Magic Eye Warlock

Chapter 735: New major

Not only North City, East City, there are geniuses all over the world, most of them are bronze steps, and there are also silver steps.

   Yan Chongguan This is called psionic welfare, which means that when the psionic energy is revived, the blood of the human being exposed to the psionic energy for the first time is transformed by the psychic energy, and there is a certain probability that it will mutate and increase the bloodline level.

This is a phenomenon that has not occurred in the endless continent, but the endless continent has been an era of psychic energy since historical records, and it may have lasted for at least hundreds of millions of years. Therefore, what happened in the original era of psychic recovery, it is estimated that the gods may not necessarily clear.

   The first time the body received the infiltration and transformation of psychic energy, with a sufficiently large human base, theoretically there is a possibility of the emergence of the golden race, but the legendary species is estimated to be unrealistic, and the law of affinity cannot be achieved by mutation.

  It can be said that it is the accumulation of resources that can cultivate to the Bronze Rank in a short period of time, but the silver rank people will encounter the first big hurdle, and there is no certain talent. Unless the resources are scared to a certain degree, it is impossible to break through in a short time.

   However, the human blood talent is only a cultivation talent, and the combat talent is another matter.

   "President, have you participated in the audition? What is your record?" Shen Rongxuan suddenly asked Yan Erchong who was reading a novel.

   Yan Erchong shook his head and said: "Not yet, the audition is still early, and it ends on the 28th."

"That's not the case. Although you participate early, you will play at least one game a day, otherwise you will lose points, but if you participate late, your score will not improve." Shen Rongxuan shook his head and said, "Think about it. There must be few people and few masters. The deadline is approaching, so a group of masters will definitely rush for points temporarily, and the competition will definitely be great."

   "Yes, it's like playing a game. At the beginning of the season there are few people playing and it is easy to score points. At the end of the season, the competition is fierce and the ranking changes very frequently." Zhang Yuming added.

"With our strength, do you think we really have the ability to qualify for the competition?" Yan Erchong shook his head. "There are currently more than a dozen silver-level professionals in the world, but in fact there are at least hundreds of them. In addition to the bronze ranks, I estimate that the number of bronze high ranks alone will have to be tens of thousands and nearly tens of thousands. It is impossible to have so many qualifications."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "President, others are not good, but you and I think there is still hope." Zhao Hao walked over and said, "It's not my bragging , I feel that your strength, President, can definitely fight higher, and the silver rank may not be able to defeat you."

The fighting videos of Yan Erchong and Naoto Tanaka continue to circulate on the Internet these days, and have been studied by many people. Although his fighting process can theoretically be reproduced by a Tier C cultivator, it really has to satisfy so much. The coincidence is extremely difficult.

Yan Erchong was given the title of "Absolute Combat Awareness Talent". Many "experts" said that Yan Chong is the kind of genius with an intuition far beyond the professional level. He is extremely talented in combat, so he often doesn't. Need to think, subconsciously make the most appropriate offensive and defensive measures.

   If it weren’t for the country’s unwillingness for students to give up their studies early, especially the protection of the status of non-staff personnel of Yan Chong Ling Management Bureau, it is estimated that many people have come to the door and asked Yan Chong to make his debut.

Not to mention, there are many celebrities who have been enthusiastic about being professionals recently, sharing their training experience with their fans. Various old-fashioned martial arts movies of the last century have also been turned up suddenly, and many people want to study them. Fight routines to enrich your actual combat ability.

   But many of these martial arts routines look good, but they are actually not practical.

"I heard that many universities in China are preparing to open psionic research related majors in order to recruit some high school students with psionic talents. Therefore, this audition is very important. Even if you are not eligible for the competition, the final ranking is estimated It can also play a big role." Shen Rongxuan clicked on a piece of news on the phone and said.

   "No, isn't it possible that those cultivating geniuses can be admitted to top universities without the college entrance examination?" Zhao Hao's eyes beamed.

   Although his memory has improved a lot after practicing meditation and his grades have improved, the process is still a bit painful.

   On the one hand, he rejects learning such knowledge. On the other hand, learning depends not only on memory, but also on understanding and analysis ability, that is, understanding and inference.

  For example, some mathematical theorems and formulas can be memorized once you read them, but you will not be asked to write these theorems and formulas silently when you are actually doing the problems.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Now in order to maintain his grades, Zhao Hao has to squeeze out a part of the daily practice time to do the papers, but if the practice results can be accounted for in the college entrance examination A certain percentage, then why does he still make papers all day? Just need to practice.

"But this is just a little bit of news. The university opens new majors and has to join the college entrance examination admission policy. It is not something that a university can decide." Nie Chenchen's voice suddenly came from the side just heard it. He was silent.

   She has been obsessed with practice since she practiced breathing method, because this thing can actually lose weight and shape!

   Even in a crowded classroom, she did not forget to practice during the short time after class. The whole body was in a peculiar twisted state, a bit like some movements of iron bridge combined with yoga.

"Don't underestimate our country's efficiency in emergencies. I think it is really possible to make certain adjustments to our college entrance examination policy this year." Shen Rongxuan retorted, "Of course, I think the interests of the original regular candidates should not change. , The quota for new majors will definitely be added."

   "Well, it's better to open a university for psionic practice and research, so it will be more convenient to arrange teachers and enroll students." Nie Chenchen said.

"No, no, no, national initiatives are generally not so aggressive. Think about it, the Psionic Research Administration is a very important new institution, but most of its personnel are transferred by the military and public security departments, and special office buildings. It hasn't been built yet." Shen Rongxuan said, "I think the establishment of psionics-related majors in universities will definitely be piloted in some top universities, and then extended to all universities across the country if feasible.

  If this major fails in the future, then students in related majors can easily switch majors. If a psionic university is set up specifically, then there is no regular major in the school? What should the students and teachers do if it is revoked? "

   "But in any case, the results of this audition must be very important, because the world's first martial arts conference is held by the tower of inheritance, which represents authority and popularity, and people all over the world will pay attention to it."