Mage Network

Chapter 965: 怼Master

In the endless void, death is not a threat to many people. It’s not even a fake death, but a complete annihilation can’t scare some ‘full-level players’. Tang Shidao naturally understands and truly understands this group. For them, the road to the top is not the most terrible thing. They gathered together to find some opportunities to fight.

at this time.

The three messengers changed again, split, condensed, split and re-shaped, and the time of a dozen breaths became tens of thousands of incarnations.

Each of them has different strengths.

Flames, frost, storms, rocks, thunder, toxins, light, shadows... At this moment, they are all omnipresent. Because of the second time Tang Shidao provoked provocation, some of the lords in the shrine were 'intervening' support. They are not supporting Tang Shidao but supporting the three emissaries.

The rulers do not have hands-on.

The reason is that once the elders are present, they do not want to fight directly with the apex of Oling. This is not a bad thing, but it is not a good thing.

The second reason is that they do not want to destroy the plan of Kunpeng.

The source of iron beasts.

Honestly, they are not afraid. However, they also do not want to source the iron beast in their own hometown of the void. The source of the iron beast is like a group of rogues, dominated like emperors of different countries, they certainly do not like these rogues. Some people are now dealing with it, and they will certainly not hinder it.

Shooting support is nothing more than playing with the Emperor.

"Kill!" Now the three messengers have no idea that they are born or dead, and they do not know which one is their own.

They feel that they are not puppets, but a part of a bunch of magical dolls.

Constantly split.

Continuous restructuring.

Constantly being awarded different strengths.

In the process, they are completely disqualified by themselves, and they have to accept it all. In the faint, they can also understand the mood of the source iron beasts. Once upon a time, I also ‘controlled’ the army of the source iron beast.

Now, no matter what they are, gain strength, they only kill the Emperor with one heart.

The shadows are crowded.

Tang Shidao waved his hand and the clouds of smoke drifted. In a blink of an eye, the same number of 'cloud people' appear, each with different strengths, just corresponding to the number and ability of the three messengers. Model appearance, each one is the same as Tang Shidao.

This scene.

Tens of thousands of messengers played against tens of thousands of Tang Shidao.

The two sides collided.

Start fast, end is fast... every shadow is hedged, less than five times, and the three messengers are broken. In all the games, none of them are dominant, tens of thousands of pawns, and each one loses. If it wasn't for the Tang Shidao, the three messengers couldn't even keep a shadow.

At this time, among the gods, everyone sighed.

"really not bad."

"Although not as good as the **** of arcane, this ability is already amazing."

"Transformed spells, it really is that the Emperor is better at it."

"I am all proficient now?"

"Not sure yet, try again."

In the whisper, the remaining three messengers outside changed again. A flame emerges and turns into millions of ash particles. The three breaths are not enough, the ash is bright, the flames are rushing, and a new body is formed quickly: the flame giant. Of course, this is not the end. The body of the Flame Giant begins to liquefy and further solidifies again, producing a state of the crystal body.


Now they are not only powerful in spells, but also in defense.

Next second.

Millions of three messengers are drinking together.


The entire airspace has become a flame world. At this juncture, countless fire network architectures, countless fireballs are gathered, and swells are filled with the entire space like sea water, turning everything here into a 'fire' order. At the same time, the body of the three messengers was further strengthened, and a large number of mantras were generated on the crystal columns of the body surface. As if in this flame world, they are the reality of the highest power.

Hit this step.

Vaguely, this is not like the fighting of power, but like the regular competition.

"Dead." The three messengers had no other thoughts, and only one thing was left to kill the emperor.


The flame is also blazing a hundred times, ready to swallow everything.

Face it all.

Tang Shidao smiled and reached out and spread his palm as if he was pressing on the invisible panel in front of him.

Then, a twist.

The action is like **** the door. In an instant, everything is 'stationary'. Action, sound, flame, heat, light, everything stops... This is not an absolute stop, but a relative limit deceleration. The actions of the three messengers are like the speed at which good plants grow. It is also possible to move, but the movement is slowed to the extent that the 'eyes' are invisible to the naked eye.

at the same time.

The flame and heat are directly distorted and become a frozen ice flame.

The gods were slightly uncomfortable and immediately became accustomed to this influence. To make them unexpected, the Emperor had no influence at first. If he is acting in a moment, he will probably be able to 'harm' many people. The time I just took a short time is enough to do a lot of things for this level.

"Is it frosty? How do you do it?"

"Not bad."

"I am also good at this, let me try."

God whispers.

Next second.

The power of the more powerful frost was born. In the static millions of three messengers, the frost bloomed, but the eye turned from a solid to a liquid, and then turned into a gaseous state. This is not the end, the gaseous ice force continues to change, into the state of light... cold light, it flashes into a new frost army, more than double the three messengers, more than 10 million units.

In the face of more than double the energy, facing more than double the number, Tang Shidao still smiles.

