Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 102: Thorn's Magister's Notes

At the end of October, the autumn winds of Anweimar City will be dark, the sky will be black, and the air will have a cool look.

However, the streets of Anweimar City are still rogue and lively.

Because today is the day of a large-scale auction held once a month, the Nassili auction house in the center of the most prosperous Champs Elysees in Anjo is also more lively than usual tonight, and the sky is just dark. Countless people rushed in and squeezed the vast space of the Nassini auction house.

As always, in these people, it is easy to find the great aristocrats in the city of Anweimar.

For them, this is both a place to show their pride and an important social place, but if you are qualified to have conditions, you will never miss it.

Almost every month of a large auction will be an important talk in the next period of Anvilmar.

In these talks, the most important thing is which big aristocrat or big businessman is spending a lot of money, how many people are screaming and how much expensive items are purchased.

For example, at the large-scale auction last month, a famous painting that was said to have been handed down from the Elven dynasty three thousand years ago, it took a sky-high price of 370,000 gold coins, causing a sensation in the entire Bangta City.

However, the person who photographed this famous painting refused to disclose his information, so that a month later, there are still countless people who are privately discussing who is so good, and can throw out 370,000 gold coins at once. The huge sum of money to buy a picture.

For this month's large-scale auction, everyone's attention will naturally focus on what precious and valuable items will appear in this auction, and how high the price can be.

For example. Can it exceed the auction record of 370,000 gold coins created by the famous painting last month?

Xu also squeezed into the auction house. Find yourself seated by Hainas in advance for a seat scheduled for ten days. People who heard the front and rear were discussing this issue and couldn’t help but smile.

The 370,000 gold coins are not a big number for him now, but if there is so much money, he would rather invest in the study of magic machinery, but he would like to take out even one gold coin to buy this. A luxury that has no practical meaning for him.

And after he arrived in Anweimar City this time, he ran to participate in this auction but he did not want to buy these luxury items, but another purpose.

Wait patiently for a while, until 7:00 in the evening. An auctioneer walked up later and the original noisy voice stopped immediately.

Xu also couldn't help but nod. From this point of view, this Nassini auction house is worthy of being the largest auction house in the city of Anvilmar and even the entire Lampari Kingdom.

After the auctioneer gave a brief but enthusiastic introduction to the large-scale auction, he quickly entered the auction.

Xu also ignored all kinds of strange things in front, but quietly listened to the people around him constantly calling the price, watching the atmosphere continue to rise under the hype of the auctioneer.

The final auction price of the first auction item was only five hundred gold coins. When the tenth item was reached, the final transaction price exceeded 10,000 gold coins.

Seeing the lively scene of people around the world eagerly bidding, Xu could not help but feel sad.

From this point of view. In fact, there are really a lot of rich people in the Kingdom of Lampari.

But the strange thing is that the financial situation of the Kingdom of Lampari has been poor.

Even last year, compared to the previous years, there has been a significant increase. However, it still does not exceed three million gold coins, or even slightly higher than the annual profit of the Chamber of Commerce of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

Xu is very puzzled by this situation. He once asked Sorveni, but he did not get a clear answer.

With the sale of one item, the price gradually increased, and the atmosphere of the auction house was a little hot. Everyone who participated in the auction seemed to be very excited and lost his mind.

However, when the auctioneer took out the seventeenth auction, the scene was suddenly cleared.

"The notes of the Thorn Magister's mentor, the reserve price of 3,000 gold coins, the minimum price increase of 200 gold coins, please start bidding."

The auctioneer’s voice fell, the audience was quiet, everyone looked at each other, and most of them were stunned.

Although everyone knows the meaning of the word "magician", the notes of the Thorn Magister are simply meaningless to most ordinary people.

If it is said that there is a famous big magician on the mainland, then with the super-popularity of the great magician on this continent, whether it is anything related to him, it is possible to sell the sky-high price.

For example, at last year's auction, I used to shoot a quill pen used by Lifa's great magician during his lifetime, and the final transaction price reached an astonishing 130,000 gold coins.

But the Magister is not a big magician after all, just a level, but it represents a world of difference.

Because on the mainland of Sainz, the magician level magician has always been, and the number is not too large, for example, the magic tutor on this continent now has twenty-seven.

