Magic Eye Warlock

Chapter 444: suppress



The exclamation sounded, and the students present looked at the black door frame that suddenly appeared next to the portal, with joy on their faces.

Obviously, the legends just now only slowed down the expansion speed of the portal, and the black box used by Master Harden stopped the expansion trend for the first time, and instead began to shrink.

Natasha's face was a little nervous. She didn't expect the speed of the demon to invade so fast. She had just reached an agreement with the high level of the clan to move to the Southern Continent, but she didn't expect a portal to appear now.

If the elves migrated before the demon invasion, it’s nothing. After all, more than 99.9% of the Western Continent are humans. The elves belong to a minority ethnic group and do not originally belong to the Western Continent, but portals appear. Now, if she retreats now, she will escape immediately, and instead will give humanity a fatal blow.

That would be a big sin.

However, for half a month, the clan disputes over whether to stay or leave have been very fierce. Many clan members have developed feelings for the Western Continent and do not want to leave.

And because the goddess of the moon hasn't issued an oracle for a long time, some people's beliefs are a little shaken and they are unwilling to listen to the goddess' oracle.

The elves don’t like to fight, and most of them have relatively salty personalities, so they don’t bother to move.

Is it a good thing to return to the Southern Continent? The integration with the elves of the southern continent is definitely a problem.

There was a certain connection between the southern continent and this side, and the elves in the southern continent seemed to have some rejection and contempt for the elves on the western continent, as if they were orthodox, and the western continent was a soil bun in the countryside. general.

So this is also one of the reasons why some people are unwilling to migrate to the southern continent.

Moreover, the Crescent Forest is rich in resources, and if you want to migrate in a short period of time, you will have to give up a lot of things that cannot be taken away. How to choose is also a problem.

"Puff!" Natasha suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, her face pale.

"Don't be distracted! Some things are not something you can avoid if you don't want to face it." The old dean of the Star Academy Eric said meaningfully, as the domain continued to expand, taking over part of Natasha's pressure.

He has also noticed some movements of the elves in the past few days, and he has some guesses in his heart.

He did not condemn or stop the possible actions of the Elves. First, it was just speculation without concrete evidence. Second, after all, the Elves and the Humans were not the same race, and their different positions were normal and understandable.

Of course, he didn't want the elves to withdraw from the Western Continent, so that it would be a major blow to the overall strength of the Western Continent.

"I'm sorry." Natasha returned to her senses and said apologetically. She began to adjust the domain. The space around the portal fluctuated very violently, and the changes were irregular. It required concentration to match the fluctuations in the domain, so as not to be injured.

The area of ​​the portal is constantly shrinking under the pressure of the black door frame, gradually shrinking from a height of more than seven meters to about five meters, but it seems that it has reached the limit and stopped.


A loud noise suddenly came from inside the portal, shocking the students present, and blood was coming out of their ears and noses.

"All the people below the legend leave!" a legend shouted loudly.

It happened so suddenly that the legend who rushed over immediately concentrated on suppressing the portal, but did not notice the students who were watching.

The lowest level of the students in the third hospital is also a Bronze-level professional. Everyone is very courageous. Seeing such a novel thing as a portal, they naturally watched with interest, and more and more gathered as time passed. At this moment, the light is a huge sound. They were injured by the sound, and immediately retreated far away after reacting.

However, there are still some students who are very curious and do not want to leave. They stayed on the shore of Jingyue Lake. The legends present did not say much. Life and death are fateful. Now it has reached an extremely critical moment. If you can't get through it, these No matter how far the student escapes, it is useless.

There was a sudden wave in the center of the portal, as if something was shattering, a large dark brown claw stretched out from the portal and grabbed the nearest master Harden.

"Be careful, Master Harden!"

The legends reminded one after another that Master Harden, as a legend of the heavenly rank, naturally noticed this claw several meters long. He took out a two-meter long sword and slashed it at the claw fiercely.

After entering Harden's domain, the giant claw suddenly slowed down, but the Heavenly Rank domain couldn't completely control it. Instead, it slowly but firmly grasped towards Harden, flowing like a river of time, unstoppable.

Harden's great sword slashed fiercely on the giant claw, but the sparks splashed around, the great sword was bounced away, and there was no mark on the giant There was no stability in the portal. When passing through, the strength of the giant claws can be imagined. If you want to use magic like space cutting, it may not be effective. Therefore, as a master alchemist, Harden directly took out an epic giant sword he refined Attacks, but even weapons of up to Epic +9 quality can't cause damage to it, which was beyond Harden's expectation.

The giant claw seems to be slow, but only because it is too big, it will actually attack Harden soon. However, Harden cannot retreat, otherwise the power of the black door frame that restricts the portal will be greatly reduced.

Nibel of the Glory Knight Academy moved his body and appeared next to Harden, shouting: "Remove the suppression of your domain on me!"

As soon as Harden heard the words and thoughts, the restrictions around Niebel disappeared invisible. He took the big sword in Harden's hand and cast a fiery look in his eyes and said: "Haha, you stingy old boy, I always wanted to borrow yours before. You can’t bear to use the Broken Star Sword. Isn’t it in my hands now? Let me say, what is your alchemy master who is a part-time elementalist keeping this sword for?

Having said that, he urged his own strength and severely cut out the giant claw that had been stretched out. The giant claw that could not be destroyed just now was cut off fragilely like a piece of tofu.

A broken finger fell down, and the giant claw retracted like an electric shock, accompanied by a stern roar from the portal again.

The three-meter-long broken finger fell on the ground, and dark green blood flowed out of the section, which directly corroded the plant soil on the ground, leaving a huge hole.

However, the dark green blood splashed in the air, and part of it fell on the black door frame of the portal, making the door frame steamy.