Magic Eye Warlock

Chapter 219: Your Chinese teacher is sick, this class

Although the emergence of the elements of heaven and earth will give everyone the opportunity to become professionals, it requires a process. The ancient people must be the most advanced group of people. Although the number is small, they only need to integrate into the human society. You can secretly unite, and will not be targeted.

The more Yan Chong thought about it, the more he was afraid, feeling that the higher levels of the future world would be secretly controlled by these ancient people.

According to the memory of the girl in the short skirt, one of the companions she knew had taken over as a city police officer, and another had taken over as an officer of the city government.

The people who were replaced were killed! Moreover, there was no bones left, and they were treated with special medicine by the ancients. Fortunately, they are replacing young people without high-level leaders. This is also determined by their own age and personality.

Before falling asleep, they were probably around 15 to 25 years old, and their appearance and personality were within the normal level of this age group.

What should I do? Yan Chong frowned and thought. It's definitely not enough to let it go. Since he has become a professional and has extraordinary power, he will definitely not sit back and watch such things.

And it is not appropriate to kill this girl directly. The legal concept in modern society has penetrated into Yan Chong's heart. On the earth, Yan Chong is really unwilling to kill people. Even though the other party is a bad person, he should be handed over to the law for trial.

Even if this ancient person is killed, the problem will not be solved. There are hundreds of people in this group of ancient people who awakened in Jiangdong City. Not everyone knows all the other ancient people, so Yan Chong alone cannot solve the problem. .

That would have to cooperate with the government, but Yan Chong did not want to live in dire straits and be exposed to the public.

If someone retaliates against his family through human flesh on the Internet, it will be impossible to prevent. correct! The internet!

Yan Chong looked around the room and saw a mango laptop in the room.

After opening the notebook, the login interface showed face recognition. Yan Chong lifted An Yifei up and put her face in front of the camera, only to find that her eyes were closed and the face recognition failed.

He just wanted to wake him up and then hypnotize him, but he turned his attention to the girl in the short skirt.

Yan Chong remembered that in ancient times people had superbrain chips implanted in their bodies, and the technology in this area was developed, so they could hack into the Internet wantonly, leaving their images in the city surveillance system.

Among Li Mubai's skills is [Computer B-], which shows that his computer skills are very high.

Yan Chong turned on [Reading], and surprisingly found that the girl in the short skirt also had [Computer] in the skill bar, with a level as high as B!

After spending 589 XP to copy it, a huge amount of computer-related knowledge suddenly appeared in Yan Chong's mind. He looked at the mango notebook on the table and fiddled with it for a while, and found several vulnerabilities in the login system.

Even after Yan Chong started to crack the login system of this laptop, he logged in without a minute, then opened the web browser and hacked into Wange, the largest search website in China, and posted a message on the homepage, telling it concisely The world is about to change drastically and the ancients wake up.

He also published relevant information about ancient people he knew.

Later, he found several well-known e-commerce websites, and also hacked them in, making the news spread widely.

Including the mobile APP of these websites, not only the homepage, but also the splash screen ads before entering!

Finally, he did not forget to erase the traces of his login to the Internet.

There are many things, it is easier to destroy than to guard, just like basketball superstars meeting on the court, they can only score each other, and can't limit each other by defense.

Class B computer technology and enough for him to invade all major network systems in the world.

And if it reaches the A-level computer technology and the spiritual power reaches 10 points of extraordinary spirit, Yan Chong can even connect directly to the network through spiritual power, or invade non-networked computers by changing the current frequency.

Only you can't think of it, nothing can't be done!

It's just that there is no such a perverted hacker on the earth. The ancients used more of the power of Ultrain, otherwise they would not be able to do whatever they want on the Internet with B-level computer technology alone.

After all this was done, Yan Chong used An Yifei's cell phone to call the police and pointed out the identity of the replaced police officer in the city bureau, and then left the apartment.

He returned to Yunhai Mall, then removed the invisibility technique, left the mall, swiped a shared bicycle and returned to the school. At this time, there was only one minute left before class.

Yan Chong walked into the class on the bell, but the classroom was not as quiet as it should be during class, but a hustle and bustle.

Because at noon today, the homepages of major domestic websites were hacked, and it was full of things that the spiritual energy was about to recover and the ancients had awakened.

There was a lot of discussion among the people eating melons, including this group of students who like to use their phones after class.

"This guy who invaded domestic websites is really amazing. He even hacked the homepages of so many big websites at the same time. With the current level of network security of these companies, it would not be so easy to be hacked."

"Haha, no matter how good he is, I estimate that he will come to check the water meter within three days."

"I bet for a week, it is impossible to be caught so quickly."

"The focus of your attention shouldn't be what he said? Reiki is about to will all become Superman!"

"This person is probably the author of the street at some point. The novel he wrote was not read for a long time, and he came up with this one."

"Haha, the author who is not good at hackers is not a qualified old driver."

Yan Chong was not surprised by this. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have gained the blood of the Demon Eye, and he would have passed through other worlds when he saw these remarks.

After all, seeing is not necessarily believing. Even if people see some truth, they still insist on what they think is right.

Not to mention just hearsay.

He also didn’t expect anyone to believe what he said. He hoped that all of this was fake more than anyone else. In such an ordinary world, Yan Chong cherished the event that the orcs invaded Chenxi Town and the Prophet would invade Star Island. .

But he still did what he was supposed to do, to remind the world and prepare them psychologically.

Although it only invaded domestic websites, with China’s current status in the world and the spread of the Internet, it will soon spread throughout the world.

As for the government, I believe it must have found some clues, and it is easier to adopt what he said.

At this time, a tall, long-legged beauty with a bumpy figure in light blue sportswear walked into the class. She had a beautiful appearance and a single ponytail on her head, which looked clean and tidy.

"Your Chinese teacher is ill. Physical education is in this class," she said.


The class was quiet for a moment, and then the students cheered. This female teacher is Luo Jin, the physical education teacher of Yan Chong's class.

PS: Happy New Year! I wish you all the best! At the same time, pray for the patients infected with the new virus and the medical workers who are fighting on the front line! ! !