However, the big magician is extremely difficult to appear. From the beginning of human beings to learn magic, it has been more than 4,000 years old. The great magician who appeared in the history of human history has only a few districts, and it may not be able to appear for several hundred years on average. One.

In comparison, it is natural that the big magician is more rare, and it is more in the minds of people.

Xu also waited patiently for a while, seeing that no one still raised the price. Seeing that the auctioneer would raise the hammer and count down the flow, he raised his hand and shouted: "Three thousand gold coins."

Upon hearing this voice, the auctioneer breathed a sigh of relief and immediately dropped the hammer, pointing to Xu’s direction. “Mr. 39, this three thousand gold coins. Is there any increase?”

Everyone in the auction house brushed their heads and turned to Xu Yi.

Today, Xu did not wear a magic robe. Everyone naturally couldn’t see his magician status, and he couldn’t help but feel a little confused.

What does this young guy want to do with the notes of the Thorn Magister? Does he still want to use a note to improve his level of magic?

Look at his young look, even if he showed him, he may not be able to understand it?

Xu also ignored the eyes of everyone, staring at the auctioneer and using his eyes to put pressure on him.

The auctioneer naturally understood the meaning of Xu Yi. When he saw that there was still no one to increase the price, he nodded and continued: "The 39th three thousand gold coins for the first time, is there any fare increase? If not, the notes of the Thorn Magisters It’s going to be owned by this gentleman."

Still no one answered.

The auctioneer waited for a while and could only helplessly shout again: "No. 39 three thousand gold coins for the second time. Only the last chance, there is no one who is interested in magic or interested in the Thorn Magister People are willing to increase the price? The Thorn Magister is the first magician in our history of the Lampari Kingdom. It is the glory symbol of our Lanpari Kingdom magician. His notes must have great value. I think everyone. Shouldn't you want to miss it?"

Perhaps the auctioneer's sentence played a role, and the sound of the audience sounded: "3,500 gold coins."

The auctioneer suddenly felt refreshed and pointed to the direction of the big voice: "Good! Someone has increased the price! This gentleman on the 47th, 3,500 gold coins! Is there anyone else who wants to increase the price?"

When asked about this question, the auctioneer naturally looked at the direction in which Xu was also.

Xu also did not let him down, and his eyes shouted without saying: "Four thousand gold coins."

There was a loud voice in the court.

Judging from this attitude expressed by Xu, it is obvious that he is determined to start.

In addition, the No. 47 bidding also seemed to feel the attitude of Xu Yi, quite a bit unconvinced, and Zhang mouth immediately shouted "five thousand gold coins."

Seeing this situation, everyone in the auction house was excited.

For everyone who participates in the auction, the most favorite thing to see is someone bidding, because only then will it show the excitement and tension of the auction.

Everyone looked at Xu Yi with a look of expectation, Xu also slightly indulged, and then reported the price of "5,200 gold coins."


When I heard this offer, everyone was a little disappointed.

Just a few hundred gold coins, but now it has become the lowest of two hundred gold coins, does it mean that this young guy is actually a strong outside? I am afraid that he has spent all his poor savings in order to buy this note.

On the 47th, it was obvious that Xu also suddenly lowered the bidding price, and waited for a while before calling out the bid of 5,500 gold coins.

Xu also hesitated this time for a long time. When the auctioneer almost called out for the third time to determine the auction, he screamed for a bid of “5,700 gold coins”.

No. 47 shook his head and seemed to be very disappointed with Xu’s performance and gave up the bid.

So Xu finally bought the notes of this Thorne Magister at the price of 5,700 gold coins.

This kind of auction process naturally disappoints everyone, so it is quickly left behind by everyone, and continues to start the various auctions of subsequent auction items.

Xu also remained silent, watching the performances of the crowd at the auction site, waiting quietly for the next auction item in his target.

After about half an hour, the staff at the Nassini auction house carefully took a red palm-sized box and walked up.

Seeing the staff's appearance so carefully, everyone's curiosity was suddenly hooked up.

There were so many expensive things before, and I didn’t see the staff to be very careful. Why did this attitude show this attitude?

There is only one explanation, that is, the things in this small box must be much more expensive than all the previous things!

When I think of it, everyone’s breathing has become urgent.

Everyone knows that the grand finale of this big auction will be on the scene.

With the appearance of every finale auction, there will always be a violent storm. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!