Magic Eye Warlock

Chapter 211: Soaring appetite

Yan Chong thought for a moment. If this is the case, the initial collection will be very difficult, and there is no clue. You need to go to various places to try your luck. If you are lucky and the distance is less than 800 kilometers, you can find other broken pages. .

Regardless of the distance of 800 kilometers, it is still all-round, but for the endless continent, it is only a short distance.

As for the earth, Yan Chong did not hold on to expectations. Although he felt that the two worlds should have a certain relationship, in the eighteen years since childhood, he has not heard of any extraordinary incidents, some UFO alien incidents. It is also a rumor or misunderstanding.

Taking off his college uniform and putting on pajamas, Yan Chong carefully opened the door to the bathroom and took a hot bath.

Although the cleansing technique is convenient, the earth currently has no magic power, and the magic power in the body is limited, which can save a little bit. Moreover, a hot bath is more comfortable than cleansing.

After taking a bath, Yan Chong lay on the bed, glanced at his phone, made sure the alarm was set, and closed his eyes to sleep.

After experiencing the falling event of Star Island, especially under the influence of God’s power, he insisted on trying that time. His spirit has been highly tense, and he is actually very tired. In addition, he took a comfortable hot bath, so Soon he fell asleep.

"Water ballet, Indian macho!"

"Indian rice, kick the wrong place"


"Take your mother to fly"

"A Harry kicks the wrong ass"


"Shrimp catchers"


The passionate and dynamic music sounded, awakening Yan Chong, he opened his eyes, a little confused for a moment.

What kind of language is this familiar, but a little weird?

After a while, he reacted, this is an old English song, the music in the movie "Initial D", the lyrics were spoofed in Chinese with a Chinese homophonic version. He had seen it before, so he was a little impressed, and it was set recently. Alarm.

During the time in Endless Continent, the people around him spoke the lingua franca of Dalu, and he achieved the effect of his mother tongue due to copying, and even thinking in Dalu lingua, so after returning to the earth, there was no Switch over.

Lifting the quilt, with a little effort on his waist and legs, Yan Chong stood up with a carp.

He put on his slippers and picked up the phone. Instead of turning off the alarm, he proficiently ordered the takeaway, and then walked to the toilet to start washing.

After a few hours of deep sleep, he is very comfortable all over, and his mind is also very clear. His strong physical fitness makes him more and more aware of the beauty of a peaceful life.

This is a kind of contrast, like falling asleep on the bed next to the window in the rainy night, but feeling exceptionally peaceful.

"It's just that the aura is about to recover, and a peaceful life may be upset." Yan Chong frowned, brushing his teeth, frowning, and recalling the scene predicted by the book of prophecy last night.

At this moment, he had an inexplicable sense of pretending to be in his heart, as if he had just saved the earth, he was wiped away, and his fame and merit were deeply hidden. The next day he went to school as an ordinary person.

"Is this something I should consider? I'm just a senior in high school!"

Yan Chong looked up into the mirror and sighed, looking melancholy, then lowered his head, exhaled the foam in his mouth, and began to rinse his mouth.

After washing, Yan Chong walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down, then turned on the TV, ready to watch the news.

After experiencing such a war in the endless continent, his mentality has also unknowingly changed and he began to pay attention to current affairs.

There may not have been extraordinary phenomena before, but from now on, Reiki is about to recover, maybe some abnormal events will happen.

Put it in the past may be just a rumor, but put it in the present, it can explain the problem.

Even the moment he gained the blood of Demon Eye, the world changed.

Yan Chong suddenly remembered the streaking clothes thief incident that the little fat man Zhao Hao in the class told yesterday. He also found through reading that the other party was a professional with professional skills.

But he found through analysis at the time that the other party was a human being on earth, so he didn't know why.

It now appears that it is likely to be caused by the rejuvenation of spiritual energy.

"Ding Dong~ Your takeaway is here!"

A sweet female voice sounded, and a pop-up window of the takeaway software popped up on the phone screen. Yan Chong got up, walked quickly to the window in the living room, opened the window, and took the takeaway order from the drone's tray.

A full ten grilled hand-grilled chicken with honey sauce is packed in a small carton with foil. This is a relatively cost-effective takeaway. One is less than twenty, and the price of rice bowls is about the same, but after all It's all meat, it's nutritious, and it is more resistant to hunger.

Unpacking, the scent invaded Yan Chong's nose, opening his taste buds, and feeling hungry as if he had not eaten for ten and a half months.

Although he did nothing after coming back, he slept, but he was still hungry.

Without the gloves that came with the takeaway, Yan Chong grabbed one and chewed on it.

The chicken coated with honey is roasted and sprinkled with black pepper powder. It tastes so delicious!

Although the cooking process is relatively rough, Yan Chong can't manage so much. As long as he eats something, he is very happy. Besides, it is meat, which makes him extremely satisfied.

After eating three or four, Yan Chong frowned and stopped, not feeling tired. With his current digestion ability and appetite, he did not feel tired after eating so many.

He felt his stomach squirming frantically, digesting and absorbing the muscles that he ate, and converting them into various nutrients to provide energy for the body. However, the problem is that this energy is much less than expected.

He remembers the last time he was promoted to the Black Iron Knight after returning from the endless, his appetite was about ten times his usual, but now, it seems that his appetite has increased a lot.

This made him a little worried, he wouldn't be hungry and faint, if he couldn't, just bear with him for a day, and wait until he returned to the endless continent to have a good meal.

It's a pity, because he participated in the war before, he didn't think about coming back for dinner.

Yan Chong's movements kept moving, like a wind rolling cloud, and he quickly finished nine grilled chickens, and only one drumstick was left on the remaining one.

But at this moment, he stopped and looked towards the door of the living room. A palm-sized little milk cat didn’t know when he had already walked over. The two forelegs stood upright, staring at the table in a squat position. Wrapping paper and some chicken bones.

"Good morning, Catherine!" Yan Chongyang greeted her with his right hand holding the drumstick.

Then, he seemed to have just thought of it and asked, "You haven't eaten yet, do you eat chicken legs?" He also shook the chicken legs in his hand.

To be honest, he probably knows his current appetite now. With ten honey-glazed hand-grilled chickens, he can only eat two to three percent full. Just a bit of stuffing between his teeth. If he wants to be full, he still has breakfast, maybe fifty to sixty. A whole chicken.

Magic Eye Warlock

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