Magic Eye Warlock

Chapter 415: provocative

After eating and drinking, Yan Chong directly found an inn near the tavern and opened a room.

In the room, Yan Chong did not lie down on the bed to rest, he began to pose for the body exercises of the brilliant breathing method, slowly recovering the qi in his body.

After a period of practice, he can now use the radiant breathing method to recover his strength.

Normally, the legendary technique allows him to be trained by a golden rank professional. The cultivation speed is extremely fast, it consumes energy in the body, and the results are very significant.

But as long as you grasp a certain degree and rotate the forging posture at a very slow speed, you can slow down the element absorption speed and turn it into a restorative exercise.

Of course, this kind of recovery is also relatively speaking, a bit faster than the fastest element absorption rate of other breathing methods.

However, Yan Chong's bloodline is already at the top of the mainland, and this speed is considered to be a slow recovery for him. Even if he does not practice, the elements between the heavens and the earth will flow into his body all the time, increasing his strength.

Within a few minutes, the qi in his body had recovered from only 20% to 50%, part of which was recovered when he was eating, and the bloodline of the legendary human race was so heavenly.

If he goes to sleep without practicing, the qi in his body will be completely restored when he wakes up.

In Xiaguang City, the threat of the orcs has not ended yet, so Yan Chong can't take a break, and must ensure that his strength is at its peak at all times.

However, before he could restore his physical strength and spirit to the peak, the alarm in the city sounded again.

Yan Chong frowned slightly, he still somewhat underestimated the orcs' reaction speed. He didn't expect the legend of the orcs to come so quickly.

Yan Chong activated the air defense technique, put on a curtain of shadow, and flew out directly from the window. Over the city of Xiaguang, the huge defensive mask was activated again, as if a huge bowl had buckled the entire city.

In the city lord's mansion, Di Lin looked haggard. Although she was a golden-level professional, her consciousness was connected to the core center of the defensive magic circle, and she did not dare to relax for a moment, which made her physically and mentally exhausted.

If you don't do this, for the safety of Xiaguang City, you have to keep the defensive mask always on. This consumption is too terrifying and won't last long.

Outside the city, several powerful auras rushed from a distance, all of them were legendary professionals.

Yan Chong shook his head slightly, and flew to the top of the hotel. While observing the outside of the city, he ran the brilliant breathing technique to restore his strength.

It seems that the orcs will not give the humans in Xiaguang City a night to fix. The news of the death of the legendary orcs must have been known by the orcs, and they should be real.

"The murderer who killed the warriors of our Blue Dragon tribe, you are limited to go out of the city to fight with me within one minute, otherwise I, Buze Blue Dragon, will kill the 100,000 human sacrifices in Xiaguang City!" A legendary orc rushed first. Then, hovering over the defensive mask, roared angrily.

At the same time, his domain also expanded, wiping away the defensive mask.

The legendary orcs who have just died belonged to their Blue Dragon tribe. As the top five tribes of the Orc Alliance, every legendary strongman is the tribe's most precious treasure, and the tribe retains life cards related to their lives.

The fate card shattered, indicating that the corresponding orcs had dissipated their souls, and they received the news in the first time and alarmed the Alliance Council.

After a brief discussion, the council decided to take the initiative to launch a legendary war.

Because after the orc priest’s prophecy backtracking, the guy who killed the legendary orc was a human, and it turned out to be only a golden-level professional!

This caused an uproar in the council. The golden-level surpassing the legendary reversal, or the second kill, this kind of human genius talent is too terrifying, the threat level has surpassed the ordinary earth-level legend, and it is faintly approaching the sky-level legend, which reminds the orcs. The legendary figure a hundred years ago-Benjamin Maca.

This kind of genius will inevitably reach the heavenly rank in the future, and may even hit the mythological rank.

If it weren't for Benjamin to break through mythology and not focus on governing the country, the orcs would have been annihilated a hundred years ago.

It was also because of Benjamin Maca that the gods were offended, and under the instructions of the evil gods, the orc tribes with constant civil wars formed a close alliance.

"Why, the rats who have the courage to attack, now only dare to hide their heads and show their tails, and dare not come out and fight me dignifiedly? You humans are this kind of stuff?" Buze continued provocatively.

His voice was like muffled thunder, rolling down from the sky, reaching everyone in Xiaguang City.

There were waves on the surface of the defensive mask. If it weren't for its protection, the sound alone could make ordinary people in the city dizzy and tinnitus, and the weak would directly vomit blood to death.

Although he was the only person outside Xiaguang City, Yan Chong had keenly sensed that there was a legendary orc lying in wait in each of the four directions outside the city.

And, maybe there are more than these people, maybe there are some legends good at hiding breath, look at your human legends, for your own lives, even the hundreds of millions of compatriots in a city Disregard them all! After all, you humans are inferior races, only worthy of being servants of our orcs! Buze continued to yell.

At the same time, he began to hit the defensive mask with one punch.

In a short time, he alone can't break the defensive mask, but this will increase the energy consumption of the defensive magic circle.

There are already more than ten legendary orcs who have come with him, including an terra-level legend, who are lying in ambush outside the city. He doesn't worry about his own consumption at all.

Their only purpose is to draw out the human genius.

Based on their understanding of mankind, this genius must be proud and arrogant. From a young age to great success, he cannot tolerate a trace of provocation. If they can't come out, then they will forcefully break the city, then slaughter the city and force him out.

No matter how refined and expensive human slaves are, there are three kingdoms besides Xiaguang City, but this kind of human genius is rare in a thousand years and must be wiped out.

The council has begun to investigate the three-campus league players in the West Continent over the past century, and is preparing to lock the identity of this human genius.

The result of the orc priest's retrospective did not have the appearance of this human genius. It seemed to be hidden by some mysterious power, but this man could not have emerged out of thin air, there must be traces to follow.

As long as they find some clues, they can be used by the legendary professionals, and the ends of the world cannot escape their pursuit.

In the city, many people gritted their teeth, looking angrily at the legendary orc exuding powerful aura in the sky.

There are even some hot-blooded young people who want to go up and fight him desperately. However, they can't fly and can only watch the opponent provoking outside the defensive mask.