Magic Eye Warlock

Chapter 235: Silver Knight!

Although it is only a simple truth, it can also be said to be common knowledge of potions, but the knowledge of potions that Yan Chong copied from Maxim's body is only a theory, and Maxim has no continuous experience in taking attribute potions, so Yan Chong Chong underestimated the pain.

He had a hunch that if he took the physique medicine again, he might die alive!

Not physical death, but the collapse of the soul!

Unless you take an oblivion drug first, you can wash away the resistance that your body has developed. However, the lowest level of forgetting potions is extraordinary, and it is much more expensive than potions of the same quality, so Yan Chong will not consider it for the time being. "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

At this moment, the pain faded, and Yan Chong only felt very comfortable all over his body. It was in sharp contrast with the previous ones. There were various smells in the air, and he could distinguish clearly.

He suspects that his nose is now better than that of a dog. This is a sign of a leap in physical fitness and a qualitative change, which is reflected in all aspects. Moreover, all kinds of strange sounds came from his ears, and a thought suddenly appeared in his mind. This is the ultrasonic and infrasound waves that humans usually can't hear!

Without reading, he already understood that his physique had reached the level of an extraordinary physique.

However, he still started reading, wanting to know his current level of attributes.

Combat power: B-

Strength: 5.9 Agility: 6.5 Intelligence: 7.9 Constitution: 10.7 Spirit: 7.8 Charisma: 8.1

Among them, physique increased the most, from 8.4 to 2.3, reaching the level of 10.7. Unexpectedly, strength and agility also increased, strength increased by 1.1, agility increased by 1.5, and the magnitude was not small.

What surprised Yan Chong was that his spirit increased by 0.1, and then he guessed that this was related to the extreme pain after taking the medicine, and his will was tempered as a result.

Spirit and will, one main attribute and one hidden attribute, are related to a certain extent, so this time Yan Chong's will should have increased a lot, and his spirit has also increased a bit.

He tried to pose for the breathing exercises and began to exercise. As he practiced, the elements between heaven and earth were drawn by his breathing, from the top of the head, feet, chest, and back... all along the body. The skin at the place enters the body, and then gathers into the cyclone in the abdomen, causing the cyclone to grow.

However, he quickly stopped, because the cyclone was growing too fast and had reached a critical value. If it grew, it would explode and collapse, making it uncontrollable and dangerous.

He must merge the cyclone with his kidneys as soon as possible, otherwise, even if he does not practice voluntarily, the cyclone will increase spontaneously, because the physique is too strong compared to the cyclone, and the excess essence of the body will spontaneously transform into Qi, causing the cyclone to continue to grow.

If Yan Chong does not have Qi in his body and does not know how to breathe, his physique is as high as 10.0. It’s okay, but he has already cultivated a cyclone, so he can’t stop. The essence of the body will automatically turn into Qi. Self-cultivation is much slower.

Yan Chongping calmed his heart and started to move the cyclone toward the kidney with his mind according to the experience of the cyclone fusing the kidney in his mind.

This process is very dangerous. Qi itself is not a physical substance, but a special kind of energy. Cyclone is a state in which the breathing method is used to control the Qi and make it obey the command of professionals.

Therefore, if you want to merge the cyclone with the organ, you must first cancel this dominance state, restore the cyclone to the original state of Qi, and then merge it into the organ.

If it fails, the Qi will be uncontrollable in the body, ramming and causing serious injuries to the body.

Yan Chong carefully controlled the cyclone and approached his kidneys, then used his mind to break the cyclone abruptly.

In an instant, the remaining qi was like a wild horse running away, about to run wildly in the body.

However, Yan Chong tightened his heartstrings and "pushed" the compressed air into his kidneys.

At the same time, he put on the posture of breathing exercises again, and his figure moved.

The elements of heaven and earth were once again drawn into the body with the breathing method and transformed into qi, this time converging towards the kidneys, and the qi in the kidneys just wanted to diffuse out of the kidneys, but they were pushed back by the external qi.

It is as if the elevator reaches the first floor and the elevator door opens. People inside the elevator want to get out of the elevator, but there are more people outside the door rushing to enter the elevator.

The result is that people inside cannot get out and people outside cannot get in.

But Qi is different. Qi can be compressed. Cyclone is a primary way of compression, while melting into organs is a more advanced way of compression.

Therefore, more and more Qi gathered in Yan Chong's, which made him feel a little pain in both kidneys.

Fortunately, the strong kidney medicine played an effect. His kidneys are stronger than before, and there is a 24 hour protective film covering the kidneys.

At this time, the qi in Yan Chong's kidneys was several times stronger than the qi contained in the previous cyclone, but this was not the end, the qi was still growing, but the growth rate was getting slower and slower.

As time passed slowly, the qi in the two kidneys gradually flowed with the blood vessels in the kidneys, forming a closed passage, and the growth of qi stopped.

Yan Chong stopped the breathing exercises and exhaled heavily.

There are no earth-shattering special effects, but Silver Knight, Yan Chong has successfully advanced!

Just like the condensation of the cyclone at the beginning, it first gathers the air, then continuously compresses it, and finally forms a stable closed path, and it is successfully promoted.

The difference is that the Silver Tier is more dangerous, more complicated and difficult, and the consequences of failure are more serious.

Correspondingly, the qi in the silver knight is more stable and easier to control. If a bronze knight is attacked to the abdomen, the cyclone is affected, and it is likely to be abolished. Therefore, he is seriously injured and has to After recovering from the injury, the cyclone will reconsolidate, and a lot of strength will be lost for a period of time before this.

In old age, the cyclone of the bronze knight will slowly dissipate, and the strength will drop to the black iron step. As for the Silver Knight, unless his fusion organ is abolished, his strength will be maintained until the moment before his death. Even if the Silver Knight died of old age naturally, after the vital signs of the body disappeared, the organs fused with the cyclone would remain active for several days to several weeks, which can be said to be a miracle of life.

This is one of the reasons why the Silver Knight is also called the Extraordinary Knight.