Magic Eye Warlock

Chapter 26: Hypnosis in dreams

   At the same time, there was a lot of real perception on his body.

   If it was equivalent to watching a pure 3D movie before, then now it is immersive. There are five senses including smell, hearing, taste, touch and vision.

   tried to pick up a fist-sized piece of meat, and took a bite, a strong smell of meat came, accompanied by a faint sweetness, not as greasy and **** as imagined.

   took a sip of the dark purple wine again. The irritation, sweetness, sourness, and other flavors poured in, unlike any wine Yan Chong had drunk before.

   Yan Chong is not a taster and cannot accurately analyze the quality of this wine.

   But the wine smells like a dragon, entering from the mouth, piercing the entire throat, all the way to the stomach, and dying. With a heavy breath, with a strong aroma of wine, there is only one word that best suits the current feeling, and that is: so cool!

In fact, Yan Chong took a closer look. It was a kind of grain wine that was worse than the ale Kane asked him to drink that day. There were still a lot of residues floating in the liquor, muddy, but in the sense of this orc In, that is the supreme wine.

   This kind of experience of being completely attached to others and sharing other people's feelings also surprised him.

   The orcs here should be the elite warriors in the camp. In such a simple camp, they can be treated so well, and they can be regarded as the powerful class.

   Seeing the petite bodies of human dancers swaying in front of them, they laughed from time to time and even spilled wine on them.

  Although their skin has an unhealthy sallow and a lot of stains, it looks like they haven't bathed for many days, but compared to the bodies of the orcs, they are really tender.

   Seeing the embarrassed figure of the dancers, there was an arrogant laugh.

  I have had three rounds of wine, and everyone is almost enjoying it.

   At this time, the orc in the first seat stood up, and the other orc warriors in the seat stopped eating, drinking, and having fun, and all of them straightened their sitting postures and looked solemn.

The leader looked around and said with satisfaction: "Tomorrow is the day we set off. As the vanguard of the alliance, we must successfully occupy Chenxi Town before the Maca Empire can react!"

   "The empire of mankind is very rich. They have a vast land, piles of food and wine, and countless beautiful women!"

   "However, their nobles are rotten, and their army is weak and incompetent. They are no longer worthy of them!"

   "My warriors, endless wealth is right in front of us, waiting for us to plunder!"


   "Roar! Roar! Roar!"

   After a declaration, all the orc warriors who had eaten and drank on the scene were full of enthusiasm, patting their chest heavily with their hands, and roaring loudly.

   Yan Chong saw it, and immediately followed suit, trying to keep up with their rhythm.

   However, at this moment, the world revolves around and the picture suddenly changes, and Yan Chong realizes that he has become a god's perspective again.

   This is in a forest, and several orcs are hunting.

   A wild boar that was three meters long ran from a distance, and several orcs glanced at each other, and finally concentrated on one who was only two meters tall and looked thinner.

   "Kagu, this little beast will teach you this. Use the skills I taught you today to kill him, and you can eat meat at night." The leading orc said.

   Kaku hesitated, tightened the wooden spear in his hand, and walked forward timidly.

   When the others saw it, their eyes showed contempt.

   Yan Chong understood that this was caused by the discontinuity of dreams. Sometimes dreaming is like this, a scene for a while, a plot for a while, and then he once again possesses an orc next to the dreaming orc.

   If you are attached to a skinny orc, then hunting wild boars for a while may behave differently from the facts. After all, this scene should be the memory of the orc.

  If he is attached to the leader, it is not suitable, because he must be the character with more drama in the scene.

   I saw that the wild boar saw these orcs, and did not rush forward as fiercely as Yan Chong had expected. Instead, they slammed their four hooves on the ground as if they were hell.

   Seeing this, the leading orc hurriedly urged the thin orc to rush up and hunt, while the other orcs also mocked.

   However, there is no suspense. The wild boar ran away, and the skinny orc reacted half a beat slowly. After trotting, he couldn't see its back.

Seeing the skinny orcs walk back dejectedly, one of the orcs with a 30cm scar on his chest laughed loudly: "Kaku, you are a trash, you can't catch such a wild boar. Don't even want to eat meat today! "

   "Haha, Kagu, you are as short and thin as those humans!" Other orcs also joined in, including the dreaming orc.

   Yan Chong had the experience just now, and the natural actor possessed his body, and he immediately agreed.

   "Kagu, you are a coward, you are less courageous than a mouse!"

  At this time, the dreaming orc suddenly turned his head, looked at Yan Chong, and muttered suspiciously: "Coward? Less courageous than a mouse?"

   His face changed drastically.

   Yan Chong shook his heart and cried out badly.

   The scene turned upside down again.

   Although he regretted a little bit, but seeing the new scene, Yan Chong breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he did not wake up. However, it seemed that it was because certain words became keywords and triggered deep memories.

   A few orc kids gathered around a blazing bonfire, next to an adult orc who looked like an instructor.

   Even though they are children, they are all over 1.8 meters tall and full of muscles.

   The dreaming orc is naturally among them, in the state of a child, and he is the closest to the campfire.

   "Jump over, jump over!"

   "Hurry up!"

   "Don't be afraid, we all jumped over just now, nothing happened."

   "You are the strongest among It is certainly possible."

   Yan Chong suddenly thought of something, and possessed himself on the adult orc.

   I saw that he hesitated for a long time, but still did not rush to the bonfire to complete the "jump over" training.

   Suddenly, a disappointed sigh came.

   Yan looked disappointed, and said to the childish orc: "Your courage is as small as a mouse!"

   The child orc clenched his fists, his legs trembled faintly, tears seemed to flash in his eyes, and he lowered his head in shame.

   "Now, I punish you to stand here and face this fire all night, hoping you can overcome the fear in your heart."

   The child orc raised his head, held back the tears in his eyes, and nodded.

   "Look into my eyes—" a low voice sounded.

   The child orc couldn't help but looked into the eyes of the adult orc opposite.

   What kind of eyes are those, as if being in an endless starry sky, countless mysteries waiting for him to explore, full of mystery and unknown.

"This is a very long, very long night. The bonfire has never been extinguished, and you have been by the side, forgetting all your worries and worries. What a beautiful night, you never want the dawn to come. "

   Immediately, Yan Chong left and withdrew from the dream state.

   "According to the hint just now, he should be able to enter a deep sleep state and extend his sleep time."

Yan Chong opened his eyes and stood up from the ground. At this time, the sleeping orc on the bed looked calm, breathing evenly, and seemed to be sleeping more soundly. There was no huge movement such as earthquakes or thunderstorms. not coming.

   slowly approached the opponent, Yan Chong showed a cruel smile.