Magic Eye Warlock

Chapter 506: Subject improvement

Of course he pretended to breathe heavily. With his current epic physique, he can run 10,000 laps around the equator without breathing, but students must look like students.

"Yan Chong!" Zhang Yuqing was speechless. She was just preparing to criticize Yan Chong by name. Although Yan Chong did not come for leave last week and did not take the exam, it does not mean that she would give up the opportunity to criticize Yan Chong as a counterexample.

But unexpectedly, Yan Chong actually came to class. Zhang Yuqing was taken aback for a moment and then reacted. She nodded awkwardly and said, "Come in!"

Yan Chong hurriedly walked into the classroom and took his seat, pulling out the mathematics textbook from the stack of books on the table and placing it on the table, as if he was listening to the class.

Next came the Critical Conference and Zhang Yuqing’s ideological education. Yan Chong was idle and bored. He opened the math textbook and scanned it, and found that the things in the book were too simple, and I didn’t forget it and didn’t say it in seconds. After reading some formula theorems, the proof process and dozens of related reasoning automatically appeared in his mind, and his thinking was very active.

In the skill column, mathematics D+ suddenly rose to C, and then continued to improve, until C+ only temporarily stopped.

In just a few minutes, Yan Chong used his high school elementary mathematics knowledge as the basis, and continued to extend it to a higher level, which made him somewhat incredulous.

If this continues, can he become a mathematician?

It is as if he completely relied on himself to promote a period of historical development of mathematics. Of course, Yan Chong quickly reacted. This is because although he has not studied higher-level mathematics, the informatization of modern society has allowed him to hear it in advance. Many theoretical concepts, such as calculus, linear algebra, probability and statistics, and so on, have a direction, coupled with epic spiritual and intellectual attributes, let him use elementary mathematics as the basis for deduction.

If you put him a few centuries ago, with his current knowledge of mathematics, he can be said to be the top of the world, but if he does not have the ability to predict the prophet, even if he can continue to deduction, the speed will not be as fast as before, maybe It will take decades.

Thinking of this, Yan Chong simply spent 10,000 XP to deduct his math skills to an S level.

Although he didn't plan to spend too much XP on these subjects, he just habitually prepared to spend 99999 XP to upgrade mathematics to S+ level, but he did not expect to fail.

Then the bloodline information gave back the reason, because the limit of deduction is the limit of the skill in the current world. At present, the subject of mathematics can be said to have dozens of subdivisions and the amount of knowledge is very complicated. Complete mastery in the field of mathematics.

Some mathematicians have reached the extreme in one branch field, but they may only know a little in another branch field.

In this era, mathematicians can no longer be fully proficient in all branches.

Even if you can pack all this knowledge into your brain in theory and fully understand it, the display in the skill bar is nothing but [Mathematics A+] (requires XP: 9999). However, there is another special case, that is, a genius who transcends the times. You can have an S-level evaluation. S is not divided into three levels: S-, S, and S+. Just like the blood of the magic eye, it is represented by only one letter.

This is not to study the current field of mathematics to the extreme and continue to make breakthroughs. It is enough to produce some results every year, unless such talents as Euclid's creation of European geometry and Newton's creation of calculus are considered S-level evaluations.

What is a legend? The legend is the name left in history. It still shines in the long river of time. It has an out-of-the-loop influence. Even if you fail in mathematics and are engaged in music, you have heard of Newton, Gauss, Euclid and other names. This is the legend of mathematics.

The S-level mathematics skills represent that Yan Chong has mastered all the mathematics knowledge in the world, and has the talent and inspiration that is rare in a century.

As long as he is willing to work hard to study, with the passage of time, hundreds of thousands of years later, his name will definitely be left in the history of mathematics.

Of course, Yan Chong cannot spend all his time on these. Although mathematics is the purest and most basic science and the closest to the truth of the universe, mathematics is divided into theoretical mathematics and applied mathematics. There is a big difference between theory and application.

I believe that the ancient people's research on mathematics will not be lower than that of the current humans, but they have not solved the legendary ceiling, indicating that there is still a long way to go.

There was a huge amount of mathematical knowledge in his mind, but the deduced knowledge did not make Yan Chong feel uncomfortable. Even if he is now an ordinary person, his brain would not feel uncomfortable. It only felt that the knowledge existed in his mind. In, I just think about it just now.

This is different from the knowledge of bloodline inheritance. The knowledge of bloodline inheritance is the key word you trigger, and then the relevant knowledge will appear.

Seeing that it only costs 10,000 XP to reach the full level, Yan Chong hastily upgraded all other subjects to the S

Yan Chong felt the large amount of knowledge that appeared in his mind, and a happy smile appeared on his face. He didn't have time to study it, so he could copy the skills to others.

And after understanding this knowledge, his thinking is more flexible, because many disciplines do not just provide knowledge, but let people have a certain way of thinking.

For example, if you learn mathematics for a long time, your logic will be greatly exercised. When you see things in your life, you will get used to thinking about problems from a mathematical perspective.

Chinese language and literature have been a long time, but not only have a deeper understanding of Chinese language, but the most important thing is reading comprehension.

Yan Chong did not understand the use of reading comprehension before. There are various paragraphs on the Internet. One of them is that a certain writer's article was placed on the reading comprehension question of the Chinese test paper, but he asked him to do it himself but it was completely different from the standard answer.

But that is just a counterexample brought by test-oriented education. The real purpose of reading comprehension is to improve people's reading efficiency and information utilization. Some people read the same piece of information and then it passes, and some people can dig deeper and learn more after reading it.

This is not only useful in art appreciation, but also in life and society.

Insights into world affairs are all knowledge, human sentiment training is the same as writing, and the same is true for reversing. The article can be read and understood in depth, and Yan Chong can also gain the truth in life in the reading.

All in all, science, represented by mathematics, can exercise people’s thinking, with higher and higher IQs and more rationality. The liberal arts represented by language can bring people’s sociality into play, with higher and higher emotional quotient, and more knowledgeable. Be human.

Just tens of thousands of XP is not a big deal to Yan Chong now, but it has made him very rewarding.