits of the previous promise have turned a hundred times.

The cloud died, and everything was abolished before, and the clan of the mercenaries in the 100 million years had no chance to pick up the task.

Hearing these benefits and disadvantages, the mercenaries are more crazy than the ogre. This time, whether or not the clan can be revitalized depends on whether the giant bird can enter the portal.

In the chaos of flesh and blood.

In the end, the martial arts equipment and the revitalization of the clan defeated the crazy appetite, and the mercenaries used their lives to create a **** road, allowing the broken cloud to enter the portal. At the same time, the craftsmen also closely followed and entered the other side of the kingdom of life.

at this time.

As the craftsmen expected.

The cloud is not entering the kingdom of the ogre, but a ridiculous world that looks like ‘life is dying’. It is a darkness, only the sky and the earth, no stars and no light. After the cloud entered, the situation changed.

The sky flies into the dark space, and its damage is restored in a blink of an eye.

No light.

Yunxiao shines on his own.

no water.

Yunxiao lowered the heavy rain and formed a river.

No plants.

When the clouds fly over, countless trees and flowers are naturally born, strong and full, and forests and grasslands are formed in a blink of an eye.

No animals.

After the clouds flew, some trees in the forest became wooden people, and frogs floated in the river. The rocks in the mountains became stone people, and the clouds in the sky became Yunhe and Fengying.

Even more amazing is that this 'growth' does not stop.

When the clouds fly over, the river forest behind it is still expanding and slowly extending into the distance. As it flies forward, more life areas expand. Feeling that it is like setting fire in a withered forest, the more places that are 'ignited' in flight, the larger the life area expands. When people look back, behind them, some glowing plants have lit up the dark world.

Although the entire dark space is still small, at least one long serpentine ‘light mark’ was born.

The messenger of life!

At this moment, everyone understands the meaning of its name.

But what is the secret?