Magic Eye Warlock

Chapter 166: Win

But compared to last time, her injuries are not serious and she can still fight.

After the earth wall disappeared, Yan Chong saw the other person's figure and rushed up again.

Without the bow and arrow, the threat to him by the other party is not big, he just needs to be cautious, and believe that the battle will be resolved soon.

Seeing Yan Chong rushing forward, Emma held a few cards in each hand, and did not act rashly. Now she was thinking about how to respond.

Although she feels it is difficult to win this game, she still will not give up easily.

Yan Chong first used an [Ice Sting Technique] card, tried it, and was flexibly avoided by Emma. Then Yan Chong released another [Greasy Technique] card, which made Emma’s body and mind somewhat Instability, but the ranger's good balance and improved agility attributes allowed Emma to stabilize her figure in time and did not fall.

Finally, Emma couldn't help it, crushed a [Fireball] card, and a fireball whizzed towards Yan Chong.

At this distance, even with the blessing of Swiftness, it can barely dodge the opponent's magic skills, but the fireball is mainly killed by the shock wave of the explosion, and Yan Chong can't escape in time.

But Yan Chong was not ready to hide either, he instantly crushed a [Earth Wall Technique] card, and an earth wall blocked him.

The fireball hit the earth wall, but it did not break the earth wall like last time.

As a rectangular parallelepiped, the earth wall has a weakest position, that is at its center, so that fireballs of the same level can smash it, but in addition to this position, it is hit in other positions or is not worn. Permeable damage, the soil wall will only be covered with cracks, and it will last for a while.

After blocking the fireball, Yan Chong flew away again. This time, Emma did not continue to release her skills.

However, Yan Chong's idea was realized. Facing an opponent whose fighting wisdom was no less than his, it was very beneficial for him to consume cards with each other.

First, he has more cards than the opponent, and second, he has a stronger combat effectiveness without the help of cards, so the battle should not be in a deadlock.

According to his calculations, he used ten cards, and five cards remained, and Emma used eight cards, and there should be no more cards left than him.

After the earth wall disappeared, Yan Chong rushed to Emma again.

Emma looked at Yan Chong who rushed again, feeling a little helpless. She naturally understood the opponent’s plan, but she had no better way. In this game, she used the bow and arrow to master the initiative in the early stage, but she couldn’t help the opponent. As a result, after Yan Chong mastered the initiative, he fell into a predicament.

She stared at the opponent's movements, wanting to see the opponent's flaws, she still had four cards in her hand, but one of them was invisibility and the other was detection.

She made two of these two cards, just to restrain the other party's invisibility and hidden aura, but if she was given another choice, she would definitely choose aggressive cards.

Yan Chong once again released the [Ice Spike Technique] card, and an ice thorn about one meter long shot towards Emma’s chest. Perhaps Emma was in a trance and did not completely avoid it. The ice thorn hit her. On the right arm, the knight's uniform was scratched, revealing the gray-white arm after the stone skin technique was strengthened. A deep and revealing mark was seen on her arm, and the red blood flowed out and dripped to the ground.

"Is this going to give up?" Yan Chong secretly said in his heart, but he did not relax his vigilance, because Alexander's blew up during the previous defeat reminded him that even in the arena, facing teenagers of the same age, there is no shortage of treating himself to others. They are ruthless.

So he released a card again, and a one-meter-square boulder fell from Emma's head.

Emma flipped backwards and escaped the boulder. Then, without waiting for Yan Chong to attack again, she said loudly, "I admit defeat!"

As her voice sounded, a blue-violet light shield suddenly rose up on her body, protecting her body. Then, she was transported to the audience stand outside the stadium, and her injuries were healed.

This scene made Yan Chong stunned. He didn't expect the other party to admit defeat so simply.

The audience under the ring did not seem to have thought that Emma would surrender so simply at this time. There was silence. It took more than ten seconds before the noisy arose. Many people stood up from their seats and said Cheers and whistles.

The young male judges from the Arcanist Association stepped onto the ring from the stage and smiled at Yan Chong and said, "Congratulations, Yan Chong! You won the Bronze Champion of the Tri-Academy Card Player! "

"Let us congratulate Yan Chong from United College!" He then said to the audience.

Suddenly, there was warm applause from the audience.

Afterwards, Yan Chong returned to the auditorium under the gaze of everyone.

The awards ceremony and closing ceremony will be held tomorrow afternoon, so his task in the Tri-Academy League has been completed.

Tomorrow morning, there will be a championship melee game, but it is just an entertainment game, not very important.

"Congratulations, Yan Chong!" Helen stepped forward and congratulated him sincerely. The students from other United Colleges also joined together and expressed their congratulations.

"Haha, in the evening I have a treat at the heart of champions on the fifth floor of Kailin Tower to celebrate Yan Chong of our United Academy won the championship!" Tom said loudly, his face flushed, and it seemed that it was not Yan Chong who won the championship, but him. Own general.

All the students cheered suddenly.

Emma, ​​with an obvious gap in the sleeve of her right arm, also came over. Her cold and beautiful face also showed a bright smile: "You are really amazing! Congratulations on winning the championship!"

"Thank you! You are also a good opponent!" Yan Chong also responded with a smile.

Tom blew a whistle and looked at Yan Chong teasingly, but Yan Chong ignored him.

At this moment, Jane didn't know when she had already stepped down from the judges' bench. Seeing her arrival, several students standing beside Yan Chong quickly stepped aside and let her come to Yan Chong.

Yan Chong looked at each other, and subconsciously started to read and found that it was her.

"Well done! The Star Academy will hold a celebration banquet for the champions tonight. Come to my room at seven." She said with a smile on her face, and then left the arena.

"Uh-then we will celebrate until tomorrow night." Tom said embarrassedly, and then he looked forward to it: "It is said that we will have a longer holiday after the Tri-Academy League is over and we can stay in the stars. Have fun on the island!"

Yan Chong's expression was calm, and he secretly said: "Tomorrow night? Maybe tomorrow afternoon, after the Tri-Academy League is over, what will happen when the professional champions go to the treasure house of the Star Academy to select prizes."

Tomorrow is the day of the Prophet’s troubles, and there will definitely be a fierce battle at that time. Although Luo Li said that he had provided him with protective measures, Yan Chong would not completely trust his life safety on others. In case of any danger, he would launch a hyperspace shuttle to escape back to Earth as soon as possible.

Having stayed in Endless Continent for such a period of time, although it hasn't been a month, he already misses the earth's mobile phones and computers a bit. Although magic and alchemy are fun, but too much play is also crooked.

"Of course, it would be great to be able to pick a rare or even epic treasure from the treasury before leaving." Yan Chong suddenly looked forward to tomorrow.

Magic Eye Warlock

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