The hand is twisted again.

Turn a half turn.

In an instant, the entire 'stationary' space accelerates instantly. Not only does it restore the previous flame world, it also reinforces the double effect. This blazing heat is beyond the previous threshold, it burns everything... and it also includes itself.

A blink of an eye.

Ice and fire disappeared, and the last flame incinerated everything, and it burned itself together.

With a large space, there is only one line of Tang Shidao and a lonely god.

The three messengers disappeared, and there was not even a little ash.


"It's really good, actually using the energy back."

"The resurrection technique, the old man also has a snack."

The performance of Tang Shidao was a little shocked by the gods, but it was not scared. Less than two breaths, the space without objects slowly gathers a mass of energy, and there are three glowing spells like tapes. The two are intertwined and slowly molded into a human phase model. Watching everyone knows that this is not a resurrection, because the three messengers are completely burned out.


At this point, the void crack opens and quickly penetrates into the human phase model.

"Is this still my own?"


"Take it, anyway, come live."

The gods are lightly negotiating, and the three messengers have been completely resurrected. This time is not a three-in-one, but a more perfect integration. After the rebirth, the body of the three messengers evolved directly and deformed toward the direction of animalization. The body is protected by scales, with four wings on the back, and the head also has a blue giant head, a green faucet, and a red head with three heads.

Everyone in the room can be sure that the three messengers have been optimized.

However, this is not an optimization.

It should be said like this.

The original three-in-one of the three messengers is not perfect, and now they are truly integrated to be 100% perfect body. Although I don't know which one is the master, this extraordinary skill of 'perfect reconciliation' is indeed innocent. Under normal circumstances, even if you use the array method, you can't make the complex 100% perfect.

The means of resurrection in front of you is amazing... the person who can be called the master is above all imagination.

"Hey!" The three messengers were pleasantly surprised.

Just one sound.

After a finger of Tang Shidao, it was separated... Red Devil, Green Dragon, Blue Giant, and the three were forcibly separated. The three men panicked and reached out to join, but found that they could not do it. As if they had forgotten this kind of integration, they couldn’t think of it.

At this point in their memory: they are inherently one, perfect.

Therefore, there is no need to be one.

No need... Now it becomes the ability to 'don't remember'.

“The perfect blend is being used.”

"Yes, it can't tell if it's one or three."

"It doesn't remember harmony, because it subconsciously feels that it is 'perfect'. Perfect, then there is no need to change. It's ridiculous, it's a good thing, but it's changed to a bad thing by the emperor. This ability is terrible, How much does the emperor know about life to achieve this level?"

The gods are privately arguing, and the three messengers are still trying.

Yes, they just can't try it out.

In any case, they can't increase by 1% at 100%. Only when they are still around 30% can they add two more strengths.

at this time.

"Is it really impossible? The old man will try again." There was no room in the shrine, and an old man reached out.

In the blink of an eye.

The Blue Giant God, the Green Dragon God, and the Red Devil are once again united. Their surprise expressions only hold ***, and then the three immediately screamed. Their bodies are deformed, and their energy is mutually injured, as if they were about to explode. Everyone thought too much, this ‘air balloon’ blasted, and the flesh and blood spread around the energy wave, turning into dust.

The gods are silent, no one speaks again.

They know... the competition of life techniques, the people win. Even if the master forcibly intervened, the result was still in the rhythm of the other party.

This time is not more than strength, it is skill.

The Emperor is better than a ruler in skill. Probably, this is not the whole skill of the master, but at least, on the one he is best at, there is a ‘subject’ that is inferior to the great mantra of Tang Shidao. The previous competition, the resurrection from nothing has exceeded the general meaning and belongs to a higher level of ability. However, the Emperor not only followed up, but also overwhelmed one of the gods in this respect.

"Is this guy really trying to do it?"

"No damage, no damage."

"I suddenly thought about it. We can really win, can we win?"


Without a word, the gods are all silent.

have to say.

The gods are only a gathering place, and the various masters may not be ‘full strength’. Just like an elder or a big lord, these lords may also 'separate' forces to do other things. The other side of the source will separate the power from the person, but that power does not mean all. Because, before entering the other side of the source, a mage with activating spells can 'self-separate' some of the power in advance.

In other words.

How much power you bring into the other side of the source, how much it separates. Tang Shidao really left the book of Wanfa and the Yuanzu spear in the Master Network, and went alone to the other side of the source. The other side of the source would not help Tang Shidao to supplement it. After all, it is just such a rule, regardless of how much power comes with people.

In this case, the masters are really few of them.

Tang Shidao did not fight seriously.

The reason is the same.

The last time I came as Mr. Long, Tang Shidao knew that these people were not the most powerful. Therefore, it is better than winning, and it does not make sense to die.

At this moment.

Tang Shidao reached for the third time and gently recruited.

In the shrine.

A silence.