Magic Eye Warlock

Chapter 801: Demeanor of the Juggernaut

Dingguo knife has been seen by many people some time ago, and naturally it was recognized by the audience at first sight. In particular, the blue light that comes with the super-quality weapons made the Kimchi country player the most beautiful boy since the start of the martial arts competition.

And I don’t know if it was due to reservedness or other reasons. In the first day of the game, the players did not use too powerful weapons. Probably because of the large gap between the players in the competition, the Silver-tier players do not need to use extraordinary weapons.

After all, only silver-tier players are eligible to use extraordinary weapons, and silver-tier players have a rank advantage. If they use high-quality weapons to crush the opponent, even if they win, no one wants to take the lead.

In the redemption list of the Tower of Legacy, the price of extraordinary weapons is also very expensive, not everyone can afford it.

This kimchi national player with the Dingguo knife, named Choi Dongxian, ranked 99. It is said that he was born very unusual. Before the revival of psionics, his popularity on social media was not low.

Recently, there have been rumors that he organized a society called the Extermination of Japanese Society, and that the destruction of Dingkuni Shrine was actually planned by him himself.

Although the controversy continued, they were not put on the table. After all, they were just suspicions, without substantive evidence.

But today he held the Dingguo Knife in the competition, which seemed to have revealed the truth.

Of course, at the current martial arts conference, due to the emergence of Dingguo Sword, many people have indicated that Cui Dongxian may not be the planner or participant of the event, and that the Dingguo Sword in his hand may also be bought from someone else with money.

Coincidentally, his current opponent is a Sakura countryman, named Taro Yamamoto, ranked 262. He was the dark horse who defeated the high-ranking dark horse with a counterattack yesterday. He was staring at him with a bad face, revealing in his eyes. Hateful eyes.

What a shame!

The Sakura Kuni’s Ding Kuk Sword was actually in the hands of a kimchi countryman, and watching Choi Dongxian’s casual attitude of holding the knife, Ding Kuk Sword was stuck on the ring like a crutch, and Yamamoto Taro felt that Ding Kuk Sword was underestimated.

If it were him, he would definitely hold the knife with both hands carefully, aiming the tip of the knife at the enemy to show respect.

"How did you get this knife!" During the countdown to the game, Yamamoto Taro suppressed his anger and asked Cui Dongxian.

"What's up to you?" Cui Dongxian put on a posture that he thought was a little handsome, and said to the other side obliquely, his tone full of carelessness.

He then lifted the blade? The fingers of his left hand were slightly bent? He flicked the blade a few times, and the Dingguo Knife made a pleasant, clear sound? It seemed to be alive.

"Good sword! As beautiful as the women of your cherry blossom country!" He couldn't help but touch the blade? It was like touching a beloved girl, but his expressions and actions revealed a frivolous meaning.

"Asshole!" Yamamoto Taro couldn't help cursing? Although the two of them use different languages, the personal terminal that they wear with them comes with a translation function? So that both can understand what the other person is saying.

And their conversations were also recorded by various media? They were posted on the Internet and were known to hundreds of millions of viewers.

"Brother Dongxian is so handsome!" The nympholy audience sent a barrage.

"I envy that knife, I really want to be touched by Donghyun's brother instead of it!"

"Brother Dongxian, teach that Sakura countryman a lesson!"

"Pervert! Put down that knife? Let me touch it!"

"This is an extraordinary quality weapon? It looks very handsome, I don't know what effect it has."

"Use the Dingguo knife to slash the Sakura people, it's fun and interesting!"

Of course, there are also a lot of abuse barrage appearing on the screen at the same time.

"Asshole, thief! Return the Dingguo knife!"

"That knife is filled with the blood of your Kimchi countrymen? The souls of the heroes of my Sakura Country are inhabited. Only Sakura country people can use it? If your Kimchi Countrymen don't return it, be careful of being backlashed and cursed!"

"Yamamoto-kun? Must teach that little white face severely! Take back the Dingguo Sword!"

"Kill him! Blood sacrifices the national sword to wipe out the shame!"


The martial arts conference did not prohibit killing? On the first day, everyone started very well? And because of the existence of the referee's intelligent robot and the human body repair cabin, the injured were quickly cured.

However, as the progress of the game deepens, the gap between the players' strength is getting smaller and smaller, and casualties are inevitable.

Today, some people have been seriously injured in the battle, their limbs have been interrupted, and blood splashed in the ring. Some people strongly recommend that minors be prohibited from watching the live broadcast.

But this can only mean that you cannot find a successful solution in a short time. If it is forbidden, how can it be forbidden?

The standards of adulthood are not uniform. Can people who are one day of adulthood be unable to watch it? Will the psychology of adults not be affected after watching it?

Let alone technical means, is it necessary to seize all viewing terminals?

Many people are a little nervous, is the first game where the player died is coming?

With the current anger between the two players, it is impossible to say anything bad happened.

Soon, the game began. What surprised everyone was that Taro Yamamoto did not rush forward frantically, but walked slowly towards the opponent.


Yes, Taro Yamamoto's profession is a bronze high-level ranger, and he has a trend towards the profession of thieves and assassins.

Choi Dongxian's profession is a swordsman, although he holds a knife in his hand, it will not be affected.

Because the Dingguo sword originated from the Tang sword, the blade is slender and similar to the sword. Although the blade is slightly curved and has a single edge, many swordsmanship can still be used smoothly.

Sakura Kokusai swords are not divided into families. Their katana has the characteristics of a piercing sword and the advantages of a sword.

In the ring, after seeing Taro Yamamoto disappeared, Choi Dongxian pulled a knife, replaced it with holding the knife in the backhand, moved his neck, and started a chest expansion exercise, just like warming up.

This kind of action caused a tumult from the audience. The sound of the martial arts field was noisy, and many people thought he was too arrogant.

Faced with a sneaking ranger, he was not prepared, and his whole body had numerous flaws, even if the opponent's rank was one rank lower than himself, he was a little careless.

Don't forget, the opponent attacked the dark horse in the low ranking yesterday and should not be underestimated.

However, some people also said that Choi Dongxian deliberately exposed his flaws and was ready to make a fatal blow.

Because the Juggernaut pros are known for their high agility, the latter will come first, let you run 39 meters and then use a 40-meter knife to end your routines everywhere.

Choi Dongxian’s performance fits exactly what a handsome and elegant Juggernaut should do. What is the most important thing on the field?

Of course demeanor!

According to statistics from an authoritative organization, the most concerned profession is the Juggernaut, so some Juggernaut players have turned the competition into an exhibition match.