Magic Eye Warlock

Chapter 323: control

Holy Ring Ring!

A dull and depressed atmosphere suddenly appeared on the Crescent Plain outside the city at dusk.

When they just noticed this ring, the legends present just felt a little peculiar and didn't think about it too much, but Natasha first pointed out the possibility of divine power in it, making them realize that things might be a bit complicated.

And now, she knew directly that the ring might be the holy ring, and she could tear her face directly.

There are many kinds of items infused with divine power, many of which have not been recorded. It may be that the gods personally bestowed them on the favored ones, but there are only a few of the most famous ring-like epic items, including the holy ring.

"President Natasha, please don't make false statements!" A lavender force field appeared on Edward's body, which was the domain he controlled.

Once the legendary professional releases the domain, it can represent the right attitude.

But for Edward, a member of the three houses who had always been at odds with their empire, before him, the princess of his country was suspected of being controlled by the holy ring, which could be a very serious provocation.

"President Natasha!"

The other two legends from the third hospital also used spiritual power to transmit the sound quickly.

They came to form a co-familiar with the Maca Empire, and now Natasha didn't know why such a statement suddenly appeared, it is likely to affect the relationship between the two sides.

Natasha smiled disapprovingly and said: "His Royal Highness, why are you so nervous? If this ring is not a holy ring, then Princess Sophia can prove it personally. You don't need to give it to me, just yourself. Just remove the ring."

"I also hope that the ring is not a holy ring. It's just that we have formed an alliance. If some dangerous and suspicious factors can be solved, we can solve them. How about you?"

"Sophia, what do you think." Edward said with a cold face, then turned his head to look at Sophia, who was silent, his eyes slanting down, and his tone was a little calmer.

Although Sofia is only a descendant of the royal family, as the future empress of the empire, he still has to respect her opinions.

Edward couldn't help but look at the gold ring that Sophia was wearing again. Natasha wouldn't think about the holy ring. He might even wonder if Sophia was deliberate. The ring is a believer in the gods. The boy sent it, so Sophia is not willing to explain it publicly.

But when Natasha arrived at the holy ring, he immediately thought of the relevant information he had read from the ancient books of the royal family, and recalled the horror of this ring.

It's not really a holy ring ring!

"Grandpa Edward--" Sophia raised her head and said softly, and Edward also looked at each other.

When the two Rao's eyes met, Sophia suddenly groaned, covering her mouth and nose with her hand, and then moved her hand away casually, her expression unchanged.

And Edward only froze for a moment, then looked at Natasha, and said: "Sophia has just told me the source of the ring through voice transmission, but this involves top secret information about our empire, so it is not convenient to disclose it to you here. ."

"But it doesn't affect our next cooperation, goodbye!" After that, Edward rushed up and left here. Sophia and another guardian of the empire also followed each other and left without a word.

Natasha was stunned. She didn't expect that she had picked out the name of the ring. Edward Maca still had this attitude, which was beyond her expectation.

Isn’t it afraid that Sophia has been controlled? Just take off this ring in public, and then put it on again. What's the secret?

But she felt a strange energy flash away just now, and then Edward felt a sense of incongruity.

Is it an illusion, or a power beyond her level?

"President Natasha!" A blond middle-aged man sobered Natasha from his contemplation. He came from the Star Academy and turned out to be the deputy dean. After Sauron died, he assumed the position of dean.

"Have you noticed that Edward Maca's behavior seems to have changed?" he said.


"Dean Hans, your opinion." Natasha looked at Hans, with a vague guess in her heart.

"The original Edward Maca had a big prejudice against our three houses. Benjamin Maca is his brother. Therefore, it is not only the hostile relationship between the empire and the third house, but also his personal feelings. Repulsive." Hans Leonard analyzed.

"So no matter whether we have reached a cooperation or not, his attitude towards us is very cold and tough, but have you noticed that after a moment of stunned Edward, his behavior was a bit weird, as if he was a different person? Yes, without the usual sense of hostility, like a stranger reading lines."

"Everyone is a legendary professional with a domain guardian. If you want to study whether the other party is controlled by someone, unless the other party agrees or completely subdues the other party, it will be difficult to achieve the goal, but I researched a new spell, only bronze Level, but it can capture the disharmony of a person’s behavior."

Hans continued: "This was originally a subject that my daughter, a bard nephew who loves to perform, asked my daughter to study in order to promote his acting skills. At that time, I was interested in studying it and invented such a Spells, I didn't expect to actually use them."

"Since Dean Natasha grew out the ring may be a holy ring, I have secretly activated this spell. Among them, Sophia's behavior is contradictory many times. Although it is relatively weak, it seems that different souls have switched on her. Several times generally and Edward was at the end, and there was a contradiction in his behavior."

"You mean—" Natasha became more surprised as she listened, and suddenly thought of a terrifying fact.

"Yes, first of all, Sophia must be wearing the holy ring ring. Secondly, the holy ring ring should have the ability to control him. The activation conditions are unknown, but even the Edward of the ground level can be recruited. It is true. Very scary!" Hans said solemnly.

"President Natasha, I know what you think. You have just received the information that Sophia may be controlled by the Holy Ring Ring. This is very important. So I want to determine the truth of this information on the spot to ensure that the third house and Maca There are no hidden dangers in empire cooperation."

"Unfortunately, we don't know all the abilities of the holy ring, so we didn't stop them from leaving the first time!"

Natasha looked ugly and said: "It's useless. According to your analysis, Edward was controlled by the holy ring. If we want to keep them, the guardian of the empire will not ignore it."

Magic Eye Warlock