Magic Eye Warlock

Chapter 798: Trained

There are many ways to deal with professionals. Sealing is the most common. There are sealing cards, and there are alchemical items such as shackles specially used for sealing.

After successfully sealing Yan Xiaocan, Patton also breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, there were no twists and turns. With a look at the surrounding soldiers, he took Yan Xiaocan into the air and flew towards the prison in the city.

After he left, the surrounding soldiers gathered up Jacques's stall and sent a special corpse collector to clean up the scene.

When this happens, the property of the deceased is naturally confiscated, which is equivalent to a transaction. Every battle in the city, the change of property, even if it is a gift of inheritance, is counted as a transaction, and the city of sin is taxed.

Therefore, as long as no lives are lost, the government holds an attitude of no support and no opposition, and they would like this kind of thing to happen several times.

There is no need to worry that such an environment will keep merchants away. At present, there is no peaceful and peaceful environment on the mainland. It is almost the same everywhere. If you want to make money, you have to take risks.

Yan Chong did not allow Yan Xiaocan to resist further, and things developed too fast and deviated from his original plan. Originally, he wanted to make Yan Xiaotan a little more low-key, but he didn't expect that the wrong call would have alarmed the officials. He had already entered the creation army's sight, and he should be able to enter the creation army soon.

So simply let it go on like this.

In prison.

Yan Xiaocan was taken to a cramped room for interrogation.

There are various magic circles here, which shows that there are still professional talents in the creation army, otherwise it would not be possible to build a city in such a short time.

A city can not only be built up with bricks and stones by manpower, but also be managed. Yan Chong is well aware of the cumbersomeness. Had it not been for the Galaxy Alliance's artificial intelligence management system, he would have been exhausted during the recent period. It is possible to arrange various things on the island of inheritance.

The interrogating officer briefly asked a few questions about identity, but Yan Xiaocan's performance made them a little speechless.

This guy is a fool with low IQ!

They are sure that the other's head has been severely damaged and their memories are missing.

But this is also a good thing, because a fool, at the same time has a very strong combat power, very easy to control, as long as a little guidance, is a good fighter.

As for whether it will be an undercover agent sent by other forces, pretending to be stupid, they are not worried. Because the faction was tested at the beginning, this is not a joke.

Since he has been determined to be a member of the chaotic camp? No matter who he was before? It must have been transformed by the dark race elements, and the current camp has been completely transformed.

Low IQ should be a sequelae of the transformation of dark race elements.

General high-level professionals can not accept the transformation of the camp? If the transformation is successful? It is estimated that the soul and body will be severely damaged.

"From now on, you will be called Locke." The interrogator said after recording Yan Xiaocan's information.

"Rock, Rock!" Yan Xiaoying said with a silly smile? "I want something delicious."

"As long as you are obedient, you can eat delicious." The interrogator smiled. He took a piece of black meat from the table and threw it to Yan Xiaocan. The latter quickly took it and ate it with big mouthfuls.

Barton nodded in satisfaction when he saw this: "Take him down for training. My creation army has added another bulldog."

Then Yan Xiaocan was taken to a place similar to the Colosseum and began training.

Training is very simple? Is to give orders → execute orders → get rewards? Under such conditioned reflex, the trainee will become a loyal thug, as long as he hears the order, he will execute it without hesitation.

What made Yan Chong a little surprised was that not only was there a fool like Yan Xiaoxiang? There were also many dumb and stupid people who were trained like pets? They have the strength of middle and high-level professionals.

Through Yan Xiaocan's sight, he also found a few familiar faces? They were all members of the Revolutionary Army, because their missing information had been released in the group chat.

Unexpectedly, these missing people did not die? Instead, they were transformed by dark race elements.

Yan Chong was a little stunned? Didn't expect that he had made a clone of the chaotic camp? He even clarified the truth by accident.

Is this a coincidence?

Not really.

If you want to stay steadily in Sin City, there is only one way.

The creation army wanted to deal with the revolutionary army through physical destruction on the one hand, and transformation on the other.

This kind of transformation can be said to be very cruel. Not everyone can succeed in using spiritual magic to cause insanity. It is easy to directly kill the opponent, and the lightest is brain death. Becoming a vegetative, the camp may not be able to change.

Yan Chong can succeed because it is his clone.

So the other party should adopt other methods.

If he was asked to find someone to reform, he would not be absolutely sure.

At this time, the metal fence door was opened, and a man covered in blood was dragged over. His clothes were in tatters and he was beaten by a whip at first sight. He was chained to his ankle and he was dragged by someone like a cargo. Generally dragged to the ground.

However, his strength also has a silver rank, dragging slowly on the ground, his skin will not be damaged, and it will withstand such friction.

"New meat?" said a trainer looking at the man on the ground.

It's not an exaggeration to say that it's a trainer, it's like a beast tame here.

"Yes, the transformation failed again. This guy's physique is not bad, and he persisted for a long time. It is a pity that he didn't succeed after passing the critical point. Hurry up and send it over while he is still alive. Don't waste it." To say.

"Come here all." The trainer shouted to the trainees present, letting them get together. Then dragged the man covered in blood to a giant tree more than 20 meters away from the center of the training ground.

The whole tree is dark green, bright and deep in color, as if it can **** the soul of a person. It is called a marrow vine, a golden potion, UU reading www.uukanshu. com likes to **** the visceral bone marrow and brain plasma of creatures.

The so-called vine is its root system, which can break through the soil for predation and is very flexible. It can be said that as long as it stands within its root system, it cannot escape the opponent's predation.

The leaves of the marrow vine emit a strange fragrance, attracting the arrival of prey. The marrow leaf itself also has the effect of strengthening bones and strengthening the body.

But this thing has a disadvantage, that is, it does not eat dead things, only live ones.

At this distance, the trainer dared not go any further. He lifted the blood-covered man and threw it towards the marrow vine.

Before the man flew far, a large number of tentacles suddenly appeared on the ground, shrouded him, and directly pierced him.

Then, visible to the naked eye, the man's body began to shrink, and after ten seconds it turned into a crumpled hard shell, which fell down and shattered into scum on the ground.

These tentacles also retracted below the ground.

At this time, the trainer grinned and said to the trainees: "Is it true? That's the end of disobedience."