Magic Eye Warlock

Chapter 466: Go to the island

"Dear Master, the conditions you provided are not sufficient, can you be specific to a certain point in time?" the young voice asked.

"Huh?" Yan Chong suddenly realized that he just wanted to ask about the good or bad when he went to the island with Benjamin, who had been taken away from George.

But the reply from the Book of Prophecy reminded him, why did he want to go with Benjamin?

Is it just because of the dangers that the opponent warned about at the time, that even the legendary professionals may fall?

Or is it the backlash mentioned in the previous prophecy of the Book of Prophecy, indicating that there are things related to gods on the island?

When Benjamin discovered the island back then, his strength should not be very strong, so he said that he could leave the opponent alone and go alone.

It is said that there are still two opportunities to raise the bloodline level, and he can take it for himself!

The contract did not restrict himself from taking those two chances, but only required that Benjamin must provide one chance, because Yan Chong, as the weaker party of the contract, was a right rather than an obligation in this respect.

If this is not the case, go with Benjamin to guarantee that something will happen, and it will be troublesome if it is overshadowed.

As a senior old Yinbi, from an ordinary person to a golden-level existence, it is a shame to be yin by others!

"Tomorrow, no, how good is it for me to go to that island tonight?" Yan Chong adjusted the conditions and changed the forecast target to tonight.

Now that he can think of this, Benjamin should also think of it. He said that after three days, in case he went there in advance and made some tricks, the more Yan Chong thought about it, the more he felt that this situation was very likely to happen, but At this point, he is saving others by himself.

But it should be early rather than late. Even if Benjamin loses his home tonight, he still needs to adjust. This is his best time.

"There is a certain danger, but it is not fatal." The young man's voice said.

"Isn't there a god? Can't you predict this part of the danger?" Yan Chong asked with some confusion.

"Dear Master, that part of the danger is already included. I don't know the specific reason. I can only simply predict the degree of danger." The young voice said aggrieved.

"Okay." Yan Chong also didn't fully expect the Book of Prophecy to handle everything. There was nothing wrong with it. When he got the Book of Prophecy, the content of the prophecy was very different from the facts. Didn't it also come here? .

"So how about the good or bad going to the island with Benjamin in three days?" Yan Chong asked again.

"It's very dangerous, there is a danger of falling, but master you can completely avoid it."

Yan Chong's eyes condensed. In this case, the danger should be mainly on Benjamin, or the increase in danger caused by the change of time.

But he is more convinced that Benjamin played a bigger role.

Without further ado, Yan Chong immediately put away the book of prophecy and left the room, ready to go to the island.

He felt "very dangerous and at risk of falling" which meant that Benjamin would be against him, but the Book of Prophecy believed that he could be avoided completely because he had a life-saving trump card and would have a big deal to return to Earth, so he should not fall due to this.

However, it will be three months after returning to Earth. The mainland still doesn't know what happened to the demons. It is more appropriate for him to go back to the Legendary Rank.

Yan Chong had a hunch that the time he could stay in the endless continent was running out, because the demons had already invaded, and the continent would undergo drastic changes. Not only the Western Continent, but also the Northern and Southern Continents would not escape this disaster.

After leaving the City of Glory, Yan Chong activated the air defense technique to go straight into the sky, and stopped rising after flying to an altitude of 10,000 meters. This altitude is different from the earth. The ubiquitous wind is very fierce. If a plane flies up, it will definitely destroy people. Die.

For him, it happened to be an altitude that did not affect flight.

After Yan Chong determined a lower position, he flew towards the island.

It broke through the speed of sound in an instant, and then five times the speed of sound, ten times the speed of sound, fifteen times the speed of sound, and stopped accelerating until eighteen times the speed of sound.

Eighteen times the speed of sound was Yan Chong's peak speed half a month ago, but now it is at a normal cruising speed. He can maintain this speed for several hours.

Translated into speed, it would fly 22,000 kilometers per hour, which is extremely terrifying.

You know, this speed is very easy in space, because there is no resistance, no matter how small the acceleration is, there is enough time to accelerate to this level, but where there is an atmosphere, the difficulty of speed increase increases nonlinearly.

Yan Chong's ability to achieve this speed is entirely due to the skill of the S-grade Yukongshu. On his body surface, the wind element formed an extremely slender fusiform, which looked like a needle from a distance.

After more than half an hour, Yan Chong stopped.

Soon after departure, he flew to the original location of Star Island, and then set off from there, flying over the endless sea in strict accordance with the directions provided by the Book of Prophecy.

Leaving the west coast of the West Continent, there is an endless ocean below ~ Except for a few scattered islands at the beginning, there is nothing on the sea, which makes Yan Chong a little scared. Fear that I lost my way.

However, with his current mental power, as long as he concentrates, he can maintain a straight flight, at least a few hours will be no problem.

Because of the flight speed of up to eighteen times the speed of sound, as long as the direction deviates by the slightest, great resistance will appear on his side.

Yan Chong had been calculating the time in his heart. After making sure that he was flying 15,792 kilometers, he stopped, only to find that there were no islands or reefs in the sea below.

After the element vision is turned on, the sea water below becomes a dense green water element. When the vision is changed again, the shadow appears under the sea water, exuding a strong breath.


The beasts of legendary rank are hidden under the sea.

Yan Chong put on a shadow curtain and slowly landed. The endless sea is very dangerous. The shallow sea area close to the mainland is fine, but once the distance is farther away, he will reach the deep sea area with countless ocean monsters.

This is only more than 10,000 kilometers. It is said that in history, there were legendary professionals who went deep into the endless sea for hundreds of millions of kilometers, but they never saw the boundary in their nine lives.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the demon invaded. The legend that went to other continents for help was sent in the direction of other continents. It took several months to reach other continents. From the west to the west, the east to the east. , Doomed to no results, can only be in vain.

If it is an extremely huge planet, its size is not in line with the gravity of the endless continent, so the world is not above the sphere.

Apart from this, Yan Chong felt that his current position had not gone wrong, and the island should have been hidden.